Fortem's eyes widened as he stared at his friend. No, no no no no
no.... not this! A pained expression flashed across his face, as he
hesitated, not knowing what to do. How had this happened?!
Audax sighed, exhausted from the bouncing. He supposed he could try
learning about loyalist plans now... "Is that noise I hear a
battle?" He asked. "Who strategises plans for them?" He was
genuinely curious, but also needed the info for the neutrals.
Clamor tussled against various loyalists, doing his best to stay
near the newly recruited Riolu and fend off attackers. Though the
blue pokemon seemed to just be standing there for now... what was
he doing? He didn't have time to question it as yet another
loyalist dived at him. He slammed a paw down instantly on the
umbreon's head, using thunderwave.
His left ear twitched as the illusion master called out to him.
"Right. Yes, that's what I'm doing." He peered at Remus, wondering
if he was missing something.
“It seems as though another battle is taking place...” The knight
looked outside and then sprung into battle
“...I knew this would happen...and yet...I...” He held a paw up, a
green magic circle appearing. “I have my job to do...” He worded
his words carefully here...but it couldn’t be denied he was almost
in tears. Well, a teardrop did fall, he looked away.
“Mm. I don’t take part in them. Usually, it’s the generals and
soldiers that work together,” Dalsin scratched his chin
“Have you chosen a side to infiltrate?” Remus asked. “Plus I have
to give you your night disguise.”
head pounding, Margo pretended to run away. but that luxio wasn't
gonna get off that easy. When his back was turned, she felt
something click inside of her. She used, for the first time ever,
her second move. Shadow ball. It was small, so the shiny umbreon
whipped around and slammed it with her tail, sending it flying
right for the back of his head with amazing force.
Fortem nodded. Emerald was probably doing this for a good reason,
probably gathering information to end the war... He nodded grimly,
preparing his own stone edge. "It's ok, I don't blame you." Fortem
Audax nodded. That was good to know; that meant he'd probably get
to see the plans at some point or another, and that was enough for
him. "Isn't it hard to jump with such heavy armour on?" Audax
asked, diverting the topic away from his suspicious question.
The shadow ball hit hard, but didn't do signifigant damage due to
its tiny size. In fact, it mostly just alerted Clamor of the
umbreon's presence. She wasn't even a knight and was looking for a
fight... that was just foolish in these times! He sent another
thunderwave her way before directing his attention at different
attacks coming at him.
Margo dodged the thunderwave, then realised he was fighting the
loyalists. *wait. he's republicain?" she sat back and waited. she
got his atention with an even smaller shadow ball.
"I guess I could try the Republicans." It seemed to him like that
side for the most part was made up of citizens. He'd be much better
off not messing with the royal guard.
Xatina was worried. Should she go out? It hadn't been,
there was only a small chance that she would meet that Luxio again.
There were plenty of foolish Republicans that would be battiling,
and Xatina didn't want to leave the other knights to fight it out.
There was no way to tell from here who had the advantage. Xatina
finally managed to make up her mind. She would go out, and figure
out how bad it was. If it was horrible, she would leave. Anything
else, and Xatina would join the fray. She headed for the enterance,
Fortem swallowed... he put a stone edge wall in between them. It
was cowardly perhaps, but he wouldn't have to fight Emerald, at
least for a few seconds, and it gave him time to think. It also
looked like he tried to attack, but didn't. He was surprised he was
still thinking somewhat clearly...
Audax nodded. He guessed it was sort of like his book bag: Heavy at
the start, but lighter and lighter as he wore it for longer. Now
when he wore it, he barely noticed it.
What was the umbreon doing!? Attacks that small were pretty
pointless to him, and not worth his time, at least for the moment.
He glared at her. There were plenty more knights attacking him at
the same time, and he needed to focus. He directed his attention
back at them, taking them down one by one.
“Alright...infiltrate them and get information...but please be
careful.” Remus said as he handed him the disguise outfit for the
nighttime walk
It was fairly hectic, outside of the gates, outside of the school
and arena. There were fights all across the boulevard
Emerald was struck with a stray attack but he sent another wind
blade at Fortem. The way he casted them made them so they were
definitely mindlessly easy to dodge. But it still looked like he
was fighting his all
“So tell me. Why are you here?” Dalsin chuckled as he looked at
him. It seems as though he had figured out Audax wasn’t Loyalist by
Xatina groaned. "Bayleef, I'm sorry, but I have to help." Xatina
charged in, pushing Republicans off off knights and warding away
attacks, retaliating with a few of her own. She narrowly avoided a
Earthquake from a Quagsire, continuing her fight. But Xatina was
praying to Arceus that she wouldn't have to hurt anyone, she just
wanted to make sure that her fellow knights were unhurt.
With a nod, Winter took the disguise, briefly wondering how
riduculous it looked, before padding in through the portal. He'd
start at the Anthian district. That seemed to be the most obvious
Republican haven.
Margo grinned when the luxio glared at her, then she stood up and
backed off a pace. Margo thought *my plan is working! now all i
have to do is get him to follow me. then i can get him to team with
me. we wont be beatable.* Margo waited until he wasn't fighting,
then flung another, tiny ball at his head.*he is good! he took down
three knights, and isn't even tired!*
Fortem sent a rock throw near Emerald, intentionally missing,
before fending off a different republican. How long could they keep
this up for?
Audax hesitated. "I just want to help other pokemon." It wasn't a
lie, he really did, just not in the loyalist way. He hoped the
instructor wouldn't push it.
Clamor was too interested in battle to notice. He shielded Emerald
from a few incoming attacks, using Crunch inventively to stop them.
The fights all around her were going strong. There was no let up
from the attacks and the odd magic spell flying around like
The costume wasn’t too gaudy. It was like a phantom thief’s outfit
from a comic, all black with a mask.
The Republicans let Winter in...after taking some tests to prove
his loyalty, such as some questions on Luminia
Fortem + Clamor
It wasn’t long before Emerald was knocked out and consequently
arrested...though it seems like the other knights didn’t recognise
The Grovyle patted his chin thoughtfully. “I see. You’re worries. I am too.” He said quietly as he stood
around, looking out the window
Xatina ducked and weaved, avoiding evrey stray magic spell and
attack, though she did get hit by a X-Scissor accidently from a
passing Pinsir, which stung a lot, but nothing more. Xatina was
getting tired of dodging and moving knights out of the way. She
wanted to leave the battle, but there were so many knights to help,
and Xatina had sworn loyalty. She wasn't about to back down. Still,
it would be nice if things were like before.. She continued as
usual in the fight.
Fortem didn't want to give away his position... but still, he
padded up to Emerald, who was passed out. For some reason, he felt
guilty for this... He hoped to pass as one of the knights taking
Emerald away, though he really wanted to help him.
"Oh!" Audax was surprised. A neutral pokemon, so deep in loyalist
territory and ranks? It was shocking for sure, but also a good
sign. He smiled.
Impulsively, Clamor attacked one of the knights taking Emerald
away. The young pokemon seemed too pure to go to jail. Besides, he
didn't want to fail at his mission to help out the riolu.
She would come square against a Kadabra...who used Signal Beam
Fortem + Clamor
It was a bit too late...Emerald was carried through and was
promptly tossed into a cell
“That’s all I can divulge for now.” Dalsin said calmly as he looked
at the young Eevee. This one....seemed to be more fitted as a mage
over a knight. But either way...
“Shall we continue the training?”
Winter moved silently through the ranks, ears pricked, listening
for anything useful. In a way, he felt like he was doing these
people wrong, spying on them like this...yet he knew there was no
other way at this was for the good of all of them that
he did this.