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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Wed, 16/10/2024 01:55 (11 Hours ago)
4:22 PM

He shut his scriptbook, continuing to eat his energy bar that always seemd to be right there when he needed it, in his bag,

There was no acknowledgement of her exitence, just a quiet pondering in his stillness.

his hair was more tousled, unkempt than it was usually. His clothes were baggier. There were bags under his eyes.

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 14:59 (4 Days ago)
4:21 PM

Nobody really saw Jackson for about a week.

When he came back, he was... different.

There was something about him, still light-hearted and cheerful, but something heavy was behind his every action.

Everyone knew the situation, about how strict his parents were.

It came through especially in Theater.

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Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 01:30 (9 Days ago)
7:42 AM

He was in deep shit.

he'd been sitting in the dean's office for about 30 minutes now, his mother sitting beside him.

He sighed almost imperceptibly.

Why'd he even bother to try and care about her?

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Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 01:20 (9 Days ago)
12:04 AM

He paused.

he stared at her for a minute. Then two. Then...

"...This is why nobody likes you."

he said, simply. He said it like it was just a simple fact.


he shrugged.

"Alright. if that's what you want, alright. That's fine."

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Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 01:13 (9 Days ago)
12:02 PM

Silence for a few moments.

"...Persephone, why would I pay for that?"

he titled his head slightly.

"You did it, not me."

His voice was calm and even.

"...Whod' believe you?"

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Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 01:00 (9 Days ago)
12:01 PM


jackson stared at her for a moment, as she yanked the door off its hinges.

"...wow. Get those anger issues under check."

he muttered.

"...That's gonna take quite a bit to repair."

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Posted: Sun, 06/10/2024 18:40 (9 Days ago)
11:59 PM

He slowly trekked through the halls. It was cold as shit.

he sighed deeply, pulling the blanket tighter around himself, as he made his way over towards the gym.

There she was.

"... Persephone. Done sulking?"

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Posted: Sun, 06/10/2024 17:26 (9 Days ago)
11:52 PM

he heard footsteps.

It wasn't loud, but he definitely heard shuffling.

It was her. Of course it was.

He sighed, as he slowly got up. of course that moron would be wasting her energy like that.

He stretched, pulled the blanket tight arouns his shoulders, and exited the drama room, to look for Persephone.

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 18:44 (13 Days ago)
10:43 PM

Jackson leaned back, against the wall, blanket wrapped tightly around him. He flipped through his script, muttering to himself.

he sighed.

He was worried. That much was clear. Which was insane, to be worried about Persephone of all people. But... What could he do? She wouldn't listen.

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 17:33 (13 Days ago)
10:38 PM

"...Okay, then. That's alright, too."

he sighed deeply, turning away proper, footsteps retreating as he slowly left.

If she wouldn't listen, what was he supposed to do?

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 17:25 (13 Days ago)
10:37 PM

he paused for a few moments, waiting for some sort of acknowledgement.

"...Come on, Persephone."

He said.

"I'll ask you one last time. Then you can freeze to death, for all I care. come with me?"

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 04:27 (14 Days ago)

He was silent for a moment, then...

"Alright. I have water, something to eat, and a blanket I managed to find in the backroom. Just... come if you want. I don't know."

he sighed, as he turned away.

"Just tryna help."

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 03:03 (14 Days ago)
10:34 PM

He'd managed to start up the backup generator for the drama room, so it was warm enough. His bag lay against the wall, water bottle and energy bars carefully laid out. He himself was in the middle of the room, script in hand, practicing his lines.

Jackson sighed.

2 hours would be enough to let her simmer down, right?

He quietly made his way through the hallway, until he found the door she was hiding behind. It wasn't too hard, she left a very obvious trail.

He knocked on the door.

"Persephone? I got the backup generator working. Aren't you cold?"

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 02:55 (14 Days ago)
8:07 PM

"Fine! Whatever. Freeze to death. keep the fucking sweater for all I care."

Jackson sighed heavily, grabbing his bag off the floor. He carefully flattened out the pages of his script.

"nothing but a constant fucking nuisance."

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 02:42 (14 Days ago)

"Why don't you get my fucking name right, then, if you hate being called Percy so much?"

he snapped back, suddenly, calm annoyance flickering into anger.

"It's Jackson. Jackson Nichols. Jack. jackie. Jackson. Whatever. i don't care. But I'm not a Jordan, I'm not a Gavin, not a John, Jacob or Jingleheimer-Schmidt. Fucking hypocrite."

Jackson took a deep breath, calming himself. He watched as she slammed the door, as he raised his voice.

"I'm trying to make sure you don't get hurt. Okay?"

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 02:32 (14 Days ago)
8:05 PM, moments before Percy did something dumb.

"Wait, Percy, No-"

Before she coudl punch the Window, he got up, stopping her fist.

"Jesus fuck, Percy. What are you gonna do, smash your way through reinforced glass? All you're gonna do is hurt yourself."

he'd dropped his script. Shit. he kept such good care of it, too.

"I don't have a medkit in my bag."

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 02:23 (14 Days ago)

He hardly even reacted, just sighing.

He made his way to the other end of the room, sitting down across from her, as he pulled out his script.

he flicked through it quietly, not even bothering to give her any attention.

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 02:11 (14 Days ago)
8:04 PM

"...This is why i never even bother."

he sighed, pulling his box of energy bars out of his bag, pulling out a water bottle, and 2 plastic cups. He poured water into both of the cups, close dhis bottle, tossed it back in his bag, and got up.

"...If you were less of a bitch, I feel like we would have gotten along so well in some other universe."

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 02:04 (14 Days ago)
8:03 PM

"Hate? hardly, Percy. I don't hate you. You annoy me. But As much as you do, I don't hate you."

He tilted his head slightly, watching her carefully.

"You might hate me. I'm sure you do. But I don't feel that way towards you.

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 00:24 (14 Days ago)
res me oreo man

Hekate Mystborne



August 18th

the ultimite nihilist, Hekate struggles to find motivation to do anything of true meaning or value outside of existing. She yearns for some kind of- any kind of- emotional stimulus, which she so happens to find through violence. She's prone to extreme mood swings going from her normal calm, collected, depressing self into destructive rage in just a few moments.

Personality Type: [Optional.]

Description: [Short summary, link to an image, or picrew here.]
[]Height: 5'3
[]Weight: 94 Ibs
[]Skin Tone: pale
[]Hair Style: long, somewhat messy, wavy
[]Hair Colour: silvery-white with multicolored ends(red, pink, blue)
[]Eye Colour: purple
[]Clothes: Schoolgirl outfit(shes a good catholic girl)
[]Accessories: None.

Alone and abandoned.


Voice Claim:

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