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Posted: Thu, 10/10/2024 03:07 (6 Days ago)
Lolling faer head towards Chester, Blithe let a lazy grin crawl over faer cheeks at the offer. "Aye, if Time be kind, trading stories be sounding mighty fine. " Fae agreed, tapping faer head with a finger before pinching faer fore and thumb together with quick almost crab like motions. Though to be honest, Blithe would probably simply go on a tirade about faer troupe instead of the travelling stories Chester probably was thinking he would hear.

Turning to look at the road at Beige's exclamation, Blithe watched as the scenery that previously was simply trees and shrubbery give way to the stone of civilization. It never got old, the slow transition from grinding dirt and rocks under wheel to the rhythmic bounce of cobblestone. It usually signalled the start of children who would eagerly scramble to make sure that their props were ready to be used and costume pieces were tied on tightly, the flurry of activity before their impromptu shows always chaotic no matter how many times Blithe warned them to be prepared. It was nice, for a chance, to simply sit and enjoy the ride without the knowledge that someone would be demanding faer attention for something or another

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Posted: Sat, 05/10/2024 07:08 (11 Days ago)
Username: Comfygazing
Character(s) to draw: (Design Sheet) (Colour Ref)
Style choice: icon/headshot
Background color/Transparent: Up to you!
Additional information (ex. pose, emotion): Just a big ol wide eyed bug stare straight at the viewer, the more unsettling the better tbh
Payment: Nuggets + Tip
Other: I think im kinda in love with your art style? its so bouncy and squishy 10/10 would nom

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Posted: Thu, 03/10/2024 06:57 (13 Days ago)
Metsk Hwei



April 4th

Metsk has a calm, humble, and affable demeanour, often wearing a welcoming smile and extending politeness to anyone who crosses his path. Possessing an almost godly amount of patience and goodwill, Metsk is the sort of person that others would unwittingly spill their hearts to even if they had only met a few minutes earlier, always happy to lend an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. Metsk's uncanny ability to tease out the most intimate of secrets would be scary if not for his unconditional acceptance of people's natures. He is the type to see the good in any situation and remain positive despite any misfortune that may befall him or those that he knows, always claiming that things happen for a reason.

Despite all this, Metsk is deeply skeptical of the existence of a higher power and instead insists that humans are just fascinating like that, making sense of the nonsensical and turning it into something.
Personality Type:
INFJ - The Advocate | 8w9 - The Bear | Witherbloom College (Black/Green) | Aries

[A middle aged man of mixed Chinese and Estonian descent, Metsk sports messy black hair and a pale complexion, all making his pale green eyes pop in comparison. Despite his clear Asian heritage, Metsk is quite tall, putting on much more muscle than what his waifish build may suggest. He has a few tattoos, the most prominent of which is the collection of ball jointed tattoos, most of which are for people in his life. His heavy air of exhaustion only seems heavier with the fact that he's trying to quit smoking to varying levels of success. Often he's seen wearing leather accessories and clothes, most which he will brag is handmade, but is never seen without his father's hairpins or his mother's ring collection]

[]Height: 179cm
[]Weight: 71kg
[]Skin Tone: Pale
[]Hair Style: Half up manbun
[]Hair Colour: Black
[]Eye Colour: Green
[]Clothes: Has a preference for genuine leather clothes, otherwise its an eclectic mess of whatever he picks up first
[]Accessories: Heirloom hair pins, silver keepsake rings, various jewellery, a simple jade ring on his right ring finger
[]Other: Smokes but is trying to quit
Always looks some flavour of sleepy

Born into a mixed family, Metsk never really fit in either of his parent's worlds, too white for his father's family and too Asian for his mother's. They didn't live in the safest parts of town but it didn't matter to Metsk, always buried in his mother's various textbooks and entertaining himself away from the prying eyes of his peers. He liked studying anatomy with his Ema and occasionally Baba would chime in about animal anatomy fun facts that he had picked up from his time taking care of them back in his hometown. Sometimes, they would make a whole field trip of it, walking the long winding road to the local whole animal butcher to just watch and learn. He would later officially apprentice under that same butcher, and business boomed as Metsk would always attract a horde of aunties who pinched his cheeks and scolded him for not eating enough.

Not much is known about the Hwei family from this point onward, just that they existed. Some time during his life Metsk's parents both passed away and he met his now fiance. He still works for various wholesale butcheries, tanneries, and all manner of work in the field

Asexual, has a fiance

Voice Claim:
Jon Gracey (Gerard Keay)

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Posted: Tue, 01/10/2024 20:06 (14 Days ago)
Someone really should tell Blithe that faer smile really isn't as reassuring as they assume, the sight of gnarled tusks more than a little frightening. "Aye, ye don't build a home on ye dusty roads w'out repairn' a cart or ten w'th Time crawling up yer back! B'sides this don't be our first time parad'n these streets, we don't be too spun 'bout these things." Waving a clawed hand around dismissively, Blithe leaned against the edge of the wagon as best faer could, showing not one ounce of respect for the festival that they were all heading towards. A mocking smile teased its way across faer lips before it was swallowed by indifferent melencholy

Better for these strangers to see him as a lazy handytiefling rather than a potential party member. While fae wasn't staunchly opposed to adventuring, per say, faer priorities lay elsewhere and if Blithe were to tell any of faer troupmates of such an encounter, fae would most certainly be chased out to pursue the call of the Gods or some other nonsensical excuse that they conjured up. Just thinking of such a scenario made Blithe want to keep faer mouth shut.

The faintest wisps of smoke curled out from faer lips when Blithe exhaled, letting the tension seep out with the fading tendrils. The next time faer troupe master proposed that fae head out first, Blithe would lock faerself in faer tent.

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Posted: Mon, 16/09/2024 03:09 (30 Days ago)

Hello, isn't this... familiar

-General Information-
Character Name:
Vivek Biswas

Nurse Vivi

Character's Age:

Character's Gender:
Male - He/It

Faceclaim: Miyaji Oldia - Akuma Hitsuji to Kuro Neko
A well built man with white hair, blue eyes and brown skin. His bangs are braided and a old wound runs across the left side of his face.

Its hard to approach Vivek who stands at 190cm (6'2), the air of reticence he gives off and generally deadpan expression scaring off many. It doesn't help that his left eye has sensory exotropia from an old injury, scaring off most people who would try and approach him. His warm brown skin contrasted with premature grayed out hair with only traces of the original black only seems to alien him further, the striking blue of his eyes almost piercing; only underscored by heavy bags. Despite that, Vivek doesn't quite pay attention to his looks, only pulling up his hair into a sloppy regulation updo in his workplace, otherwise leaving his hair tangled, hiding none of the cracks of old scars that have healed poorly.

-Personality Traits-
General Personality:
Apathetic | Aloof | Blunt | Habitual Liar | Inconsiderate | Nihilistic | Self Interests First | Stubborn
Analytical | Decisive | Devoted | Diligent | Efficient | Good with Words | Objective | Reliable

Detailed Personality:
INTJ - Architect | 4w5 - Free Spirit
Taciturn and inexpressive, Vivek is quite hard to read at first glace on account of not showing much expressiveness. However, he is quite blunt and openly speaks his mind, often short and to the point without much care for other's feelings. In fact, most of his actions is all done for the sake of self interest, slogging through each day just to collect a paycheck. He doesn't care if his co-workers dislike him, he is fast and efficient at his job and takes pride in delivering quality service despite being overworked. In times of crisis he is always one of the first to act, always keeping his calm even when a life is on the line, always able to make clear headed decisions. This gives him the perception of being cold and callus, with all emotion removed from his decision making. Despite all this talk, Vivek continues to work day after day, filling out meaningless charts and making calls that over time blur together. Each day is only tiring and mundane, nothing in his workplace ever startling him anymore.

Everything becomes easy when you do it long enough

-Additional Information-
Works as a long term pediatric care nurse at the local hospital
He's unable to see too well out of his left eye

Will be updated as I keep turning him around in my head like a 3d model in a microwave

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Posted: Mon, 09/09/2024 20:32 (1 Month ago)
how squishyyy!!!!! ໒꒰ྀི ╥﹏╥ ꒱ྀིა everything looks absolutely perfect thank you so muchhh

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Posted: Sat, 07/09/2024 04:24 (1 Month ago)
Shifting to rest faer chin on fidgeting hands, Blithe smiled humorously at the suggestion that fae could fill in a spot in an adventuring party. What a silly idea. Honestly, fae was getting much too old to even be part of a travelling circus, the amount of excitement needed for them couldn't be bore with aching knees and unsteady legs. An adventure would certainly be too much excitement for a fragile heart to witness. Just as the kindly carriage driver said, it was too late for some to chase after pipe dreams.

But really, it was just as fae thought. The blond human seemed familiar, not of face but of deed. Blithe couldn't quite place a finger on it but it didn't matter all that much if none of faer well honed instincts were ringing any alarms. It was just going to be another thing that would endlessly bug Blithe until fae forgot about it all over again in a few days. Just like this carriage of quirky travellers shoved shoulder to shoulder by chance

Clapping faer hands together to draw the attention of everyone, Blithe stretched out a warm smile, tilting faer head in suggestion. "Well there be some parts that don't be too spun 'bout higher planes, best not ta dig too deep 'nto stranger's hearts, nay? We all be entitled to a mystery or ten." Fae smoothed out, attempting to pave over any unease that lingered within the cart. Perhaps being placated by a wide fanged smile wasn't quite the most reassuring thing to see but the rhythmic flow of Blithe's words at least got others to hear faer out. "Chester, sir, if ye be willin and trust'n of a stranger to do so, prithe' we take a look on th' waggon once we make detestation? We be familiar w' repain' carts, 'tis be a quick one no frettn'. Payn' dues if ye be more inclined."

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Posted: Thu, 05/09/2024 03:05 (1 Month ago)
Pressing faer thin lips together, tusks pressing indents into the skin, Blithe steepled faer fingers before faer mouth. So this was fun. Fae couldn't blame Chester for attempting to keep the peace, but fae could also sympathize with the small Harengon passenger for wanting off the wagon. The dragonborn though, Blithe couldn't help but bite faer tongue when he emphasized that everyone would be participating in the petty charade created by a uncaring creator. Fae could understand such rationale behind this but it still left an uncomfortably familiar aftertaste on the tongue, something only vaguely alleviated by the hasty correction to some.

But all that in the end was completely blown out of the water as Beige pierced through the heart of the matter. Why exactly was Liza here if she knew so little about the biggest event of the year? Everything hinged on this one season, where gratitude however deserving would be given and merriment would be had. Even those who held the gods in contempt planned their year around such a time, much to Blithes chagrin, but the importance of the Festival could not be downplayed at all. For if one were to live on these lands, it was almost impossible to escape the festivities.

Sharp eyes observed the other residents of the carriage as such a question was posed. In particular, fae kept an eye on the blond human who had previously began day drinking out in the open. Fae couldn't quite put a finger on it, but there was something familiar about him though the millions of stories fae had come across during faer travels tended to blend together at times

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Posted: Wed, 04/09/2024 00:40 (1 Month ago)
There was a pair of hollow clatters as Blithe immediately lifted faer hands up in the air though nothing seemed to have dropped onto the floor, gazing at the blade turned against the wagon without anything but a calm smile. Fae certainly was no stranger to being threatened with sharpened steel, the perils of being a travelling circus meant that such encounters were a dime a dozen, yet Blithe knew that this was simply an overzealous show of passion from a young warrior who had been given the briefest sample of a sweetest honey that could only come from godly promises. Cloying in the smallest tastes yet overwhelming once anything more than a mouthful was given.

And so fae simply defaulted to what fae did best. Talk.

"Oi lass, yer one mighty spitfire, eh? Best draw that armament back 'n her sheath lest she dull under shame o' threaten' those she be protectin' now. We ain't no fighter here, jus' common folk lookn' out fer family. Don' got much time for grand ol' adventures, not w'th aching bones n' a pack of chilln' underfoot."

It was quite obvious just by looking at fae that Blithe certainly had no physical combat prowess. Billowing robes were impractical in any confrontation as opposed to the practical combat orientated gear that Liza herself bore. In fact, in the complete opposite, Blithe's clothes seemed to conceal more than protect, only offering brief peeks at lilac skin. To that point, from a glance, fae would bet good money that only the dragonborn, aside from the undine who was most vocal about her pursuits, was any sort of adventurer.

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Posted: Tue, 03/09/2024 01:05 (1 Month ago)
Oops, did fae accidentally scare the poor darling? In a way, how Beige reacted to the situation was rather cute and Blithe had to sniffle a titter behind tightly pressed lips. Young ones were simply just so fun to poke and prod at sometimes but fae would refrain for now, the only relationship they had was one of strangers after all.

But really, did they have to keep talking about gods? Those stuffy beings praised for their callus indifference to the populace knew seemed to be all that anyone wanted to think about as the festival drew closer and closer. For fae, it was prime time for money to be made and Blithe wondered what set fae apart from Chester so much. Of course, all the circus had to do was roll into town and their revenue would automatically go up but this was not some arbitrary blessing, it was the product of the troupe's hard work and dedication to their crafts. Some would dedicate their performances to the gods, more often than not directly invoking one by name, but in the end it was not the gods that so graciously bestowed upon the common folk an income. Those "nice little events" often were the accumulation of a years worth of dedication and hard work on the artist's part. For Chester, fae assumed it was similar as the high fare for the ride might suggest yet the kindly elder seemed all to happy to share his own godly aspirations with strangers.

Well, then again Blithe was always an odd one out.

Perhaps that's why the gods never once turned their gaze at faer

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Posted: Mon, 02/09/2024 23:33 (1 Month ago)
The liveliness of the group was infectious to the point where even the silent ones felt compelled to speak up, how quaint. Blithe certainly felt the distrust levelled at fae, certainly a familiar feeling especially when travelling to more superstitious rural areas, but it never troubled fae much to be on the receiving end of such feelings. Besides, it was intriguing to watch everyone else put themselves forward, from the shy wolf to the almost childishly impressed dragonborn, there was quite an eclectic group all squished into a tiny wagon.

Propping a horned head against a blunted clawed hand, Blithe did muse that it was awfully ungentlefaely of faer to only drink in the atmosphere and not add to the merriment as well. What sort of performer only watched a show instead of being a part of it? Though to be quite honest, being just a part of the background was a novel and refreshing experience. If fae needed to step into the spotlight once again, fae would gladly let faer showmanship speak for faeself.

"Ah, but yer a queer one, young sir. We'd dare say plain 'n normal 's too a criminal underrating of yerself, hm? Mayhaps one 'o a kind, or even sui generis be better for such a darlin'. Nicknames do be for everyone, not jus' fer others." Faer rough speech juxtaposed against a lyrical voice was always quite dissonant for fae to hear but as long as the genuineness of faer words were conveyed.

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Posted: Mon, 02/09/2024 02:15 (1 Month ago)
Letting the conversation in the waggon wash over faer, Blithe watched the scenery pass with an almost nostalgic smile. It had been so long since fae had time to simply breath and take in the rolling lands that were blessed by the gods, always too busy organizing the circus members. But this time, fae had left that up to faer understudy to try it's hand at the duties expected of faer, leaving fae with more than enough time to hitch a leisurely ride to what would soon be faer fair grounds. Reconnaissance you could say though Blithe preferred the term paid vacation. It sounded so much better that way.

When the topic of God's and who had caught their attention came up, fae only scoffed silently. What good was a Gods gaze when all they did was sow more discord than heal? Fae couldn't help but agree with the blond human who brought out a flask of wine, even if day drinking wasn't faer preferred vice. Unfortunately the open nature of the wagon meant that any smoke accumulated would float away in the pleasant breeze in an instant and thus fae settled for imagining the curl of smoke on faer tounge as the winds tugged on beryl hair.

Despite the talk of gods, Blithe could understand why everyone was so intrigued with the patchwork man. It was clear that something had happened for it to appear as dead as a doorknob yet still chatted as freely as any other person their age. The work of the gods, perhaps, but Blithe wasn't one to put much stock into heavenly miracles and thus simply chalked it up to a extremely talented mage or science obsessed experiment. Though, Blithe would admit that despite faer well travelled history, this was faer first time seeing such a specimine. Certainly intriguing but fae prided faeself on faer gentlefae like manners and asking such personal questions to a stranger was like leaping over those boundaries and rolling down the hill into a muddy ditch. Simply too audacious to be worth considering.

But still, this idle chatter was quite a welcome background noise to the trip, a companionship so different from what Blithe was used to. Here fae wasn't obligated to take charge nor be the voice of reason. Here, fae were simply a well dressed teifling who held as many secrets as anybody else.

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Posted: Fri, 23/08/2024 12:48 (1 Month ago)
"Wha! My oc!"
ID from: @Comfygazing
Password: Komori
OC/sona preview: (x) (x) (right hand puppet)
Accesories?: the outfit's a bit complex so please feel free to ask me for clarifications/a better ref
Payment: 100 nuggets
Tip?: ye ofc!

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Posted: Fri, 23/08/2024 05:35 (1 Month ago)

Blithe Dazzlusion

"Friends, Foes, and those who've yet ta decide, delight yer eyes 'pon 'llusionary's finest acts!"


[ 30 | Fae/Faer, He/Him | Enchanter | Cthonic Teifling | ⁠°^° | CV: Ueda Kanda ]


[ introduction ]

First string member of the Dazzling Illusionary Circus, Blithe acts as the namesake's Illusions Master. From the moment guests step under the big top to the moment they return home, all are under faer spell. Having been with the circus for over 15 years, having seen the rise and fall of many ringmasters, Blithe is one of the oldest members and thus acts not only as the ringmaster's assistant but also as a mentor for many of the other circus members.

Despite faer sunny exterior, there is still many things that the circus doesn't know about their most senior member. Much of what happened before fae joined the circus and faer early years in it are rarely talked about, though there are rumors that fae refuse to worship Arlen

[ appearance ]

An almost middle aged teifling with pale purple skin, Blithe is quite small for faer age, only about 120cm (4 ft). Fae sport fluffed up and slightly wavey light blue hair pulled into a low ponytail with blue scelera filling up the entirety of faer eyes leaving only goat like pupils that are hidden behind purple tinted glasses. Fae sport more goat like features, with curling indigo horns and fluffy ears, a fur tipped tail whipping behind faer, sharp teeth poking out from thin lips. Fae enjoy acessoring, often swapping our faer earrings and septum piercing depending on faer mood. Stage makeup is also a staple of faer wardrobe, red eye paint covering over infernal markings and an ugly scar between faer eyes. Clothes befitting of a circus performer barely fit within an admittedly small wardrobe, full of articles that conceal any somatic casting fae may do, all ostentatiously patterned. Faer forearm crutches are equally decorated, blending in with billowing cloaks and ponchos yet sturdy enough to carry faer weight.

[ personality ]

ISTJ - Logistician | 6w5 - Guardian
Perpetual holder of the braincell, Blithe always strived to keep a cool head and rational worldview. Survival is always faer first priority, everything else comes before that but faer've expanded faer world to also encompass faer troupemates, not just faeself. Fae takes pride in faer position as a mentor for many of the newest members of the troupe, always ready to teach and encourage them to work towards the stage. Faer quite practical and has a knack for directing others into the skills that best suit them.

At times though, fae can loose sight of the bigger picture, much too focused on certain details which can make fae quite overbearing. In situations such as managing the circus, this becomes an asset but when working with other creatures it becomes more a detriment than anything that could help. Faer quite frugal, never willing to spend more than necessary and hoarding as much wealth as possible both in currency and in relationships. This cements fae as a staunchly loyal companion who, even if proven to be detrimental, will still hold on to any connection fae can.

[ magic ]

Blithe is a master of illusions, having learnt from old books and experience. Due to faer years of experience, fae can create detailed and realistic illusions with only faer active imagination as well somatic components. There is little fae can't recreate though large scale ones do require considerably more time to cast. Fae is also capable of conjuring up more than one illusion though the more fae conjure the less realistic they become. Motion is also quite difficult, requiring an indepth understanding of how something is supposed to move, the muscles that facilite the movements, the mindset which each illusion pushes and pulls into an action. Fae can mimick small motions, such as the rise and fall of a breathing chest, a lethargic blink, or even the flaps of a mouth, but anything more complex than that is out of faer reach. Perhaps with a large enough conduit made of the right materials which can be seen as an extension of the user's own body, that may change.

But as impressive as the illusions may be, they will only ever be that. Incorporeal and temporary.

[ backstory ]

In a nameless yet bustling port city, an equally nameless child of the infernal lived among the flooded cobblestone streets. The child was lucky enough that faer teeth was sharp enough to pierce through fish scales and thus lived by stealing from the fishermen and fishmongers. It was survival but the child found a yearning for a better life, one where faer could sleep without worry for drowning and could eat something other than raw fish. More than anything, fae wished that even for one day, he too could blend in with the crowds rather than the sea.

This small wish came true when a traveling circus came into town. This caught the child's attention, not for the festivities, but because all the fishmongers had closed up shop for the day. And so, the child watched the circus through the beige flaps of the big tent that had seemingly appeared overnight, wondering exactly what could have captured everyone's attention. It was then that te child was captivated buy the world shown to fae beyond the cloth, a world of high flying genasi, dragonborn who could tame even the fiercest of beasts, halflings who juggled fire while being juggled in turn by a firbolg, and at the center of it all, a teifling pulling every string.

And so every night, the child would creep back to the tent, watching the foreign world where the villagers were the outsiders with rapt attention and awe. It was as if a meal had been placed before faer hands and fae only had to reach out and grab it but it's aroma alone would sustain faer empty stomach. And once the banquet ended, fae would sneak back under faer threadbare waterlogged blankets and dream of an illusion as beautiful as the reality separated by a layer of hemp. But eventually, fae would be caught, a strong hand trapping faer in a table of quickly rotting food until the teifling who had found a home on position 0 under beaming spotlights extended a hand towards faer.

Welcomed into the Dazzlusion family, the child was given the virtue name of Blithe for faer parent's wish was for fae to be a bringer of a indifferent happiness, spreading jolly without a care. But a child with no innate attunement to the magics had little worth in a business which favored behemoths. Especially not one who was barely fed and whose legs were slowly losing their strength. Thus, the newly names Blithe dug though the circus storage and unearthed crumbling tomes that spoke of magic that could be learned by even the most unlearned of minds as long as one had imagination. Thus, despite faer slowly failing body, fae threw faeself headfirst into the study of illusory magic. With the help of faer's parent, Blithe clawed up to usurp the position of Illusions Master and as the circus traveled from town to town, fae made it a point to visit any bookshop fae could and hoard even more knowledge.

And now another festival draws close and the Dazzling Illusionary Circus will once again raise the curtains on the most spectacular of shows, all directed in the shadows by their stalwart Illusions Master

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Posted: Thu, 18/07/2024 05:53 (2 Months ago)
A field of yellow greeted him as Valerius opened his eyes, marigolds blooming across the grass stretching towards the horizon as bushes of yellow roses dotted the landscape to break up the monotony. Breathing in the clear air, the autumn breeze cutting through battered lungs, Valerius relished in the feeling of simply being able to take in a deep breath. This was a dream, of course he knew that, but in a dream where he could be anything and everything, simply being healthy enough to play with his twin was everything he ever wanted out of life. Experimenting with taking in deeper and deeper breaths, Valerius couldn't help but let out a laugh as he twirled around, watching the world blur as his muscles easily carried him around. Legs that would have given out under him held his weight up with unfaltering surety, his balance never tipping over nor did a dizzy spell drag him under. Letting his weight flop over and gravity drag him down, even the ground felt soft as Valerius watched the fluttering petals kicked up from his play flutter down around him.

But as the light played across translucent petals so, he felt cold. So cold.



Roy never found it easy to rest, between taking care of a child in the last few months as well as the incessant draft that turned malicious as the weather cooled, but these days it was almost like exhaustion had finally crept up and swallowed her waking world. The day had been full of running around with Ivan to complete various errands and keep the kids company all while catching up on the logistics of moving in with her brother come summer, a whirlwind of events that left her head spinning as Roy settled in for the night. Tucking the toddler in, swaddling her in the warmest blankest she owned. Of course, Ivan got the most intact one leaving Roy to curl around her charge for any semblance of warmth as the night cooled into a chill that left her shivering even as sleep clouded her eyes.

A light shake to her shoulders roused her quickly though, shooting up as the thick duvets pooled around her hips. "Huh? wha- morning?" She mumbled, eyes still heavy with rest barely taken. It was such a shame as well, Roy had just started to get nice and warm but as she rubbed the sleep crusted around pink eyes, before taking in her surroundings. The dilapidated shack that had been her home for almost 14 years had transformed into something with four standing walls and an intact roof, the warm sunshine filling it with warmth that didn't just come from the summer heat.

The real surprise though, came when a familiar voice cleared his throat beside Roy. There stood Ivan, in his arms one of the younger kids with pudgy hands woven between fastidiously cared for sandy brown locks, his cocky smirk in place. "What, graduating from a bugger to a bugger catcher, dollface?" His brother teased, a knuckle tapping against Roy's agape chin

"Oh, this is a dream."

Eloquent response by Roy Lastname, one that would surely go down in the history books as the best retort to ever be conjured. But this could be nothing but the sweetest of dreams where even without saying anything, Ivan knew. And even acquitted to such a silly unspoken demand. A dream, one where Roy didn't really want to end. But even as she thought that, Roy could see Ivan's brow furrowing ever so slightly and in a stroke of genius as if to make up for his earlier stupidity, Roy forced a yawn that came easily.

"By Vega, did going to bed early not do anything for you? With how much you're dozing off I'd reckon that you'd shoot up faster than a bean and soon we'd have to build a whole new roof just to house you." Ivan lamented, sitting down on the bed as depositing the child he had been carrying into Roy's lap. "Grow any taller and the fella's will be looking up at the tallest doll this side of the city."

Pouting at that statement, Roy gently bumped her head against her brother's shoulder, making the elder bark a sharp laugh. "But never too tall to get a good thumping." He threatened her easily, her answering grin that bared all of her sharp teeth all the comfort they needed. "Come on then, the welps are clamouring for you and I sure can't do it alone."

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Posted: Fri, 05/07/2024 06:15 (3 Months ago)
Slowly eating the prepared food, Valerius managed to stomach a little less than half of the bowl before shaking his head at the next offered bite. Nudging the rest of the food closer to his twin for the other to finish and grab more of for herself, he reached out with slow hands to grasp the glass of water, washing down the meal with measured sips. Already he could feel his eyes begin to droop as the warm food and full stomach lulled him into a soft sort of comfort, and if he was melted against Valeria before, he was positively a puddle now.

But that was fine with him, as long as he continued to play the shadow to the brightest light in his life, to be her reflection and steadfast by her side, he was happy.

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Posted: Wed, 03/07/2024 20:04 (3 Months ago)
Leaning into the touch, Valerius all but melted against his sister as he contemplated the question. He was hungry, yes, but the thought of eating anything seemed unpleasant and made his empty stomach flip in a nauseating spiral. He never kept food down particularly well, but logically he knew that some of his medicine needed a full stomach to work. But a full stomach always made him sleepy and he didn't want to spend all his time sleeping when he could be spending it with Valeria. On the other hand though, not taking the medicine meant more time in bed and Valerius desperately wanted his twin to be able to go out too, for both of them to play in the sun and read all sorts of books. Every morning was the same spiral of indecision and guilt before it ended as it always did.

Nodding slowly, Valerius let his blankets pool around his lap as he reached for the bowl with shaking hands. Theoretically he had enough strength to hold it and feed himself, even if just barely, but what sort of little brother (even if it's only by a few seconds) would he be if he didn't at least try to make the older of the two do most of the work?

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Posted: Wed, 03/07/2024 05:42 (3 Months ago)
The moment he saw the doorknob moving, Valerius tensed up, drawing up covers up to his chest before the impassive face of his every loyal twin, a reflection of everything that he wanted to be, stepped through and his shoulders relaxed visibly. Humming weakly, Valerius reached out to grasp at Valeria's shirt, trembling fingers barely finding purchase on the expensive fabric. The food smelled tempting, his stomach decrying how empty it was with a gurgle, and he needed to take his medicine sooner than later but Valerius was more concerned with gently tugging Valeria down to sit on the bed with him. "Woke up... you were gone..." He croaked, lip trembling slightly. The unspoken plea to stay hung heavy between them

It was odd, being back in the outskirts of the city that had watched him grow up. The familiar twists and turns hadn't changed all that much, the increase of grime and debris unsurprising though the slight flooding of the cracked streets made his heart clench. The passage of time was written with calcium deposits on dilapidated walls and the cheers of unfamiliar voices echoing down the streets. But as he rounded the corner, the familiar caved in roof of a run down house calmed his heart and he leaned against the crumbling entryway. Among the rubble, a young boy sat with a toddler in his lap, the lump of flesh babbling away without a care in the world as the older giggled, grabbing those pudgy hands and waving them around in tune to the nonsense being spouted.

"Don't think that welp can understand you quite yet." Ivan snickered, watching his baby brother whip his head around so fast that he was slightly concerned that he might get whiplash. It was worth the bright eyed look that Roy gave him though as the younger scrambled to his feet though not without making sure he had a good grasp on the infant first.

"Ivan! Lay me down and stab me twice, why are you here? Did something happen? I thought for sure the rain would stop before you come calling!" Words tumbled out of Roy's mouth at a mile a minute, questions thrown out that could be answered but Ivan couldn't even find it in himself to be to be frustrated, instead the nostalgia of it all making his smile even fonder.

"Cool the jets, wonder boy. What's with the kid? Did you finally grow enough balls to knock a doll up?" He snickered, peering at the oddly well behaved kid who wasn't even crying despite the sudden new face. Even at a glance it was obvious to anyone that it was highly unlikely that this was Roy's biological child, for one the baby looked nothing like his baby brother, but also basic biology and environmental factors meant that it was all but impossible for his almost 14 year old kid brother to have ever fathered anyone. It didn't mean that he couldn't tease though, finding it hilarious to watch Roy's pale face flush a vibrant red, made all the more notable by his naturally thin skin

Tripping over his words as he sputtered out denial after excuse, Ivan leaned back to unabashedly laugh at his brother's floundering, the protests fading into a pout as Roy realized it was a dig at his expense. "Geez, even getting a job doesn't make a bully a saint..." Roy huffed, rearranging the babe into a more comfortable position. "Nah, this little one was left by an idiot I'd love to have choice words to give who thought it would be a swell ol' idea to birth a whole baby but didn't want nothing to do with her after. Can't be no older than two years and even at that age, Madame was still bellyaching 'bout me." Even as he groused over the reality they had all known from a young age, Roy still held a hand up for the babe to try and gnaw on with a gummy smile.

It was weird, seeing someone who was basically a baby take care of another baby, but even if Ivan hated to admit it, Roy was growing up and this was irrefutable proof of it. Around this time next year, Roy would finally be living with him in the city. They'd finally be out of this ditch poor neighbourhood that had housed them for so long, able to live normal lives. But it also meant that childhood memories would stay just that as the ones who belonged in them grew into proper adults.

It was bittersweet, Ivan reminisced as the baby finally succeeded in chomping down on a pale finger

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Posted: Wed, 03/07/2024 02:21 (3 Months ago)
Fall winds tended to be nice and crisp, the dry winds that came from summer heat was cooling down yet not brisk enough for a winter chill. The step of leaves underfoot crunching in a satisfying hop was the things of dreams, a small luxury that he had never gotten to experience. Despite the chill that permeated the season, his hands were warm as someone dragged him along, twirling among the fields of yellow roses and azalea bushes. A high clear laugh left him as he let himself be dragged along, the joy that nestled warmly under his breast unfamiliar and addicting as he chased after it with abandon, leaping and caterwauling through scenery that blended together into a eclectic blur of colours and sensations, the once delicate scent of flowers that barely tickled his throat turning into warmth and home. This was his paradise, a place where he would willingly fall headfirst into each and every time if only to taste the heavy coating of glycol once again.

Valerius shot up with a gasp, heavy coughs wracking his chest as he bent over to hack and spit through the water that had flooded fragile lungs during the night. Fisting the plush quilt that had nearly been thrown off in the haste, Valerius took a rattling breath and launched into another round of full bodied coughs. His head spun viciously even as his coughs subsided, throat rubbed raw with the force of them as he took in shaking gasps. His chest still felt tight and wound up but as he clutched the thin nightgown soaked through with sweat, he felt each rise and fall come easier and easier to him, yet the yawning emptiness never quite left.

Snapping his head up, Valerius desperately looked around, ignoring the fact that the sun was already high in the sky and he had definitely overslept. The bed felt too large for him alone and the darkness that dropped their room in dappled light as thin silk curtains did little to block out the morning light seemed even longer than normal. Toys were put away neatly, leaving the stained wood flooring immaculate and free of dust, all the chairs pushed into grand hand carved desks, and even the door that led out to the cold house remained shut tight. Clutching the fabric under his hands even tighter, Valerius whimpered softly, the sound barely squeaking out of his sore throat as he curled into himself in the middle of the empty room.


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Posted: Tue, 02/07/2024 05:18 (3 Months ago)
Grasping the dagger with shaking hands, Hinata clutched it tightly as he glanced down to notice that Tyler was beginning to slow. "Um... If I'm too heavy..." She whimpered, flushing at the thought that she had grown heavy enough that carrying him had gone too much. Of course, partially it was the tail, no matter how much Hinata ate, all the weight just went straight to silvery spiked tail that seemed to grow plumper and heavier each time Hinata picked it up as it dragged around the ground. But on the other hand, if Hinata really was getting heavier well that was just embarrassing to find out when someone's carrying you!

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