Kendo hadn't broken a sweat. "I'll show you some more tricks later
if you want." Half the stands were clapping. The other half were
booing because they weren't amused. With a bow and a flourish, he
set off a smoke bomb and quietly slipped away. So what if they
panic? He didn't care-
“Hey! Want a challenge?” Luminia shouted, she might as well see how
this guy fought. Sure, she had watched him in action, but you can
learn a lot more from actually having some action.
Ivy left the arena, entering into the stands. Dramatic exits were
cool and all, but she wanted to let them see her holding her head
high. She saw a few people looking at her judgementally. It was
still an excellent showing of magig she doubted too many of them
could reproduce. Oh well, I'll show off in the tournament. Let
them underestimate me. And if they're still idiots, I'll meet them
in an alley one night... Wait, I promised Kendo I wouldn't.
She spied the girl from earlier sitting in the stands with a second
"Hi~ I'm Ivy! I don't think I got your name from earlier~ and
Kendo's gone... Most likely bothering Theo now~"
Rhuna watched the kids talk - dang, they were annoying as hell.
Whats the point of getting names from people. Stalking, much? Rhuna
never understood human nature, she wanted to learn, though, so she
watched the kids talk.
"Hi Luminia, hi Nessy~" She wasn't too annoyed that she lost. She
could have gotten out of Kendo's yield condition, but had learned
enough. Both of the girls seemed nice enough!
Ivy's face curved into a smirk. "Are you first years? And
Luminia... Were you the one responsible for those three girls in
the corner? Cuz it was a really nice bit of combat skill~
for a very worthy cause!"
She nodded, "Yes actually im guess you are as well?". This is her
first year at the school so she wanted to make a good impression
for ivy and the other people.
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
“Uh, yeah, that was me. I’m in the first year, so I don’t really
know much about this place, but I can tell that it isn’t as
prestigious as my parents had said,” Luminia decided that Ivy
probably was a nice person, someone to have on her side. Despite
her loss to Kendo, Luminia had the feeling that she was holding
back more.
"Yep~ I'm a first year student as well! A dark mage if you couldn't
figure it out from the duel!" Ivy immediately liked Nessy. The girl
was a little nervous, but that was to be expected. Unlike the rest
of the school, Nessy didn't seem to be putting on airs; she seemed
like a honestly sweet and genuine person. Luminia was a lot more
reserved, but Ivy wanted her on her side as well. After what she
did to those girls... they would be great friends.
"Are you ready for the tournament tomorrow? We'll get to compete
against the first years and other upper years for our ranks!"
She thought about the tournament and looked at her, "Oh yeah of
course i've been practicing my spells actually so i think i'll win
with all the spells i can remember". She tilted her head, "Do you
know what the rankings our for each round?".
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
"Yeah, I'm a swordsman but I know some basic-level magic. Like
teleporting small items ;P" he started to write a note
detailing the whole process of the tournament.
"I know! Then we'll really see how we are. Kendo said alliances are
allowed~ just putting that out there~" Teaming with the two girls
would be fun. Their magics complimented each other as well: dark,
light, and holy. Three witches to a coven.
"I heard the strongest students get ranks. It goes in descending
order of King, Ace, Queen, Rook, Jack and Bishop. There is 1 king,
1 ace, 1 queen, 2 Rooks, 3 Jacks and 3 Bishops."
A tournament? Rhuna wondered. Since when? I suppose I
could just watch. Even after 3 years, I still can't handle my power
yet. She thought as she continued overhearing the discussion.