Ivy smiled, and assumed a strong defensive starting position. "Do
you worst, lover boy~"
She was not afraid of losing. In fact, sometimes it was better to
lose than win, because defeat led to more knowledge. But Ivy still
wanted to win against the boy that looked at her as she were an
untrustworthy nuisance.
Ivy's shield was already in the air, as she whirled to face
"I knew you'd try something. Last time I checked, duels are
supposed to be counted off~" She cast a complex spell, and Kendo's
shadow came alive. It held a sword mirror to Kendo's own, and began
to attack him.
"Before you duel me, let's see first how you do against yourself~"
While they fought, she began to build up warding throughout the
training arena. This will help me later, Ivy thought to
Kendo was casually dodging every strike, and with one swing, cut
the shadow in two, dispersing it. "You know, I learned a few
tricks. One of them is a magic dispersing blade. The other is the
Light magic Aura blade."
Ivy rolled her eyes. Boys and their swords... enough said. That
would have been much more interesting if he would have played with
his prey for a minute. But he valued efficiency over tact. Ivy
respected that, even if it was less fun for her.
She activated the warding and the entire training arena fell away,
except for two platforms that she and Kendo were standing on. "Fall
in there and you'd typically go to the void~ but today I'm feeling
nice, and you'll only go to an accessible pocket dimension!" She
lazily sent a volley of shadowstreaks at Kendo - one touch and his
speed would be reduced tenfold.
Kendo's sword morphed into a staff, and he spun it in his hands, a
glowing golden aura surrounding his body, batting away the
shadowstreaks. "Cheap tricks."
"You know it!" She smirked, and sent a few shadow balls his way.
Baseball was a rather nice sport. She raised a second shield just
in case he had good aim.
Kendo's staff turned into a bow and arrow. He aimed and fired. The
arrow cracked through the first shield, then disappeared into
light. He just dodged the shadow balls.
"Mean!" She shrouded herself in mist, separating herself from her
shadow. She teleported her shadow behind Kendo. Unlike the
Kendo-shadow she used earlier, her shadow was impervious to all
magical blades. It was a part of her, and she could channel energy
into it. Her shadow tased Kendo slightly, stunning him briefly.
Ivy knew Kendo would recover quickly, and sent shadow tentacles
from the void after him. All in all, it was a fair showing of her
skills. A little bland, but one couldn't reveal all their secrets
at once.
*Time skip where Luminia is invited to watch the duel*
Luminia watched as the two showed off their skills. She thought
that they weren’t as good as she was, but they would most likely
still be hiding their best tricks. They were also a lot better than
all the others.
“Hi there, you watching too?” Luminia noticed a girl sit down next
to her. She was slightly impressed by Kendo’s play, but, well, she
could do much better.