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Warrior Cats RP [SIGN UPS]

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Warrior Cats RP [SIGN UPS]
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Fri, 01/10/2021 02:04 (3 Years ago)
Name: Crowleaf
Relationship Type: Bisexual
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Clan: Tangleclan
Appearance: A light gray cat who's paws are black, one green eye and one ocean blue eye. scars on her face and back.
Gender: She-Cat
Age: 13 moons
Wearing/Accessories: A torn piece of red cloth as a bandana
Skills/abilities: Very good at measuring others skills and anticipating others attacks, making her herself good with combat
Theme Song: Play to Win - Blixemi
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sat, 02/10/2021 18:13 (3 Years ago)
Name: Feelay
Relationship Type: None
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Common Raven
Appearance: As with any raven, Feelay is a night-black bird with beady eyes and a long beak.
Gender: Male
Age: 8 years
Wearing/Accessories: Feelay has a small metal band on his left leg
Skills/abilities: Feelay is skilled in speech and flight, though he also has a knack for finding (and hoarding) shiny objects.
Theme Song: Drivin' My Life Away
Bio/Other: Feelay was originally a domesticated bird, and learned to speak in both human and feline tongues (yes, ravens can be taught to speak). However, after a few disturbing events in the family with which he stayed, Feelay took the chance to escape from the area, his leg band the only thing now that reminds him of his past.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sun, 03/10/2021 19:59 (3 Years ago)
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Name: Fawnpaw
Relationship Type: Straight
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Clan: TangleClan
Appearance: Looks like a baby deer, brown with cream spots around her back legs and tail. She has a long tail, and thick fur. Fawnpaw has dark green eyes with hints of blue mixed in.
Gender: She-cat
Age: 10 Moons
Wearing/Accessories: Often has an ivy circlet on her right leg, and likes to wear flowers behind her ears.
Skills/abilities: Advanced hearing, and if standing still for long enough, you can lose track of where she is, like a deer.
Theme Song: Good for You
Bio/Other: Rather skittish, but becomes rather aggressive when arguing with her sister, Splashpaw. She loves to lay in flower fields, soaking up the sun. Has a minor crush on Nightpaw and Cedarpaw, but hides it well. She was rejected by another apprentice that left to be in DeathClan, and she doesn't trust toms anymore. She doesn't even consider confessing her feelings to Nightpaw and Cedarpaw for a long while.

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Name: Splashpaw
Relationship Type: Straight
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Clan: TangleClan
Appearance: A light greyish blue, with amber eyes.
Gender: She-cat
Age: 10 Moons
Wearing/Accessories: None, but sometimes a blue collar when she visits the Twolegs.
Skills/abilities:She can hold her breath for up to two hours, as if she could breath underwater. Her hearing is boosted underwater.
Theme Song: You Should See Me in a Crown
Bio/Other: Has stronger ambitions then Scourge, Tigerstar, and Tanglefoot combined, it is like Splashpaw is the reincarnation of the Devil. She is rather plump from spending time with Twolegs, and she fishes from the nearby river and steals prey from all four Clans. She has her quest laid out, kill Scar-eye, become deputy, kill Tanglefoot, and become leader. Kill all the other leaders at the gathering, even if clouds cover the moon. She will kill kits if she thinks they are competition for leadership, and will threaten StarClan just so she can be practically Immortal. She has the spirits of the vengefull cats from The Place of No Stars looking up to her in worship.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Tue, 05/10/2021 22:44 (3 Years ago)
Name: Jaykit
Relationship Type: Straight
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Clan: TangleClan
Appearance: Pure white with blue eyes, baby blue pupils
Gender: She-cat
Age: Half a moon
Wearing/Accessories: None
Skills/abilities: Blind (if you call that an ability), can heal in almost StarClan like ways, but only when she hits twelve moons in age.
Theme Song: Panic Room
Bio/Other: As a kit, she almost died due to being Deaf and Blind, but was saved by Cedarpaw and was no longer Deaf thanks to StarClan. It was a miracle she lived. She wants to be Cedarpaw's apprentice when she finally can play with other kits, and is often looked after by the spirit of Cinderpelt, and will become crippled by a Monster as an appretice, leading her to be apprentice by Cedarpaw in the future. Her theme song was changed to Panic Room because of how many times she will come so close to death in the future.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Wed, 06/10/2021 23:45 (3 Years ago)
Name: Obsidian

Relationship Type: Straight.

Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Dragon, NightWing

Gender: Demi-Female, she/they.

Age: 32 years, roughly.

Personality: Obsidian is a sweet-tempered, clumsy, childish dragon who's always failing or flunking out of things. Due to this, she's constantly nervous and erratic, always believing others to be judging her. Unfortunately, this has caused her to become a pathological liar and she often makes up lies on the spot, so others believe her to be more mature than she truly is. But this rarely works out for her, as she often leaves discrepancies and mistakes in each of her words, and gets called out on it. This insecurity and fear lines the base of her character and she will likely never be able to fight past it or truly recover, which is quite a shame. She really is a sweet dragon at heart, and her own belief that others will look down on her has truly made her out to be a worse person than she really is...

Personality Type: INFP-Mediator.

Appearance: A dark gray dragon with rough, always dusty underscales that are shades of silver. She has long, curved wings which are dark gray, and who's colour nearly matches the silver stars sprinkled underneath, almost camoflauging it. Her snout is short and blunt and rather clumsy looking, like a young dragonet. She has long legs that are too big for her body that she's constantly tripping over. Her claws are blunt and constantly figeting.

Wearing/Accessories: N/A, she shouldn't be trusted with them.

Skills/abilities: She... Has... Um... She can trip over things? Yes. That. And also, she's a bit of a pathological liar? But she's not good at it? So... Y'know, she's kinda untalented...

Theme Song: TBA, not sure yet.

Bio/Other: TBA.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 08/10/2021 19:59 (3 Years ago)
Name: Datura
Relationship Type: Straight
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Night/Leaf Hybrid
Appearance: x
Gender: Female
Age: 21 Years Old
Wearing/Accessories: Ruby Embedment near her eyes, Blue and Green SilkWing Silks draping over her wings, neck and tail. She has ink stained talons.
Skills/abilities: See the future down multiple paths, often recording it down into books. An odd thing is that she can't seem to read minds, even though she was hatched on three moons.
Theme Song: Try Everything (Warrior 🐈 Cover)
Bio/Other: Datura is a jumpy dragon at times, and she is a famous Author across Pyrrhia, you can find here books even water proofed in the Seawing Kingdom! She often makes new books, and she records what she sees in the future into books and gives them to The Royal NightWing Kingdom, she often buys things with her wealth for the poor, she has no dragonets. Many dragons have failed flirting with her, she is smart enough to pick up when dragons try. She is currently looking for something, and she has started to catalogue a new species of Wolf Hybrid, that she calls a Hacuutcha. The Hacuutcha is a wolf that is the size of a dragon, with wings, and has all the powers of a Nightwing and more. But, back to Datura, she has made the famous series named Scavenger's Journeys, where she explains why they shouldn't be eaten and why they are great for the ecosystem, and that dragons rely on them every day. In her books she leaves hints to Scavenger's Journeys, she also had a twin that had die after she hatched out of the egg.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 310
Posted: Sat, 09/10/2021 01:35 (3 Years ago)
Name: Leona
Relationship Type: Bisexual
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Human/Elf/Dragon
Gender: Female (Any Pronouns)
Age: 12 years old
Wearing/Accessories: Odd birthmarks under her eyes and on nose. Have fiery ember eyes and injuries. She have a light brown sweatshirt and a collar with a bell. Messy midnight colour hair.
Skills/abilities: Healing, Wind, Earth/Nature, magic and can make living things calm around her. Can speak to living things.
Theme Song: Breakaway
Bio/Other: Leon or Leona is girl with a sad and trauma past and got kicked out of her hometown when she just a toddler. She has a high intelligence like her late mother. The dragon leader found Leon shortly after Leon left her hometown and raised her. Leon left her new family after her 12th birthday.
. Pls Send missing Plushies!
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 09/10/2021 03:59 (3 Years ago)
Name: Soul
Relationship Type: Straight
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Clan: Loner (But can stay in TangleClan Territory as long as he wants)
Appearance: White base with patches of orange, brown and black, he has amber eyes. His back left leg is orange with darker orange stripes, he has a very long tail that's puffy at the end, and tufts on his long, slender ears. Soul looks underfed because of how slim he his, though he is well fed. His whiskers are very long.
Gender: Tom
Age: Nobody knows, some say he has lived since the beginning of the Clans. He looks very young, but still an adult.
Wearing/Accessories: A miniature sun like thing follows him, though the center of it is black. It hurts to the touch, but only slightly, it doesn't set anything on fire, fortunately. It lights up any dark area.
Skills/abilities: Can predict events that happen in the future, and can even predict how and when cats die. He will predict many things that will terrorize the Clans.
Theme Song: ⦿ Everything Moves ⦿
Bio/Other: He goes to the Moonstone every Half Moon, and too every gathering at every Full Moon, he scarcely talks about an Old, Friendly Fox named Daylight, and he will predict a Solar Eclipse that will terrify the Clans. He will at some point make Tanglestar and Crowstar stop believing in StarClan, and make the other three start to question StarClan. He is very persuasive, and after talking to Medicine Cats about his predictions the Medicine Cats will have very bad Migraines, but nobody thinks it is from Soul. Any attempts to assassinate him have failed, and he tells kits that StarClan is made up, leading to warriors that don't believe in StarClan. He has been a Kittypet before, and rejects every She-cat who loves him. His past Kittypet name was Pumpkin, and he also tells of flying reptiles called Dragons taking over their world, and just the presence of Soul anywhere gives a cat a minor Headache.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 16/10/2021 18:50 (3 Years ago)
Name: Lunafeather
Relationship Type: Straight/Lesbian, whichever works in a predicament.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat, dead
Clan: StarClan and The Place of No Stars
Appearance: X and X
Gender: She-Cat
Age: Unknown, she has been dead for a long time.
Wearing/Accessories: None, but when in the Dark Forest, she has little horns.
Skills/abilities: She enter StarClan and the Dark Forest at any time, the cats there not knowing under any circumstance.
Theme Song: Play to Win
Bio/Other: She has become a murderous cat, rejected by toms, and abuse in her Kithood and Apprenticehood. She was made an Apprentice and Warrior very early, since she had advanced skills that made her qualified as a cat that knew more about StarClan than StarClan themselves, but she knew next to nothing about StarClan, and had her ambitions nurtured by Mapleshade and Hawkfrost and didn't believe in StarClan, and in turn she was granted the power to become both StarClan and a Cat of No Stars by some Greater Being. She had almost become deputy but failed as she died by getting a fox trap stick dug into her throat, just like Hawkfrost. She lets the Place of No Stars know what StarClan is up to, and all the recent prophecies. Also, this isn't even a quarter of her backstory.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 30/10/2021 21:05 (3 Years ago)
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Name: Bumblekit
Relationship Type: Straight
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Clan: TangleClan
Appearance: X
Gender: She-Cat
Age: Newborn
Wearing/Accessories: N/A
Skills/abilities: N/A
Theme Song: 🌵Cowboy Dan🌵
Bio/Other: Will turn evil in the future, other words no backstory. Her sister is Rainbowkit, and her brother is Cedarkit.

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Name: Rainbowkit
Relationship Type: Straight
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Clan: TangleClan
Appearance: X
Gender: She-Cat
Age: Newborn
Wearing/Accessories: N/A
Skills/abilities: N/A
Theme Song: Try Everything
Bio/Other: A very cheerful cat, won't take no for an answer. Her brother is Cedarkit, her sister is Bumblekit.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Mon, 08/11/2021 01:31 (3 Years ago)
Name: Bloodclaw
Relationship Type: Straight
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat (Sphynx)
Clan: TangleClan
Appearance: Hairless black tom with wrinkly skin, blood red eyes.
Gender: Tom
Age: 58 Moons
Wearing/Accessories: His claws are crusted red, which gave him his name.
Skills/abilities: Very long, unusually sharp claws.
Theme Song: House of Memories
Bio/Other: The day he was apprentice, he had killed his first cat. He killed many more, and that earned his name. He looks up to Tigerstar, and is influenced by The Dark Forest. Not much else here, his story will build more.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 12/11/2021 23:00 (3 Years ago)
Name: Feath... Feathie... She cannot recall her name. She has wandered for too long.

Gender: She-Cat. But even she questions it sometimes.

Age: No one knows.

Relationship Type: ??? She cannot recall the kinds of cats she liked while she was alive.

Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat of an ancient breed, ghostly form.

Clan: ??? She does not know of her allegiance.

Appearance: A cat who's ancient, silvery pelt may once have been black. She is small, like an apprentice, but her ghostly form wobbles at sight, and it's hard to tell where her fur ends and where it begins, or if it's simply a mirage in the desert sand. Her eyes though- they're yellow and quiet, like two small golden moons set within her sunken skull. Very little can be told... except that she is irrefutably ancient.

Wearing/Accessories: Nothing. Matter drifts through her paws.

Skills/abilities: Guiding cats. Knowledge of the area. She claims to be a good hunter, but that is unproveable since she cannot catch anything.

Theme Song: TBA.

Bio/Other: Whoever she was, Feath was born thousands of years ago to a group... who's name she doesn't recall. She is familiar with twolegs and some cats, but can't recall anything about them besides feelings. She has roamed the sands of Egypt for many a year in her spirit form, looking for something- and when she forgot what it was, she looked for the place she started in in the hopes she could remember. But it all remains as elusive as the breeze which she can no longer feel.. and she has slowly lost heart.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 102
Posted: Sat, 13/11/2021 20:11 (3 Years ago)
[ b]Name:[/b] Mintpaw
[ b]Relationship Type:[/b] ???
[ b]Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid:[/b] Cat
[ b]Clan:[/b] SwiftpawClan camp??
[ b]Appearance:[/b] light gray she-cat w/ minty greeen eyes
[ b]Gender:[/b] female
[ b]Age:[/b] 8-10 moons
[ b]Wearing/Accessories:[/b] nope. Maybe some deathberries around ear
[ b]Skills/abilities:[/b] backflipping onto people's shoulders and pushing them into ravines if that counts?
[ b]Theme Song:[/b] here but I dont know what this still is dont actually click
[ b]Bio/Other:[/b] so she's crazy. She was originally from another RP I did on another site, but some people may or may not recognize her because I use her a lot. Sh elikes to "harm" people for fun. Basically just for entertainment. If Mintpaw is not allowed, can I add Snowkit, basically the same but a child and less crazy?
Quote from Gravity Falls One good eye and one good Togepie!

~ Forever Yours, Togepie
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sat, 13/11/2021 20:36 (3 Years ago)
Name: Frosty
Relationship Type: Gay
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Clan: Loner
Appearance: A light gray cat with white around his nose
Gender: Male//Tom
Age: 24 moons
Wearing/Accessories: A light blue torn up collar, with snowflakes on it.
Skills/abilities: Climbing trees and getting through tight/small spaces.
Theme Song: This and/or This (second is more Him and Doestep, though)
Bio/Other: Frosty is a Loner born Kittypet, who got away from his Twolegs. He made his way into the forest, whereas he thought it was safe, only to be attacked by a patrol of clan cats. Now he lives on the outskirts of the territories., fending for himself.
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 102
Posted: Sun, 14/11/2021 17:30 (3 Years ago)

[ b]Name:[/b] Scorpia
[ b]Relationship Type:[/b] idk.
[ b]Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid:[/b] cat kmittie
[ b]Clan:[/b] kittypet
[ b]Appearance:[/b] pale yellow with white splotches and blue eyes
[ b]Gender:[/b] female
[ b]Age:[/b] 18 moons (basiclly right out of apprenticeship if in clans)
[ b]Wearing/Accessories:[/b] light blue collar and jewels somewhere. IDK her twolegs are very wealthy.
[ b]Skills/abilities:[/b] Can jump over fences and can communicat e with twolegs wtih her paws.
[ b]Bio/Other:[/b] She used to be a clan rogue (lived near the clan cats) but then her friend told her how good it was to be a kittypet nd she left.
Quote from Gravity Falls One good eye and one good Togepie!

~ Forever Yours, Togepie
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 102
Posted: Mon, 15/11/2021 21:41 (3 Years ago)

Name: Cream
Relationship Type: Bi
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat/Kittypet
Appearance: cream colored tom with amber eyes and pale brown wwp (basically paws, tail tip, ears, chest fur, belly, muzzle, ect.)
Gender: male/tom
Age: 18 moons. (Scorpia's brother/mate/whatever I dont really know. Basically, they're close.)
Wearing/Accessories: light green collar
Skills/abilities: I dont know
Theme Song: IDK
Cream used to be a rogue in the forest before he was taken away by twolegs that found him. Soon he was taken to a new house in a village nearby a campsite. Severel Months later, he went to tell Scorpia to join him. She agreed. He likes stroop waffles.

Eygpt Kitty Pets

Name: Flora
Relationship Type: idk yet
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: cat/kittypet
Appearance: sand-ginger she-cat with pale green eyes
Gender: female
Age: 8-12 moons
Wearing/Accessories: none. Would've been mistaked for a clan cat
Skills/abilities: Can talk to plants? (Flora means Plant I think)
Theme Song: IDK
Bio/Other: IDK

Name: Fauna
Relationship Type: idk.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: cat/kittypet
Appearance: foxy-red tom with black wwp, dark brown eeyes, and fox-like features
Gender: male
Age: 8-12 moons
Wearing/Accessories: nope
Skills/abilities: Can talk to other animals. (Think Fauna mens aninmal
Theme Song: none
Bio/Other: related to Flora somehow.
Quote from Gravity Falls One good eye and one good Togepie!

~ Forever Yours, Togepie
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Mon, 15/11/2021 22:14 (3 Years ago)
Name: Jhi (Pronounced Jee)
Relationship Type: Straight
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat/Short Hair
Clan: Kittypet
Appearance: X
Gender: She-Cat
Age: 2 (Twoleg Years)
Wearing/Accessories: Purple collar.
Skills/abilities: The power to be a Cinnamon Roll, can pacify others and has powerful healing powers.
Theme Song: N/A
Bio/Other: Kit-like behavior, rather cheery, but quite lax and sometimes tells of a great tree with golden leaves that has roots that reach down to the center of the earth. She seems to know about three other cats or animals that had fought in a great war with a few other cats with odd names, and that she woke up as a cat one day. She is rather odd.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Thu, 18/11/2021 20:29 (3 Years ago)
Name: Uraza
Relationship Type: Straight
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat (formerly a Leopard)
Clan: Kittypet
Appearance: X
Gender: She-cat
Age: 2 (Twoleg Years)
Wearing/Accessories: None
Skills/abilities: Enhanced senses, better than a normal cat.
Theme Song: N/A
Bio/Other: She used to be a Leopard, and sometimes tells the same story as Jhi.
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 102
Posted: Fri, 19/11/2021 22:12 (3 Years ago)


[ b]Name:[/b] Wolfecho
[ b]Relationship Type:[/b] errr shes like Mapleshade, oki?
[ b]Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid:[/b] kittty cat
[ b]Clan:[/b] errrrrr was it SwiftpawClan?
[ b]Appearance:[/b] goldenish-gray she-cat with wolf-like features
[ b]Gender:[/b] female
[ b]Age:[/b] errrr 38 moons IDK
[ b]Wearing/Accessories:[/b] nope. A flower- er- wreath?
[ b]Skills/abilities:[/b] ???
[ b]Theme Song:[/b] none
[ b]Bio/Other:[/b] errr Mapleshade Venenge insert here

[ b]Name:[/b] Foxkit
[ b]Relationship Type:[/b] idk
[ b]Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid:[/b] cat
[ b]Clan:[/b] rogue dead kit
[ b]Appearance:[/b] reddish ginger tom with fox like features.
[ b]Gender:[/b] tom/male/idk
[ b]Age:[/b] 2 moons
[ b]Wearing/Accessories:[/b] none
[ b]Skills/abilities:[/b] none
[ b]Theme Song:[/b] none
[ b]Bio/Other:[/b] none

[ b]Name:[/b] Goldenkit
[ b]Relationship Type:[/b] idk
[ b]Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid:[/b] kit cat dead
[ b]Clan:[/b] ???
[ b]Appearance:[/b] golden tom with a black mask
[ b]Gender:[/b] tom
[ b]Age:[/b] 2 moons
[ b]Wearing/Accessories:[/b] none
[ b]Skills/abilities:[/b] none
[ b]Theme Song:[/b] none
[ b]Bio/Other:[/b] none

[ b]Name:[/b] Rosekit
[ b]Relationship Type:[/b] idk
[ b]Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid:[/b] kittty
[ b]Clan:[/b] er none
[ b]Appearance:[/b] rosy-red she-cat with gray wwp and orange eyes
[ b]Gender:[/b] female
[ b]Age:[/b] 2 moons
[ b]Wearing/Accessories:[/b] none
[ b]Skills/abilities:[/b] none
[ b]Theme Song:[/b] none
[ b]Bio/Other:[/b] none


Name: Quesadilla
[ b]Relationship Type:[/b] idk
[ b]Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid:[/b] cat kittypet
[ b]Clan:[/b] kittypet/kittypet
[ b]Appearance:[/b] ginger she-cat with creamy pink eyes
[ b]Gender:[/b] femle
[ b]Age:[/b]18 moons
[ b]Wearing/Accessories:[/b] err a hot pink collar
[ b]Skills/abilities:[/b] none
[ b]Theme Song:[/b] none
[ b]Bio/Other:[/b] friends with Flora and Fauna
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 102
Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 01:19 (3 Years ago)
Im going to leave this RP oki?
Quote from Gravity Falls One good eye and one good Togepie!

~ Forever Yours, Togepie