Forum Thread
Beyond the Point of No Return (A Sequel/Reboot, Accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Beyond the Point of No Return (A Sequel/Reboot, Accepting)I already tried to use a plot similar to this on another RP, but it died, so I'm using it here. This is the sequel to the roleplay "Another Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RP," which had over 40 people in it! Be sure to tell everyone who may or may not be interested about this RP's return!

I always keep the newest rule bolded.
- Don't mod the chat or characters that aren't yours, be nice, and have fun.
- Keep things as logical as possible when it comes to the dungeons and natural recourses. Also, keep Pokemon-related things as canon as possible to the PMD games.
- It's required that you play as ONE Pokemon at a time, with two characters as a max for returning characters and only one for newcomers. Just put one character on hiatus while playing the other or something. If it gets too confusing or annoying, I'll limit it to one, as I just can't stand multiple characters per RPer...
- If you post, post at least three sentences. If you don't know what to post, that's fine, you'll know what to post eventually. It's just tedious, leaves less for others to do after you, and is harder for me to make a fanfiction I may be making soon.
- One mega per dungeon. Please ask me before Mega evolving.
- Your moveset has to be according to your level up moveset found here to keep it non-overpowered. However, every twenty levels, you can learn a TM or Egg Move of choice.
- If your character has a mega, please send me a link to it so I can add it to the list. That prevents confusion.
- Don't progress the plot unless you're me or your character's going somewhere alone/without their group.
Yosaflame, Tanabatama and I are the mods here. So, there are three people who are always watching...

Hey, can I join or naw?
Username: Post your username.
RP Name: Post what you want to be called in this RP. It can be your username, your real name, or whatever you want! But, if you were in APMDRP, please put your original character's name here.
Pokemon: LOL GOTCHA! I'm picking six random Pokemon for you to choose from. I'll palpad you when you post so you can choose and post the Pokemon you want of those six here. If you don't like your six, I'll give you one reroll that gives you only three new options to choose from. Put your original Pokemon from APMDRP here if you joined it, except if you want it can be fully evolved.
Mega (option): Post any sort of fanart for your character's mega evolution here. DO NOT STEAL ART.

To see a character's mega, you'd click their name. If they don't have one then the name won't have any links attached.
@Tentacruel - Duo (Typhlosion, Returning, Level Ninety+)
@Tentacruel - Quilava (Quilava, Level Twenty Seven)
@Chesking - Gamma (Honedge, Level Fifty)
@Lusamine - Veronica (Goodra, Returning, Level Fifty Four)
@ThatOneGeek - Laurence (Munchlax, Level Fifty Two)
@Yukina-Chan - Dea (Sylveon, Returning, Level Fifty Five)
@GoldShinyGod - Rhyno (Rhyperior, Returning, Level Fifty)
@MeowsticTheCat - Jolt (Skarmory, Returning, Level Fifty Four)
@CharaVsSans - Elaina (Doduo, Level Fifty)
@xXMiaXx - Amia (Gengar, Level Fifty)
@yosaflame - Cole (Zorua, Level Fifty Three, may also be playing a salamence from the old RP like how i have two characters)
@yosaflame - Miles (that second character of his, returning, Level Seventy Three)
@PurpleTheGecko - Purple (Snorunt, Returning, Level Fifty One)
@Wayne - Drake (Gyarados, Level Fifty)
@Tanabatama - Remmie (Cinccino, Returning, Level Fifty)
@Golisopod - Jin (Zoroark, Nub, Returning, Level Fifty Five)
@Amyy - Infinity (Liepard, Returning, Level Fifty)
@Amyy - Yuki (Amaura, I probably butchered the name, Level Fifty)
@Pokeknight - Fang (Meowstic, Returning, Level Fifty One)
Please palpad me if this is outdated. I'll update it as soon as possible.
Also, your level will raise the more you're active.
Levelling Up

As stated above, you gain levels for being active. To be more specific, every time you defeat the boss of a dungeon. However, if there's tons of activity and no dungeons, I'll throw everyone active a level just cause there hasn't been any leveling lately. I'm also giving twice the levels on 2x days and three times the levels on 3x days!
Hey, can I join or naw?
Username: ThatOneGeek
RP Name: Laurence
Pokemon: Munchlax
Mega (option): Just a joke XD don't click if you don't want Sun/Moon spoilers
Moveset(so I don't forget):Body Slam, Rollout, Power Up Punch, Rest)
Ability: Thick Fat

RP Name:dea
Pokemon: Sylveon
Mega (option):
It feels great to be back :)
Username: GoldShinyGod
RP Name: Rhyno
Pokemon: Rhyperior
Mega (option): Going mega swampert-y on you.
She walked silently along the city,wishing to not be seen,after all,she betrayed him,he was looking for her,or at least that was what she thought.
She stills remember when Duo took the throne,he looked happy,looked like he was going to be a great king,not the tyrant he is now.
"Duo...I know you aren't like this,I will make sure you get back to your senses,some way or another..."She murmurred,and continued walking
(Yes, the roleplay has indeed started.)
Laurence was laying in bed, basically refusing to get up. He didn't want to deal with his life, the ruler, the politics, the past, everything that has happened since that Typhlosion, the hero he had looked up to has gone corrupt. "Not another town meeting" he muttered, hearing the commotion outside.

Then she realized who it was.
Terrified,she hid behind one of the houses,and looked carefully.It seems there was a town meeting,but what was it for?Mayve she had to go...But how would she do it?After all,she doesn't want that typhlpsion to look at it,maybe she could try to hide in the public?
The Typhlosion walked up on top of a stage, both hands around his back, and behind a podium with a microphone on it. There weren't as many people at the town meeting as he had wantsd, but it was enough. He had mostly put those in place to take note of very small news-related things, but this was pretty big.
"My citizens. There has been a pretty big issue I need to address, and this time, I mean it. Some of my recruits have told me that there may be a group of underground rebels lurking around our city who want to overthrow me. I'll be fine, though, I'm going to a far away place that is guarded well, and if a Pokemon wants to come alone...then they'll die. Nobody here can beat me one-on-one."
"To spread new laws, town meetings, and various other important things, I will be sending two Pokemon down to this town every day. They know their way from where I'm going to this city very well, so if neither of them return, I will assume that they were attacked and my forces will interrogate each and every one of you until we find out who was involved."
"That is all." The Typhlosion stepped down from the podium and began to slowly walk away with a few Pokemon guarding him.
But then she remembered she had an escape orb in her bag.
And then,she had a plan:
Wait until Duo is alone,ambush him,if she wins,then try to rasonate with Duo while he's weak,if she loses,then use the escape orb to avoid death.
With that plan in mind,she followed Duo while she was hidden,hoping her plan could work