"Aw no I don't hate you.. I just got upset, and jealous that's all
I'm sorry. I could never hate you Maxy." Alica held him close to
her chest which was surprisingly soft because of her size. Her eyes
had gone back to normal now that she was just worried about Max.
Max opened his mouth to talk, but only a soft son came out. He
continued to cry, and tried to wipe up the tears. 'I look
stupid... She'll never like me now' Max thought, shaking. He
tried to stop, but the sobs only became more broken.
Alica wiped his tears away, and just petted him trying to comfort
him the best she could. "It's okay Maxy. I promise." She placed a
kiss on his cheek which left a light violet mark on his skin.
Lance cracked an eye open, taking note of the girls wo glared at
Bella jealously. He would talk to them later. Scratch that, he
would protect bella from these girls.
Max blushed, covering his mouth to try to silent the sons. After a
few moments, he stopped sobbing. Only black tinted tears streamed
down his face. "S-sorry..."
Bella snuggled into Lance, falling asleep. She smiled in her sleep,
purring a bit. Her lips parted a bit, and her expression grew
The girl saw Lance look at her. She blushed, and waved. She was
jealous, sure. But seeing the man she oh so loved overcame that
stupid girl. She smiled perfectly, her white teeth shimmering.
"Nope." Raven said shortly, but with a hint of happiness behind her
words as she walked ahead of him.
slowly stroking Bella hair, Lance gave the girl a scathing glare.
Sure she was a looker, but he had someone he truly loved, and that
alone was something he wanted to protect. No one was going to make
his girlfriend, even if they were pretending for the time being,
feel hurt. Bella deserved better.
Jack started to follow the one called Raven and Sammy, only to find
that he could not move. He looked down at his chest. About a foot
of sharpened steel was bursting from the front of his chest. Jack
let loose a bloodcurdling cry, which warbled because of the blood
in his throat. "See you later, Jacky boy." Jason slid his
knife-hand out from within Jack. Jack fell to the ground, his cries
becoming less and less powerful, the puddle of black blood
surrounding him growing. "H-HELP MEEEEE!" Sammy cried, because Jack
would never cry for help. But Sam was not that prideful. "HELP!"
Max laughed softly. "That's a bit sadistic, isn't it?" He giggled,
wiping his eyes. He smiled awkwardly, being a dork.
The girl let out a small gasp. He glared at her? Why?! She was
beautiful, sexy, and popular! Everything anybody wants, even girls!
She wrinkled her nose a bit, sashaying over.
Shrugging off his coat, Lance neatly folded it, making it into a
conferrable pillow, placing it onto the table. He ignored the girl,
and continued reading. He hated it when girls couldn’t take the
hint that he wanted nothing to do with them, just because they
thought they could have their way with him.
“Hey!” Raven yelled, spiriting after him, but stopped at the sound
of a scream, nearly tripping over her own feet.
Jack reached for his scythe. But as he slowly turned, he saw Jason
was already gone. Jack's vision started to go black, but Sam would
not go out so easily. Sam could not feel the pain of Jack's body,
so he forced his hand onto his scythe, but the blood loss was too
extreme. The hand would not go that far. Sam was furious. After he
had actually turned Jack into a decent person, his body was dying.
Sam let out one last, desperate yell, hoping someone would hear.
Following the sound of the yell, Raven stumbled upon Jack, gritting
her teeth. scanning his wound, Raven bit her lip. She could save
him by reversing her vampiric abilities, but that was only if jack
was a biological being. She knew that there was some cyborgs and
such in the school.
"What do you want?" Lance grumbled, wrapping an arm protectively
around Bella, not even bothering to look at the girl.
"I could help him somewhat, not by much but enough to get him to
the infirmary. But for this to work, you need to trust me." Looking
at Sammy with serious eyes, she continued, looking him dead in the
eyes. "Once I finish doing what I have to do, immediately take him
to the infirmary. Whatever you do, don't wait for me. Get him to
the infirmary first."
"Thanks." Raven nodded, turnig back to Jake. Bending over, Raven
searched for his aorta, before sinking her fangs into Jack's neck.
She had done this before, so Raven foucused on the feeling of blood
spilling out, as she transfered what a few vampire blood cells into
Jack, retracting her fangs before she started to hurt him. Watching
her own blood start to close Jack's wound, Raven sighed. He would
be safe for now, but the next part would be the hardest. Reclaiming
the blood cells so that Jack wouldn't become a vampire himself.