Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Forum Games → WerewolfShe let out another quiet sigh. She was preparing to get up when she thought she saw something (or someone) in the distance. She shrugged it off, it could've just been a deer or some other animal. James stood up and turned away from the center of town. She walked toward the back of her roof and climbed down the stairs connecting to the rest of her home.
Feeling somewhat content, she hopped into bed and fell asleep.
Same as last game first night, for the Village pleasure.
Margreat, the Serial Killer, snuck up into the Werewolves' headquarters and used the power of purpurine on StrongFish91 (Werewolf). Welp, StrongFish howled. This didn't went well to Margreat, definitely.
I'm thinking about putting this role next game. It is the Role of the Day at MafiaUniverse.

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper