(Accepted, and Tiger, Victor, Mira, and Mel are in town near a
berry booth. They are talking about the Pokemon school now, while
Stick, Marshall, and Mystique are on the beach head Kukui's
Tiger nodded, "yeah I'm going too. I just moved here from Johto,
and my mom thinks it's a good idea." He said kindly, and sighed
"even if I already travelled through Johto on my own two years
ago..." He trailed off.
Breeze was walking around town, with Pearl riding inside a little
bright blue handbag. She was humming happily. Breeze spotted a
group of trainers near a berry booth. She decided to walk over.
Mel snorted. "I guess we're all going, huh?" She asked. "My aunt
decided it would be a great idea to sign me up so I could learn
about Alola and all that jazz." She sighed and shook her head. "At
least I know I won't be alone." She yawned into her hand.
Cottonee floated off her head and toward the Cyndaquil.
"Exactly. I'd like to learn anything I can at this school. Kanto
was great, and I know I know everything there, but here it
might be different," Mira shrugged.
"Yeah, Pokemon can be pretty unpredictable, and that's what I love
about those little dudes."
(Breeze is nice and chill about most things, while her rival (who
I'll make later) has no chil what so ever XD)
"Nice to meet you too" Tiger said cheerfully, and looked over to
Cyndaquil. "I wonder what that was all about on the mountain
though" he muttered lowly, and remembered the strange silver item
that was in the distance.
Female Murkrow, male togepi
Hometown/Region they grew up in:
Sunyshore, Sinnoh
Looks/wears: (picture is fine)
Tall, medium length curly ginger hair, with lots of freckles and
blue eyes. She wears a black and grey tank top, light jeans, and
grey high tops.
Rival (if any):
Special ability: (Optional)
"I'm not the only one who saw that weird light then?" Mel asked
him, tucking her hands into her pockets. "I knew it was weird. It
didn't seem normal." Part of her felt like she was overreacting,
but if someone else had seen it, she was absolutely not crazy. She
hoped. Cottonee floated around the group in circles.
"No you aren't the only one who saw it...though it looks like it
might be gone now..." Tiger said uncertainly. He was still looking
at the mountain, his Cyndaquil climbed onto Tiger's head, and
looked up to Cottonee. "I don't know what it was at all though" he
sighed slightly confused.
"It kind of looked like something reflecting something else. To me,
at least." Mel clarified her thoughts, bending down to pet Cottonee
before straightening herself back up. "Maybe it's still up there?
It can't have gotten too far." She sighed thoughtfully, eyes
narrowing as she started to think up conclusions.
Tiger looked uncertain again, and glanced at his arm. He shook a
memory away, and blinked. "Not sure if it would be smart...what if
it's a trap, or near a Pokémon to strong to defeat..." he said
slightly in a guarded tone.