He continued to growl but slowly stopped when he no longer scented
anything. Odd... He shook his head and let out a huff. He just
hoped whatever the scent was... It wouldn't come back. But he will
be ready if it did.
Amy started to pet him again once he stopped growling. "Oh well it
must of not been important.. I hope you get better soon."
Mr. Jones turned around, and looked at her. "This place isn't for
people with special abilities it's for people who are anything
besides human. That includes people like you."
"You are human now. When the moon rises you will be different."
Winston closed his eyes. "You will change to something else. Most
likely a cat by how you smell.."
"You are a werecat that's why. You only shift during certain times
of the month. I am a demon, and I have harnessed my ability so I
can shift when I want. That is what I teach M.E. or Monster
Education.." Winston said shifting to his demon form to show her
his eyes growing a dark violet, and his bat wings outstretched.
She just stood there quiet like a mouse.After few moments she
spoke.,,I..Uh..Oh..I don't really know what to say but..Why haven't
i shifted before then?"
"Some people only start shifting at a certain age, or a certain
emotion can trigger it. There are many different reason you might
not have shifted yet." Winston changed back to his human form.
(All of my characters are on page 1 I have to go to bed the storm
in my area is getting worse, and I may loose power plus it's late
"i-its not a date." Raven objected, slightly flustered. "Why do i
even try?" She muttered under her breath before sighing. "Do you
just want to chill in the forest then?"
Jack somehow ended up in the woods. "Why did you make me come here,
Sam?" "Because you need to become less 'bad' and more 'good'." Jack
saw what looked like that werewolf brother of Amy. Jack ducked
behind a tree, wondering why Sam would make him encounter someone
who wanted his head.
Bella closed her eyes, smiling. It was soothing to listen to the
beat of Lance's heart, and the soft noise of his breath. Her eyes
blinked open as she noticed a girl watching them. She glared as
Bella looked up, turning to get books. She saw the girl flip her
the bird over her shoulder. Bella sighed, closing her eyes.
Max stretched, yawning. He blinked as he noticed Evelyn walk into
the cafeteria. She got some food, and sat across from him. "Hi
Maxie..." She purred, her tail curling. She brushed a piece of hair
out of his face, making him smile. If you didn't know them, they
looked like a sweet couple. Honestly, they've had feelings for each
other before, but brushed them away. They were like siblings...
Siblings that didn't hate each other.
Kanaya smiled, entering. She saw the bed, and went over. She sat on
it before laying in her side. She closed her bright eyes, and
nuzzled into the pillow. She didn't even need a blanket before she
was out cold. Her tail curled a bit, and she hummed in her sleep.
Jake's ears twitched and he snarled lowly. That scent was back. If
he got to learn that the boy was now good instead of bad, maybe he
wouldn't be so angry like he was. It was mostly because of Jason,
but just a bit about this new scent at the moment as well. But, it
didn't seem to be around long, so he had relaxed once more.
Rosa smiled, leaning down and stroking her hair a little before
deciding to do some more work before her day was seemingly
finished. She would end up staying here with Kanaya until she
"I know I was just teasing ya. I'm sorry." Sammy said as he got up,
and walked over to her. "Yeah we can just chill here. How about we
go for a walk?" Sammy said unaware of the other presence, or more
likely he just didn't want to be bothered by it.
Alica walked back into the mess hall realizing she had left her
purse at the table. She stopped short of walking over there when
she saw Max and Evelyn. She put on a straight face to hide her
hurt, and walked over to the table. "I'm sorry, but could you
excuse me for a moment I left my purse strapped to your chair.."
She said looking at Evelyn.
Amy looked around again she started to smell it to, but she could
tell where it was coming from. "Come on Jake let's get away from
them." She said as she got up, and started to walk away.
He got up, shaking himself off a little, just to be free of dirt.
He walked beside her and looked around, I'm case some could end up
attacking her, or worse... At least he would be ready then.
(I can't wait for Jake to get back to his senses now xD)
Amy looked around seeing if there were any places for them to hide
until that guy left. Though her mind was elsewhere worrying about
the words that came out of her mouth before. He wouldn't remember
that right? Her heart hammered at the thought of him realizing what
she said. She thought to herself "Great now I've done it." She
sighed quietly.
(I really hate to do this, but I'll be off and on all day today I
have to cook then take someone to the doctor then cook again *sighs
drastically* I really just want to be lazy, and stay on here all
day >~< I'm so sorry!!)
((He will super soon, I promise ^^ And it's okay! I won't be on at
a certain point today anyways, since I'm going to places
Jake stared at her and tilted his head a little. He slowly get that
normal, human state of mind back, and shift back will follow very
soon after that. He was calming down, which was good, and he wasn't
that hungry anymore. Also a good thing. Everything is just so good.
He sniffed at her and nuzzled her softly. And hey! Would you look
at that? He did go back to normal! "You know, Amy... I..." One
dramatic pause right there. "I love you too..." Awe, how cute.
Amy blushed and smiled. "I'm glad.." she said as tears brimmed her
eyes not tears of sadness but of joy. She felt acceptance and was
really happy. She hugged Jake and snuggled close.