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Picture (not-so) Perfect | sign ups
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romance | seven deadly sins | affairs
[ intro ]
"The most beautiful illusion is the one you create with the people you love."
Illusion Studios: known for producing some of the most stunning and successful models in the world. Their models graced the covers of every major fashion magazine and walked the runways of the most prestigious fashion shows. But, the models of Illusion Studios were not just pretty faces, they had other talents too. Some were aspiring singers, actors, and even writers. It was encouraged that the models explore their other passions and talents, as long as it did not interfere with their main job of modeling. This was part of the reason why Illusion Studios was so successful, their models were not just one-dimensional.
However, as the agency grew in popularity and success, the decision was made that a large number of its clients would be dropped. The agency, instead, wanted to focus on managing a smaller group of models. This also came with a new 'rule', all of the models had to live under the same roof, in a luxurious mansion owned by the studio itself. This was to ensure that they were always available for shoots and appearances as well as to avoid any distractions or scandals. Furthermore, the models would receive 24-hour protection.
Everything changed when Illusion Studios announced that they were scouting for a new model to join their elite group. With the newest addition, seven became eight. They were young, charming, and although inexperienced compared to the current members, you could see that they were full of potential. It would be up to the current residents to welcome the latest addition and show them what it takes to be successful at Illusion Studios. However, it would quickly be revealed that, behind the cameras, things in the modeling industry are not so picture-perfect.
[ main roles ]
♥ PRIDE | Charlie May - la_soleil | info
♥ GREED | Casimir Devereaux - Cardboard_Spaghetti | info
♥ LUST | Keiki Meyumi - junebugg | info
♥ ENVY | Niwa Atsushi - Serendibite | info
♥ GLUTTONY | Emil Musabi - Comfygazing | info
♥ WRATH | Dýrleif Kristjánsdóttir - Interna_Chaotica | info
♥ SLOTH | Mercymorn Belphie - theinsaneone. | info
♥ GOSSIP | Nefaria Alect. - Daiko | you are what everyone is talking about, currently! although, it's not all good. you are the newest member of the Illusion Studio's elite group and not everyone believes that you deserve it. whilst you may not be the most experienced, you certainly have potential. experience is something your new housemates can help you with; however, they each have their own problems that they could maybe need a hand with..
[ side roles ]
♥ AGENT | info - info | info
♥ REPORTER | Lillian Rosett - Burned_Librarian | info
♥ LEAD MAKEUP ARTIST | Adelaide Robinson - Everglades | info
♥ INFO | info - info | info
[ rules ]
♥ PH rules apply !
♥ Sentence/paragraph format only ! Semi-lit-ish !
♥ The RP may have a mature vibe, and sensitive topics may pop up; however, posts must remain site-friendly !
♥ Please use appropriate trigger warnings and/or spoiler format if detailing such topics !
♥ Characters are adults ! Around the ages of 21-25 is good !
♥ Realistic face claims please !
♥ Romance and drama are highly encouraged !
♥ For now, one character per person ! I may open side characters later on !
♥ tba
[ character sheet ]
♥ [b]Character Name[/b] | info
♥ [b]Aliases[/b] | info
♥ [b]Age[/b] | info
♥ [b]Gender[/b] | info
♥ [b]Pronouns[/b] | info
♥ [b]Sexuality[/b] | info
♥ [b]Appearance[/b] ♥
info; image is preferable, but a detailed description is also fine !
♥ [b]Personality[/b] ♥
info; strengths, weaknesses, mbti, all the juicy stuff !
♥ [b]Sin[/b] ♥
info; your chosen sin and how that affects your character, for example: wrath with anger issues caused by past trauma -
♥ [b]Additional Info[/b] ♥
optional; additional hobbies, talents, or any important stuff that doesn't fit in the above categories !
♥ [b]Character Name[/b] | info
♥ [b]Aliases[/b] | info
♥ [b]Age[/b] | info
♥ [b]Gender[/b] | info
♥ [b]Pronouns[/b] | info
♥ [b]Sexuality[/b] | info
♥ [b]Appearance[/b] ♥
info; image is preferable, but a detailed description is also fine !
♥ [b]Personality[/b] ♥
info; strengths, weaknesses, mbti, all the juicy stuff !
♥ [b]Sin[/b] ♥
info; your chosen sin and how that affects your character, for example: wrath with anger issues caused by past trauma -
♥ [b]Additional Info[/b] ♥
optional; additional hobbies, talents, or any important stuff that doesn't fit in the above categories !

♥ Character Name | Niwa Atsushi
♥ Aliases | Niwaface (Keiki Meyumi) / Niwato (Also Keiki Meyumi)
♥ Age | 23
♥ Gender | Male
♥ Pronouns | He/Him, They/Them
♥ Sexuality | Omnisexual, pref for women and enbies.
♥ Appearance ♥
♥ Personality ♥
-INFJ - 1w2 - sx/so - 127-
A solemn, careful person who's always on edge- always watching his words and others. Kind and gentle, Niwa is exactly the kind of person you can rely on... or so he wishes he was. Smart and moral, selfless and humble- Niwa longs to be an idealised form, some kind of hero for the weak. So he pretends... and immediately fails when he says something stupid and can't back it up with anything but a funny comment or an over-the-top description of a tree. It frustrates him to no end- "Just take me seriously!" He wants to say, but doesn't, because then people would laugh as he exposes yet another layer... Truly an insecure person who idealises an identity far more than he should.
Even when he isn't masking, Niwa finds himself acting. His most miniscule insecurities are exaggerated, his clumsy misstep turns into a full on face-plant. He's never really sure who he is, and it frustrates him. He wants to be a single person, but everything in his head feels jumbled and he's a multitude of people.
Maybe that's an exaggeration too. But Niwa can't say for sure.
Despite the insecurity and the confusion, Niwa has a lofty sense of self regard. He loves battles between good and evil and the punishment of wrongdoers when it all comes to a close. His moral code is based entirely off of this black and white thinking. He believes good always wins, and so he makes sure that he is the "good guy", targeting people who dislike or look down on him and destroying them socially- labelling a bad comment as "bullying" and playing the vulnerable, hurt boy. Bullies must be punished. And Niwa will make sure that everyone knows just who is the target for the day.
He's highly manipulative, and in part, it's due to how he underestimates himself in that regard. He truly believes that he's the victim, even when he's destroying someone else's life. And then he wipes that "victim" mentality clean, in a fresh wave of denial when he's finished ruining any chance of them returning to a modelling career. He was protecting the innocent. They might be being lead out the door in tears, but surely they were going to go after someone else; so he stopped them, like the hero he is. Praise him some more, won't you?
Overall, Niwa is a dangerous person to anger, despite his insecurity and apparent lack of social graces. But don't worry- just flatter him a bit, and he'll be putty in your hands, elevating you to a hero on his level, always ready with a smile for his "friend".
||Strengths|| For being so insecure, Niwa is surprisingly stubborn in the face of adversity. His strict moral code and reverence of the innocent makes him a difficult person to beat down, especially due to his own high self-regard for the morality he acclaims within himself. He can also be very charming, sweet and polite, especially with people he likes.
||Weaknesses|| Niwa might put up a front, but deep down, he's judgemental and often veers cruel. If people don't like him for whatever reason, he'll find some way to villainise them- and despite his twisted sense of morality and insistence that he loves everyone, Niwa can actually be rather sadistic. He values justice over mercy, and the punishment of evildoers to elevate those who are morally upright. Regardless of his insecurity, he's arrogant and uses people as evil scapegoats to convince those around him as well as himself that he is more deserving of love.
♥ Sin ♥
Niwa's sin is Envy. As the middle child in a family with six other children, Niwa never got too much attention growing up and his childhood insecurities carried over into day to day life. Due to this he has a tendency to come off as childish, desperately seeking positive attention and admiration. His hero complex is rooted in this obsession to be perceived positively. No matter what, he is determined to have both superficial and moral superiority over others; never second best to anyone.
♥ Additional Info ♥
- Niwa adores comic books, especially when they come with superheroes! He loves the selflessness of characters like his beloved Spider-Man.
- Despite not being the most athletically gifted, Niwa is all about getting some exercise! He did track and field when he was younger as well as figure skating, and he'll always try and fit in a jog or two, no matter how hectic his schedule gets.
- He got in to the modelling industry through his ex, Keiki Meyumi. He doesn't talk about them a lot.
- Incredibly fond of cats. Like, off the charts levels of love for them. If you don't like them, he may be a little offended and look for even more reasons to dislike you.
- His adopted sister was, for some time, very close with Niwa. Something happened between the two of them, and despite curiosity from the press, he tends to deflect to another topic when she comes up.
- Some past trauma has left him very afraid of fire.
- A surprisingly talented poet. As a teenager, he used to enter in competitions for adults and often come out in the top three. Very strong with language and metaphor.
- Niwa is of Lithuanian and Japanese descent.

♥ Character Name | Casimir Devereaux |
♥ Aliases | Mir,
♥ Age | 25
♥ Gender | Male
♥ Pronouns | He/Him
♥ Sexuality | Minsexual/Vincian |
♥ Appearance ♥
♥ Personality ♥
There is no way to perfectly put together Casimir Deveraux’s personality. At first, Casimir is polite and quiet, leading to his close friends laughing whenever he meets someone new, as he is, in reality, quite loud and assertive. Creating a close bond with Mir is a hard thing to do. A close bond with Mir would be him being comfortable with one and being able to laugh off failures. However, that is only reserved for the ones who he deems worthy. The others, a single slip-up and he would be all over them, scolding them as if they were puppies who had scratched up furniture. They might as well have been, as he has the bad habit of putting the ones he loves the most on a pedestal so tall that others, including himself, were seen as unworthy pests. On the topic of bad habits, he seems to always have a pack of cigarettes on him, relying on smoking as stress relief.
Stress, for him, seems to always come from his pining for someone he normally can’t get. He overlooks said person’s flaws. However, he is a sweet talker and can occasionally land one of his interests. He is not much of a manipulator, just likes to use his smooth talking to get him out of trouble in the few moments that he somehow manages to get into trouble.
For all his big talk though, when faced with a stressful situation, such as confrontation
When it comes to work though, he uses planners, schedules, and to-do lists. Mir is efficient when it comes to working and his thought process, when not distracted with love, is strategic. He is strong-willed and will try to find a way to get what he wants.
♥ Sin ♥
Being born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Casimir is used to having access to the things he likes. When he approached his teenage years, whenever he would come upon, say a designer brand he liked, he would have his parents buy the company. His need for more and more was satiated by his loving parents who piled their love on their only son. However, because of that, he is currently prone to irresponsible purchases. Still, it doesn’t really matter, as he can afford it.
♥ Additional Info ♥
This is worth mentioning, when he smiles sincerely, it’s always unsettling, causing him to not really like smiling, but still his sense of humor is so alive that the driest of jokes, he finds hilarious and would laugh at.
Casimir is a wonderful volleyball and basketball player. Before becoming a model, he was in sports teams and was about to join a national team before he was pressured into becoming a model. (when prompted with questions on why he gave up his career, he stays quiet)
Mir has an affinity for old books and documents, so it is quite easy to sway him with the prospect of gaining an ancient Shakespeare manuscript or a copy of the Declaration of Independence

♥ Character Name | Emil Musabi
♥ Aliases | Gula
♥ Age | 24
♥ Gender | Male
♥ Pronouns | He/It
♥ Sexuality | Panromantic | Asexual | Polyamourous
♥ Appearance ♥
Despite being one of the top models, Emil has a shockingly plain face. Even with his wavy long hair and slender build, it is still one you could theoretically just pick from a crowd, conventionally attractive in the way most models are and only standing out in terms of the "Asian beauty" trope. While it is true that originally he was nothing but a diversity hire, Emil's true strengths lie within how expressive he can be, through facial acting and body language, but also how his whole demeanor changes depending on the clothes he's wearing. It's why the stagename Gula is synonymous with the image of a facemask.
♥ Personality ♥
ISFJ - The Defender | 2w3 - The Host
When anyone yells Mother in the mansion, it is Emil who replies. He is outwardly the kindest, always earliest to rise to make a balanced breakfast that suits each model's needs, cleaning up after everyone, doing chores. He has everyone's schedules memorized and knows their preferences inside and out. Though, for all that he does, he is quite hard to actually find. Hes always busy doing this, doing that, going to work, attending another meeting, meal prepping for the week, doing another round of laundry, reviewing the schedules they all received, packing someones bag for yet another runway, there isn't a moment when he isn't working. Scarily emotionally perceptive and attuned to the mood of the house, Emil holds the title of least emotionally constipated, which isn't all that hard considering the state of the other models.
For all that he supports the household though, he can be a nag, always chiding everyone on their eating habits especially. No one can live up to his standards and no one will, not even Emil himself.
But perhaps that isn't quite as true as one would think. Emil doesn't... really care all that much about others. He craves the failure that comes with it, a glutton for pain and punishment. Hes a bit of a masochist in that way, always looking for ways to further wreak his health as he overworks himself and stretches himself to the brink of hospitalization. The attention, the eyes that fall on him, the whispers, oh do they drive him to do the impossible. Anything to fill in that lonely cold void that only warms ever so slightly when scathing words cut the deepest. If he has to be nice to attain such a far off wish, then he will use all of his hollow heart to love those who will give him what he wants. They worry for him, they think about him, they are there to yell at him when he under preforms, and if he were to slip up in public? Well, Emil has always believed that all press is good press anyways.
♥ Sin ♥
TW: Non-descriptive Mention of Unspecified Eating Disorders
Oh how Emil craves the bitter taste of failure, of letting down those who relied on you, of everything that pain entails. After all, beauty is pain and Emil knows this more than anyone else. Obsessively watching what he eats has led to his control over the diets of everyone in the house, micromanaging every gram of nutrient, knowing what foods exist in the house, keeping a strict count of how much of everything there is, when you step into the mansion, you are on Emil's territory. Of course, this is hampered somewhat by the fact that he has an awful awful habit of stress eating. Believes his metabolism is high, you see, so into his mouth it goes, and another, and another until the bottle of laxatives just newly bought is empty
who knew that such a bitter taste could be replicated so easily
♥ Additional Info ♥
A talented chef, Emil whips up some of the best tasting food one could ever hope to dine from, some completely renouncing their mother's cooking in favour of his. While his specialty is traditional Japanese food, hes comfortable with other styles of cooking too with very little quality change
He is also one of the managers for the talents. Work never stops even when hes off the clock
Least sought after and lowest paid of the original 7, inwardly very glad that theres another person at the bottom of the proverbial pecking ladder though he'd never say that out loud
He used to be a ryokan heiress, no one really knows why hes a model now
Mainly models street and techwear but will dabble in high fashion and hand modelling. Will firmly reject any traditional Japanese modelling opportunities and forward them to Niwa instead

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Nefaria Alect

♥ Character Name | Nefaria Alect
♥ Aliases | Fué
♥ Age | 21
♥ Gender | Female
♥ Pronouns | She/They
♥ Sexuality | Homoromantic and Heterosexual
♥ Appearance ♥
[ 👀 ]
♥ Personality ♥
While appearing to be seemingly quiet and laid back, Nefaria can become quite the opposite when riled up. She has no problem with talking to others (usually in the form of bribes or some other back-handed means, but we don't talk about that) and can be seen a quite sociable at large events. She loves getting to know others, and not just because it's valuable information. She genuinely finds human nature to be fascinating, almost to an unsettling and obsessive degree. When conversing with others, though, she hides behind a mask of being energetic and kind, as it is rare for any of it to be genuine. Nefaria doesn't really mind this flaw, an integral part of one's humanity, but she's hardly unable to have kindness in her heart for others. She sees humans as "creatures", like one would see a dog, but she doesn't see herself as greater than anyone else.
Growing up in poverty in the mountains of Sicily, she had learned her way around the cruel world she had to call her home very quickly. Using her youth and natural beauty to her advantage, Nafaria barely made it by with her two siblings and widowed mother. Abandonment and failure has always terrified the girl, and being bombarded with instances of that fear for most of her life only made it worse. She resorted to the philosophy of, "Break them before they break you," and insists on keeping information about herself hidden, even the smallest details.
Strengths - As stated, she is a merchant of information. Her memory and critical thinking skills are on point, and she has a great work ethic. Although it's not her job, she is quite drawn to the behind-the-scenes efforts in modeling. Nefaria can put on a pretty face and tailor herself to any situation, although she isn't perfect.
Weaknesses - Naturally, she thrives on cruelty and deceit, so anyone who has seen a glimpse of who she is behind the face made for the camera will most likely stray away. It's nigh impossible for her to empathize with other people, and she has difficulty seeing outside her own world.
♥ Sin ♥
Information. Information is key to a girl like her, getting to know the dits and dots of every little detail. A cruel spectator who flows through the shadows, behind the scenes of any setting she dwells in. A whisperer in a poor passerby's ear, the voice of reason in a fragile mind. A silent eavesdropper with no remorse for the words that hurt more than sticks and stones. She sees herself as the merchant of knowledge, gaining power and importance through means of gossip. An excellent manipulator and liar, twisting words and scenarios to fit her perfect reality.
So yeah, she's Regina George.
♥ Additional Info ♥
Even though she's only been outside of Sicily for 2 years, Nefari has tamed her accent and adapted to the drastic change quite well.
Unfortunately, she doesn't have many household talents such as cooking and maintenance, but her pride gets in the way of letting others do it for her. Plus, she considers it "invasive" or something like that.
Her taste in activities is quite unpredictable, ranging from sports to obscure hobbies, and even journaling to pass the time is all in her array of daily life.
Nefari enjoys modeling casual wear and posing in general, but one particular modeling experience she enjoys the most is extravagant dresses and "old-fashioned" clothing. This would probably be odd considering she is only seen in loose clothing and actively shares her distaste for confinement.
She is very fond of imagining scenarios, fantasizing the ideas that she sees in movies. Her favorites are campfire stories, such as sing-alongs and cozying up with a partner. Although she knows it'll most likely never happen due to just how differently those situations play out, she still finds enjoyment in her own world.

♥ Character Name | Charlie May
♥ Aliases |
♥ Age | 24
♥ Gender | Female
♥ Pronouns | She/They
♥ Sexuality | Bisexual
♥ Appearance ♥
♥ Personality ♥
After growing up homeschooled and pampered, Charlie is used to getting her way. Her mother, who was a teacher for 10 years, taught her lessons that stuck, even all these years later.
Her mother taught her that they didn't need to care about anyone else; that she was important, that she was special. She's used to speaking her mind, not caring about what people think about her. She gets angry when she doesn't get her way, and attempts to 'buy' everything with money, even bribing people at the young age of 8 to be her friend.
They didn't stay long. She didn't care.
When she doesn't get what she wants, though, you'd see her throw a toddler-like tantrum until she does. Kicking, crying, screaming.
Strengths | Weaknesses
Confidence | Arrogance
Charisma | Lack of Empathy
Resilience | Difficulty Connecting
Leader | Anger
♥ Sin ♥
It was always a common lesson her mother taught her.
You were born to be a ruler, not a follower.
And then her mother would buy her whatever she wanted. This turned into a god complex.
♥ Additional Info ♥
Very much inspired by Saiko from Saiki K :3
She's had at least 5 boyfriends and 5 more girlfriends. Surprisingly, she's pretty affectionate and treats her partner as someone equal to her.
Took a private dance class for 10 years
She is...a tiny bit insecure that she can't make friends properly, but doesn't show it.

♥ Character Name | Keiki Meyumi
♥ Aliases | Green Eyes / Emerald Eyes
♥ Age | 22
♥ Gender | Genderfluid
♥ Pronouns | They/Them
♥ Sexuality | Pansexual
♥ Appearance ♥
♥ Personality ♥
♥ Info | Keiki is a complicated person, at their best, they're a huge people pleaser and often go to extreme lengths to be acknowledged and appreciated. They're also very down to earth and fond of taking care of friends and family. When they get too comfortable, they can become a very loud and obnoxious person not in a malicious way, they don't often realise, but it does make people dislike them easily. They often try to spend more time with people than being alone.
They love to be a comedian, often making jokes at their own expense, anything to get a laugh, really. Keiki's very witty and seems to have a large ego and a lot of self-confidence, when in reality it's the opposite.
Keiki has a habit of flirting with people they meet, regardless of gender, and will stop at nothing to sway them with their poor poetry and bad dancing.
♥ Strengths | Observant ♥ Optimist ♥ Caring ♥ Clever
♥ Weaknesses | Manipulative ♥ Trust Issues ♥ Emophilia ♥ Attachment Issues
♥ Mbti | ENFP-A
♥ Sin ♥
Lust; Keiki treasures love more than anything else. In their eyes, there is nothing more important than romance, and to feel truly complete, one must fall in love. Their strange, unorthodox view on the idea of love stems from the repeated heartbreak they've felt, and the fact that they've never truly been loved, or cared for. As a child, Keiki was abandoned and neglected by their parents, and went from family to family, never once feeling like anyone really cared about them.
As they grew older, Keiki began to develop an addiction to heartbreak. No matter how many hearts they won and people they fell in love with, it never seemed to work out. But Keiki never stopped, oh no, in the small off chance that some day, they'll find the person of their dreams, even if they die trying.
This was made worse by the recent break up with their ex, Niwa Atsushi.
Keiki never really got over him.
♥ Additional Info ♥
Keiki is a quite famous face in the modelling industry, a very sought after model for various aspects of women's fashion, usually skirts and dresses.
Their prized possession, are their glittering emerald eyes. Keiki can be quite vain, and it's often very noticeable when the topic of their main role in the modelling industry comes up: eye modelling.
Keiki presents themselves as the best thing since sliced bread to happen to the eye modelling in industry, and some may say otherwise, but you can't argue that they aren't a great person for that role.
Keiki also has a secret, small passion for writing, specifically short stories. A huge fan of detective novels, when they're not modelling, Keiki often writes deep into the night. They'd love to publish their stories one day.

♥ Character Name | Mercymorn Belphie
♥ Aliases | Mercy,
♥ Age | 24
♥ Gender | Female
♥ Pronouns | She/Her
♥ Sexuality | Bi
♥ Appearance ♥

♥ Personality ♥
Mercy tends to be quiet and is quite perceptive of things around her, even if she doesn't think its necessary to point them out. She goes with the flow, and prefers things to be peaceful and quiet to make naptime easier for herself. However, when it comes to certain people she tends to be somewhat hard working in making sure they get whatever the set out to do. Though to most outsiders and newer people in the agency she tends to come off as lazy and a narcoleptic.
♥ Sin ♥
For years Mercy has always strived to the be the best in everything she does due to a high anxiety. Though she has always worn her mask well and never let people see how much passion she always puts in her work and how much she cares for her friends, she always is seemingly tired and late to occasions if she manages to get up in time for them. Her work as a model and as an inspiring writer always comes first, followed closely by her friends
♥ Additional Info ♥
She has written a few books under a pen name, and says her hobby is trying to help everyone else do well, though most of the time that hobby leads to her sleeping in more.

"you were too correct"
*sleepy waves*
i've added everyone with character sheets and wips to the main page ♥
as for the role of Wrath, i'll have to give it to @Interna_Chaotica for reserving first
@therealkendo, if you would still like to participate in the rp, i'm open to giving you a 'side' role
an idea: a live-in photographer/editor whose job is to capture the natural/casual side of the models' lives.
as the good/friendly route: you're able to get close to all of the models, perhaps even sparking some romance yourself.
or an alternative/darker route: you're sick of seeing the models get, basically, worshiped by the public, despite their behavior behind the lens. You feel used by the Studio, and you decide to make it your goal to out each and every one of the models by anonymously posting precarious images online.
i'm open to other 'side' character ideas, however !
thank you all so much for the interest ♥