Forum Thread
My Pokemon Sun Nuzlocke (DO NOT POST)
Forum-Index → Diaries → My Pokemon Sun Nuzlocke (DO NOT POST)Rules

Instead of having a first encounter, I
will have three possible encounters per route. The first one I find
that is a new or Shiny Pokemon is my encounter (my only catchable
Pokemon) for that area. If the first two aren't Shiny or new
Pokemon, the third one is my encounter. If I were to fail to catch
it, I would be unable to catch antrhing else.
If I find a Shiny Pokemon in that route after getting my encounter, I will choose to either catch it and use the encounter I caught or use it and not use the encounter at all. If I get multiple shinies on one route, only the first one caught applies to this rule and the rest must be put in a PC and not used until I have won or lost.
If you get a scripted encounter, like a Legendary Pokemon, it doesn't count as a possible encounter and counts as if it were on a new route and I can catch it regardless. If I haven't caught anything else on that route beforehand, though, that is my only encounter for the route. I can only use one on my team at a time, though.
All Pokemon must be nicknamed for closer emotional bonds with the Pokemon.
If a Pokemon faints, it is considered dead and cannot be used anymore. No exceptions for this rule.
If I find a Shiny Pokemon in that route after getting my encounter, I will choose to either catch it and use the encounter I caught or use it and not use the encounter at all. If I get multiple shinies on one route, only the first one caught applies to this rule and the rest must be put in a PC and not used until I have won or lost.
If you get a scripted encounter, like a Legendary Pokemon, it doesn't count as a possible encounter and counts as if it were on a new route and I can catch it regardless. If I haven't caught anything else on that route beforehand, though, that is my only encounter for the route. I can only use one on my team at a time, though.
All Pokemon must be nicknamed for closer emotional bonds with the Pokemon.
If a Pokemon faints, it is considered dead and cannot be used anymore. No exceptions for this rule.
Why am I doing this?

First off, I sadly can't livestream
anymore due to computer issues, and I want to do the closest thing
to that. Second off, my Nuzlocke challenges are generally pretty
interesting. In three of my four completed Nuzlockes, I've had
massacres where almost my entire team has died, with the closest
being me surviving with only a Tentacruel at half HP left and
having to go through rock tunnel in those conditions. I wish I had
logged my past Nuzlockes, and I can't promise that this will be
challenging, but it probably will be.
Gonna update this as I go. Please palpad me if you have subscribed to this so you can read my journey, but please, do not post in between my posts. Thank you!
Just noting I'm also gonna keep things as spoiler-free as possible. I will say route names, but I won't say boss names, special Legendary Pokemon locations etc.

First encounter- Tentacool.
Second encounter- Bruxish. I caught it and nicknamed it "Luvdisc."
Third encounter- Bruxish.
Special encounter- Shiny Tentacool. I caught it and nicknamed it "hi there." I replaced Bruxish with the Tentacool.
Battled a few trainers along the way. Gyarados died from a Critical Stone Edge from a Golem. Mimikyu barely survived with 1 HP left from a Bisharp's Iron Head.
A boss battle occured, and I won with ease.
Team Recap
Lycanroc Lv. 33
Incineroar Lv. 36
Sableye Lv. 34
Cosmog (Special Encounter) Lv. 33
Mimikyu Lv. 32
Tentacool (Shiny) Lv. 20
Second encounter- Bruxish. I caught it and nicknamed it "Luvdisc."
Third encounter- Bruxish.
Special encounter- Shiny Tentacool. I caught it and nicknamed it "hi there." I replaced Bruxish with the Tentacool.
Battled a few trainers along the way. Gyarados died from a Critical Stone Edge from a Golem. Mimikyu barely survived with 1 HP left from a Bisharp's Iron Head.
A boss battle occured, and I won with ease.
Team Recap
Lycanroc Lv. 33
Incineroar Lv. 36
Sableye Lv. 34
Cosmog (Special Encounter) Lv. 33
Mimikyu Lv. 32
Tentacool (Shiny) Lv. 20
Note that I will do a team recap after every route. If there's a Legendary Pokemon in a temple off of a certain route or a special encounter near that route, I'll just say I got it when I'll add it to my team to prevent spoiling where it is.

First off, the game was started in a
different city, but nothing happened there. I chose a Male
character with Black hair and named myself Duo.
Special encounter- Litten. Nicknamed it Mitts.
A boss battle (Rival Hau) occured, and I won with ease against his Rowlet, only taking 3 damage in the process.
Team Recap-
Mitts (Level Six)
Special encounter- Litten. Nicknamed it Mitts.
A boss battle (Rival Hau) occured, and I won with ease against his Rowlet, only taking 3 damage in the process.
Team Recap-
Mitts (Level Six)
Route 1

First encounter- Pikipek. Caught it
and nicknamed it "birb." out of ideas already
Battled a few trainers along the way.
The thing that tells you what moves are effective on the opponent is already irritating and I can't shut it off...
Team Recap
Mitts (Litten, Level Seven)
Battled a few trainers along the way.
The thing that tells you what moves are effective on the opponent is already irritating and I can't shut it off...
Team Recap
Mitts (Litten, Level Seven)
Iki Town - Part Two

No encounters for this area.
A boss battle (Hau again) occured, and I won again with ease.
I got a Z-Ring...? This early? Bet you don't get any Crystals for it until later.
Team Recap
Mitts (Litten, Level Nine)
A boss battle (Hau again) occured, and I won again with ease.
I got a Z-Ring...? This early? Bet you don't get any Crystals for it until later.
Team Recap
Mitts (Litten, Level Nine)

Second encounter- Slowpoke. Not a new Pokemon.
Third encounter- Alolan Rattata. Caught it and nicknamed it "Fink-Rat."
Battled a few trainers along the way. Mitts got cut down to a quarter of his HP because of a critical Water Gun from a Wingull, but ended up defeating it.
A boss battle occured, and I won with ease.
Team Recap
Mitts (Litten, Level Ten)

Second Encounter- Magnemite. Not a new Pokemon.
Third Encounter- Magnemite. Caught it, was going to have nicknamed it "Palladium," but misclicked and didn't nickname it, and added it to the team!
Battled a few trainers along the way, including Youngster Joey, who had...a Metapod.
Got the TM for Work Up after beating a kid who tries way too hard to be cool. After that, a Trial Captain named Ilima asked me to do his/her trial.
Team Recap
Mitts (Litten, Level Twelve)
Hao'Uli City

First encounter- Abra. Not a new
Second encounter- Alolan Rattata. Caught it and nicknamed it "Fink Rat."FINALLY A NEW ENCOUNTER
Saw Team Skull for the first time. As expected, easy peasy...but I also fought Trial Captain Ilima. Smeargle almost KOd Mitts with a Tackle, but Mitts won in the end thanks to Work Up spam.
Team Recap
Mitts (Litten, Level Thirteen
Second encounter- Alolan Rattata. Caught it and nicknamed it "Fink Rat."
Saw Team Skull for the first time. As expected, easy peasy...but I also fought Trial Captain Ilima. Smeargle almost KOd Mitts with a Tackle, but Mitts won in the end thanks to Work Up spam.
Team Recap
Mitts (Litten, Level Thirteen
Route 2

First encounter- Makuhita. Not a new
Second encounter- Drowzee. Not a new Pokemon.
Third encounter- Abra. It teleported away.WHYYYYYYY
Before advancing, I did a little bit of training.
Battled a few trainers along the way. Not much happened, except there was another Team Skull encounter, which was easy.
A boss battle occured, and I won with ease.
Team Recap
Second encounter- Drowzee. Not a new Pokemon.
Third encounter- Abra. It teleported away.
Before advancing, I did a little bit of training.
Battled a few trainers along the way. Not much happened, except there was another Team Skull encounter, which was easy.
A boss battle occured, and I won with ease.
Team Recap

The First Trial Cave
First encounter- Alolan Diglett. I caught it, nicknamed it "Fabulous," and added it to the team.
Battled a few uncatchable wild Pokemon along the way.
A boss battle with a Totem Gumshoos occured, and I won with ease.
Team Recap
Mitts (Litten, Level Sixteen)
Fabulous (Diglett, Level Ten)
First encounter- Alolan Diglett. I caught it, nicknamed it "Fabulous," and added it to the team.
Battled a few uncatchable wild Pokemon along the way.
A boss battle with a Totem Gumshoos occured, and I won with ease.
Team Recap
Mitts (Litten, Level Sixteen)
Fabulous (Diglett, Level Ten)
Route 3

Litten evolved into a Torracat!
First encounter- Spearow. Not a new Pokemon.
Second encounter- Mankey. Not a new Pokemon.
Third encounter- Mankey. Nicknamed it "Bacon."
Battled a few trainers along the way.
A boss battle occured, and I won with ease.
Team Recap
Mitts (Torracat, Level Seventeen)
Fabulous (Diglett, Level Eleven)
First encounter- Spearow. Not a new Pokemon.
Second encounter- Mankey. Not a new Pokemon.
Third encounter- Mankey. Nicknamed it "Bacon."
Battled a few trainers along the way.
A boss battle occured, and I won with ease.
Team Recap
Mitts (Torracat, Level Seventeen)
Fabulous (Diglett, Level Eleven)
Melemele Meadow

First encounter- Cutiefly. Fabulous
killed it by mistake.
Battled literally zero regular trainers along the way. Hau challenged me, though. Took a while because Diglett's only good move is resisted by Hau's first Pokemon, but I still won easily.
Team Recap
Fabulous (Diglett, Level Thirteen)
Mitts (Torracat, Level Seventeen)
Battled literally zero regular trainers along the way. Hau challenged me, though. Took a while because Diglett's only good move is resisted by Hau's first Pokemon, but I still won easily.
Team Recap
Fabulous (Diglett, Level Thirteen)
Mitts (Torracat, Level Seventeen)

Faced Kahuna Hala and destroyed him.
Torracat had +2 attack from Work Up.
Team Recap
Mitts (Torracat, Level Eighteen)
Fabulous (Diglett, Level Thirteen)
Team Recap
Mitts (Torracat, Level Eighteen)
Fabulous (Diglett, Level Thirteen)

[b]First encounter- Grubbin. It nearly
killed Fabulous upon summoning an ally and both ganging on him, but
he survived. After summoning other Grubbin three times, the first
Grubbin was caught. Nicknamed it "Chainsaw" after its mouth and
added it to the team!
In the Heahea City on the second island, I Had a boss battle with Dexio from Kalos. Torracat was close to killing itself from confusion, but it broke through it.
I went to train Chainsaw and Fabulous. A critical hit Rock Smash from a Pikipek killed Fabulous, raising the Death Count to one...
Team Recap
Mitts (Torracat, Level Twenty)
Chainsaw (Grubbin, Level Fourteen)
In the Heahea City on the second island, I Had a boss battle with Dexio from Kalos. Torracat was close to killing itself from confusion, but it broke through it.
I went to train Chainsaw and Fabulous. A critical hit Rock Smash from a Pikipek killed Fabulous, raising the Death Count to one...
Team Recap
Mitts (Torracat, Level Twenty)
Chainsaw (Grubbin, Level Fourteen)

I stepped in and Hau challenged me...
Not too hard, again. I has to sacrifice my Pikipek to a Mudbray,
though, so the death count rose to two...
First encounter- Miltank. Not a new Pokemon.
Second encounter- Mudbray. Ran away from it because of how much it threatens my team.
Special encounter- an Egg from a Pokemon nursery.
Battled a few trainers along the way.
Team Recap
Mitts (Torracat, Level Twenty One)
Chainsaw (Grubbin, Level Fifteen)
First encounter- Miltank. Not a new Pokemon.
Second encounter- Mudbray. Ran away from it because of how much it threatens my team.
Special encounter- an Egg from a Pokemon nursery.
Battled a few trainers along the way.
Team Recap
Mitts (Torracat, Level Twenty One)
Chainsaw (Grubbin, Level Fifteen)
Route 5

First encounter- Fomantis. Caught
it and nicknamed it "Scyther."
Decided to do some training to add Scyther to the team and to get Chainsaw closer to evolving. Battled a few trainers along the way.
And, Gladion just kinda appeared. I fought him, and he was easier than I thought; Mitts swept him.
Team Recap
Mitts (Torracat, Level Twenty Three)
Scyther (Fomntis, Level Eightteen)
Chainsaw (Grubbin, Level Eighteen)
Decided to do some training to add Scyther to the team and to get Chainsaw closer to evolving. Battled a few trainers along the way.
And, Gladion just kinda appeared. I fought him, and he was easier than I thought; Mitts swept him.
Team Recap
Mitts (Torracat, Level Twenty Three)
Scyther (Fomntis, Level Eightteen)
Chainsaw (Grubbin, Level Eighteen)
If anyone's reading this, palpad me. If nobody is, I'll just continue the game normally and log it normally here.