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Medal Rally

Gotta win 'em all!

How it works

There are different categories in which you can win Medals in this Rally. A rally takes 14 days and a new one starts on the 1st and the 15th of every month. All Pokémon/Items have to be obtained during the current rally round.
All medals won are placed on your userpage.

Current Rally

Strongest Pokémon

Level: 304

Level: 257

Level: 264
Most Eggs hatched

1372 Eggs hatched

1047 Eggs hatched
Most Berries fed

286,344 Berries fed

254,649 Berries fed

227,321 Berries fed
Most Coinflip played*

Played 49,995 times

Played 43,527 times

Played 15,249 times
* Minimum bet: 100 Game Chips