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Posted: Mon, 25/07/2016 01:10 (8 Years ago)
Psychic/Steel ^^'

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Posted: Mon, 25/07/2016 01:05 (8 Years ago)
Instinct. Done.

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Posted: Mon, 25/07/2016 00:46 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 25/07/2016 00:34 (8 Years ago)
It's good to be back the smell of smoke and burning made Brunhilde's nostrils flare, the sight of scattered burning embers from fires contained in old trashcans illuminated small littered pathways and the large road between the shacks of houses and slums. It wasn't like the world before, homes were once made out of bricks and beams, not old tires and corrugated iron. This city has fallen hard when the creatures began to attack, even small companion animals like dogs and cats were as savage as they came and from the graves littered outside the settlement's walls, you could tell.
Walking up a dimly lit street, she continued. Her home was like the rest, a sloping shack made out of ruined materials but it was home. Of course not proper home, but that was gone like so much else.

Zaire was well aware of the lions use of the river. Although he was certainly questioned when he returned to camp. The leader had hoped that the plentiful array of meat and food to eat would have made the crocodiles happy and at peace, for some rogues had attacked them once before but also because of their starvation. Yet, crocodiles are proud species and rarely share their waters, it can be seen even when the wildebeest come to drink, they'll be attacked and killed for even coming close to the water's edge. Criticism therefore flowed through many, including members of the bask that Zaire would never have imagined. Many kept silent, some made their points incredibly well known but it was crystal clear to see that there was discontent with what would have been a peaceful and respected treaty.

(I can't really think of much tbh.. T-T)

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2016 19:01 (8 Years ago)
Stonepaw merely grunted in a response and padded over. She bent her head down to the lavender that was losing it's smell, "We can't throw it out, can we?" she asked, slightly concerned, "W..What if there's a lone case of greencough... or.. or.. what if more cats catch it?" she asked, nervousness starting to ebb it's way into the usually reluctant apprentice.

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Posted: Sun, 17/07/2016 13:52 (8 Years ago)
"Maybe the mouse ran out?" Stonepaw answered with a yawn as she entered the medicine cat den. "The kits are making a racket of noise out there, wouldn't be suprised if the mouse wanted out." she said with a hint of irritance in her voice. With another yawn, she added, "What should we do today?" with her blue eyes gazing over the pile of herbs and the relaxing scent of lavender.

Grassfur and Sandstripe remained in the camp, their heads were bent towards each other but they spoke rapidly and quickly although in a barely audible tone, whispering as quietly as possible to one another. Grassfur at one moment shook his head and extended his jaws in a loud and long yawn before padding over to Diamondstar quickly. He heard Diamondstar's comment about the two younger warriors and his whiskers twitched with amusement, "They might be good going on a patrol or something together." he purred, keeping his voice quiet before glancing at the other older cats, "Just wondering, would it be alright if me and Sandstripe went on a hunting patrol? We could take some other cats with us if they wanted to come."

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Posted: Sat, 16/07/2016 20:02 (8 Years ago)
Is it okay if I join in? :3
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Name: Stonepaw
Moons: 9 Moons
Gender: She-Cat
Rank: Med Cat Apprentice (If that's okay? ^^')
Appearance: ~
Mate/Crush: None
Kits: None
Previous Names (and Current,Future): Stonekit - Stonedapple
Mentor/Apprentice: Silkfur? :3
Other: She was born after the Greencough massacre, but her mother died during childbirth ~ She can be timid but she's rather resentful towards her father for taking another mate.

Name: Grassfur
Moons: 39 Moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: ~
Mate/Crush: Sandstripe (Previously had a clan member as his mate known as Duskwhisker)
Kits: Stonepaw
Previous Names (and Current,Future): Grasskit, Grasspaw
Mentor/Apprentice: None at moment
Other: Survived the Greencough massacre but lost many of his family and friends during the time ~ He took a mate but lost her several moons later when she died. He's a respected and well-known warrior in the clan but surprised many of his clanmates by taking another mate only a moon or two after his previous mate's death.

Name: Sandstripe
Moons: 31 Moons
Gender: She-Cat
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: ~
Mate/Crush: Grassfur
Kits: None
Previous Names (and Current,Future): Sand -> Sandstripe
Mentor/Apprentice: None at Moment
Other: She joined the clan a few moons after the Greencough massacre after being a loner previously.

Name: Barkwhisker
Moons: 45 Moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Elder
Appearance: ~
Mate/Crush: (Had a mate but she died during the Greencough massacre)
Kits: (Had two children but they died during the Greencough massacre)
Previous Names (and Current,Future): Barkkit, Barkpaw
Mentor/Apprentice: N/A
Other: Barkwhisker was a brave and fearless warrior, but retired early, mainly due to emotional issues after losing his family during the outbreak of Greencough. Left with abnormal grief, it was if he had started to go mad - imagining them in his den, out on patrols, etc. When it was realised he needed some peace and quiet to fully get over what had happened, he was sent to the elder's den, where he slowly recovered. He's often seen playing and interacting with the kits and apprentices but also will willingly give advise to the older cats if they need it!

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Posted: Thu, 14/07/2016 13:28 (8 Years ago)
Honestly I was out of the UK with no wifi for aboot a fortnight when the vote came through so I'm still trying to know what happened. As much as I am a supporter of Snp, I was even with both arguments, I wasn't overly for remain, nor was I overly for leave. Norway is out of the EU and seems fine, but granted, doesn't have as much as the UK's trading and whatnot. I'm not too impressed with the new PM, making Boris I believe head of International relations or something, when he was the figure-head for leaving the EU. Overall, I have no idea what the future holds for the UK. (With a few more referendums wanted.. xD)

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Posted: Thu, 14/07/2016 13:15 (8 Years ago)
1. What type of shipper are you/you'd be? Cute? (Idk tbh.. xD)
2. It's raining - will you take out an umbrella or take off your shoes? - Take off shoes, just enjoy the rain while it's there and have some fun in the puddles!
3. Plushies or figures? - Plushies, they're soft and cute, figures are harder and more easier to break! T-T
4. Best Pokemon Champion from anime? - Steven.
5. Fanfiction - do you prefer those with only few chapters or the longer ones? - Longer ones. A story can properly develop and you can enjoy it more as it's probably more engaging and you'd feel more for the characters or even plotline.
6. Your opinion about Paul? - He was alright, but he just got a bit irritating and sometimes cruel (if I can remember! xD) I don't know, bit of a douche?
7. Do you like sad movies? - No. Because I'll start crying for ages and often they just make you feel bad after you've watched them.
8. Is Ash your favorite character? Nah - some of the things he's done is downright stupid at times, but he's still a lovable character. He's unfortunately got a plotline that seems repetitive which annoys me.
9. 'If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.' - Do you agree? - Hmmm. That's a hard question, but I think Yes. It would be saddening if your story ended during a time in which you felt conflict or pain. It would be bittersweet if you ended it at a time you felt happy with, but again, everyone has different ideas of a happy ending.
10. Instinct? Mystic? Valor? - Instinct. (Changed mind. xD).
11. Your favorite color? Green - colour of 'most' of Nature, Harmony and life.
12. Your favorite element? Water - it can be both peaceful and aggressive.
13. Would you travel back in time and change the history if you had a chance? No. Of course there's reason to go back, such as trying to stop horrific events, but it wouldn't be fair to change the course of time. There are somethings that probably should never have happened, but they have and they help to give us lessons and what to never do again? If that makes sense! xD

(Sorry to hear that your leaving mate, I don't think we've talked, but all the best for your future and have fun playing Pokemon Go with your mates!! ^^)

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Posted: Thu, 14/07/2016 12:42 (8 Years ago)
"Well, well, well, well. Look who's 'er."
Brunhilde didn't take kindly to the Gatekeeper. Like any other fortified settlement against these creatures, there was someone in charge of the gate, keeping it closed and opening it when they want. Unfortunately, the gatekeeper in this case was a stocky young man named 'Kennon', he grew up in the town and didn't have the best history with Brunhilde and the pair avoided one another like the black plague.
"And a Good Evening to you too." Brunhilde replied coldly, lifting her nose ever so slightly and grimacing - almost like a hostile warning, given the blood that still remaining on her skin and clothes.

"Rough fight?" Kennon asked with a over-enthusiastic sneer, "Bounty hunting and delivering ain't the best combo o' jobs for you, I don't think." Giving her a critical look and then glancing at her bloodied and battered limbs, he added spitefully, "Why don't you grow up and get a proper job."

Brunhilde simply replied with an explicit beginning with the letter 'f' and followed it with the word 'off' and glowered at him. Talking to him would slow her down from getting in and even worsen her attempt to get in, last thing she needed was this loser preventing her from getting home.

"Nah, nah, nah." Kennon replied, almost as if he were trying to defend his cynical behaviour, "All 'm sayin' is think about it - there's a few jobs available 'ah Think. Besides, no more travelling, no more distances from yer brother, and uh..." looking at her once again up and down, "No more fights at knife-point?"

"I'll think about it." she replied, as coldly as she did once before. With a moment of awkward silences, Kennon backed away towards the gate and began to open the door with his set of keys, he was growling to himself some explicits about Brunhilde of course, calling her mainly a female dog, but it was the only thing the pair seemed to share, growling and verbally attacking the other. Just like old times. With a sigh of relief, the door opened - the smell of burning embers from the fires, the sounds of people arguing. Finally home.

"Just so you know.." Kennon began, even though Brunhilde was walking away, "Yer brother ain't coping that well with, uh, the illness." With that, she turned around and faced him, but already he was closing the gates, "Just thought you should know."

(Sorry for the delay, finally back from my charity trip - Sorry if this paragraph was too long!! xD)

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Posted: Sat, 18/06/2016 21:42 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 18/06/2016 21:38 (8 Years ago)
Graceful Yellow Kyurem (Idk.. xD)

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Posted: Sat, 18/06/2016 21:35 (8 Years ago)
I don't really nickname my pokemon, idk why, never really done it. In some cases I will, e.g. Naming an Umbreon 'Noctus' but not really. Although I have given random human names to pokemon at some point.. xD

I have named a Swampert 'Steve' and a Blastoise 'Bob'

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Posted: Sat, 18/06/2016 20:59 (8 Years ago)
(Hey guys, will be away for around 2 to 3 weeks unfortunately, so going to kinda put Zaire and Brunhilde on hold Or a cliffhanger >:3. Sorry to leave the rp for that long but will be excited to see what both you guys have done when I come back (I find the Sheera and Ariana thing adorable!! :3) Anyway, thought you guys should know! ^^')

The path was now clear, the foliage, the canopy of trees had disappeared in moments and a broken and deserted wasteland now remained in her sights. The clusters of abandoned homes and buildings may have unnerved most, but on the horizon brought Brunhilde more hope than ever. The small town, appearing like little to look at, was infamous in these parts, despite it's size, it was home to traders, bounty hunters and many more interesting individuals, it was one of the parts that remained fiercely protective against the elementals and their vast array of weaponry in a secured armoury gave them overwhelming power over any opponent. She could smell the burning of materials for heat, she could see the gleaming metal that fenced the town and she could hear the bickering of men arguing over the price of water. Home.

Zaire and the others feasted, it was a large banquet and certainly took away some of the grief that the bask had suffered in recent times, Ghembo's death remained in his mind but most importantly he had to enforce the protection of his group and could not let any other distractions take a toll. Others in the bask were let down by his judgement, Vurugu, an experienced but violent crocodile brutally attempted to lower Zaire's leadership in the form of petty lies and deception, he and many others found it unfair that the lions had access to the river, even for a short time period, they found it unfair that they could potentially take their resource. Zaire feared death, even more so when a great leader like Ghembo is killed, but he also feared embarrassment in his own group and the idea that the bask may not want him as a leader was beginning to rattle him from the inside out.

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Posted: Fri, 17/06/2016 18:00 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 17/06/2016 17:56 (8 Years ago)
Grateful Emotional Ostriches

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Posted: Fri, 17/06/2016 17:53 (8 Years ago)
Thank god.
Now Brunhilde wasn't being selfish or disrespectful, but the fact that Sheera agreed gave her some relief. With a nod, she picked up her gun and said, "I'll quickly go to the cave and remove my weapons," as clearly during the battle, she struggled without her easily to reach knives and daggers, "I promise you, no lion will see me and if they do, I won't mention you or Ghembo. Simple as that."
"However," she added with some nervousness, worried about how the lioness may react, "The pride must know about Ghembo and the battle. In some way, this has to reach them." with a slight glance over at Ariana, she added, "You can't abandon them with no knowledge of their leader's death - the translator could go if need be. All I'm sayin' is that they deserve the truth from someone, either you, or anyone else." hesitating slightly, she coughed purposely and added, "Good luck. Honestly, with whatever you do." fondly looking over at the translator, she repeated a similar statement, although felt more thankful to him in all honesty. With another dip of her head, she picked up her gun, slung it around her shoulder and walked off with a slight limp. Despite the loss of blood, she kept her head held high and refused to look back.

It didn't take long to get the knives. She was quiet and didn't attract attention to herself, what feared her the most was the lions getting the smell of blood, but she had cleaned up her head, arms and legs at a nearby river. It was far from the safest option still with now a worry of infections and illnesses, but she'd take that rather than having to continue to stay in a place she didn't belong. With a quick adjustment of placing all the weapons back into their familiar spots - hidden in her sleeves, socks, trousers and shoes, she got up and followed the track she had once come with when Ghembo had led her there. It didn't take long to reach the original path either, things seemed to be going swimmingly given the death that happened and the blood that was spilled, but it seemed like the odds favoured her now. While the path was not at all familiar, she felt safer, away from obvious signs of other animals like lions and wildcats, it wouldn't take her long to get out of this forest or jungle or whatever the hell it was. Finally. with a quick breath of relief, she was glad to get the smoothed path under her boots again and felt the urge to run, to get out and to find what she had come here for. Don't worry brother. I'm coming home.

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Posted: Thu, 16/06/2016 22:03 (8 Years ago)
Brunhilde remained bloodied and sore, but her mind was far from it. Under the ragged and broken exterior, her mind clicked like clockwork, out of both fear and common sense. Ghembo was now dead, Brunhilde had been brought to the pride by him and she could barely imagine the pride wanting to still keep a human in their ranks, let alone teach it how to hunt and all their behaviours. I need out of here. she could tell Sheera was still in grief, but it would soon be night and then in the morning, she'd have no protection from Ghembo or even the others if a lion were to attack her. Then a moment of rememberance came about. The reason why she was travelling had been passed to aside with the whole situation. Shaking her head, she grunted and limped over to the lioness. She looked over at the translator, at whom she was suprised that he hadn't been as badly damaged and battered as she once thought. "Sheera?" she asked, ending her question with a raspy cough, "I think it would be best if I were to leave." with a look of remorse at the body, she added, "Ghembo, for whatever reason, wanted me in the pride. However," interrupting her statement with yet another cough, she continued, "That time has passed, as much as I may have come to respect him, I don't believe that it would be fair or either me or your pride to hold me in this position." She seemed to sway to a side partially but regained her footing but she looked at the lioness straight on, with a hint of defiance, "Right now, you need to be with your pride, your remaining family and friends in order to get through this time. That too is what I hoped to do before I came here. I ask you not as a ungrateful coward, but as an ally, proud to have fought beside you and your leader, if I may go and leave."

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Posted: Mon, 13/06/2016 21:15 (8 Years ago)
Sìorrachd (Scots Gaelic)

What is 'spiked' in your language?

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Posted: Mon, 13/06/2016 21:09 (8 Years ago)
Gargantuan Dinosaurs Growling

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