Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Forum Games → Werewolf------------------
*Stepping out of his custom Tardis door that leads into his gameroom and library, Tx_Son_of_Liberty checks everything, "Eyes, brown, two, check. Nose, one with two nostrils, check. Hands, two with four fingers and an opposabe thumb each in nice mirror image form, check. Two feet, check. Ears, two, check. Ooo, two lips, nice, check. Hair, black, no really dark brown with a streak of silver, not bad, maybe a touch long... possibly left over from last life... check. Everything seems in order." using a hall mirror, before heading into the kitchen. He scoops himself out a bowl of real vanilla bean all-natural ice cream, then heads to watch Doctor Who and Class on DVR in his bedroom.*

Credit to Viper
Tsukishima just couldn't sleep tonight, alll of this talk about werewolves drove him mad. Pacing around the room with his fingers combing through his hair (he should get a haircut, it was quite long), he pondered over what could have caused all this uproar. Rumor says that a werewolf and their lover were the only survivors of their village's massacre-maybe the werewolf wanted to bring their kind back? Three of his fingernails were reduced to stubs and the night was still young. Judging by the fact that he jumped at the slightest sound, he knew that he was not going to get any rest tonight.

~I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night~