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Posted: Fri, 19/08/2022 16:00 (2 Years ago)
Tarin grimaced. "...A cloaking spell will help, yes, and we will take quite literally anything you have to slip us in undetected, Damien. With that being said, how does everyone feel about our little group being armed?" She looked around. "Nothing too obvious---unless, of course, someone has a suggestion that would allow us to take things like broadswords and crossbows and whatever else in with us. God forbid we get caught, but I feel like we should be ready to defend ourselves."

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Posted: Sun, 14/08/2022 05:43 (2 Years ago)
"The least we can do is attempt to avoid bloodshed and death. The kingdom dwellers think that we're savages, remember---there's no reason for us to enforce that idea," Tarin pointed out to Enzo, biting down a much snider remark. Staying professional was key here, she reminded herself.

At the leader's little outburst, Tarin touched her foot to the leader's underneath the table. Maybe it would ground her a little bit, or at the very least calm her down slightly. Magic was touchy.

Taking a deep breath, she smiled, thinking over the idea. Magic could help. Magic could make this plan viable, really, so long as everything went according to plan. "If you had some sort of cloaking spell, that would be especially helpful," She offered. "We wanted to disguise ourselves among the crowd and blend in a little bit so that we can get relatively close before rushing the stage and taking on the security." She shot a small glance at Enzo. Bloodshed probably will be unavoidable, she reminded herself, almost begrudgingly. She really, truly didn't want this to be a bloodbath.

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Posted: Fri, 12/08/2022 20:58 (2 Years ago)
Tarin caught the Leader's gaze and nodded, straightening up. "Yes. We were hoping to discuss some of our strategies for tonight," She started, clearing her throat. "We were considering a nonviolent approach, where we would rush the stage peacefully and steal the show. After that, the Leader and I would both speak. That's the simplest version of the plan we have... We're both open to suggestions."

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Posted: Fri, 12/08/2022 03:13 (2 Years ago)
"Primal instinct," Tarin scoffed, leaning back in her chair. It's not like she could really protest, since she's kicked in a door or two in her time. "It's fine. It's fine. Just... Knock. You're in our leader's house for chrissake."

She looked over as the door knocked. "See? Just like that," She grinned, getting up again and opening it. It was a miracle the door was still on its hinges, much less able to stand solid, but maybe she was just underestimating how great of a construction team they had (if you could even call a group of teenagers a 'construction team.') She nodded. "Damien, nice to see you," She greeted, standing aside to let him in.

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Posted: Wed, 10/08/2022 03:43 (2 Years ago)
"I can't wait to see what the others think of our ideas, yeah. Shouldn't be too---" The door slammed open and Tarin was on her feet, shortswords drawn. Recognition flashed over her gaze seconds after she saw Enzo and Hadeed and she let out a breath, letting her shortswords fall. "Don't! Do that!" She sheathed the swords and lowered herself back into her seat, glaring at them, heart still thudding out of her chest. "Gave me a heart attack."

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Posted: Sun, 07/08/2022 16:15 (2 Years ago)
"We both could," Tarin decided, corners of her mouth twitching into a smile. "Sure, I'm the face of the Wasteland, but you're the brain that actually makes everything work. My words mean nothing without your actions. I shouldn't address the crowd alone. I don't even really want to." She paused, turning slightly pink as she remembered that she was forgetting one key factor to their Leader speaking. "That being said... Your privacy matters more than anything else. I understand if you would rather... Sit back a little, let me do the talking."

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2022 20:43 (2 Years ago)
Leo giggled. "I guess not, but listening to other people is so much better than getting stuck in my own head," He decided, beaming. He tilted his head a little, thinking about her words, and scratched his head. "Do you think the knights are ever going to give us some time to ourselves? I heard once that, when you become a page, you spend every waking second with your knight." A shiver ran down his spine. He didn't like that thought---it was arguably worse than being alone. "Like fine, yeah, training is one thing but... What if we don't get to hang out with anyone? Anything like that?"


Tarin nodded as the Leader spoke, taking in her words. "Well, I agree. Mostly." She leaned forward a little bit, trying to formulate her idea into words. "It's a good idea to appear as we are, presenting little to no threat---that way, should the castle attack us, it makes them look bad. Not us." She bit her lip and paused, thinking. "Do you think it's plausible for everyone to blend into the crowd a little bit? Act like any other people in the kingdom and storm the stage together, then make ourselves known? Drive the point home that there really isn't much different between them and us?"

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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2022 23:01 (2 Years ago)
Face turning a deep red, Leo's lips twitched into a smile. "Yeah! Yeah, we'll have each other. Yeah. Being a knight is great and all, but what fun is it if you don't get to live, work, and fight with a friend?" He shrugged, coughing a little bit when Jill's hand intercepted his back. He giggled, relaxing a little bit.

For the first time since this whole 'page' thing, he genuinely felt like this was going to turn out alright. "Is it pestering if I'm fine with you bugging me all the time?" He asked. Thinking about his words, Leo turned red as an apple. Again. "Not that I think it's bugging. At all. You're nice! I like listening to you!" Then, in a near whisper, "yeah, that sounds less mean."


"Right," Tarin nodded, sitting down in the seat next to her. She bit her lip, recognizing that tone of voice. "I agree. We should talk. There's a lot to talk about. ...I'm a nervous wreck thinking about tonight. I have been all day." She straightened up and glanced to the door, perhaps unconsciously. The last thing she wanted was someone eavesdropping on them now of all times. "Sorry. Erm... What specifically did you want to discuss?"

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Posted: Thu, 04/08/2022 21:35 (2 Years ago)
Tarin had looked over when the door creaked, becoming a little on edge, but relaxed when she realized it was just the leader. “Hey,” She responded in turn, getting to her feet to pull out her chair. “Everyone seems to be late. …Even you,” She teased gently, cracking a little smile. “I’m hoping that it’s not because of what’s happening tonight.”

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2022 01:54 (2 Years ago)
Leo giggled. "...Is it really that obvious?" He puffed, shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah, no. I'm just..." He puffed, looking away as the right words escaped him. He shrugged and looked back at her, trying desperately to smooth a wrinkle on his tunic. "I feel completely the same way. I just never thought I would ever get to this point. No one thought I could. I guess I never thought I could, either." He smiled a crooked, toothy grin back at her. "But we'll be alright, yeah? I mean... I don't think you're annoying. Certainly not annoying enough to push a knight over the edge." Leo stopped and cocked his head a little bit. "...I mean, I might be that annoying, especially since I've driven every teacher I've ever had up a wall."

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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2022 21:31 (2 Years ago)
Tarin yawns, taking out her shortswords and sharpening both of them, one by one, waiting for a knock, something, anything. She bit her lip and thought again about how little time they actually had. It's fine. Everything will work out fine. Still, she had a looming sense of dread hanging over her that made her stomach tighten with every breath. Something would happen tonight, and it all depended on how prepared they were.

She gulped. It will be fine. Tarin just had to believe that it would all work out with the proper amount of planning.

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 04:28 (2 Years ago)
Tarin nodded little greetings and hummed little "excuse mes" as she pushed her way through the streets on the way to the meeting room. She choked down her panic. It was unlike her to be late, but she had run into some disturbances this morning that made her lose track of time.

Now though, as she arrived at the meeting room, fixing her hair as she moved, eyes carefully scanning the chair before sitting down on it, her worries quieted a little. She took a deep breath, relieved to find that she seemed to be the first person there. She had an image to uphold, after all, between her appearance and her punctuality. She was the face---literally---of the Wastelands, since no one knew what their leader looked like.

She smiled at the thought. It was strangely comforting.


Leo might have been having a small breathing fit, even though the ceremony tonight was worlds away. Anxiety pricked at him from head to toe---what if his knight didn't like him? What if he just wasn't cut out for this, like his family said?

He shook it from his thoughts and straightened his uniform a little bit, trying to look as nice as possible to quell his burning thoughts. "Hey, Jill... How're you feeling?" He decided to ask, plastering his best 'I'm doing great' smile on to try and hide his crisis a little bit better. "This is so exciting, right?"

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Posted: Wed, 13/07/2022 20:36 (2 Years ago)
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Name: Leo Polwright
Age: 15
Gender/Pronouns: Transgender male, he/him
Role: Page
Appearance: This little twig really desperately wants to gain some muscle mass, but so far, it doesn't look like he's going to. Amber hair that falls down to his chin, freckles, pale skin and bright green eyes. He's tall, skinny, and lanky; he doesn't look like he could take you out in a fight, but he could outrun you in a heartbeat.
Personality: Eager, bright, and dreadfully naive. He wants nothing more than to be a swashbuckling knight that protects his kingdom from the barbarians of the wastelands. His optimism and carefree spirit is endearing, sure, but it leads him to bite off more than he can chew occasionally.
Other: he can die sure :))

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Name: Tarin Loom
Age: 20
Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her
Role: Second-in-Command
Appearance: Thick, black, coily hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. She's short and muscular, with her hair tied up and off of her face and head.
Personality: In spite of her incredibly intimidating appearance, she's a sweetheart. She's the peacemaker, very rarely starting fights and always the ones ending them, a valuable skill to have in a place like the wastelands. While most of the time she's quiet and rather reserved, she can be one of the loudest, most assertive voices in the entirety of the wasteland. Generally no-nonsense, but she does definitely have a sense of dark humor. (see:gay disaster)
Magic (Mages only): N/A
Equipment: She loves her shortswords and normally keeps two of them on her at any given time.
Backstory (What age you were abandoned at wasteland, any other details): Abandoned at age nine, she's been here for a long, long time. If she ever finds her birth parents, she wants answers one way or another.
Other: you can kill her off i'm alright with that (especially if it generates some drama)

uhh there are a couple of rps i really enjoyed being a part of but take this one and this one

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Posted: Fri, 28/01/2022 04:04 (2 Years ago)
clicking :)

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Posted: Thu, 02/07/2020 01:28 (4 Years ago)
haha rip

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Posted: Fri, 20/09/2019 03:03 (5 Years ago)
Man, I wish. Unfortunately, I believe this thread is dead or dying. Which is a real shame, since it was a really awesome place to share things for awhile. But if we could get it up and running again, I might be motivated to come on here more!

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Posted: Sun, 17/02/2019 19:32 (5 Years ago)
Ah, it's nice to see this again ;;

Anyway, I've been doing some experimental stuff recently! I did one of those writing challenges where you base characters off of songs and the result was this.

I'm really liking these two characters but if anyone has any notes or things I could improve on, just say! I'd love to keep using these two.

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Posted: Fri, 15/02/2019 03:22 (5 Years ago)
Ey :3

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Posted: Tue, 12/02/2019 03:02 (5 Years ago)
Eura shrugged. "That makes sense, but I guess I was never interested enough to actively read poetry."

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Posted: Sat, 09/02/2019 17:23 (5 Years ago)
While Eura had never been an avid reader, she figured now wasn't a bad time to start.

She browsed a selection of science fiction until she picked up one that looked particularly interesting, a futuristic society in which everyone lived inside of a program created by virtual reality. "Poetry's all fine and good when you understand it," Eura hummed absentmindedly. "I never could."

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