"Uh, no, what do you take me for? I only set a towel on fire." Mel
said, throwing said towel into the trash after putting out the
flames. "You try working with one arm."
"Doesn't it hurt?"
"No, but it will if you don't stOP POKING IT."
"I'm done, I'm done-- AMELIA PUT DOWN THE PAN."
Tapu Fini was floating around the ruins on Poni, slightly bored.
Though she'd heard about the whole incident, she had decided not to
Tiger nodded "sure" he replied kindly. "I think Mel will feel much
better if we all stopped by" he said with a slight yawn. He then
laughed slightly at Sals's comment.
"Off we go, then," Mira chirped, starting towards Mel's house.
"I've been thinking about going back to Akala to ask Lele for some
help with Aether; she no doubt wants some revenge."
"WAIT STOP THAT SHOULDN'T BE ON FIRE." Mel shouted from across the
Riu screeched and flung the.. whatever-it-was-supposed-to-be into
the sink and turned on the faucet, effectively dousing it in water
and putting out the flames.
In the process of doing so, however, he bumped into Mel, who in
turn hit her arm off the counter before falling to the ground.
"OHMYGOD MAN DOWN MAN DOWN." Riu screeched, crouching down
to pull her back up. He dragged her to the couch and dropped her on
it. "You okay?"
Mel grit her teeth. "Peachy." She muttered, ignoring the sharp pain
in her arm. She was still extremely mad at Ivan, so she focused on
that instead of the pain.
"I guess I'll emotional blackmail Tapu Bulu into helping us, if
that thing has any emotions." Victor said, remembering that the
Tapu was ready to do almost anything for him when Alola's respect
and values were mentioned.
Tiger nodded and looked at Victor and nodded. "Maybe we can get all
the tapus to help us" he said quietly. He was partially thinking to
The Mudkip from earlier was near Mel's house, he has been released
from the Pokémon center and wanted to apologise about what happened
earlier. He smelled smoke, and snuck through an open window to the
Mel had passed out on the couch, curled around a pillow and covered
in blankets she'd dragged out from her room. Riu sat on the floor,
flicking through the channels on the tv.
His ears twitched nervously and he glanced towards the window at
his side. It was shut, nothing could have gotten in. All the
windows were shut, right? No, the one in the kitchen was still
open. He sighed and stood up, tossing the remote onto the table and
padded toward the kitchen, only to freeze. I don't think we have
any Mudkip in the house. He thought, staring at the water type.
Mudkip looked at Riu nervously. "I-I came to apologise about
earlier...the. I smelled smoke, and thought you needed help. I can
go if you want" he said nervously and backed up slightly.
Mudkip nodded "Yeah in all better. Joy released me a few hours
ago. I didn't find you or your friends so I went in search of you
guys." He explained kindly.
Riu nodded with a grin. "Sorry about that. Tiger, Victor and Mel
were in the hospital for a bit, and I think Mira was in the Pokémon
center." He shrugged. "Glad to see you're all better,
though." He added with a soft smile.
Riu laughed quietly. "Yeah, me too." He reached for one of
the cabinets and pulled it open, taking out a few berries. "You
want one?" He offered, holding one out to Mudkip.
Mel groaned and rolled off the couch, hitting the floor with a
small thud, still completely knocked out. Riu glanced back and
spotted her, shaking his head.