From the basic talked over... We are trainers and we can fight on
showdown and stuff but that may be weird with alolan pokemon since
the dont work...But that's sort of the main idea...and we each roll
a list of six pokemon from a generator from all regions for each
other and that person chooses one, So i roll Duo's starter, duo
rolls Junko, and Junko rolls mine.
*Well then since the Starters are set...Let us Begin Good
In a small far off series of islands were pokemon thrive three up
and coming trainers awoke on the day their journey would
start...though one woke up a little later than expected.
Grey fumbled and rolled out of bed onto the floor. He looked at the
"I'm late..." He stood and started to get ready. though he would
have to run to make even barley make it.
Nate got up early,he was really excited to get his first pokemon,so
he made breakfast and went running to the lab...
He realized tho,that he might have been too early,so he
decided to eait in front of the lab,while trying to stay woken
Grey came running down the street full sprint for the lab. He slid
jumped and dove under obstacles... He turn the corner to the lab
and tripped on a Grubin which he then landed face first
to the dirt road.
As he was waiting the professor,who seemed to have arrived
late,Nate saw sime kid going in a rush and then trippin over a
grubbin hole,he laughed silently,but then decided to help
"Hey!Need a hand?"Nate said to the kid,trying to hold his laugh
Grey stood slowly.
"No.." Grey brushed off the dirt from his hoodie.
"You here for the Professor?" Grey asked the newcomer. He brushed
dirt from his hair.
At the moment the door was opened as a grumpy looking man walked
The man looked at the three.
"Ah you must be the new trainers..." He then pointed back at the
door. "Do come in then..."
Grey stumbled in past the professor.
"Welcome as you know I am Professor Pine the Professor of the Galos
Region..." Pine explained.
"Now... Children...I hate to tell you but I only have three random
pokemon...left." the professor tells them.
Grey shook his head.
"Where did all your pokemon go?" Grey asked.
"I was robbed last night....and a few days prior i sent some to my
friends in other regions..."
"Alright....Duo? You have gotten one of my most common but favorite
pokemon, Tentacool," Pine tells Duo as he walks towards Duo holding
out a pokeball and a pokedex.
"Robbed?By whom?"Nate asked,a little bit surprised,maybe that was
why he was late?
"Do not worry,I will bring the to justice with my new partner!Which
will be..."Nate said,and looked at the pokeballs
"Hey, thanks!" Duo excitedly sent his Tentacool out. It kinda
hovered around from place to place, messing with various things in
the lab. Duo went over to stop it after a minute, realizing what he
had done, but until then watched it in awe.
Pine let out a small chuckle.
"Okay Nate here take this...I just recieved it from a friend in the
neighboring Alola region..." Pine says handing Nate his Pokeball
and Pokedex.
"It's a Rockruff.."
"A rockruff?"Nate asked,and let out the mysterious pokemon out of
the pokeball...
Once the rockruff was out,it looked at Nate tilting its head,but
once Nate touched its head,The rockruff seemed to trust him
"Now...With my loyal partner rockruff,we are gong to bring justice
to this land!"Nate said,and Rockruff barked as an answer