Forum Thread
Pokemon Sun and Moon Fanclub
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Pokémon Fan Clubs → Pokemon Sun and Moon Fanclub:origin()/pre04/8514/th/pre/f/2016/158/2/b/solgaleo_and_lunala_sprites_by_cjames_21-da4u8h5.png)

Rules apply
~No SPAM, or inappropriate messages!
~No spoilers! This will result in a instant ban!
~Please be active! I know you all have lives, but if your too busy, don't join!
~If you aren't playing Pokémon Sun or Moon, then don't join!
~Have fun!
~No SPAM, or inappropriate messages!
~No spoilers! This will result in a instant ban!
~Please be active! I know you all have lives, but if your too busy, don't join!
~If you aren't playing Pokémon Sun or Moon, then don't join!
~Have fun!

Username: (To make sure you are paying
attention, write your username backwards. If you are accepted,
please delete this part.)
Pokémon Sun or Moon:
3DS friend code: (If you don't know, leave this column blank)
Pokémon Sun or Moon:
3DS friend code: (If you don't know, leave this column blank)
Coded by Lillypie
Pokémon Sun or Moon: Pokemon Moon
3DS friend code: Don't remember sorry X'D
Notes/Other: Just played the game a few months ago and am already hooked! Hope we could all be friends~ X3
Pokémon Sun or Moon: Sun
3DS friend code:
Pokémon Sun or Moon: Sun
3DS friend code: IDK

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.