"Stupid stubborn trainers." Riu growled, making his way
after Midna. "Ivan pull yourself together and quit flooding this
place!" He shouted his shoulder.
Tiger sighed and looked at pidgeot. "Get on we're getting out of
here" the Pokémon said and flew up to Tiger. Tiger nodded and
quickly climbed onto Pidgeot. The bird then went to Unfezant and
told her to get Mel, and Riu before it was to late.
Unfezant nodded in agreement, gliding towards Riu to dig around in
Mel's backpack, returning both Samurott and Riu (who let out the
most unholy screech known to mankind) before grabbing Mel and
flapping up again, looking around quickly before flying towards the
Noctowl flew down. "Where did you come from?" Mira laughed,
letting Noctowl pick her up by the arms. They flew up. "Bye,
Celebi!" She called, watching the pokemon go after returning the
rest of her pokemon. Celebi waved and disappeared.
Pidgeot stayed behind and waited for the others to escape. He
glanced at Noctowl and nodded when everyone was safely on a
Pokémon. "We better go now!" the Pokémon called swiftly.
(Guzma was carried away by Midna after she stood him from Celebi
"Noctowl, I seriously don't know how you can still do this after
fourteen- AHHHHHHH!" Mira screamed. Noctowl had dropped her
purposely after they were high enough and swooped down, catching
her. "I hated when you did that even when I was little," She
pointed out, trying to hide her giggles.
Pidgeot landed near the Pokémon center, and glanced at a few
scratches Tiger had on have cheek, and a deep wound on his shoulder
across his scar. "Once you drop Cyndaquil off...you're going to
the hospital" the Pokémon said lowly. Tiger nodded to show he
heard, and decided not to complain. He was to tired to do so. He
then walked into the center.
Noctowl quite literally dropped Mira off in front of the Pokemon
Center, just high enough to let her run upon touchdown into the
Center. "Thanks Noctowl! I'll be right back!" She called before
Actually, on a second thought...Ivan flied back to the Ruins of
Conflict. It was flooded now, yet Tapu Koko was still fainted
there. He wasn't sure where he was just brainwashed or if Guzma
actually caught him, but it doesn't hurts to try...
He grabbed out an Ultra Ball and touched Koko with it.
"NONONO YOU CANT MAKE ME--" Mel yelled, nailing a solid kick to
Riu's legs as he attempted to drag her inside the hospital.
Riu groaned and managed to drag her inside and to the front desk,
where Mel was checked in and sent to a room. It was a broken arm,
as they suspected, but it probably wouldn't take too long to heal,
as it seemed to be healing abnormally fast (Mel and Riu exchanged a
muttered "So Giratina didn't just ditch us").
Unfezant waited outside, not wishing to see the wrath that was
Mel-inside-a-hospital. She landed on a lamp post to wait.
Mira put her pokeballs on the table as well and realized with a
sigh that all of her pokemon were injured in one way or another.
I'll borrow one of dad's for a bit. "That's good. I think
Ivan did more damage than any of the grunts..."
Tiger nodded and sighed. He glanced at his wound on his arm once
more. "Hey can you keep an eye out for when Cyndaquil gets out? I
really should go get this checked" he asked kindly.