Anyone else having server issues with pokemon go? For the past few
days sometimes I can't log in or anything and there seems to be
particular times in which I can get in. Anyone in the same boat? :/

Now that pokemon go is in the UK, I swear I'm gonna climb the
massive af mountain near my place to find some good pokes. It
better not be just pidgeys in the highlands. xD

To all the peeps I talk to/rp with ~ Unfortunately I will be away
for the next two or three weeks due to a charity trip and also a
family visit, so will be leaving tomorrow morning! Bye guys! ^^

Man I wanna be in a fallout fan-film - After watching a load, it
would be so cool with all the props and everything! Never know,
might be a new project to work on in summer! xD

I honestly cant't express how saddened I am by the recent attacks
in Orlando. As someone who used to live in the area, I'm horrified
by these atrocities. I do firmly believe that weapon restrictions
should be in place - Why should firearms be so easily available?
RIP to the victims, all of my condolences to the families and
friends of the victims and praying for other victims in hospital. X

Just wondering, would anyone be up for like serious discussions on
politics and whatnot? Idk, I love talking and debating it! xD
Anyone interested or is it a bit too serious? ^^'

Well second match of the Euro and claps to Russia for that
incredible almost last-minute goal. However, the fight that ensued
between both countries is terrible. I'm sorry, but after all the
effort that France has gone to to prevent terrorist activity,
England (And after the match, Russia) have been completely rude
imbeciles. Neither Wales, Albania, Switzerland, Slovakia and ANY
OTHER TEAM have behaved in this manner. Idk, I'm just annoyed right
now. But looking forward to the rest of the Euro!

Last call for joining a cards against humanity game - Anyone else
interested at all? xD

Doing more cards against humanity.. Anyone up for more rounds? xD

Anyone up for a game of Cards against Humanity? Pal-pad or comment
if yes! xD

Watching the euro cup tonight - Even though my home nation ain't in
it, sending all my support to France! Long live the auld alliance!

A load of peeps seem to do face reveals rn - I'm too scared to do
one tbh! xD

I just recorded myself reacting to something for aboot 30-40 mins
then stopping and realising that all my audio was muffled and
distorted. I'm done.

Selling one star piece - Anyone interested? ^^'

Just arrived back in my bonny lands of the Highlands after an 7hr
drive and a 'rough' ferry trip before that in the North Sea. Good
to be home and ready to talk and rp again! ^^'

To the peeps I chat to/rp with - Won't be online as much for aboot
a week, mainly due to moving back home and other issues, so will be
quite inactive - sorry! ^^'

Well I'm now emotionally broken after seeing the Warcraft film -
how is everyone else doing today? xD

Just had three ticks and numerous other bugs biting on me today.
It's 1:20 in the morning and I've had to have a shower and move
bedrooms. Yay. :/

My heart goes out to Paris and Cairo today as the EgyptAir flight
is now confirmed (from Hollande) to have crashed in the
Mediterranean. No debris has been found nor reason as to why the
plane went down. A sad day, sending all of my love to the families
and friends affected! :(