Forum Thread
Warrior Cats RP [SIGN UPS]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Warrior Cats RP [SIGN UPS]Type of dragon/Cat/Hybrid: Leafwing
Appearance: x
Gender: Female
Age: Just one year older than Sunburst
Wearing: A leather wristband studded with an emerald, an ivory embedment below her eyes. Both are enchanted, but she only will tell her embedment enchantment. The first ivory piece has purple veins in it.
Skills/abilities: Extremely Strong Leafspeak (can control plants and see what they are thinking)
Bio/Other: Lesbian, her GF is Sunburst, is almost always rude except to Sunburst, will like everything that Sunburst likes except fighting. Loves to paint, lives in the village, and is a gardener. Sometimes goes out and sings in the forest, and sings in the ocean as her Seawing form. Has a beautiful voice, but sometimes sounds like water dripping of an icicle.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Silkwing/Barely any Icewing
Appearance: x
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen years old
Wearing/Accessories: A brass horn ring, a bronze armband, and a bronze hoop earing.
Skills/abilities: Flamesilk, Animus. Enchantments on jewelry are; BHR can let her see through the eyes of another creature without them knowing. BA, lets her control insects. BHE, makes creatures pan out her orders, no matter what.
Theme Song: Control
Bio/Other: Really bossy since she is next SilkWing Queen, hates dragonets, slightly lost some of her soul since she is Animus, will do anything for power, and is waiting to be old enough to be Queen. Sometimes talks to her 'imaginary friend' even though she says that he imaginary friend is real. Hates Nightshade, will tolerate Sunburst, but mostly just likes herself.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: A shadow; holds no true form, but it still very much exists as a three-dimensional being
Appearance: This shadow is the size of a cat, similar to it's master, though it is very clearly a dragon. It has wings and a longer snout, as well as ridges on it's spine.
Gender: None; It/that
Age: 22 Moons
Wearing/Accessories: None
Skills/abilities: This shadow can, at night or in other darkness, separate from it's owner and do as it wishes, though it cannot actually touch other being; only their shadows. To add, it can speak to anyone and everyone, even if they want to shut it out by covering thier ears.
Theme Song: Lost
Bio/Other: This shadow came into the world alongside a cat, evidently part of a prophecy: "A kit of both herself and beasts."
Name: Vallyshade
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Appearance: Valleyshade is a very large cat, her short fur surprisingly unmatted even though she rarely grooms herself. Her fur is mostly grey, only upset by black tiger stripes scattered over her torso. Piercing amber eyes are usually wide awake, ready to snap at anything aggressive with shining white teeth.
Gender: Female
Age: 22 Moons
Wearing/Accessories: Valleyshade wears a small wrap of vines around her front left leg, as well as an odd piece of metal around her neck; it's too mauled to see what is says, though.
Skills/abilities: Valleyshade is exceptionally skilled in battle and escaping, even if escape should be impossible. She credits it to her "ability to shrink or grow," usually as a joke. Valley excels in ambushes and battling more than one cat, her large body able to take much more damage before she gives in.
Theme Song: The Mind Electric
Bio/Other: Valleyshade was born into a clan as a prophecy kit, supposedly destined to bring peace to all Clans, so long as she was in one. Not wanting the responsibility, she ran away as soon as she was old enough to hunt. She refuses to tell anything of her life beyond that.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Appearance: A light brown tabby she-cat with white on her chest, brown eyes
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years old (48 moons)
Skills/abilities: Can control vibrations, uses them to push things around
Theme Song: Lions Inside by Valley of Wolves
Bio/Other: She's tough, but kind. She got special powers by being exposed to something... special. She has no family, no friends. Skye is super skilled at fighting.
(Based off of Skye from Agents of Shield.)

Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: NightWing/IceWing Hybrid
Appearance: x
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Wearing/Accessories: N/A
Skills/abilities: Animus, Enhanced Future seeing, Mind Reading, Frostbreath
Theme Song: I'm on top of the World
Bio/Other: Loves cats, often struggling in crowds because of her Telepathy, has no mate so far, but loves to talk and will go down her future trails quite often. Sometimes accidentally will ask something she knows about them from reading their mind, and will try not to read minds because she thinks it is quite nosy. Is quite timid when talking about her powers, and rather never talks about her Animus powers. Has never enchanted anything, and has barely any friends. She loves cooked fish and learned to fish from her father, in the Ice Kingdom. Eating baby seals is a crime to her, and she would very rarely visit her father, and her mother is another story. Sometimes she would eat cow, but it dose not taste good to her. Banana is better than cow, and she rather eats fruit if the option is present.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Wolf
Appearance: x
Gender: Female
Age: In cat age, almost a warrior, but not quite
Wearing/Accessories: N/A
Skills/abilities: Good Healer, but bling in one eye.
Theme Song: One I was 7 Years Old
Bio/Other: Once almost died as a pup in a sinkhole, to be saved by the pack leader. Is mostly sad, and saved a wolf's life when the other wolves had gotten the wrong herbs. Chased out of her pack by being blamed secretly by the Beta, and had no idea what she did, since that was accurate. All her scars except the one on the top of her muzzle are from cats.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: NightWing/Skywing
Appearance: Oracul is a dragon with crimson wing membranes and enchanting violet scales. His horns are black and large, his claws white and painted with dark reds, simply for his own fancy. His eyes are an intoxicating set of colors, one a sky blue and the other a deep, rich purple. He's not an overly large dragon, though he's most certainly not small.
Gender: Male
Age: Oracul is roughly a young adult, just a little younger than Midnight.
Wearing/Accessories: Oracle wears a gray blindfold when he flies, so that he can focus more on flapping his wings and using his abilities to guide him, rather than having to try and focus on using his eyes.
Skills/abilities: Despite his lack of ability to read minds, Oracul can tell any possible futures with perfect accuracy - and tell what catalysts might cause each future.
Theme Song: Valhalla - SKÁLD
Bio/Other: This hybrid was born under two full moons, one of which was a Supermoon, which is when a moon is closest to it's planet. That makes it visibly larger and, in Oracul's case, enhance certain abilities.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: SkyWing
Gender: Male
Age: Valor was buries for many many years, though he was roughly a middle-aged adult when he fell asleep.
Wearing/Accessories: Valor used to wear a pair of golden horn rings, several decorative necklaces, and a set of bloodstained black armor. However, due to him growing when he was buried, those have all broken. Now, he carries only an enchanting ring that shrinks him down when he put it on. In addition, he wields a scythe that he enchanted to follow his commands with perfect accuracy. He named this scythe "Valdimire."
Skills/abilities: Valor is an animus dragon, and has made several enchantments on himself. First, he accidentally made himself nearly impossible to kill by muttering "I wish I weren't so vulnerable." From there, he went on without knowing he was an animus, not making any more spells. His next spell was to make his soul immune to the animus curse, and then to be able to smell other animus magic around him.
Theme Song: Oblivion
Bio/Other: Long ago, Valor was hatched as a SkyWing prince, though he was seen as too weak to truly do anything. His father sparred with him, and always won, to try and make him stronger, leading to the prince's first enchantment. However, he was still seen as too weak. He was exiled from his kingdom and sent to live on his own, soon becoming a paid fighter or guard due to his near invulnerability. He soon became a Warlord, finding his power unimaginably satisfying. He gathered support and nearly tore apart the Sky Kingdom, taking it as his own and restoring it to order - under his iron talon. He saw himself as a Darkstalker, only better; more fair, more loyal. And because of that, he soon grew enraged with himself. How would he keep his rule if he died? So, as any logical dragon would do, he enchanted a stone to hold his soul immortal and buried himself. Under the earth, he grew. Above the earth, his stone was passed along through generations as a prize. Now that he's risen, though, he no longer fears losing his rule.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Rainwing
Appearance: x
Gender: Female
Age: Same age as Valor
Wearing/Accessories: N/A
Skills/abilities: Animus, Venom
Theme Song: Queen of Mean
Bio/Other: The supposed next Rainwing Queen, but she was not picked. Wants revenge and decided to try to marry Valor, treating Midnight like a peasant. Rainwing princess, even though many dragons do not care and put her with all the other lesser dragonets. Is wanting to rule all the dragon tribes, putting the other tribes in danger by just thinking of that.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Clan: Rogue, also goes by Fern.
Appearance: Brown cat, her mud-colored spiked up fur helps blend with her surroundings. Gold eyes.
Gender: Female
Age: 6 years
Wearing/Accessories: Tooth collar, like Scourge's, but light blue
Skills/abilities: Good fighter, Speedy
Theme Song: dont have one yet
Bio/Other: Exiled from SwiftPawClan, soon to find the Loner hangout.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Skywing/Nightwing Hybrid Ghost
Appearance: Mostly a dark shade of red with black spots mixed in, but unclear on what his actual color is, since he is dead, ghostly blue eyes. Large gash on his chest, blood almost is always dripping from his mouth
Gender: Boy/Him/His
Age: Somewhere between young adult and adult, but it is unclear
Wearing/Accessories: Metal band on his neck with chains hanging from it
Skills/abilities: Animus, all the stuff ghosts can do
Theme Song: I'm so Sorry
Bio/Other: Hates Valor, not much known except being a rude, haunting spirit that will try and kill Midnight later on
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Skywing/Rainwing
Appearance: A dark brown like a falcon, and likes to stick to falcon colors.
Gender: Male
Age: One year older than Eclipse
Wearing/Accessories: A cuff with falcon feathers on it
Skills/abilities: Rainwing venom in two long, front fangs
Theme Song: Hit the Road Jack
Bio/Other: Is usually banished from the Skywing and Rainwing Kingdoms, since he is not like them. Was raised by falcons, and can understand falcon. Was watching Eclipse for a long time from his nest, which looks like a large version of a Falcon's nest or a Bald Eagle's nest. He keeps many things in his nest, and acts a little too much like his favorite bird. He tries to find love like a bird, using the falcon mating call but only luring female falcons. Is often depressed.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: SandWing
Appearance: Here
Gender: Male
Age: Mid-adult
Wearing/Accessories: Xercole wears a blindfold and one golden horn ring. Sometimes, he has a cloak that covers his entire body.
Skills/abilities: Aside from the usual SandWing abilities, Xerocole has an incredible sense of smell, partially due to the fact that he's blind. He's said he can even smell emotions, though whether that's true or not is hard to know.
Theme Song: Couture (Explicit)
Bio/Other: Xerocole is said to be an illusive sort of dragon, hard to see and impossible to catch. However, if you do manage to enrage him enough to where he'll fight you, he becomes an entirely different dragon. His attacks become animalistic and cruel, doing everything in his power to kill his opponent. Some say he's immune to pain, too. He's not showed enough of himself to truly tell if that's true or false.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Animus Spell(?)/Seawing(?)
Appearance: A deep blue, almost black. Dark green eyes with ink stained talons, a deep, oily voice.
Gender: Male(?)
Age: Adult(?)
Wearing/Accessories: Ring studded with emeralds, and a gold Hoop Earring. Ring on his middle right claw. Satchel that seems to be empty, but he can pull stuff from it that wasn't there before.
Skills/abilities: Animus, some type of Long Range Mind Reading
Theme Song: N/A
Bio/Other: Only wants to serve people that needs an Animus spell, only appears to dragons that are going mad from Animus magic and ones who need Animus Spells. Invisible to ones that are not needing an Animus spell. Adds a horrible curse to every spell, wiether the dragon knows it or not and likes it or not.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Clan: Rogue
Appearance: Thoh is a very large grey tom cat with very discolored eyes; one is a mellow green while the other is a vibrant orange. Darker grey fur decorates this tom with a tiger stripe pattern that spreads across his entire body, including his legs and paws. Several scars are visible, however the most prominent are matching claw scars over his eyes, though the eyes themselves are entirely unharmed.
Gender: Male
Age: Thoh seems to be no older than a warrior who has trained an apprentice.
Wearing/Accessories: Vine wraps around the front ankles.
Skills/abilities: Thoh is a very skilled fighter and takes charge of situations easily and efficiently, and has honed his hunting skills to perfection.
Theme Song: Unstoppable - The Score
Bio/Other: Thoh speaks fondly of a past clan, and seems to have experience in being either a leader or deputy.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Clan: Loner
Appearance: x
Gender: Female
Age: Warrior (27 Moons)
Wearing/Accessories: N/A
Skills/abilities: N/A
Theme Song: More
Bio/Other: Currently pregnant, and has lost all of her litters to many different causes, the most popular cause is Greencough and Starvation. She hates the Clans, but only begs for help if she begins kitting. She has kitted alone many times, and is depressed due to either miss-carriage or her kits dying. Very distantly related to Firestar, her parents are Crowstar, leader of DeathClan, and Flake, a she-cat loner. She mostly gets rejected by the clans when begging for help when kitting, and searches for a safe place to kit. She has formed a bond with Sparowstar, the leader of BirdClan. Many clan cats hate her.

Name: Frecklenose
Gender: She-Cat
Age: 38 Moons at death, 107 Moons to date.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat. (Breed: Exotic Shorthair.)
Clan: The Place of No Stars.
Personality: Chirpy, sweet, playful she-cat with a rather morbid sense of humor. She appears very motherly and caring about kits, at first glance. However, on second glance, she's horribly cruel and takes the phrase "The Strong survive, and The Weak die off" far more literally than she should. She enjoys killing apprentices, but kits are a special preference of hers. She refers to herself as "Frecklie" in her moments of true insanity, and oftentimes dissolves into giggles and non-sensical words. Frecklenose gives others sickly sweet nicknames, and doesn't seem to care who they offend. Few realize it, but Frecklenose is very strong, and understands this about herself. Frecklenose, under this guise, takes on "bodyguards" whom she brutally murders upon discovering a weakness in them, or herself. Most of this is due to the fact that she has Depersonalization Derealization Disorder and finds its quite easy to do anything regardless of any morals she has been taught from kithood.
Personality Type: ISFP-A (Adventurer)
Appearance: Freckenose is a brown classic tabbied she-cat with a flat face, unusually small ears, and enormous amber eyes. She has a short tail that plumes at the end. Her short legs give her a rather kit-like and innocent appearance, especially with the patches of fluff on her pelt. Not a very attractive she-cat, it would seem, especially with the many odd scars that litter her pelt, seeming to sing of some deadly accident...
Wearing/Accessories: N/A. The only thing she wears is scars. And a very creepy grin. C'mon, Frecklenose, we all know you're the Cheshire Cat, just tell us already. Like, look at the Cheshire Cat. Look at her. I see no difference. Except she's sliiightly more murderous. But still. Cheshire Cat.
Skills/abilities: She's not a very strong hunter, or fighter, or so it would seem. In life, she was a Queen, however murderous. Her talents rely mostly with her ability to kill and not care. Despite this, she's also a skilled fighter from her time spent in the Dark Forest, and she can easily catch one off guard and end their life in a quick slash.
Theme Song: Come Little Children (Erutan)
Bio/Other: Frecklenose was a DeathClan "serial killer" who murdered the kits she took into her care. She'd frame queens for horrid crimes and care for the kits. Then she'd murder them and blame it on the rogue queens. The clan quickly figured it out, and banished her. She fled to BirdClan, fabricating a tragic story. BirdClan took her in out of pity, and she refrained from kit-murder enough that Dapplekit reached apprentice age. She attempted to murder Dapplepaw, but Dapplepaw's mentor caught her and Frecklenose was exiled. Frecklenose swore revenge and attempted to weaken the log-bridge at the gathering with the aid of wild beavers. The creatures caught her while she was luring them and tore her apart, penultimately killing her. She stalks The Dark Forest, murdering the cats who she claims as her bodyguards upon discovering a weakness in them or herself.
Gender: She-Cat
Age: 38 Moons at death, 107 Moons to date.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat. (Breed: Exotic Shorthair.)
Clan: The Place of No Stars.
Personality: Chirpy, sweet, playful she-cat with a rather morbid sense of humor. She appears very motherly and caring about kits, at first glance. However, on second glance, she's horribly cruel and takes the phrase "The Strong survive, and The Weak die off" far more literally than she should. She enjoys killing apprentices, but kits are a special preference of hers. She refers to herself as "Frecklie" in her moments of true insanity, and oftentimes dissolves into giggles and non-sensical words. Frecklenose gives others sickly sweet nicknames, and doesn't seem to care who they offend. Few realize it, but Frecklenose is very strong, and understands this about herself. Frecklenose, under this guise, takes on "bodyguards" whom she brutally murders upon discovering a weakness in them, or herself. Most of this is due to the fact that she has Depersonalization Derealization Disorder and finds its quite easy to do anything regardless of any morals she has been taught from kithood.
Personality Type: ISFP-A (Adventurer)
Appearance: Freckenose is a brown classic tabbied she-cat with a flat face, unusually small ears, and enormous amber eyes. She has a short tail that plumes at the end. Her short legs give her a rather kit-like and innocent appearance, especially with the patches of fluff on her pelt. Not a very attractive she-cat, it would seem, especially with the many odd scars that litter her pelt, seeming to sing of some deadly accident...
Wearing/Accessories: N/A. The only thing she wears is scars. And a very creepy grin. C'mon, Frecklenose, we all know you're the Cheshire Cat, just tell us already. Like, look at the Cheshire Cat. Look at her. I see no difference. Except she's sliiightly more murderous. But still. Cheshire Cat.
Skills/abilities: She's not a very strong hunter, or fighter, or so it would seem. In life, she was a Queen, however murderous. Her talents rely mostly with her ability to kill and not care. Despite this, she's also a skilled fighter from her time spent in the Dark Forest, and she can easily catch one off guard and end their life in a quick slash.
Theme Song: Come Little Children (Erutan)
Bio/Other: Frecklenose was a DeathClan "serial killer" who murdered the kits she took into her care. She'd frame queens for horrid crimes and care for the kits. Then she'd murder them and blame it on the rogue queens. The clan quickly figured it out, and banished her. She fled to BirdClan, fabricating a tragic story. BirdClan took her in out of pity, and she refrained from kit-murder enough that Dapplekit reached apprentice age. She attempted to murder Dapplepaw, but Dapplepaw's mentor caught her and Frecklenose was exiled. Frecklenose swore revenge and attempted to weaken the log-bridge at the gathering with the aid of wild beavers. The creatures caught her while she was luring them and tore her apart, penultimately killing her. She stalks The Dark Forest, murdering the cats who she claims as her bodyguards upon discovering a weakness in them or herself.

Name: Daffodilpaw
Gender: She-Cat
Age: 11 Moons
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat. (Breed: American Shorthair.)
Clan: BirdClan
Personality: Daffodilpaw is a determined, heroic cat who longs to rule over the clan and protect all those she cares about, taking every blow and every strike for them- or at least that's how she presents herself. Deep down, she's a very frightened, insecure, cowardly cat who's terrified of death and disapproval, and longs for a simple, easy, safe life, knowing her clanmates would scoff at it. She wishes that she could've been born a kittypet, if only to be safe and not forced to work and struggle for life. She's not any good at anything anyway...
Personality Type: INFP-Mediator
Appearance: Short-furred tortoiseshell and white she-cat with a long, straight tail, and ordinary size. She has bright green eyes that stand out sharply on her small, angled face. Overall, she's fairly pretty, but mostly ordinary-looking, ignoring her bright pelt.
Wearing/Accessories: She sometimes will slip a hibiscus flower behind her ear, and likes decorating her den, but she typically loses things, since she's quite clumsy and forgetful.
Skills/abilities: Nothing of mention. She's relatively unskilled.
Theme Song: TBA, nothing in mind currently.
Bio/Other: Daffodilpaw was born to an unnamed warrior pair of BirdClan. In her life, she has had little to mention, since it has been fairly normal and her best has always been mediocre at most. Her life likely won't improve, as she does not have the motivation to try so.
Relationship Type: Gay
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat (Tabby)
Clan: LifeClan
Appearance: Pale ginger with darker ginger stripes along her muzzle, back, tail, and neck. Long, silky fur and markings around her amber eyes shaped like petals.
Gender: Female
Age: 21 Moons
Wearing/Accessories: A cuff of ivy around her left leg, a rose tucked behind her right ear
Skills/abilities: Good at finding flowers, very good nose.
Theme Song: 🔥Fire on Fire🔥
Bio/Other: Loves Icyblossom, and wishes she could have kits with her. Would never want to pick a tom over her mate, and will comfort Icyblossom in times of need. Sometimes will stay at Camp when she thinks a fight is too dangerous, if it's a fight with DeathClan. Misses her mother dearly, since her mother had died giving birth to her. An only kit, which is seen as a bad omen. Her father left the Clan, due to her mother dying. Has nightmares of Icyblossom dying at times, and a robin often likes to fallow Icyblossom and Rosefall.

Name: Icyblossom
Gender: She-Cat
Age: 19 Moons
Relationship Type: Pan.
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat (Breed: Chantilly/Tiffany)
Clan: LifeClan
Personality: Icyblossom is a quiet, observant she-cat. She's always noting the traits and personalities of others, sorting them into categories and remaining mostly unattached and uninterested in the emotions and feelings of others. But perhaps, this is a mask, hiding a fiercer side deep within. It's currently unknown... just how does this she-cat work, deep down?
Personality Type: ENTP-A (Debater)
Appearance: Pure black she-cat with long, silky fur and pale, watery yellow eyes. Her tail is long and plumy, and droops near the ground. She's got an average, slightly athletic build with light strength backing it.
Wearing/Accessories: She doesn't wear anything, but on occasion, she'll weave flowers into her nest, and in the summer, she'll often be covered in petals by the time she wakes up.
Skills/abilities: Icyblossom is a fairly decent hunter, and she can easily blend in during night, with her dark pelt. But she's hopeless in Leaf-Bare, and can never quite shake all the snow from her fur. Her fighting skills are mediocre.
Theme Song: Fire on Fire
Bio/Other: Icyblossom was born to Breezeskip and an unnamed tom of LifeClan alongside her sisters Mousekit and an unnamed kit, and brother, another unnamed kit. She was often admired for her keen mind and quiet maturity, and was granted a wonderful mentor when she was apprenticed. Her sister, Mousepaw, the runt of the litter, was the closest to her. But as they grew older and Mousepaw was diminished besides her sister, the she-cat grew bitter and angry. One day, the two had a fight and from then on, Icypaw and Mousepaw avoided each other and became distant from their clanmates, Icypaw cold and dismissive, and Mousepaw hot-headed and fierce. Icypaw was granted the name "Icyblossom" for her wisdom and keen intellect, and Mousepaw was granted the name Mousefang, for her battle skills and sharp wit. To this day, the two sisters remain enstranged... and very little will be likely to change that.

Name: Mousefang
Gender: She-Cat
Age: 19 Moons
Relationship Type: Straight
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat (Breed:
Clan: LifeClan
Personality: Mousefang is a rather grumpy, insulting cat, with little to no charisma. Shse dislikes the presence of others and tends to be snappish and fierce. She has a heart of gold deep down, and is highly protective of those she cares about... which actually probably don't exist, come to think of it. She's tough and fierce, and never lets up. But she's easy to manipulate- if she gets attention from someone, then her heart softens quite a bit, and she'll grudgingly respect them as another cat. Other than this, though, she's mostly an impregnable, aggressive she-cat who you tend to avoid and hope you don't get placed on the same patrol with.
Personality Type: INTP-A (Logician)
Appearance: Black and white she-cat with light green eyes. She's very small, with large ears and a thin, fleecy pelt. Her tail is long and thin, and curls at the tip.
Wearing/Accessories: N/A
Skills/abilities: An excellent fighter and decent hunter. Most of her skill isn't natural though, and she's slightly clumsy and uncoordinated and she has strange techniques that she implements to make up for this and her small size.
Theme Song: TBA
Bio/Other: [See Icekit above.]

Name: Ravenkit
Relationship Type: Straight
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Clan: TangleClan
Appearance: Pitch black tom with white paws, bushy tail, white on the end of his tail, emerald green eyes, and a white heart on his chest
Gender: Tom
Age: 5 Moons
Wearing/Accessories: A small, black Raven that follows him around at all times, often perching on his shoulder. Later on a scar almost blinding his left eye as an Apprentice
Skills/abilities: Somehow he can start a blood moon, where he and his Clanmates can shed massive amounts of his enemy's blood. (Only when he is a warrior)
Theme Song: My Name is Carnival
Bio/Other: Rather bold as a kit, but turned skittish like Ravenpaw as an apprentice. He feared about the littlest thing until his mentor, Tanglefoot (Later Tanglestar), gave him a beating for being so skittish. He wants bloodthirsty revenge on everyone who wronged him as a warrior like Tigerstar, even killing Tanglestar. He tries to kill Cedarpaw before his later mentor, and hates all Clan cats. His Ship song with Angelkit is Do it All For You.

Name: Angelkit
Relationship Type: Straight
Type of Creature/Cat/Hybrid: Cat
Clan: TangleClan
Appearance: The opposite of Ravenkit, white with black markings and red eyes, a thin furred tail, but thick fur on her body, legs, neck, and head
Gender: She-cat
Age: 5 moons (two days younger than Ravenkit)
Wearing/Accessories: A Wren that follows her around at all times, it often perches and sleeps on her.
Skills/abilities: Can temporarily make it night, the temporary nights last longer as Angelkit grows in strength.
Theme Song: Control
Bio/Other: Her behavior and personality is quite opposite of an Angel. She has a crush on Ravenkit, and would do anything for Ravenkit. She had named the Wren that followers her Feather, and likes to play tag with it. She often roams around with Ravenkit. Her ship song with Ravenkit is Do it All For You.