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~Savvy&Scumble RP Sign Up~ Semi-Lit, Open&Accepting

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up ~Savvy&Scumble RP Sign Up~ Semi-Lit, Open&Accepting
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 14:31 (10 Years ago)

If you've read the book "Savvy" and it's sequel, "Scumble", you ought to know exactly what it's about. If you haven't, well, continue to read. In these books, there are families all around the globe with special powers. Sounds cliché? Don't go away yet!

At age thirteen, children from these families gain their powers. From turning invisible to capturing radio waves and canning them, from creating earthquakes to mind reading, their powers range into endless possibilities. Fearing persecution, these families usually isolate themselves from society (i.e. not attending church). After their children turn thirteen and gain their powers, parents usually take them out of school and homeschool them. One example of this is the Beaumont family, when Fish Beaumont is taken out of school due to his savvy (power) - creating storms. Halfway through the book "Savvy", Fish learns to "scumble" (aka control) his savvy and at the end of the book, he is allowed to go back to school. Another reason for savvy people not going to school with normal people is because of lacking control. Example of this is when Ledger Kale lost control of his savvy when he was at school, and all the gym locker doors flew off their hinges. (His savvy was something like manipulating metal and such. At the start of "Scumble", he destroyed a Harley motorcycle. At the end, he learned to "scumble" his savvy, and was even able to create large sculptures out of scrap metal. He was then allowed to return to school afterwards.)

Savvys are usually connected to the person's emotions, a certain example being Rocket Beaumont. Rocket is Fish's older brother, and has the savvy of manipulating electricity. When Abram Beaumont, their father, got into a car crash and was hospitalized, Rocket nearly destroys the hospital due to his worry.

Some savvys are quiet, but still rather powerful. Mibs' (the main protagonist in "Savvy") grandmother's sister, Jubilee, had the power to open any lock. Mibs herself can read people's minds (now talk about QUIET) if the person has at least one blot of ink on their skin (i.e. tattoos.)

Some savvys are subtle, like the kids' aunt, Dinah Kale. Dinah had the power to make anyone do anything by giving them a smile and an order. Talk about major power! Her kids have to eat their broccoli whether they like it or not! (You non-veggie lovers out there must feel sympathy for them.)

Some savvys can be gained at an early age. A fine example of this being Marisol and Mesquite O'Connell (cousins of Mibs Beaumont and Ledger Kale), twins with telekinetic powers who got their savvy together when they were little kids. Marisol moved things up and down, and Mesquite did sideways. It is mentioned that they used their powers to make their ponies move like they were on a carousel.

People with a savvy often try to isolate themselves. Mainly 'cause there are a lot of people out there eagerly wanting to dissect them and try to figure out their DNA. Typical humans indeed. So, are you interested now? If you are, read the rules and fill up the form down there.

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1. All PH rules apply.
2. No godmodding.
3. No bunnying/power-playing.
4. Don't sign up then be inactive. If you're going to be inactive and you know beforehand, do inform us. Also, you should subscribe both the RP and sign up thread so you can easily know if someone else has posted or has been accepted.
5. Be polite; not everyone is a grammar/spelling god/goddess.
6. This is a semi-lit RP, meaning ABSOLUTELY NO ONE-LINERS. If you lack ideas, try describing your character's feelings as they do/say something. That ought to make at least three sentences.
7. If you're going to put an extra powerful savvy, remember to give your char a very hard time trying to scumble it.
8. No Gary/Mary-Sues.
9. You are allowed to ask for re-caps and such.
10. New ideas are always welcome. A dozen heads are better than one. You have an idea you'd like to add? Add it to the end of your post, or PM/PalPad me!
11. The password is "perfect mistakes."
12. Remember, you may NOT use your savvy casually around normal people. Only under certain circumstances!
13. The magic 13 ;) You may have the maximum of two characters. Feel free to suggest NPCs using the NPC form. (Edit: You may now have minor characters, as long as you can handle them.)

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Character Form

Character Name: (Last name required. If your char doesn't have one, make up a good reason on why.)
Savvy: (You may only have ONE savvy. You may however, have one power branch into others (i.e. my character Rhine being psychic, her powers branch into different things.))
Age: (You may be a young toddler, a teenager trying to adapt to your savvy, or hey, maybe even a parent!)
Personality: (Cold? Distant? Cheerful? Friendly? Outgoing? Be creative and descriptive, or just put "to be RP'd"!)
Appearance: (Either a picture, or a detailed description. Both, if you can!)
History: (Mainly about your family. This is optional; you may put "to be RP'd". Also, from where you live/came from.)
Family: (Self-explanatory. Any siblings? Parents' names?)
Crush: (Optional.)
Other: (Put random stuff here!)

NPC Form

NPC Name:

I am quite reluctant with accepting people who struggle with basic English (thus the semi-lit category), and people with shabby forms. So don't be angry with me if I decline your form, I will most likely state the reason. Anyways, basic outline of the RP!

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The characters are scattered across the world, as I said before. They could be from Asia, Europe, heck, why not from Mars?! (I was joking about the Mars part. You're still human, and definitely not a Martian.) I would set up some school of a sort, but that's too common already. Got it! A secret neighborhood that connects to real world! Families with the savvy heritage can access this place with a simple entrance installed worldwide. (What about jumping out the window kind of portals?!) Characters will now have two homes - one in the real world, and one in the savvy neighborhood. -cue brainstorming- Yeah, I'll be making an NPC with the savvy of creating portals. Normal humans are not allowed to know about this savvy neighborhood UNLESS they are family. (i.e. savvy person is marrying someone normal.) Toddlers play, parents work (if their savvy allows them), and teenagers go to school (unless they're homeschooled.) Possibly a bit of romance with normal people, and of course, the struggle of scumbling/controlling their savvy. And also, keeping the secret of their savvy from curious fools. Anyway, more ideas to add to this would be appreciated greatly.

Anddd here's the forms of accepted people.

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Username: Omnia

Character Name: Rhine Celeste Oakley

Gender: Female

Savvy: She's what normal people would call "psychic." She can delve deep into the layers of reality, and manipulate them. She is excellent in making illusions to amuse her friends, but struggles to keep her dreams under control. As she can order her consciousness around, it's possible for her to astral project.

Age: 15

Personality: Shy at first, but once you get to know her, you'll realize she is an extremely happy go lucky person, though she is rather insecure. Fiercely protective of her friends and family, she has a temper you do not want to be the target of. Rhine is a fierce believer of fairness and humility despite being an only child.

Appearance: Her eyes are an unusually deep ocean blue while her long hair is as black as night. She likes wearing common jeans and simple T-shirts, but she enjoys occasionally dressing up. She always wears her deceased maternal grandmother's necklace, a fine gold chain with a beautiful sapphire pendant. She is clearly of Asian descent. (Edit: I decided to search for an appropriate photo for a change, and couldn't decide between these two, so uh, yeah. just posting them both.

History: Born and raised in the Philippines, Rhine grew up used to the heat. Despite being Asian, her first language is English, and she struggles with her native language, Tagalog. Her family eventually moved to California, and then were invited to the savvy neighborhood. After Miss Aaronson created a portal to the neighborhood, she often jumps out of their kitchen window to spend time with people like her. Her sapphire necklace is a gift from her deceased maternal grandmother, who did not have a savvy, as the savvy heritage came from her father's side. Rhine believes that everyone has a savvy. Maybe not as powerful as controlling storms, but powerful enough to make a difference in the world.

Family: Rhine is an only child, but has many cousins from her father's side. Her parents are Verity Oakley and Elijah Oakley, who are loving parents who tried and failed to spoil her.
Crush: None....perhaps only for now.
Other: None.

Username: Omnia

Character Name: Matilda Quarappelz (Remember Matilda Haywire from "The Academy For Unusual Children's Return"? She's back.)

Gender: Female

Savvy: Energy manipulation. Her savvy is attuned to her emotions, which makes it seriously difficult or easy-as-cake to scumble it, depending on the situation. She is surprisingly more skilled in scumbling her savvy than any other savvy teenager due to her history.

Age: 15

Personality: Before her parents were killed and her savvy unleashed, Mattie was a carefree happy-go-lucky girl with no resentment towards the universe. These days, she is distant and cold, often secluding herself from society. She has a hunger for knowledge, and usually chooses libraries as her safespots. Mattie has never had a friend, and is rather socially awkward due to this. She is truly lonely and sad, but hides it beneath an emotionless mask.

Appearance: Meh, too lazy to make a description lol.

History: Mattie had a perfectly normal life till she turned thirteen. Besides the facts her cousin Alex could make things vanish, her aunt Marisa could summon items out of nowhere, and her father could soothe people by simply standing there, that is. Her mother had no savvy, but she did make up for it with her inhuman kindness and firm disciplining actions. When Mattie had her thirteenth birthday, her birthday cake exploded due to all the emotions swirling in her.

A month after, a group of masked people charged into her house, killed her entire family, and burned down the entire street. They brought Mattie to a lab of some sort and tried to decode her DNA. She was tortured, experimented with, and sometimes they overloaded her body with energy sources of all kinds. During one of these energy experiments, Mattie broke free of her restraints and escaped from her captors. She put as much distance between the lab and her before finally seeking refuge in a library three days later. She soon discovered it had been almost a year since her family was killed. Mattie grieved and blamed herself for their deaths, thus abandoning her last name "Haywire", and taking on the surname of Quarappelz. She knows those twisted scientists would chase her to the ends of the universe, and never stays in one place for more than two weeks.

Mattie was caught stealing from a clothing store by none other than Mrs. Aaronson herself. She stubbornly refused to talk about her family, and Mrs. Aaronson deduced from her scars and coldness that they had been killed. She was offered a home in the secret savvy neighborhood, and Mattie gratefully accepted. She worried she'd be caught, but Mrs. Aaronson assured her that "that neighborhood doesn't belong in this universe", and so they wouldn't find her.

Family: Mattie found out three months after her escape that the scientists hunted down every single last member of her family, savvy or not, and murdered them.

Crush: Eh. Possibility.


Username: SandeviRae
Character Name: Blix Runeye
Gender: Female
Savvy: Shape-shifting
Age: 16
Personality: She is very intelligent, but she hides it without knowing with her boundless energy and complete randomness. She is generally cheerful.
History: This might be explained later
Family: N/A
Crush: N/A

Username: SandeviRae
Character Name: Morrigan Akane Hart
Gender: Female
Savvy: She can manipulate flesh, muscle, blood, etc., especially nerves and pain receptors.
Age: This is unknown, though she is a teenager
Personality: Crazy, homicidal, unpredictable, etc. She is currently stalking Cheshire, who is unaware of this. She is Chaotic Neutral in nearly all aspects. She is extremely skilled in assassination, knowledge of poisons and torture, and also turning virtually anything into a weapon.
hahaha, stealing from the internet
History: Nobody knows. Mainly cuz she killed all the people who did.
Family: They're all dead. Don't ask.
Crush: Chesssshhhiiiirrrrreeeee
Other: Morrigan means great queen, Akane means deep red, and Hart means heart (derp), so her name means Great Queen of Deep Red Hearts, or Queen of Red Hearts MWAHAHAHA ALICE IN WONDERLAND

Username: Sirua
Character Name: Siinobu Hinisu
Gender: Male
Savvy: Stopping people from time, although he is only allowed to do it for ten seconds per each person and after that, he gets tired and/or gets severe wounds.
Age: 16
Personality: He is a stubborn person, and he believes what everyone says to him, even if they told him he would die tomorrow, etc. He will try to arrange something up, and try to believe it is real. Siinobu is friendly, although never gives up, which is one of his weaknesses. He is smart, but he often likes gore.
Appearance: He has red eyes, and he has a green hoodie. He has silver pants, with black shoes. Siinobu has brown hair. He has a silver scarf.
History: He lived in a ordinary house in Japan, but then his parents died in a car crash. When Siinobu found out, he thought carefully and then ran off. He found a train that was leaving; so then he jumped on quickly and lived in there after convincing the driver.
Family: Nope. His parents clichély died from a car crash.
Crush: None.
Other: -

I'm making a female this time :'D

Username: Sirua
Character Name: Sukutii Lii-Korsu (Her real name is Horine.)
Gender: Female
Savvy: Dust. She can make people suffocate by dust from the insides.
Age: 16
Personality: She is particularly to be tsundere, and very cold-hearted. Sukutii seems to be a very talented and smart person, but is also very patient and refers to herself as 'the ruler of everyone', since she had a lot of people get 'controlled'/work for her before. Is also often lost in thoughts. Also, she is thinking of becoming a terrorist.
Appearance: She has a black and red striped long sleeved shirt under her white unzipped hoodie. She wears the hood on all the time. Sukutii is often wearing silver pants, and laced golden boots. She has black hair that is up in those high pig tails, but the bottoms of the pig tails stop at her neck. She has a black eye and a red eye; she collected an eyes from a beach once, to find that it was an black eye. WIP drawing of her.
History: She lived in an mansion with her rich parents, but then her family got murdered when she was ten. She ran to an orphanage; but after one year, she escaped from there and lived in an abandoned building, all by herself, and then she found a savvy portal, and visits there occasionally. She usually takes a walk in the streets everyday.
Family: Her parent's names were Hunii Lii-Korsu and Siiliver Lii-Korsu.
Crush: Rhine <3(Later on)
Other: :'D

Username: Sylvia
Character Name: Crystal Wolven
Gender: Female
Savvy: Weather (Controlling the weather, natural disasters, etc. She's quite terrible at controlling her savvy, though)
Age: 14
Personality: Crystal is a cheerful person in general, and kind of a 'screw logic' type of person as well. She can be quite random and sarcastic around friends, but otherwise she usually keeps to herself around unknown people. She likes to joke around with anyone, and can end up talkative if you bother to talk to her.
Appearance: She's tall, nearly 6 ft or so, skinny and pale. She has long, dark brown hair, sky blue eyes with glasses as well as a faded red jacket she's usually not seen without and blue jeans.
History: To be told in the RP. As in, dunno.
Family: She has a younger sister named Violet who is 12. They are both orphans, so they don't exactly know of their original family. They live with Celeste Gray, who knows of Crystal's savvy and attempts (and mostly fails) to live with it. (Due to several tornados in the house and many repairs)
Crush: Nope.
Other: Whee, I actually read the books.

Username: Sylvia
Character Name: Violet Wolven
Gender: Female
Savvy: Time-Control. (Going into the future/past, stopping time, etc, only for around an hour or two at a time)
Age: 12, nearly 13.
Personality: Violet is usually quiet and distant around anyone other than her sister, Crystal. She tends to avoid others and keeps to herself. She has quite a temper when annoyed while she wants to be left alone, and can be very convincing at times. She tends to take jokes seriously but otherwise, she's usually nice.
Appearance: She's small for a 12 year old. She has white hair down to her shoulders and oddly bright green eyes.
History: In RP at some point.
Family: Same as Crystal's :p
Crush: nope.
Other: Whee :p

Username: Sylvia
Character Name: Robin Meadowwood
Gender: Female
Savvy: Healing, she can most easily heal animals and occasionally people but humans take more energy, especially depending on the severity of the wound. She mostly has it under control, but she occasionally hurts herself when healing someone else or herself or the one she's healing if she loses control.
Age: 16 years
Personality: Robin is the kind of person that's going to say what she wants/thinks when she wants too. If she shuts up, you can tell she's concentrating and not to bother her. Robin has a terrible temper if you annoy her, mostly directed at her cousin.
Appearance: Robin has curly red/orange hair and she's about average height. She wears a leather jacket over whatever variety of shirts she wears and dark blue jeans. Her shoes vary as well, but usually end up as boots.
History: Her family had always had dangerous savvys, from destroying things to fire. Her parents were genuinely surprised when she healed a cousin, Bella, when some family was visiting on her birthday. Three cousins, Matthew, Madison, and Bella had shown up, her grandparents and their parents as well as her own parents. On her mothers side they didn't have a savvy and didn't generally show up for family events. Just as they were joking around, the house burst into flames and only two of the family escaped, her and her annoying beast of a cousin Matthew.
Family: Most of her family was killed in a fire besides her mother's side and Matthew.
Crush: Nope
Other: gotta go to school now.

Username: Death
Character Name: Bastion Green
Gender: Male
Savvy: He can bring things to life, such as paintings and statues. In the case of drawings and paintings, he can make the object come out of the page/canvas and become 3D. He just has a lot of trouble making it disappear once it's out, which makes it dangerous if he bring out things such as wild animals as he can't control them (or at least hasn't learned how to).
Age: 17
Personality: In a single word: depressed. He suffers from depression, so he's not much when it comes to emotions. He tends to distance himself from others and hang out at the back of the crowd. When he tries to talk to people, he often gets ignored, perhaps because he has a quiet voice, which only makes him distance himself farther. He always carries around multiple sketchbooks of varying size and paper type, along with his art supplies, which he keeps in a brown satchel that's with him at all times.

History: His parents tend to ignore him, giving most of their attention to his younger siblings. This has not only influenced his depression, but also made him quite independent while still craving for someone to notice him. When he was 6, he took an interest to art, and has been drawing and painting ever since, so he's quite good at it.
Family: Two younger sisters, who are twins, age 12. Also the obvious mother and father. They currently live in Seattle. (The US west coast in case any foreigners don't know. ;) )
Crush: None, he's asexual.
Other: I've read Savvy, but not Scumble. (I didn't even know there was a sequel, I read it a long time ago. XD)

Username: Death
Character Name: He mainly goes by the name "Cheshire," since that's what the scientists have started calling him as of late. His real name is Chris Hansen.
Gender: Male
Savvy: He has the ability to travel through anything. He can move through solids and liquids as if they were air, and can move through liquids and gases as if they were solid. He can do an advanced technique on the air to make himself go it and "teleport" through the air as a sort of fast-travel.
Age: 19, almost 20.
Personality: He's indifferent to most things, as long as it doesn't concern his close friends or family. (Although he doesn't have any more close friends to speak of, so it's pretty much just family.) Where his family is concerned, he will do anything to protect them, almost up to giving his own life.

History: He lived with his family in Virginia for quite a while. Until his 17th birthday, in fact. On that day, his house was attacked. He watched both of his parents die trying to protect both Chris and his younger sister, Audrey, from the attackers. The two siblings barely managed to get away. After that incident, they managed to get away by stealing a car.
They ended up moving to New York, New York, where the mass amounts of people helped them blend in and avoid being spotted by the mysterious attackers, until about eight months ago. The attackers tried to get Chris, but he had recently scumbled his savvy, and anything they threw at him literally went right through him. They quickly changed tactics and went after his sister.
Unfortunately, his power can't be shared with other people, and they had to run. It was only a matter of time before Audrey was captured. He begged the attackers, which he had now learned was a scientific organization, to let her go. He struck a deal with them: he would hunt down savvys for the organization in return for both his sister's safety and his, as well as money to pay for living expenses. (He does get paid rather handsomely if you need to know how much. o3o)
His sister knows nothing about how he hunts down other savvies, only that he made some sort of deal with the scientists.
Family: Parents David and Sarah, now both dead. His younger sister, Audrey, is currently 14. She attends school.
Crush: None.
Other: His fast-travel only works on himself. He cannot use it on other people, which is why he wasn't able to save Audrey from being captured. He mainly tracks down savvies for the scientists, but he has been known to capture savvies and take them to an agreed area to be picked up and transported.

Username: Misalia
Character Name: Variel Kotak
Gender: Female
Savvy: Changing the temperature of things (Is this going to matter if Variel is 9?)
Age: 9
Personality: She is a really cheerful and happy person, kind of like what you would expect a normal 9-year-old kid to be. She acts really childish and cutesy if she wants to make people (usually adults) to (what's it called?) grow on her, since she has found the advantage it gives her. It 'tires' her out if she does it too long and will get grumpy in private later. Being unaware of savvys makes her a lot more light-hearted than most of the savvys. If you can get past the 'cutesy' stage, you'll find that she actually really enjoys learning and reading books. She's gotten over the 'dead parents' thing since it was a long time ago and she can barely remember it. She hates exercising and is really unatheletic.
Appearance: Being 'cutesy' (click). What she's actually like (click)
History: Her birth parents were from China, who moved to England and had her. Her parents were found to have temperature powers when, in her mother's grief over her mother and father's death, raised the temperature of the street in the middle of winter. The residents of the town set their house on fire to kill them, believing them to be demons. Little 6 year old Variel had escaped the flames because she had been forgotten about and was sent out to get things for her parents, only to hear the plot and rush back too late. Since then, she has faked never knowing her parents and instead moved in with the Kotaks, who recentally moved to California.
Family: She lives with her adoptive parents Kana Kotak and Herno Kotak, and adoptive older cousin Lana Kotak, and none of which are savvys or know what savvys are.
Crush: None
Other: She barely knows about savvys, let alone what it is called. She also carries around a smal purple jewel incased in a necklace as a good luck charm from her original parents. Also, if I get anything wrong, blame it on not getting the chance to read to book yet. And I made this character just to walk in on really inconvenient moments :P

Username: Misalia
Character Name: Aran Gato
Gender: Male
Savvy: None (He is a regular human)
Age: 20
Personality: A seemingly twisted man, he is extremely mysterious and lives in secrecy, no one knows much about. When working, he goes under the codename 'Warden'. He is seeking out savvys after discovering the Haywire family and capturing Matilda Haywire (and is unaware of her name change). He does not consider a savvy the same as a human, but is working on granting humans these abilities, the 'Artifical Super Human' project, as he calls it. Problem is, he didn't manage to get any sort of a breakthrough during Matilda's 'stay', and requires another savvy to continue experimenting on.

In real life though, he is softer and more caring, maybe even slightly timid. If you saw the two side by side, you wouldn't be able to tell they were the same person. When going outside to buy a bottle of milk, he would probably return only hours later because he has been helping elderly people in the neighbourhood with their groceries as a self-proclaimed 'gentleman' should.
Appearance: Now (Normal, if clingy to the past) (click here)
Before, when he was a bit.... angry (I suppose this is hiw he looked killing Matilda's family) (click here)
History: His parents were adventurious explorers, so when they accidentally had Aran, they were forced to, in their mind, temporarily, settle-down. They had hoped he would gain the same adventurous spirit they had, but as he grew older, they realised it just wouldn't happen.

When Aran was 5, he gained a little sister. When it was discovered that she was paralysed from the waist down, they were heart-broken. It seemed fate just didn't agree with them.

It wasn't until Aran was 10 that his parents finally gave up and crept away during the night.

Since then, Aran has been raising his sister alone, searching for a cure to her paralasis. When he discovered savvys, that was when he began this obession and began a secret group of, offically scientists, unoffically savvy scientists, to track down savvys. It wasn't until one of the Haywire family who, accidentally unlocking her savvy early, killed his sister when he was 15. That was when he cracked and his true obsession began there, as a 'Savvy Hunter', seeking revenge against them 'for the honour of her death'.

A few years later, he had found, yet again, another branch of the Haywire family. This time though, a young girl named Matilda was there. He couldn't bring himself to kill her though, seeing his sister in her, and leaving her alive and bringing her back instead, pressurised to experiment on her by his group.

One day, personally over seeing an experiment, there had been an unusally high energy overload. Fearing her death in a moment of weakness, he took over and lowered the energy far enough that she could escape.

Since then, he has be trying to track her back down again to 'fix the fatal mistake I've made'. He has since gotten over the 'bring death to the savvys' now.

Family: He has a dead little sister (15 years old) who has been paralysed from the waist down since birth. She is nameless for now. His parent's location is unknown. (The vagueness has been passed on!).

Crush: Nahhhhhh, too focused on his arrogance evilness.

Username: Wulf_Lunae

Character Name: Ren Deridder
Gender: Male♂
Age: 15
Savvy: A special kind of energy manipulation, mainly focused on electricity and static. He has it controlled well enough to not have it cause havoc randomly but he hasn't completely scumbled it yet.

Personality: Ren is usually a rather friendly person who is rather curious about practically everything, but often keeps his observations to himself, he is very intelligent and generally enjoys helping others. Although when there is nothing peeking his interest he isn't very energetic, but when there is, he can barely contain himself.

Appearance: Thick brown slightly curly hair with a fringe that covers his forehead, vivid green eyes and rather pale skin. He also wears glasses with a black frame and is often seen wearing thick and slightly too big sweaters. And most of the time clothed in shades of gray.

History: ((WilldolaterorinRP

Family: Lives with his grandfather.
Crush: As if that'd be the case, yet, at least
Other: He likes reading books and will probably be found in the library if there is nothing special going on.

Username: Rini00

Character Name: Lucas Bradian

Gender: Male

Savvy: Gravity Manipulation

Age: 16

Personality: He tends to be a bit distant towards other people, always trying to keep them at a three foot distances both mentally and physically. He seems kind of mean by the way he acts towards other people, but he's normally just worried for most people. He's had a bad experience with not being able to control his Savvy, so this is almost his coping mechanism. He tends to get along pretty well with animals not lions though :P, and normally help to calm him down.

Appearance: He stands around 6 feet tall and has a medium sized frame. He has an oval shaped face and dark brown- practically black eyes. His hair is a black- purple color because he dyed it, but it doesn't overly stand out. His skin is ever so lightly tanned and he has light freckles dotted across his cheeks. He has a piercing in his left ear, which is just a little silver hoop and has a crescent moon shaped birthmark on the back of his neck, which his mother calls a "storks bite".

Lion kisses >w<

History: He lives in New Hampshire, U.S. and has jumped around from going to schools and being homeschooled. He's never stayed at the same school from more than 2 months, so he's never really made any close friends. Mainly because of little accidents occurring with people randomly floating or feeling crushed under gravity pressure when his mood changes drastically. (I don't have much else to say here.)

Family: He only has a mother named Sandy.
Crush: TBA?

Other: Other: He has a pet kitten that's snow white and extremely fluffy. Her name is Kiki and she's a very aggressive little kitten who sometimes gets jealous when other people talk to Lucas a lot. She isn't powerful enough to cause any actual damage, but she tries really hard to. X3 She has a pink ribbon around her neck with a bell attacked to it and normally sits on Lucas's shoulder or trails along behind him. He's pretty much her "mother".

Username: danijust
Character Name: Jorryn Charis Leighton
Gender: Male
Savvy: Empath- He can feel/see people's emotions and is learning to control emotions as well. Hard to scumble his savvy when in a crowd.
Age: 17
Personality: Jorryn is a relatively friendly person but has no close friends and he is not easily angered. He spends most of his time reading or tending his garden.
Appearance: dark skinned, purple hair, 5 feet 5/6 inches
History: Jorryn is a Jamaican born and raised teenager who lives with his mother and twin sister. At the age of 8 Jorryn and his sister gained their savvy and were promptly removed from their school to be homeschooled. At 14 his family moved to America to live in a savvy neighbour hood where his aunt resides.
Family: His mother is Courtney Leighton, his aunt(his father's sister) Persephone Leighton and his sister is Jocelyn Kyrie Leighton.
Other: Ohmigoodness what I would not do for a pepperoni pizza right now.

Note: Forms in italics are minor characters but are NOT NPCs.

Anddd forms of NPCs~

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NPC Name: Agatha Aaronson
Personality: To be RP'd
Savvy: Creating portals
Other: She is the creator of the secluded savvy neighborhood, where people with a savvy can live in peace. She does not say where exactly this neighborhood is, and it is only accessible through the portals she made, making it absolutely safe. Not even the people with a savvy are told where this neighborhood is.

Username: Misalia
NPC Name: The codename is Lumo (no actual name for now)
Personality: Nobody actually knows what he or she is actually like, as he doesn't show himself unless absolutely necessary. He is obedient to his organisation (do you have a name for the organisation?), and will follow orders to the T. He or she will mostly tail around savvy suspects as his or her's specialty is stealth and information gathering.
Savvy: None (human)
Other: None

That's...pretty much it. Oh, wow, this was tiring to type. Welp, enjoy!

Edit: All accepted characters may now post in the RP thread.

Recap added! Will be updated as much as possible~ Warning: It is basically six pages' worth of RPing shoved into a single post as of now. Definitely not short.

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[Start of Page #1]

Sirua: Sirua makes the first RP post. His character, Siinobu freezes a train driver, and jumps out of one of the train windows, which for some reason has been connected to the portal network by Mrs. Aaronson. He gets to the savvy neighborhood.

Sylvia: Crystal and Violet enter the scene with Crystal trying to lock her sister out. Her bedroom door, however, has a faulty lock, and she has to put her weight on it to keep Violet from entering. After Crystal fails to trick Violet into thinking the lock was fixed, Violet tumbles into the room, demanding that Crystal make it cooler outside. While protesting, Crystal accidentally makes it rain heavily - a rain that makes it all the way to the savvy neighborhood. Post ends after their guardian, Celeste, lectures Crystal about her savvy.

Sirua: Siinobu returns to the scene. He randomly walks in and out of his house and continues to walk around the savvy neighborhood with rather sadistic thoughts in mind.

Omnia: Rhine enters the scene. She debates on whether or not to jump through her window to get to the neighborhood, and has a vision of the future while doing so. How she discovered her savvy and what happened on her thirteenth birthday is revealed. After a lot of hard work, she is halfway to completely scumbling her savvy. She finally leaps through her bedroom window, just managing to get into her house before Crystal's downpour starts. Rhine tries to detect who caused the storm, and fails.

Sylvia: Crystal is yelling words into her pillow as a miniature tornado destroys her neat and organized bedroom. She leaps through her window, teleporting to the neighborhood. Entering her house, she eventually calms down enough to make the rain stop. Violet discovers she is gone, and despite not having her savvy yet, knows about the window portals. She leaps through Crystal's bedroom window to escape Celeste's insistence of making her go outside and goes into the Wolven house.

Sirua: Enter Siinobu. He practices his savvy on the clouds before noticing he is injured. He took a stroll in the neighborhood, and eventually realizes he is trailing blood behind him. He is exhausted.

Sylvia: Crystal looks up from her finished book to see Violet. They have a short conversation involving Violet's ability to annoy Crystal affecting her savvy.

Omnia: Rhine tries to make her books tap dance. She sees Violet run into the Wolven house and decides to go meet her neighbors. While crossing the road, she notices Siinobu leaving a trail of blood behind him. She knocks on the Wolvens' door.

Sirua: Siinobu notices Rhine but shrugs it off. He walks inside his house, uses some binoculars to look out his window, and goes back outside.

Sylvia: Violet has gone into her room as Crystal greets Rhine uncertainly at the door.

Omnia: Rhine shyly introduces herself and holds her hand out for a handshake.

Sirua: Siinobu runs in and out of his house, this time bringing the binoculars.

Misalia: Variel enters the scene. She explores her new town, but realizes it is almost a ghost town. She dejectedly goes back home.

Sylvia: Crystal considers giving Rhine a high-five, but then gives her a handshake. She introduces herself and her sister, and explains her savvy.

SandeviRae: Blix randomly enters the scene. After calling a spider a cutie, she throws it out of her tent. She packs up her things and optimistically hopes she won't meet anyone who wants to dissect her.

Sirua: Siinobu leaves the neighborhood and portals back to the real world. He lands in the middle of a road, angering some drivers, and comes across a clinic. He resists going into it, despite the fact he is still bleeding.

[Start of Page #2]

Omnia: Rhine explains her savvy, and halfway through she gets an imageless vision of Crystal and Violet, falling off the doorsteps and scratching her legs.

SandeviRae: Blix falls face first on the sidewalk, and shouts for help due to her backpack pinning her down.

Omnia: Matilda enters the scene. After realizing she has been in her house in the savvy neighborhood for a week, she decides to go eat breakfast on the porch. While taking in the fresh air and clean environment, she wonders what normal girls her age do to pass time.

SandeviRae: Blix is still stuck on the sidewalk, rather overdramatically thinking she will starve to death.

Misalia: Variel meets Siinobu, who has portaled into her town.. Noticing that he is quickly losing blood, she runs over to him. Variel realizes she is more out of shape than she thought.

SandeviRae: Blix seems to be in the same town, but is too far away for her pleas of help to be heard.

Sylvia: Violet complains about squirrels in her room as Crystal invites Rhine inside.

Sirua: Siinobu coldly responds to Variel's concern about him.

Omnia: Rhine wonders about her sudden vision as she walks inside the Wolven household.

Sylvia: Crystal tries to break the awkward silence as Violet enters the room. Violet immediately notices Rhine and goes to make a sandwich in the kitchen.

Omnia: Rhine randomly notes out loud that she assumes Violet is shy, and rather randomly conjures up an illusion of a tap dancing chair.

SandeviRae: Poor Blix is still stuck on the sidewalk as animals begin to mug her.

Sylvia: Crystal explains that Violet is just more quiet around anyone who isn't her. She goes into the kitchen and gets some Oreos.

Omnia: Rhine gets a little too lost in her thoughts and accidentally astral projects. Mattie rescues Blix from the animals and evil sidewalk.

SandeviRae: Blix thanks Mattie, energetically introduces herself, and asks for Mattie's name.

Omnia: Mattie is not disturbed by Blix's cheerful demeanor and dully introduces herself. She also asks why Blix carries sunflower seeds.

[Start of Page #3]

SandeviRae: Blix goes into a cheerful and lengthy explanation about why sunflower seeds are useful, and proceeds to ask Mattie if she knew a place Blix could stay at, continuing to explain that she is homeless.

Misalia: Variel is still concerned about Siinobu despite his cold attitude. She notices Mattie and Blix from afar, and begins to shout at them, asking if they could help Siinobu.

Omnia: Mattie deduces that Blix has a savvy. Rhine tries to get back to her body.

Sirua: Siinobu considers making a run for it.

Death: Bastion Green makes his first appearance. He is drawing when all the commotion starts. Annoyed, he uses his savvy reluctantly and gives Variel a roll of ace bandages.

Misalia: Variel is embarrassingly aware that she had bothered Bastion with all her yelling and thanks him for the bandages. She asks for directions after handing the bandages to Siinobu.

SandeviRae: Blix reveals that she has no clue what a savvy is. She thinks Mattie is talking about a "white-coat" and reveals that her father was one. She worriedly implies that she is on the run from the cops.

Sylvia: Crystal exits the kitchen, and asks Rhine if she wanted anything.

Omnia: Mattie explains what a savvy is. Quickly realizing her mistake, she implies that she is willing to use her savvy on normal people in case Blix tells on her. She demonstrates her savvy with a flick of a wrist, snapping a nearby bench in half. Rhine declines Crystal's offer, and accidentally conjures up an illusion.

SandeviRae: Blix is curious on how Mattie did that, and asks if the "sleeping-in-your-backyard" option was still an option.

Omnia: Mattie dully explains her savvy, and implies that Mrs. Aaronson had been working on extra security for the savvy neighborhood. She walks towards Bastion, Variel, and Siinobu, hoping Blix would get the hint and follow her.

SandeviRae: Blix hurries after Mattie, rather confused about her wording.

Omnia: Mattie breaks into an abandoned building by using her savvy, Blix trailing after her.

Death: Bastion hears the loud noise the bench he was previously sitting on and looks to see that it has been snapped cleanly in half. He notices Mattie and Blix pass by, and decides to follow the unusual duo.

Omnia: Mattie senses another energy in the building, but dismisses it, thinking her savvy is going crazy again. She uses her savvy to blow away all the dust, then explains to Blix (and a spying Bastion) how the portal network works. She then proceeds to demonstrate by shoving her hand inside the portal, then jumps into the portal. She lands on her house's lawn in the savvy neighborhood, and is greeted by a visiting Agatha Aaronson.

SandeviRae: After Mattie jumped through the portal, Blix hears footsteps and sees Bastion. She immediately begins to question him rapidly, then yanking him into the portal as well.

Omnia: Agatha informs Mattie that there has been an unusually high amount of portaling activity. Bastion and Blix appear shortly after, surprising Agatha, who knows that Mattie keeps away from any other living beings. Mattie explains she thinks Blix has a savvy, but she doesn't know about Bastion. She glares at Blix and angrily reprimands her for dragging Bastion along. Agatha easily calms down Mattie, but questions the two other teenagers. She implies that Mattie doesn't mind hurting normal people anymore.

SandeviRae: Blix energetically asks them to not delete Bastion's memories, as she kidnapped him to keep him quiet. She fails to notice she has partially shapeshifted into a wolf, resulting in wolf ears and a tail.

Omnia: Mattie is secretly relieved while Agatha is surprised. Mattie informs the adult that Blix is homeless, and Agatha goes to make a few calls. Mattie rather grumpily summons the chairs and table from her porch onto the lawn, and storms into her house.

Misalia: Variel wonders why the people are so strange, and asks if Siinobu wants help finding a doctor.

[Start of Page #4]

Sylvia: Robin makes her first appearance. Her cousin asks her if she stole all the junk food, and Robin becomes annoyed with him. She chucks a rock at him before leaving the house. Crystal leaves her house and is injured while tripping on the steps. She catches Robin's attention.

SandeviRae: Blix shapeshifts back to normal and apologizes to Bastion.

Death - Bastion is dizzy and confused, surprised about the existence of other savvy people in a secret neighborhood. He sits on a chair, asking what was up with the window talk and if there was a way to get back. He also asks about Blix being homeless

SandeviRae: Blix explains that she was being chased by whitecoats, and that the portals were some magic thingy, and that she only found out about savvys.

Sylvia: Robin heals Crystal, believing she has broken something. Robin runs into her cousin again, but leaves him again.

Omnia: Rhine is halfway across her lawn when her mental shields are shattered. Mattie releases some brainwaves before hearing Rhine's screams. Mattie flies off the hill, looking for the source while calling herself stupid.

Sylvia: Robin hears Rhine's screams, but doubts she can help while walking swiftly towards Rhine.

Omnia: Mattie finds Rhine and takes the energy back. She releases them this time as fireworks, then passes out. Rhine feels better, but is still weak. She calls for help.

SandeviRae: With awesome strength of randomness, Blix finds Rhine and shoves painkillers into her mouth. She asks if Rhine feels any better.

Omnia: Rhine says yes to Blix's question. She notices an unconscious Mattie just as Agatha appears. Agatha explains about Mattie's unstable savvy and how she hides away from society before portaling away with Mattie.

Sylvia: Robin comes and says hello to Rhine and Blix.

SandeviRae: Blix asks some questions energetically.

Sylvia: Robin is not disturbed by Blix's continuous questions, and then asks about Rhine.

Omnia: Rhine continues to try and put her shields back to full strength. Agatha comes, and explains that Blix and Bastion are cleared and can pick any house they want. She then receives a phone call about a girl who lost control of her savvy and froze a building. Agatha portals away and Rhine stands up, introducing herself to Blix and Robin.

SandeviRae: As usual, Blix gets excited and begins to talk and ask questions rapidly.

Omnia: Rhine is amused by Blix's energy and answers. She remembers Mattie.

Misalia: Variel unconsciously raises the temperature and is tapped on the shoulder by Aran. Lumo makes his/its first appearance and notices Variel has a savvy. Warden/Aran offers to take Variel home. Variel is confused, and says that her parents told her to not follow strangers.

Omnia: Mattie wakes up in her bed, and leaves the neighborhood aiming to look for work. She portals back to her old house and is momentarily paralyzed. She slams into something and has returned to the previous place she has portaled to. She notices Aran and Variel, and instinctively attacks.

Misalia: Aran pulls Variel out of the way of Mattie's attack, and is surprised by Mattie finally coming out in the open. He knocks Variel out and hands her to Lumo, ordering him to not let anyone experiment on her. Aran pleads for a chance to explain.

[Start of Page #5]

Omnia: Mattie angrily watches as Lumo takes Variel, but is confused when Aran calls her "sister."

SandeviRae: Blix drags Rhine and Robin towards a blue house, asking them to help her pick a house.

Misalia: Aran uses the sister slip as leverage, and explains that the organization has started to rebel, and Variel will be experimented on if he doesn't get back quickly. He says that he is going soon, with or without Mattie. He offers Mattie a choice: to come with him to get answers or to stay there.

Omnia: Mattie doesn't care much for the answers anymore, but remembers that Variel has been taken. Mattie says she will go, not for the answers, but for Variel. She threatens Aran with a demonstration of her savvy. Rhine tiredly asks if Blix ever ran out of energy. (Cont. of Matilda-Aran confrontation, skip to page #6)

SandeviRae: Blix says that she has several energy drinks if Rhine is tired, and offers some chocolate.

Omnia: Rhine is more mentally exhausted than physical, but she wants some chocolate anyway. She compliments the blue house that Blix has chosen.

SandeviRae: Blix says that she likes the porch swing and pulls varieties of chocolate out of her backpack. She then takes mint and milk chocolate while asking what kind Rhine wanted.

Omnia: Rhine takes some mint and dark chocolate. She has a vision of Mattie yelling at a man holding a little girl hostage.

SandeviRae: Blix asks if Rhine wants to jump off some roofs and claims that she is very good at not dying. She notices that Rhine is somewhat dazed, and offers her some chocolate covered strawberries.

Omnia: Rhine nods, shaken by the vision. Elijah and Verity are looking for Rhine, and finally notice her a few houses away.

SandeviRae: Blix tells Rhine to finish her chocolate so they could check out the house. She shapeshifts into a panther and runs into the house, jumping all over the furniture.

Omnia: Rhine follows Blix into the house after eating her last bit of chocolate. It is revealed that there are people with money-related savvys. Rhine sits down on a couch that Blix missed and asks how Blix ended up homeless.

SandeviRae: Blix the panther sighs and lies down on a counter, and says she ran, memories coming back to her so fast they blur together.

Omnia: Rhine is eternally curious and asks what Blix ran from. She is aware that she is being nosy and thinks that Blix's cheerful personality did a great job concealing secrets.

SandeviRae: Blix says she doesn't want to talk about it and stands up.

Omnia: Rhine stops herself from asking more questions. Verity and Elijah, Rhine's parents, walk in with Verity saying that she nearly had a heart attack when they found Rhine at their home. She freezes mid-sentence when she sees Blix the panther.

[Start of Page #6]

SandeviRae: Blix the panther happily attack-hugs Rhine's parents. (Sandevi and I totally didn't plan on doing that huehue)

Omnia: Rhine's parents begin to scream and Rhine takes control of the crazy and very random situation. She also sweatdrops like an anime character.

SandeviRae: Blix shapeshifts into half-panther half-human (gijinka) form and dramatically apologizes and waits for a punishment.

Omnia: Rhine's parents are confused at Blix's transformation. Rhine introduces them to each other.

SandeviRae: Blix reveals that she does know what police are. She apologizes for glomping them and asks if they have savvies/savvys (I have no idea what to use as a plural form, let's just use both) while having random wandering thoughts that range from kittens to potato farming.

Omnia: Rhine and her mother have a short argument about Rhine's parents being overprotective which Rhine wins. They seem to forget about the panther accident as Rhine explains that her dad has a savvy, but her mum does not.

Death: Chris Hansen alias Cheshire makes his first appearance. He does not mind as Lumo puts an unconscious Variel into the car, as she is not Audrey, his sister. He has developed a sixth sense of detecting nearby savvy people, and walks near Mattie and Aran. He notes that Mattie does have a savvy, and thinks he might be ahead of the quota for savvies spotted. He debates on taking Audrey to a movie during the weekend. He notices that Mattie is agitated, and asks both Aran and her if anything wrong. (Cont. of Matilda-Aran confrontation, last post on page #5)

Omnia: Mattie notices Chris and tells him Aran killed her whole family. She struggles to scumble her savvy before taking another look at Chris, recognizing him. She says that Chris and Audrey went MIA after their parents were killed, and is shocked. She realizes Chris works for Aran. It is revealed that when Agatha first met Mattie, she updated her on all the missing and dead savvy people. Mattie angrily yells at Aran, nearly completely losing control, until she remembers Variel. (Cont. Page #7, post three, Morrigan's first appearance (SandeviRae))

SandeviRae: Blix magically appears as a cat on Elijah's shoulders, asking what his savvy was as she wonders if he could make kittens out of potatoes.

Sylvia: Robin reappears and heads to Blix's house. She says hello as cheerfully as she can.

Omnia: Elijah explains that protection is his savvy, and begins to pet Blix. Verity and Rhine greet Robin.

Sylvia: Robin hears footsteps and sees her cousin's not completely invisible hand. She is about to lash out at him before remembering there are other people in the room. Matthew claims that there is nothing better to do that follow her.

Omnia: A surprised Rhine breaks through Matthew's mental shields, and successfully knocks him out right after he exchanges words with Robin. She apologizes.

SandeviRae: Blix leaps on top of Matthew, shifting into a serval mid-air. It is revealed that she had been tortured in a lab with barely any internet privileges. It is also revealed she once stole a scientist's computer and hacked it, sending adorable cat videos to everyone.

Death: Bastion somehow has gotten off Mattie's lawn on the hill (FINALLY), and searches for Blix. He tries a house, but discovers it is locked. He eventually discovers her house by hearing all the commotion. It is revealed that he would gladly give anything to live alone.

SandeviRae: Blix shifts into serval gijinka form and leaps off Matthew and on top of Bastion. She says hello and happily drags him inside.

Death: Bastion smiles as Blix drags him past several rooms, and compliments the house. He asks if there was any chance he could get a house too, unaware of what Agatha said earlier (Page #4)

SandeviRae: Blix suggests that Bastion should live with her as it would be lonely. She places a cat headband on his head and proclaims them twinsies and that he'd have to stay.

Death: Bastion laughs, soon realizing he hadn't laughed for quite some time. He notes that Blix's cheeriness was almost contagious. His laughter is quickly replaced by the usual feeling of emptiness. Bastion pats the cat ears on his head, noting that Blix had everything in her bag. He says he'll stay as long as his family knows.

SandeviRae: Blix squeals in happiness and asks if that would mean she'd get to meet more people. She then grabs Bastion's shoulders and pulls him close enough so their noses touch, imagining various awesome random things like baby tigers eating muffins, completely unaware of the awkward position they're in. (SQUEEEEE #BLIXTON KISS KISS KISSSSS)

[Start of Page #7]

Sirua/Tezio: Siinobu FINALLY snaps out of his extremely long trance from looking at passerby cars and notices what the HECK is going on. (In case anyone has forgotten, he was standing with Variel. Now he's standing by Mattie and Aran. So. He basically fell asleepp.....standing on a road. WHAT KIND OF EXCUSE DO YOU MAKE FOR THESE KINDS OF SITUATIONS?!) Siinobu is somewhat bored (HOW TF IS HE BORED BY THIS) by the current events, and turns around, too bored to react or run away screaming. He heads for the hospital, but is tempted to stop and look at the gore and ignore the pain.

Omnia: Rhine's parents leave. Rhine continues to stand there awkwardly with nothing to do.

SandeviRae: Morrigan makes her first appearance. Jealous that Chris/Cheshire is talking to Mattie (okay. he's way too old for her. nope nopity nope.), she stops the time perception of everyone in a 10 meter range and pushes Mattie to the ground after warning her to stay away from Chris. It is revealed she can somewhat alter other people's memories, and makes Mattie forget she was even there. Morrigan slings Chris over her shoulder and walks down the street towards an abandoned house. She goes through a portal, stepping into the savvy world version of the building and leaves the unconscious Chris on the couch.

Sylvia: A notably more cheerful Robin says that she should thank Rhine for knocking Matthew out, and says that Blix could keep him, as she certainly wouldn't miss him.

SandeviRae: Blix lets go of Bastion and dumps the unconscious Matthew on to a couch, asking Robin what his name is. (NO KISS?! ;-;)

Sylvia: Robin introduces Matthew, and he wakes up at the mention of his name. Robin adds that he doesn't stay unconscious for long.

SandeviRae: Blix cheerfully greets Matthew.

Sirua/Tezio: Siinobu hopes it's all a dream. Sukutii makes her first appearance, portaling to the neighborhood.

Sylvia: Matthew remembers he was following Robin, and realizes she is abandoning him with some random shapeshifter. Robin adds that she is serious about it, and Matthew heads for the door.

Omnia: Rhine realizes that she has been more uneasy around people the past few days, and wonders if her subconscious has picked something up. It is revealed that Isaiah Smith, who caused the New York explosion (check sign-up thread), is her cousin. It is also revealed that she knew Michael Coldstone (check sign-up thread again), who was like a big brother to her. She says hello to Matthew, and is informed of the recent events by her subconscious. Rhine makes an illusion of the door shutting and locking to prevent Matthew from leaving.

Rini00: Lucas and his pet kitten, Kiki, make their first appearance. Lucas is walking down the streets of the neighborhood while Kiki attempts to stay beside him. Lucas stops and lets her climb his shoulder while talking to her.

SandeviRae: Blix fires off another stream of questions at Matthew. She wonders if there was a computer nearby so she could use the internet.

Start of Page #8

Death: Cheshire finally wakes up from being knocked out by Morrigan. He tries to guess what happened, and notices Morrigan watching him. He decides that either Mattie had attacked him and Morrigan rescued him, or Morrigan had kidnapped him. He resorts to asking Morrigan how he got there. (Time rewind before Matthew woke up) Meanwhile, Bastion blushes when Blix pulls him close. He's never had any interest in dating or girls, and helps Blix in dumping Matthew on to a couch. He wonders if Blix ever calms down, and that she might ask questions even in her sleep.

SandeviRae: Morrigan grins and asks how Cheshire likes his pancakes, adding that she had maple syrup. She wonders if Cheshire would prefer to be called Chris.

Sylvia: Robin answers for Matthew and explains that their family died from a fire.

SandeviRae: Blix exclaims that she's sorry for what happened to their family and glomps Matthew. She pulls out a gigantic sack of candy from her bag and dumps the candy on the coffee table, encouraging everyone to help themselves.

Sylvia: Matthew and Robin take most of the candy. Robin asks if anyone else wanted candy.

A much shorter summary...

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Characters begin to meet in either the neighborhood or in an unnamed town in California. Two characters who used to have no knowledge of the savvy heritage, Bastion Green (Death) and Blix Runeye (SandeviRae), have recently found out about the portaling network and the savvy population because of Matilda Quarappelz (Omnia). The only character left clueless about the neighborhood and heritage is Variel Kotak (Misalia), the youngest character in the RP. Meanwhile, it seems the scientists are slowly gaining progress on tracking down everyone with a savvy...More antagonists and NPCs needed. It is possible original characters from the books will be added as NPCs. Minor characters have been added. NPC by Misalia has been added. Location has been confirmed as a place in California.

Variel Kotak (Misalia) has been taken by the organization. Matilda Quarappelz (Omnia) confronts Aran Gato (Misalia). Blix Runeye (SandeviRae) picks a house. Robin Meadowwoods (Sylvia) makes her first appearance. Chris Hansen alias Cheshire (Death) makes his first appearance. Blix Runeye (SandeviRae) meets and somewhat frightens Rhine Oakley's parents. (Omnia) Recap has been updated, and now more organized by listing the start of pages. Update: This will now be updated in new posts.

How the portal network works~

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Portals work differently everywhere. In the neighborhood, the portals randomly generate one location to portal to every hour, thus explaining how Siinobu (Sirua) and Matilda (Omnia) are portaled to the same location. It is because they portaled out the neighborhood within the same hour.

To portal to the neighborhood, however, is slightly more difficult. It still has the requirement of knowing about the savvy heritage and population, but portals are not installed in every window. That would just be absurd. Portal entrances are often placed in windows no one would ever jump through (i.e. train windows, windows of the fifth floor of a building, abandoned building windows). Portals are still occasionally placed in other odd places (not going to specify for the sake of creativity). Agatha Aaronson is working on higher security for the portal network. Last heard, she was trying to implement an air-made cage to activate upon the entering of a non-savvy holder. Skilled air manipulators and savvy inventors were heard to be working together on this project.

Some portals in the neighborhood can teleport you anywhere as long as you concentrate.

Death's Freaking Awesome Savvy and Shipping Charts

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Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 16:18 (10 Years ago)
Username: SandeviRae
Character Name: Blix Runeye
Gender: Female
Savvy: Shape-shifting
Age: 16
Personality: She is very intelligent, but she hides it without knowing with her boundless energy and complete randomness. She is generally cheerful.
History: This might be explained later
Family: N/A
Crush: N/A
Password: Bunnies with pancakes on their heads
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 16:21 (10 Years ago)
Accepted. And oh my gods, the vagueness is real :O

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 16:24 (10 Years ago)
dun dun dun DUUUNNNNNN
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 16:51 (10 Years ago)
Username: Sylvia
Character Name: Crystal Wolven
Gender: Female
Savvy: Weather (Controlling the weather, natural disasters, etc. She's quite terrible at controlling her savvy, though)
Age: 14
Personality: Crystal is a cheerful person in general, and kind of a 'screw logic' type of person as well. She can be quite random and sarcastic around friends, but otherwise she usually keeps to herself around unknown people. She likes to joke around with anyone, and can end up talkative if you bother to talk to her.
Appearance: She's tall, nearly 6 ft or so, skinny and pale. She has long, dark brown hair, sky blue eyes with glasses as well as a faded red jacket she's usually not seen without and blue jeans.
History: To be told in the RP. As in, dunno.
Family: She has a younger sister named Violet who is 12. They are both orphans, so they don't exactly know of their original family. They live with Celeste Gray, who knows of Crystal's savvy and attempts (and mostly fails) to live with it. (Due to several tornados in the house and many repairs)
Crush: Nope.
Other: Whee, I actually read the books.
Password: Bananas.

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 16:55 (10 Years ago)
Andddd accepted :3

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 256
Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 17:48 (10 Years ago)
Username: Sirua
Character Name: Siinobu Hinisu
Gender: Male
Savvy: Stopping people from time, although he is only allowed to do it for ten seconds per each person and after that, he gets tired and/or gets severe wounds.
Age: 16
Personality: He is a stubborn person, and he believes what everyone says to him, even if they told him he would die tomorrow, etc. He will try to arrange something up, and try to believe it is real. Siinobu is friendly, although never gives up, which is one of his weaknesses. He is smart, but he often likes gore.
Appearance: He has red eyes, and he has a green hoodie. He has silver pants, with black shoes. Siinobu has brown hair. He has a silver scarf.
History: He lived in a ordinary house in Japan, but then his parents died in a car crash. When Siinobu found out, he thought carefully and then ran off. He found a train that was leaving; so then he jumped on quickly and lived in there after convincing the driver.
Family: Nope. His parents clichély died from a car crash.
Crush: None.
Other: -
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 18:27 (10 Years ago)

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 21:38 (10 Years ago)
If I were to make a form for Violet should I post it entirely or edit my first form post?

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sun, 09/11/2014 04:24 (10 Years ago)
I'd prefer it if you posted it entirely, but you can just edit your post.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Sun, 09/11/2014 04:42 (10 Years ago)
Username: Sylvia
Character Name: Violet Wolven
Gender: Female
Savvy: Time-Control. (Going into the future/past, stopping time, etc, only for around an hour or two at a time)
Age: 12, nearly 13.
Personality: Violet is usually quiet and distant around anyone other than her sister, Crystal. She tends to avoid others and keeps to herself. She has quite a temper when annoyed while she wants to be left alone, and can be very convincing at times. She tends to take jokes seriously but otherwise, she's usually nice.
Appearance: She's small for a 12 year old. She has white hair down to her shoulders and oddly bright green eyes.
History: In RP at some point.
Family: Same as Crystal's :p
Crush: nope.
Other: Whee :p
Password: It'a still Bananas.

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sun, 09/11/2014 04:46 (10 Years ago)

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 09/11/2014 21:56 (10 Years ago)
Username: Misalia
Character Name: Variel Kotak
Gender: Female
Savvy: Changing the temperature of things (Is this going to matter if Variel is 9?)
Age: 9
Personality: She is a really cheerful and happy person, kind of like what you would expect a normal 9-year-old kid to be. She acts really childish and cutesy if she wants to make people (usually adults) to (what's it called?) grow on her, since she has found the advantage it gives her. It 'tires' her out if she does it too long and will get grumpy in private later. Being unaware of savvys makes her a lot more light-hearted than most of the savvys. If you can get past the 'cutesy' stage, you'll find that she actually really enjoys learning and reading books. She's gotten over the 'dead parents' thing since it was a long time ago and she can barely remember it. She hates exercising and is really unatheletic.
Appearance: Being 'cutesy' (click). What she's actually like (click)
History: Her birth parents were from China, who moved to England and had her. Her parents were found to have temperature powers when, in her mother's grief over her mother and father's death, raised the temperature of the street in the middle of winter. The residents of the town set their house on fire to kill them, believing them to be demons. Little 6 year old Variel had escaped the flames because she had been forgotten about and was sent out to get things for her parents, only to hear the plot and rush back too late. Since then, she has faked never knowing her parents and instead moved in with the Kotaks, who recentally moved to California.
Family: She lives with her adoptive parents Kana Kotak and Herno Kotak, and adoptive older cousin Lana Kotak, and none of which are savvys or know what savvys are.
Crush: None
Other: She barely knows about savvys, let alone what it is called. She also carries around a smal purple jewel incased in a necklace as a good luck charm from her original parents. Also, if I get anything wrong, blame it on not getting the chance to read to book yet. And I made this character just to walk in on really inconvenient moments :P
Password: Wait, what password?

That took way longer than I expected. A lot longer too. Remind me to never type that much without a break again.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 256
Posted: Sun, 09/11/2014 22:10 (10 Years ago)
I'm Chinese too :'D //shot
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 09/11/2014 22:34 (10 Years ago)
We Chinese must stick together! *also shot*

Any ideas on how to incorporate my character in the roleplay? (Besides walking in on your characters in incredibly inconvinient moments?)
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 256
Posted: Sun, 09/11/2014 22:38 (10 Years ago)
x3 I'm starting to like you.
I'm not that sure yet, maybe just wait until another character just wants to greet random people to say hello to get your attention, but then again, I'm not so sure.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sun, 09/11/2014 22:47 (10 Years ago)
Like I said before, some people gain their savvy at an early age, so yeah, it's fine. AND OMG MORE ASIANS WOOOOOTTTTT Accepted~ Pleasedon'twalkinonsomepeopleinanawkwardposition secondthoughtsthatmightactuallybehilariousdoit

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 256
Posted: Sun, 09/11/2014 23:06 (10 Years ago)
Haha, this is becoming more of a chat place xP.
It'll be awkward of you walk in when they're in the bathroom, but uvu....
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 10/11/2014 04:27 (10 Years ago)
Username: Death
Character Name: Bastion Green
Gender: Male
Savvy: He can bring things to life, such as paintings and statues. In the case of drawings and paintings, he can make the object come out of the page/canvas and become 3D. He just has a lot of trouble making it disappear once it's out, which makes it dangerous if he bring out things such as wild animals as he can't control them (or at least hasn't learned how to).
Age: 17
Personality: In a single word: depressed. He suffers from depression, so he's not much when it comes to emotions. He tends to distance himself from others and hang out at the back of the crowd. When he tries to talk to people, he often gets ignored, perhaps because he has a quiet voice, which only makes him distance himself farther. He always carries around multiple sketchbooks of varying size and paper type, along with his art supplies, which he keeps in a brown satchel that's with him at all times.

History: His parents tend to ignore him, giving most of their attention to his younger siblings. This has not only influenced his depression, but also made him quite independent while still craving for someone to notice him. When he was 6, he took an interest to art, and has been drawing and painting ever since, so he's quite good at it.
Family: Two younger sisters, who are twins, age 12. Also the obvious mother and father. They currently live in Seattle. (The US west coast in case any foreigners don't know. ;))
Crush: None, he's asexual.
Other: I've read Savvy, but not Scumble. (I didn't even know there was a sequel, I read it a long time ago. XD)
Password: Mississippi Beaumont

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Mon, 10/11/2014 05:08 (10 Years ago)
Aaaaaand accepted :3

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.