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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2024 10:23 (4 Days ago)
tytytytytytyyyyyy <3
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Having an inconsistent age is quite bizarre and Iteral would know that. While nice at any age (except maybe her teen years), her compassion is usually strongest when over 65 years old, even feeding cats on their nightly stroll. Though this should by no means imply that she's weakest, far from it.

Dementia might make her forget to hold back.

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Posted: Wed, 09/10/2024 13:49 (6 Days ago)
Username: ~Waveshaper~
Drawing Type: fullbody
Preference: (yes it is funny that the ref is also done by you) You know about Iteral, so here is the thing. I would like to commision a ref for her old self. (between 65 and 80 years old, clock on her hat is close to midnight, grey hair, anything else you can add! and... maybe her shadow being a slight indicator that she is strongest when old!)
Password: Chronia seems pretty dope!
Tip (optional!): imma pay 80k if that's fine

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2024 18:25 (2 Months ago)
On this momentous day of finality, Adara starts the day like any other. Seems like the overwhelming atmosphere of anxiety, tear-ridden goodbyes and painful decisions of what dress to wear just flies over the future village leader like leaves from a tree... so she starts the day as any other.

Wash your face, slap it twice to wake up properly, put on the leotard, check height and weight... perfect, still a perfect 173 kg. Then, her workout starts: Run a lap around Banarit, done in around two minutes. Then at least permanently damage one training dummy... hope they don't mind it missing its head. Eh, she puts it next to it, they'll figure out anyway. Then, a more endurance-based jog around and through the whole academy grounds, with the occasional village mantra thrown in there.

From hottest hells to coldest winters, the village stands with no one to hinde. I protect it with my final breath, Sala and their traditions will not be forgotten, protected by will and strength. (Translated from her home language, so it doesn't rhyme perfectly.)

When reciting her mantra, even her chitinous antennae "crown" recites it... but only insects and such would even notice. And this is how she runs through all the facilities, twice.

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Posted: Tue, 02/07/2024 20:45 (3 Months ago)
One for now, I cannot decide on the other.
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Name: Adara Firtina

Gender: female

Age: 29

Birthday: May 1st

Role: Adult

Personality: A leader at heart and confident in her own abilities, Adara usually is judged as the "go in, ask later" kind of brute. In actuality, she is more of a "ask questions during the fight" kind, as her emotions guide her towards a swift conflict resolve. Nevertheless, she does have a soft heart that can be appealed to with enough empathy... or tears. Emotions are her weakness, how poetic.

Personality Type: ENFJ-A


[]Height: 6'8 | 203 cm
[]Weight: 257 lbs | 117 kg
[]Skin Tone: brown & heavily tanned
[]Hair Style: large mane, full of volume, reaches to her hips
[]Hair Colour: white with red tips and black dots (inverse of "grey hair", small hairs of her turn black)
[]Eye Colour: yellow/black
[]Clothes: for fighting, the leotard; casually, a red tank top and black shorts, sometimes a red overcoat when too cold
[]Accessories: A red crown that is mostly hidden in her hair except the front part, bandages on her right thigh and left arm

History: A strong will born into a world that might not support it, Adara's childhood was plagued by wars and adversities... but with a will stronger than steel and tenacity unmatched, the young girl quickly made a name for herself as being particularly thick-headed. And training her body to reflect that, she rose to the position of village leader at the age of 21. However, strength and defenses are not enough to save them from poverty or famines, which is why she came ot Suecester a while ago to request aid, though bureaucracy loves to stretch that process out... and her position does not allow her to barge in or participate in mobs. But with the new crisis, maybe this is the push she needs to start taking action.

Sexuality: homosexual

Voice Claim: Illaoi - Turkish

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Posted: Tue, 25/06/2024 22:39 (3 Months ago)
Reserve a spot? Make room. :)

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2024 22:01 (3 Months ago)
This page is unique, in that it is instead a letter that is taped to the page. It folds open as soon as the page fully opens, the ink is aged but the calligraphy is borderline divine.

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Dear Aeterna,

I write to you in an act of dejection. I know I have not been a great mother to you, and it would be somewhat foolish to ask for you to simply forget what has happened. You do weave time like a bird would air... but I write to you with a purpose no less. It is time that you learn something.

The Garden has a large tree, perhaps you have seen it. The Tree of Life, you might know it as Yggdrasil, the Tree of Immortality, so on, so on. But what you might not know is that it is not just a joint between heaven and hell... it is an imprint. Every living being, from the smallest bacteria to the largest of beasts are memorized in the tree. But, oh dear daughter, it is so much more.

When you cut something off the Tree, it not only fades from memory... but from existence. Just a few seconds, that is all it takes to annihilate an entire species, no, an entire class of beings. And nobody will be there to remember it. And while the Tree is growing, a disease is also spreading... and the only way of halting that disease, is to cut off the infected branch. But you cannot cure the Tree, the disease always returns, usually in a close-by branch of similar taxonomy. Many years ago however...

You might know the species. Mammals, reptiles, etc. You may remember six, but there is a seventh. It is where most of the beings come from that you think of fictitious. From the mighty dragons of the East to the large Velociraptors of the West, even the dashing unicorns of North, they are not as distant in the past as you think they are. But perhaps, you may know already... for you have not only been blessed by my father's temporal powers but also been named after that species.
The seventh main species, the elusive and extinct... Aeterna species.

Another reason why Gaia has forced me to cast you out, for somehow you were spared from the Tree's erasure. She thought of you as an act against the Garden, against the Tree. The meddling of your mortal father was only the reason that your grandmother needed to reason to the others why I should abandon you but when the large branch of Aeterna was cut but you remained, she felt threatened.

I do not ask you to forgive me, or her. I know you well enough that you either have already or will never stop to. But it is only recently that I have realized, you are not an affront to Gaia, the Tree of Life or me. You are your grandfather's blood through and through, and even though the Tree can erase entire existences and memories, they cannot erase history that easily. And while the species Aeterna no longer exists for us, the memory that is you does. And as long as you do, the many timelines that you permeate will as well in some shape or form.

Gaia thought you would endanger the Garden. Tempest knew that you would save it across many times.

And I could not ask for a better person to do that... than my firstborn daughter and time weaver extraordinaire.
Aeterna Aelius,
I love you.

Mona Aelius
Goddess of the Stars and Proud Mother

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Posted: Sun, 23/06/2024 23:52 (3 Months ago)
Ambrose yawns and shakes his head. "I will hand her the dress tomorrow. She told me to not approach her at this time, I presume she's either busy or asleep. I'll keep the dress in my quarters and, if sleep does not wrap around me, maybe I'll work on a little something. What about you, will you be sleeping soon as well?"

Adara meanwhile isn't sleeping yet. She was outside, sitting on a bench deep in thought. Her thoughtful rumbling sounds like a mix of "hmm" sounds and termites eating through wood... she doesn't even notice people passing by.

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Posted: Sat, 22/06/2024 20:52 (3 Months ago)
"Well, Adara allowed me to make use of the remaining fur and it seems like she has saved up quite a lot. Would a handful suffice?" Ambrose asks, already trying to think what to make of. Scarf, gloves... mmmh, it's not the season for those. Then again, with how posh his family is, it might work. Eh, he's got some to spare anyway. So, he just opens the box and holds it towards her.

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Posted: Sat, 22/06/2024 09:09 (3 Months ago)
Adara yawns, one of the brief instances where her voice was accompanied by another noise... that noise was startlingly loud, a deep rumble combined with a louder insect-like grumble. Someone behind her could even see something move on her back before she stands up. "Thanks for the girl's night. If your poshness allows it, let's do another." With those words, she left and actually goes to the cafeteria again but passes through most classrooms. All while "humming" a tune with her insect grumbles.

Ambrose meanwhile keeps sewing, his ears were paying attention though. A good actor can do more than one thing at once, or at least switch between multiple things rapidly. But he had nothing to add right now, it seemed like a classic third-act misunderstanding for him (even though the first act hasn't even passed) but, it was not his play, so he lets them do their thing. Going with a rough estimate... yeah, this should (hopefully) fit Adara.

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Posted: Thu, 20/06/2024 13:43 (3 Months ago)
"Are you entitled to a good reputation despite your past?" Ambrose replies, not certain at first if Scarlett even talks to him. But then again, a good actor has to face the audience sometimes and not the person he's talking to..! So he just keeps sewing, before having to stop to make gestures with his hands. He might have forgotten how wide Adara's waist is. "Nobody is, especially not the ones that have not tried to make amends with their past. The best you can do is find a trusting friend who can help you... and go from there."

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Posted: Thu, 20/06/2024 10:37 (3 Months ago)
Ambrose did nothing much, though in his ears, her accusations sounded more like the dastardly plans of a stage villain. "You cannot stop me, for I, Legion, have murdered children and danced on their graves!"- kind of situation. Though it would be rude to leave a stage like that unattended. "Regret means you regained conscience. But have you tried bal-" He was interrupted by Astrophel, turning slightly and watching them leave... and Scarlett's outburst. Such energy, devotion to a role! He continues. "If you cry about the past, nothing gets done. If you dwell on it, you only get sad. If you go from it though, you might atone for it." In his mind, this was a little side thing they were doing. Could be a good opera... Therapy of a Scoundrel.

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Posted: Wed, 19/06/2024 07:55 (3 Months ago)
"When developing a character, you mustn't just give them a purpose." Ambrose chuckles and extends a hand to illustrate his point, it was full with an unused amount of moth fur. "You need a chain of emotions to lead to the purpose. A tyrant's wish is to unite everyone under their banner of command, a jealous boyfriend's drive is the safety of his girl. And a kidnapper... well, nobody says they cannot have reason either. It is twisted but still, they follow their own chain of reason no less." He sighs, as the ball of moth fur slowly transformed into a little sleeve. "Does that excuse them? Of course not. But sometimes, it does let you have a glimpse... in the inner workings. I remember a storyteller..." He lifts his head to Scarlett, smiling. "Cruel and heartless fun still requires a heart."

Adara meanwhile sighs, rolling her eyes and making a few... "grumbly insect noises" could be the best word for her sounds. "Mona, I want you to make Kendo blush. And Kendo, you cannot blush on purpose."

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 14:13 (3 Months ago)
"Fine by me." Adara crosses her arms this time, returning to her normal sitting position. She was neither too concerned, nor invested enough to care. If Athena wants to suffer a life of mediocrity and unfulfilled desires, that is her idea. "... Mona's turn, I guess."

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 12:13 (3 Months ago)
"..." Adara still stares, Athena can see that her little black cross in the midst of the yellow scalera was briefly pulsating, as if she was detecting something. In reality though, it was just a little thing she can do, the moth equivalent of vibrating pupils. "Final answer?"

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 12:07 (3 Months ago)
"You're not answering my question." Adara replies, this time a little more serious than before. "I asked you, if you're proud of it or would rather have a different job..." She slowly leans over to Athena, her yellow eyes piercing through and through.

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 11:51 (3 Months ago)
"Aw, that's a boring answer. Second wind, new question." Adara thinks again. "You proud of being a princess? Or rather'd be something else?"

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 10:27 (3 Months ago)
Adara thinks for a little. Then smiles. "Did or do you have a crush on someone?" Then, she turns as much as possible to Kendo without interrupting Mona's work, raising an eyebrow. "... an odd-looking girl."

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 05:23 (3 Months ago)
"Guess so, though I can imagine being a princess is much more difficult. More people, more rules... those weird regulations all over the world." Adara shakes her head a bit, the modern governments and rules that she has to abide by, not all of them were to her liking. "Anyhow, your turn Athena. Who you picking for Truth or Dare?"

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 05:08 (3 Months ago)
"Or maybe I'll tag along. Knowing others could be a great asset for leading your own people." Adara chuckles all of a sudden. "Athena, I just realized. I'm a future tribe leader... so technically speaking, we're both princesses."

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 04:22 (3 Months ago)
"You'll be welcome. Though you'll get that exact face paint." Adara laughs and points at Athena. "Though with how noble and elite you are, I didn't expect you to be interested in my place. Back when I applied, it took the faculty some time to find my village... and even more to convince them we're not just cave people."

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