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Wisteria Academy for Magic

Forum-Index Roleplay Wisteria Academy for Magic
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Thu, 02/09/2021 17:41 (3 Years ago)
Quote "Welcome to Wisteria Academy of Magic, a place where you can explore and develop your magical abilities! The whole School Grounds are free for you to access, and we have plenty of training areas suited to each of your abilities. The only thing I ask of you, is for you to do your very best, and have fun! Today will be your day off, so you can explore the castle and get to know each other. Please go to the Hall for Lunch, and I'll sort you into your houses. "

It's your first day at Wisteria Academy and you are super excited! You dismount from your carriage, and walk into the building, and spot many unfamiliar people. You are very nervous, but excited at the same time, looking at all the people who could be potential friends. As you step into the Hall, a sense of happiness washes over you, this could be the start of a magical adventure!

~~~~My character post is in progress....you can still post.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 02/09/2021 20:27 (3 Years ago)
Freja looked around at the ginormous school looming before her, as Eren fluttered around her head. With a small chuckle, she nodded at him, and he sped off, soaring over the school and out of sight. He had ridden in the carriage with her- she didn't want him to get lost. He had hated it, though, it was like being in a cage. She felt bad, but she thought it was for the best. Turning her attention back to the school, she allowed herself a smile. It was a new day, with a new school, she'll finally be able to hone her skills! Even though she held magical abilities, Freja had always been interested in potions making and witchcraft. She hoped there were classes for those here. Maybe at this school they'll finally be able to explain to her why she keeps turning into a broomstick, when she actually wanted to turn into a dog. But no one would believe her. Maybe these people will.

Thanking the carriage men who helped her with her luggage, she took a step forward, and then another, until she was walking with considerable pace alongside the hundreds of other students that got in. Her suitcase made soft clicking noises as it rolled across the pavement, and her bags felt heavier than ever, but somehow, as she entered this enormous building, she wasn't afraid in the slightest.

Freja groaned. She had been wandering the entire academy for what felt like hours now, and she still had not found the Lunch Hall. She had asked around multiple times, but nobody could give her simple enough directions in this humongous place. She recalled they had described it as "The big fancy doors to the right," but Amura knows what that meant. Most of the halls were empty by now- probably because everyone has already found the Hall. With another sigh, she took another right, expecting to find more stairs, when to her surprise, a large and fancy doorway opened up to her, revealing the Lunch Hall and all of the students with it. Relief flooded through her. She wasn't late. Her mind racing with excitement, though somehow she managed to keep her expression blank, Freja walked over to one of the large seating tables and chose a spot, waiting for the day to begin.

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Fri, 03/09/2021 02:48 (3 Years ago)
As Admin stepped out of the carriage's cabin, he blinked as he saw the huge castle looming over him. He suddenly felt very small. But he shrugged the feeling off as he unloaded his suitcase from the back of the carriage. As he lugged his suitcase to the entrance, he felt slightly warm, as slight tendrils of fire creeped toward him from the torches on either side of the entrance. He dispersed the fire from around him, and sent it back to the torches. "Well," he said, as he started to walk though the entrance. "Guess it's time to go in." And he walked through the entrance.
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 69
Posted: Fri, 03/09/2021 09:25 (3 Years ago)
Tunla looks out of the carriage's window, in sheer amazement of the academy. Around, she spots some other students, only to open her acceptance letter. "Me... in this place? Well, I'm sure as all going to have a blast of a time!" With those words, the carriage stops and Tunla charges out of the carriage with a shoulder bash, flinging the door open and running towards the castle, charging past the other students into the building, only then starting to walk normally.

You know the first rule in combat? shoot them before they shoot you.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 03/09/2021 18:08 (3 Years ago)
A large, dark panelled carriage, with mahogany walls, and dark tinted glass, came to a standstill. The door opened quietly, and a tall girl stepped out of it, an expression of worry carved permanently into her porcelain face. She walked quietly to the large oak door, taking no notice of her surroundings. Lin wore a simple green turtleneck jumper, pale yellow shirt and slim jeans, as to not attract attention to herself.

After conversing with a teacher for a bit, she learnt the basic layout of the school, and vaguely knew where her dorm was located. She walked further on for a few minutes, until finding a room to her left. The girl took a deep breath, and entered. The common room was empty so far, much to her relief, and the décor was pleasing as well. There were pale green papered walls and a wood panelled floor inside, with a small mahogany bookshelf filled with books. A large lamp hung from the ceiling, emitting a soft yellow glow throughout the room. A small ruby-red rug took up a small portion on the floor, and a large royal-blue armchair stood on top of it.

Lin decided to sit there for a while, rummaging through her luggage for a good book.
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 69
Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 15:12 (3 Years ago)
Tunla charges around the yard again, constantly running around a respectable speed while hopping occasionally and then charging into a tree with a large thunder strike, leaving a little burn mark on it, while she stumbles back and falls down on her rear, then cheering. "Wooo! Even the trees got sturdier here! I can let loose all I want!"
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 15:38 (3 Years ago)
Lin rubbed her face, trying to remove all signs of her fatigue. She would rather go for a nap, but she waited patiently for her dorm mates to arrive, so she could get to know them better. She sighed as she opened a battered book of hers, the golden letters of the title fading. "Greek Mythology" it read, and she remembered back when she was little, reading this every day. Lin would've never dreamed of the myths becoming reality. Werewolves, The Oracle of Delphi, Medusa, even a Goddess! All in her family. A small smile appeared on her face at the thought.

Flicking through yellow-ish pages, she grew immersed in the colourful illustrations and words, and began to imagine herself becoming each creature. Lin glanced nervously at a black mark on her arm, a bite mark, rather. It had been there since she was little...when it happened.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,087
Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 17:54 (3 Years ago)
The carriage ride to this new school was uneventful for Channing who had spent most of it taking a nap. He was woken up by the jerk accompanied with the carriage's sudden halt, letting out a small grunt as it did. Without saying a word, he collected his things and exited the carriage and soon found himself taken back by the mere size of the school before him. Coming out of his starstruck gaze of the school, he reminded himself that he was supposed to gather with the other students in the Lunch Hall and went on his way to find it.

Walking through the yard, he noticed a... peculiar individual who'd practically body slammed a tree with seemingly no repercussion. 'I'll be staying away from that psycho...' he thought, noticing a burn mark left behind on the tree from the impact and worrying for the safety of his own body being scorched by her.

Once he had made his way inside the building, he found himself overwhelmed from the size of the school. "Lunch Hall... Lunch Hall..." he repeatedly muttered to himself, looking around for some sort of map or signs anywhere that could lead him where he was supposed to be. He noticed a few other students who'd peaked his interest in the search for the Lunch Hall; one he noticed seemed to have some sort of "control of fire" power as the torches around him extinguished before lighting almost immediately afterwards; another with long black hair in what he would call a biker's outfit he ended up quietly trailing figuring she'd probably known at least some direction to the Lunch Hall but not wanting to converse with her-- or anyone for that matter-- at the particular moment in time.

He watched the other student in the biker outfit enter the Lunch Hall, smirking some as he didn't have to work too hard at finding it himself because of it- just creepily follow a stranger without saying a word like some sort of stalker or something, easy. Channing waited about half a minute after the doors behind her closed to follow her in, though choosing to sit a bit farther down from where she had sat in case she noticed him following her and just didn't say anything about it.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 69
Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 18:05 (3 Years ago)
Tunla's belly rumbled a little, as she then proceeds to walk to the Lunch Hall as well, causally walking to it but then bashing the doors open again and gasping at the size of the hall. "So big... I love it already!" She exclaimed, charging at the nearest bench and sitting down, pulling a lunch bag from the guard before holstering it. "Ahh... time for a deserving lunch!" She pulls out a sandwich and begins eating it, waving at other students during her somewhat messy lunch.

You know the first rule in combat? shoot them before they shoot you.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 19:29 (3 Years ago)
After a short period of time, Lin heaved a quiet sigh and headed to the Lunch Hall, sitting on a table by herself. Opening a small black lunchbag with green leaf patterns, she glanced at her surroundings. Lin took notice of the extraordinary powers around her, and she smiled slightly. She started to eat some Lamb Kleftiko that her mother made for her. A small frown replaced her usual smile at the thought of powers. Lin could never show hers, people would hate her for what she was....what she could do. Light flickered off her chocolate hair as a cloud of sadness enveloped the girl. A small pearly tear threatened to spill.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Sun, 05/09/2021 02:22 (3 Years ago)
In the low chatter of the campus, a sudden loud bark broke through the din as a fairly tubby yet fit dog shot through the legs of chatting students, bowling some over in her haste as the light clicking of claws and excited whines was the only indication of her rampage of chaos across the school. This dog was certainly a hunting dog, bred and born for running long distances as her spry muscles moved under the warm tan fur that brushed through legs and around corners. Indigent squawks and cries followed the dog as she lept and bounded through corridors and feet. Truly an agent of chaos who must be stopped!

"Willow!" A sharp voice rang out, the gremlin finally swept up in sturdy arms. Rings clinked together as the grip on the wriggling pup was adjusted to better cradle her, her owner grunting at how heavy she was getting. "It's the first day and you're already making trouble for me. Ridiculous." With a huff, a leash was attached to the squirming dog, the neck of which was attached to an armband around her owner's wrist. "Come girl. Let's get you fed before you decide to tear down the place in search for food."

Haruto hadn't expected Willow to be so excitable having shot out of the carriage the moment the Liu heir had opened the door. He had thought that Willow was better trained that that but he supposed that the new environment had just been too tempting and Willow couldn't resist exploring the sights. With a grunt, she was set down and almost immediately Haruto tripped over his feet as Willow shot forward, straining against her leash. Swearing softly under his breath, Haruto let Willow lead him, jogging lightly to keep up with her. He could feel people gaping at him as he kept pace with his hunting dog, stares burning into his back and Haurto could only sneer at them as he passed, heavy duffel bag holding his meager belongings thumping against his back. Let them stare, what did Haruto care about the opinions of the common folk. They were beneath him anyways if all they knew how to do is gossip behind his back.

Willow's paws scrabbled against the doorway labeled "Lunch Hall" and Haruto scooped the unruly dog up in his arms before she could cause any trouble, holding her close before opening the door. Cold grey eyes surveyed his surroundings before Haruto stepped into the hall and took the seat in the corner, closest to the door. Knees touching and back straight just as Mother had taught him to sit, Willow was set down beside her master and the dog obediently sat as prim and properly as her owner, regarding the room closely. More wary gazes were shot his way but Haruto ignored them in favor of feeding Willow venison, idly brushing fur off his Michi leggings. Really, no one present in the room was of any threat to Haruto despite how much others seemed to want to physically fight him. The Ruthenium scabbard with Palladium bossing depicting a soaring phoenix that casually hung off his hip would deter anyone really

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Sun, 05/09/2021 22:45 (3 Years ago)
As Admin walked into the Lunch Hall, he saw clusters of students coming in, and others sitting at the tables. Probably older students. He sat on a table with no students and sat down there, and pulled a book out of his suitcase. "Welp. I should probably just wait here. Hope this place might be cool."
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Mon, 06/09/2021 13:58 (3 Years ago)
For Valleri Johnson, one thing was always constant: waking up after Raye. The albino raccoon was more diurnal than nocturnal, however he still woke up at the first light of the morning. He wasn't fat, per se, but he most surely was not thin. Yawning and stretching, Raye blinked the sleep from his eyes and stood, stumbling up the length of Valleri's bed to sit on her chest and try to wake her up. That event included poking, nudging, licking, pulling and grabbing to see what might make the albino's friend wake up that day.

Valleri, though, woke up rapidly, nearly vibrating with excitement when he glanced at the dayspread next to her bed. This odd calendar said it was- Oh! Valleri quickly leapt out of bed, incidentally throwing the blankets over Raye, and changed from her pajamas into a more public look: an anonymous long sleeve and sweat pants. Running into the front most room of her abode, she smelled breakfast already done and ready to eat. As usual, it was devoured by both raccoon and human. A school bag, fully packed by Valleri herself, sat near the door. It was scooped up and filled even more when a plump raccoon was set inside.
Of course, that was before the carriage ride.

Valleri had always done fairly well with motion, though she was also usually walking or jogging to her destinations. Her leg bounced as she rode along, unable to sit still until the wagon came to a stuttering halt. Standing up and dismounting, Valleri looked around with wide eyes. There were so many people! And of course, the half-zipped bag on her back started to rustle, a bright white snout poking out and sniffing the air furiously. Evidently, there were so many scents as well.

Continuing with her suddenly hesitant charge, Valleri jumped ever so slightly at the random yelps and cries, each sound sending her into a momentary panic before she realized what it was. "Don't know what I was expecting, Raye... But it certainly wasn't this many people..." Ducking past a large collection of chattering students, Valleri at last made it to the grand entrance of the academy. Turning around, she faced the crowd behind her in disbelief. She'd never seen so many people in one place!

Once more turning on her heel, the student continued inwards towards what she hoped would be a long and educational year.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Tue, 07/09/2021 08:19 (3 Years ago)
As Haruto fed Willow the last of her lunch, gently scratching her scruff as he let her lave her rough tongue against his equally rough palm, a low growl rumbled through his hunting hound, the sound shaking his wrist with its intensity. A shadow fell over the two and Haruto sighed to gently rub Willow and sooth her before steel eyes flickered up to glare at the offender. "O'Neil." He greeted dryly.

"Liu." Was the equally dry response, coming from a very unimpressed and uninspiring face. Britney O'Neil was a tick that no matter how much Haruto tried would not come off. No matter how much blood she took, she would never be satisfied. Case in point, Britney had been bugging Haruto ever since their shared childhood. "You're looking slightly better than a drowned cat."

Haruto's only response was an eye roll, one finger tapping against the embossed scabbard in warning. Willow's barred teeth was much more aggressive the firm hand her master had on her head kept her back. "If you want a fight, make an appointment." He intoned, resisting the urge to roll his eyes and sigh. Quite a feat. Someone, please give him a medal. "By the way, have you found the way to the infirmary? You might be needing that knowledge soon."

There was an short squeak as Haruto's chair was kicked back by centimeters, barely enough to jostle him as Britney sneered. "Daddy isn't here to fight your battles for you, Xiao Boli. Your fancy sword and empty threats doesn't scare me so its lights our little S-"

"I'm very scared. Positively shaking in my runners. Don't hurt me." With a very restrained roll of his eyes, the modest pommel of Haruto's sword digging into Britney's stomach cutting her off mid-word. The girl folded with a wet gurgle, slumping over Haruto's shoulder. "Ridiculous. Causing trouble on the first day." Letting Britney slide into Haruto's seat, the male rising seamlessly, he clicked his tongue to get Willow to follow. Someone would take care of Britney, Haruto couldn't care less.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 07/09/2021 17:24 (3 Years ago)
Freja glanced around as more people arrived in the Lunch Hall. The windows high above revealed a glittering daylight sun, and she thought she spotted Eren's figure as he soared about and scoped out the campus. She allowed herself a feeble smile. Everything was going fine so far. She didn't want to jinx it, though, so she prohibited those thoughts from proceeding farther into her mind. Instead, she brought out her lunch, a traditional meal consisting of Ahrabok meat and a tray of Misulpels. It was one of her favorites to cook at home with her Ma, and she was glad she was able to bring it with her. As she ate, she noticed particular individuals as they arrived, even as she tried to brush them off. She nearly scoffed. She couldn't help but feel on guard among all these strangers, with all different powers. She didn't know what to expect or how to prepare, and that scared her, so she put up a defensive wall and hid behind a shell of deflective anger, pushing everyone away. The only reason she actually accepted the letter to come here was because her sister convinced her to go, and she had reluctantly obliged to her request.

As the delicious lunch slowly disappeared from her plate as she ate, Freja glanced around the large room. She assumed this was one of the largest rooms in the school, though she couldn't be sure with how vast the place was. She longed to get outside and transform, to fly with Eren, but she had to finish her meal. It was common courtesy to eat all that was given to you, even if she made this lunch herself. She felt less of an appetite than before, now, but she continued to eat. She figured if she just got up and left she would be able to find her dorm on her own, maybe with the help of a few staff. Excitement at the prospect of exploring this place further spurring her on, she quickly finished her food and shot a quick glance around. It was alright to excuse herself from the table, right? She wouldn't get in too much trouble if she walked around for a bit? She came to the realization that she didn't actually much care, and with a swift and final gaze around the Hall, she picked up her things from beneath the table where she had stored them, as she hadn't had time to place them in her dorm, stood up, and walked out of the Lunch Hall.

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Tue, 07/09/2021 22:12 (3 Years ago)
While some were leaving the Lunch Hall, others were still filing in. That included Valleri, a small presence at her back sniffing and placing his paws on her head. "Raye, for goodness sake, settle down. I can smell food as well, and we had breakfast a while ago. Just be patient. Alright?" Raye's scrambling and snuffling slowed and halted, the heavy animal jerking Valleri's backpack down as he fall back in. "Good boy." There was a definite humph of reluctant acceptance, though the raccoon made no more attempts to climb on top of Valleri. Marching towards what seemed to be a sample of the academy's menu for the year.

As expected, Valleri was not at all disappointed. The food was scrumptious at the first bite, and Raye seemed to enjoy it as well. The albino sat atop the table, grabbing small paw-fulls of the meal while his companion picked away at it with proper utensils. Of course, the scene didn't go unnoticed. Even without looking, Valleri could tell there were eyes on her and her chubby friend before her. There was no helping it, really. After all, it wasn't every day someone saw an albino raccoon eating from a short girl's plate. What was there to do?

Nothing, Valleri decided.
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 69
Posted: Sat, 11/09/2021 21:54 (3 Years ago)
Tunla smiled, all this wonderful commotion and drama around her gave her a weird sense of fitting in. Somehow... although that resulted in her hopping in excitement once and discharging some electricity by accident, sparking everyone's hair in a two-bench radius.

You know the first rule in combat? shoot them before they shoot you.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Sun, 12/09/2021 01:11 (3 Years ago)
Haruto was glad that the earlier scuffle hadn't drawn too much attention to himself. It wasn't like he was uncomfortable with all eyes on him, it was simply another part of his life, but he certainly didn't like it. A light crackle in the air was all the warning that Haruto got, however, as he was traveling between spaces to find somewhere else to sit before the elastic of his hair tie snapped, leaving the back of his neck stinging. Haruto had to pause at that, hand coming up to rub and the light pain before freezing. He hadn't quite realized that his hair was thick enough that his elastic had been struggling to keep it all tied up and with the sudden electricity, the elastic had simply given up and sent silky hair cascading down his back. Even his braids had come undone, leaving him looking quite like Sadako, murderous aura and all.

With jerky movements that could only be described as seething rage, Haruto yanked his unruly hair into submission and wrangled it into a messy bun. Really, such an appearance was unbecoming of someone who looked like he came from old money. (He did, but that wasn't really the point.) It wasn't hard either to spot the culprit of this accident if the lightning motifs crudely sown into the ratty dress was anything to go by. His hand gripped the handle of his sword as he glared at Tunla, eyes memorizing her face, before whirling away with a huff to stalk towards and empty seat. Willow was right on his heels, her short fur having thankfully been spared from the electricity.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 69
Posted: Sun, 12/09/2021 06:57 (3 Years ago)
Tunla giggled again, when she heard a buzzing sound not unfamiliar to her. It was a wasp close by, flying around her. Now, Tunla was a friend of most things living... wasps were the exception though. With an irrational thought, she started charging with her shield again, right past Haruto and leaving a fading electric (and because she moved now electromagnetic), spiking up hair again and now sending cutlery her way, from which she shields herself.

You know the first rule in combat? shoot them before they shoot you.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Sun, 12/09/2021 08:41 (3 Years ago)
It really was thanks to Mother and the upbringing she gave him that kept Haruto from braining himself on the shield, twisting his body smoothly to give more space between his head and the projectile. He whirled around, snarl on his lips and ready to chew out whoever would throw an oversized metal dinner plate at his head, sword half drawn. But before the first scathing reprimand could leave his tongue, something crashed into the back of his head with a vengeance, sending the elder stumbling and loosening his messy bun. The butter knife clattered to the ground and that seemed to be all the encouragement that Haruto needed to go absolutely feral, grey eyes flashing with anger and wild hair in mussed disarray.

With two long strides, sneakers squeaking noisily against the ground, Haruto reached out to roughly yank Tunla towards him, rings clacking together at the force and lips twisted into a growl that spoke volumes despite no words being passed between them. Behind him, Willow had taken cover under a chair, holes bored into her master's back as the loyal hound kept a sharp eye out for him. "Incorrigible! The first day and you already make trouble not just for me but for those around you! Your powers are strong yet you seem determined to allow those powers to run amok. I understand that learning to controlling these powers is the reason why we attend this Academy in the first place, yet you seem intent on setting the bar on the ground. Absolutely Ridiculous. Impenitent. You could be so much better and yet!" It was almost impressive how Haruto continued to berate Tunla even as cutlery pelted his back, producing an odd staccato like cadence to his verbal lashing. To give credit where credit was due, however, even with the odd vocal inflections Haruto still appeared properly threatening, long black locks bracketing the pair in as he glared at Tunla with sharp eyes. That effect was promptly ruined when a fork beaned Haruto in the head tines first, cutting the boy off mid-rant at the sharp sting and familiar viscus crawl of beading blood.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•