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MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 03:45 (8 Years ago) |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 03:25 (8 Years ago) |
Let me check, I think both of you joined the last one EDIT: PMing the both of you. [Read more] |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 02:09 (8 Years ago) |
Anyone considering joining, click the link above instead. Anyone who has already joined, click there. [Read more] |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 02:04 (8 Years ago) |
I already tried to use a plot similar to this on another RP, but it died, so I'm using it here. This is the sequel to the roleplay "Another Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RP," which had over 40 people in it! Be sure to tell everyone who may or may not be interested about this RP's return! Rules ![]() I always keep the newest rule bolded. - Don't mod the chat or characters that aren't yours, be nice, and have fun. - Keep things as logical as possible when it comes to the dungeons and natural recourses. Also, keep Pokemon-related things as canon as possible to the PMD games. - It's required that you play as ONE Pokemon at a time, with two characters as a max for returning characters and only one for newcomers. Just put one character on hiatus while playing the other or something. If it gets too confusing or annoying, I'll limit it to one, as I just can't stand multiple characters per RPer... - If you post, post at least three sentences. If you don't know what to post, that's fine, you'll know what to post eventually. It's just tedious, leaves less for others to do after you, and is harder for me to make a fanfiction I may be making soon. - One mega per dungeon. Please ask me before Mega evolving. - Your moveset has to be according to your level up moveset found here to keep it non-overpowered. However, every twenty levels, you can learn a TM or Egg Move of choice. - If your character has a mega, please send me a link to it so I can add it to the list. That prevents confusion. - Don't progress the plot unless you're me or your character's going somewhere alone/without their group. Yosaflame, Tanabatama and I are the mods here. So, there are three people who are always watching... Form ![]() Hey, can I join or naw? Username: Post your username. RP Name: Post what you want to be called in this RP. It can be your username, your real name, or whatever you want! But, if you were in APMDRP, please put your original character's name here. Pokemon: LOL GOTCHA! I'm picking six random Pokemon for you to choose from. I'll palpad you when you post so you can choose and post the Pokemon you want of those six here. If you don't like your six, I'll give you one reroll that gives you only three new options to choose from. Put your original Pokemon from APMDRP here if you joined it, except if you want it can be fully evolved. Mega (option): Post any sort of fanart for your character's mega evolution here. DO NOT STEAL ART. Accepted ![]() To see a character's mega, you'd click their name. If they don't have one then the name won't have any links attached. @Tentacruel - Duo (Typhlosion, Returning, Level Ninety+) @Tentacruel - Quilava (Quilava, Level Twenty Seven) @Chesking - Gamma (Honedge, Level Fifty) @Lusamine - Veronica (Goodra, Returning, Level Fifty Four) @ThatOneGeek - Laurence (Munchlax, Level Fifty Two) @Yukina-Chan - Dea (Sylveon, Returning, Level Fifty Five) @GoldShinyGod - Rhyno (Rhyperior, Returning, Level Fifty) @MeowsticTheCat - Jolt (Skarmory, Returning, Level Fifty Four) @CharaVsSans - Elaina (Doduo, Level Fifty) @xXMiaXx - Amia (Gengar, Level Fifty) @yosaflame - Cole (Zorua, Level Fifty Three, may also be playing a salamence from the old RP like how i have two characters) @yosaflame - Miles (that second character of his, returning, Level Seventy Three) @PurpleTheGecko - Purple (Snorunt, Returning, Level Fifty One) @Wayne - Drake (Gyarados, Level Fifty) @Tanabatama - Remmie (Cinccino, Returning, Level Fifty) @Golisopod - Jin (Zoroark, Nub, Returning, Level Fifty Five) @Amyy - Infinity (Liepard, Returning, Level Fifty) @Amyy - Yuki (Amaura, I probably butchered the name, Level Fifty) @Pokeknight - Fang (Meowstic, Returning, Level Fifty One) Please palpad me if this is outdated. I'll update it as soon as possible. Also, your level will raise the more you're active. Levelling Up ![]() As stated above, you gain levels for being active. To be more specific, every time you defeat the boss of a dungeon. However, if there's tons of activity and no dungeons, I'll throw everyone active a level just cause there hasn't been any leveling lately. I'm also giving twice the levels on 2x days and three times the levels on 3x days! Enjoy! [Read more] |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 00:44 (8 Years ago) |
(Thing is- do I make it private for only us or do I let new people in?) [Read more] |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Thu, 24/11/2016 22:04 (8 Years ago) |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Thu, 24/11/2016 01:35 (8 Years ago) |
![]() ![]() ~All
Rules apply
~No SPAM, or inappropriate messages! ~No spoilers! This will result in a instant ban! ~Please be active! I know you all have lives, but if your too busy, don't join! ~If you aren't playing Pokémon Sun or Moon, then don't join! ~Have fun! ![]() Username: (To make sure you are paying
attention, write your username backwards. If you are accepted,
please delete this part.)
Pokémon Sun or Moon: 3DS friend code: (If you don't know, leave this column blank) Notes/Other: Coded by Lillypie [Read more] |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Thu, 24/11/2016 00:01 (8 Years ago) |
"Hey, thanks!" Duo excitedly sent his Tentacool out. It kinda hovered around from place to place, messing with various things in the lab. Duo went over to stop it after a minute, realizing what he had done, but until then watched it in awe. [Read more] |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 23:57 (8 Years ago) |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 23:51 (8 Years ago) |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 23:40 (8 Years ago) |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Tue, 22/11/2016 23:20 (8 Years ago) |
(Making a poll on my userpage now to see how many people are interested.) [Read more] |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Tue, 22/11/2016 22:56 (8 Years ago) |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Tue, 22/11/2016 22:53 (8 Years ago) |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Tue, 22/11/2016 22:04 (8 Years ago) |
Making sure. [
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Sat, 19/11/2016 02:34 (8 Years ago) |
![]() I stepped in and Hau challenged me...
Not too hard, again. I has to sacrifice my Pikipek to a Mudbray,
though, so the death count rose to two...
First encounter- Miltank. Not a new Pokemon. Second encounter- Mudbray. Ran away from it because of how much it threatens my team. Special encounter- an Egg from a Pokemon nursery. Battled a few trainers along the way. Team Recap Mitts (Torracat, Level Twenty One) Chainsaw (Grubbin, Level Fifteen) Route 5 ![]() First encounter- Fomantis. Caught
it and nicknamed it "Scyther."
Decided to do some training to add Scyther to the team and to get Chainsaw closer to evolving. Battled a few trainers along the way. And, Gladion just kinda appeared. I fought him, and he was easier than I thought; Mitts swept him. Team Recap Mitts (Torracat, Level Twenty Three) Scyther (Fomntis, Level Eightteen) Chainsaw (Grubbin, Level Eighteen) If anyone's reading this, palpad me. If nobody is, I'll just continue the game normally and log it normally here. [Read more] |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Sat, 19/11/2016 02:15 (8 Years ago) |
![]() [b]First encounter- Grubbin. It nearly
killed Fabulous upon summoning an ally and both ganging on him, but
he survived. After summoning other Grubbin three times, the first
Grubbin was caught. Nicknamed it "Chainsaw" after its mouth and
added it to the team!
In the Heahea City on the second island, I Had a boss battle with Dexio from Kalos. Torracat was close to killing itself from confusion, but it broke through it. I went to train Chainsaw and Fabulous. A critical hit Rock Smash from a Pikipek killed Fabulous, raising the Death Count to one... Team Recap Mitts (Torracat, Level Twenty) Chainsaw (Grubbin, Level Fourteen) [Read more] |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Sat, 19/11/2016 00:58 (8 Years ago) |
![]() The First Trial Cave
First encounter- Alolan Diglett. I caught it, nicknamed it "Fabulous," and added it to the team. Battled a few uncatchable wild Pokemon along the way. A boss battle with a Totem Gumshoos occured, and I won with ease. Team Recap Mitts (Litten, Level Sixteen) Fabulous (Diglett, Level Ten) Route 3 ![]() Litten evolved into a Torracat!
First encounter- Spearow. Not a new Pokemon. Second encounter- Mankey. Not a new Pokemon. Third encounter- Mankey. Nicknamed it "Bacon." Battled a few trainers along the way. A boss battle occured, and I won with ease. Team Recap Mitts (Torracat, Level Seventeen) Fabulous (Diglett, Level Eleven) Melemele Meadow ![]() First encounter- Cutiefly. Fabulous
killed it by mistake.
Battled literally zero regular trainers along the way. Hau challenged me, though. Took a while because Diglett's only good move is resisted by Hau's first Pokemon, but I still won easily. Team Recap Fabulous (Diglett, Level Thirteen) Mitts (Torracat, Level Seventeen) Spoiler ![]() Faced Kahuna Hala and destroyed him.
Torracat had +2 attack from Work Up.
Team Recap Mitts (Torracat, Level Eighteen) Fabulous (Diglett, Level Thirteen) [Read more] |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Fri, 18/11/2016 22:42 (8 Years ago) |
![]() Second Encounter- Magnemite. Not a new Pokemon. Third Encounter- Magnemite. Caught it, was going to have nicknamed it "Palladium," but misclicked and didn't nickname it, and added it to the team! Battled a few trainers along the way, including Youngster Joey, who had...a Metapod. Got the TM for Work Up after beating a kid who tries way too hard to be cool. After that, a Trial Captain named Ilima asked me to do his/her trial. Team Recap Mitts (Litten, Level Twelve) Hao'Uli City ![]() First encounter- Abra. Not a new
Second encounter- Alolan Rattata. Caught it and nicknamed it "Fink Rat." Saw Team Skull for the first time. As expected, easy peasy...but I also fought Trial Captain Ilima. Smeargle almost KOd Mitts with a Tackle, but Mitts won in the end thanks to Work Up spam. Team Recap Mitts (Litten, Level Thirteen Route 2 ![]() First encounter- Makuhita. Not a new
Second encounter- Drowzee. Not a new Pokemon. Third encounter- Abra. It teleported away. Before advancing, I did a little bit of training. Battled a few trainers along the way. Not much happened, except there was another Team Skull encounter, which was easy. A boss battle occured, and I won with ease. Team Recap [Read more] |
MMX2 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Fri, 18/11/2016 22:18 (8 Years ago) |
![]() Second encounter- Slowpoke. Not a new Pokemon. Third encounter- Alolan Rattata. Caught it and nicknamed it "Fink-Rat." Battled a few trainers along the way. Mitts got cut down to a quarter of his HP because of a critical Water Gun from a Wingull, but ended up defeating it. A boss battle occured, and I won with ease. Team Recap Mitts (Litten, Level Ten) [Read more] |