Forum Thread
Time to Light it Up...
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Time to Light it Up...Ghembo
Ghembo spared only a glance at the hand. Even if she hadn't removed her weapon, she never would have been able to defeat him*.
He cricked his neck and puffed his mane out. "Human." He spoke in slow, calm words. "I am... Ghembo." He knew it was futile, that the human would never understand him. But he couldn't help but hope. "Can you... understand me?"
*Just to be clear, this is just Ghembo's pride speaking >.<
Ghembo sighed as a squeak escaped the human. Many squeaks. What was it saying? He reached out with his magic. He had heard a rumor from somewhere that Light and Dark creatures could make their thoughts known in human's minds. The first generation thought themselves too high and mighty to peek into human's thoughts. They didn't teach their off springs, so they weren't even aware of such a power. Ghembo suddenly wished that interbreeding wasn't frowned upon. A Light or Dark creature would be supremely helpful right about now, assuming that the rumor was truthful.
Ghembo shook his head. He refused to give up. He reached for his magic, finding it easy to grasp. He called forth flowers from all corners of the globe and made an image of a lion. It reminded him of the black and white images of the humans of the east. It was of a shimmering lion.
"Lion," he said. "LION!" He roared, enunciating each syllable clearly.
Ghembo threw a careless glance at Bane and then stared pointedly at the human. Padding softly over to the Night wolf, he licked the ear, half to greet him, half to assure the human that Bane was a friend. "Alpha Bane, this is a human I have captured. Um, I'm trying to communicate with it." He flickered his eyes to the golden lion again. He truly had forgotten about the signal to call him, and was just trying to talk to the human. But as long as Bane was here... "Can I ask you a huge favor? You'll learn a skill from it."
Ghembo blanked in surprise, first at Bane's easy acceptance and then at the fact that he already knew how to do the trick. He glanced at the human before whispering his message to Bane. "I am Ghembo, one of the three alphas of my pride. This is Bane he is a friend, the alpha of a neighboring wolf pack." He paused and stared at Bane with suspicion and fury. "I swear, Bane, if you muck up this message at all, I will rip your eyeballs out and shove them down your throat so you can see me as I tear your throat open." And he meant every word of his threat."
Brunhilde heard a voice, at first, it sounded like a multiple echo, the sound of muffled voices in a cave, but it cleared out. The voice was quite deep, powerful, but with a strange tone. Brunhilde couldn't talk with her irregular accent, but the nature of this voice was incomprehensible. There was some slight alarm with knowing that now two predators were there but hopefully nothing should go wrong.
"So..." Brunhilde responded verbally after a moment, "Can you lot understand me or nah?" she asked openly with a shrug of the shoulders and carefree movement of hands.
Tail flicking excitedly, Ghembo smiled at Bane. "I can answer this one, but I may need you to ask her a question." He strode forward and dipped his head, a sign of, yes he did understand her. "Ask her what she was doing so close to Pride territory." He murmured under his breath, fixated with the frail human.
Thanks Dragon! Hopefully should be on every day or two now! ^^)
Brunhilde wasn't used to this 'trippy' voices in her head, jeez, she wasn't dead or anything was she? With a shake of her head and shrug of her shoulders, she replied back, "I was with a woman, we were trying to get across the forest into the next possible town." careful not to give too much information of the human settlements away, she clicked her fingers and finished with, "I was not aware of the pride's whereabouts here, If I were, I'd have stayed 'oot." with a hesitant glance at the two creatures, she added, "I'd be happy to head off now if I'm allowed."
Ghembo's ears swiveled back when he heard the question. "Go home?" He roared with laughter. "She's got to be kidding, right?" He glanced at Bane, mane flushed out with amusement.He turned back to the human, uncaring that she couldn't understand what he said. "Look, you will not be going home for a long time. Unfortunately for you, you have seen the pride, and you did not know this before. I can't have humans rising up against us. We may let you go home earlier, maybe with an elemental lion to watch you and make sure that what you say is not of our lands. That would mean giving up a Light and a Dark." He snapped his head back to Bane. "Convey this to h- it."
Somewhere inside him, something pinged with the bluntness of his speech. Somewhere inside him, a weakness, a fondness, took shape.
Ghembo flicked his tail at the human's response. This was getting tedious. The woman was stubborn, and brave. He didn't know which one he was more annoyed at.
Ghembo, for the first time, got a good look at the woman. She seemed lean, just as an underfed cub, but muscled. She was small, even for a human, but seemed as if she could withstand a hurricane. Her skin was oddly pale, as if she spent time underground. A bruise splotched one of her eyes. She seemed like a fighter.
Ghembo held his head down, a sign of respect and reverence in his pride. "Look," Ghembo said weakly. "I don't want to hurt you, I really don't... but..." He sat on his haunches, gazing out of the cave mouth. "My pride comes first." He said firmly, almost sternly. "My pride will always come first. I do not believe you, even as you say you will not reveal our location." He shook his head helplessly. "I don't know what to do. You could... no." Sighing, he turned back to face the human. "I don't know what we could do. Human, you were brought here to be eaten by my pride; we were hunting you. Our lionesses would eat your flesh to produce their milk and the cubs would lap up your marrow. You can try... no."