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Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 21:37 (10 Years ago)
It diesn't matter, come join the asians anyway! I feel bad for the non-asians so.... honorary asians!

#Blixton! .... That joke's old isn't it? Oh well!

Fist of the Scientific - Hierarchy and structure suggestion

Section 1- Summary of the main departments
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For the structure, I think it should be seperated into 4 main categories:

(No proper name yet. For now, I'll call it the-) Outsider department: The people working in this department are those that concentrate on their offical image.

Examples of their work are warding off suspicions from the government, keeping outsiders from getting in or learning anything, preventing information leaks, 'disposing' of traitors and working with any outsiders that do come in (like of meetings and the like). They are also known also the 'spy/information' department in the organisation.

Medical Department: Officially, this is where they develop chemicals and other such stuff. Unofficially,this is where they work with the savvies. More will be explained later.

'Recruiter' Department:[b] Officially, they are recruiting for the organisation. Unofficially, they hunt down savvies and are in charge of keeping the savvies in line. They work closely, officially and unofficially, with the Outsider Department.

Another piece of their work is adopting orphans and unwanted children for use in the organisation. Those that show remarkable skill in a certain area will be trained to work. Those that fail to, however, will be used as test subjects.

[b]General Department:
This is where everything else that doesn't fit into the catergories above go. More information in the next section. In other words, anything I missed or is too small to fit in the other categories goes here.

Section 2 - The different divisions within each department
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Here are different divisions in each department.

Outsider Department
Outside Contact Division: These guys, as you guessed it, work with outside figures like goverment, and deal with people who foolishly decide to investigate.
Information Leaks and Traitors Division: They deal with anyone trying to destroy the organisation from within. They also deal with punishment works.
Information Division: They supply all information needed in the organisation.

Recruiter Department
Hunter Division: They hunt down savvies.
Recruiter Division: These are the people who regularly visit and adopt children from orphanages and stuff.
-----School Division: This is the 'school' for the orphans that are adopted. They are taught a mandatory 5 year course, for those above age 12, or up until they turn 12 if course lasts for at least 5 years, otherwise the missing years are made up. Once the course is completed, instructors will choose those that show skill in an area that will aid the organistion to continue on, otherwise they are taken for testing. Students are never told what their fate is.

Medical Department
Non-Savvy Division: They work with all non-savvies.
-----Non-Savvy- Children Division: They work with babies, children and teenagers under the age of 18
-----Non-Savvy- Adult Division: Works with adults 18 and up
Offical Medicine Division: They work on medicine that can be officially revealed should the organisation need to show anything to outsiders.
Other Medicine Division: They deal with everything else that doesn't involve humsn or savvy testing.
Savvy Division: They work with the savvies.
-----Savvy- Children Division: They work with babies, children and teenagers under the age of 18
-----Savvy- Adult Division: Works with adults 18 and up

General Department
Savvy Manipulation: A newly opened division that, instead of taking all young savvies away, persuades and manipulates them for work for them. They are taught biased propaganda.

Section 3 - Heirarchy
To be done later

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Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 21:19 (10 Years ago)
Hi, I'm back! *eats sparkly popcorn*

Ai! We're the awesomeness!

What other random things have I missed then?

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Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 20:43 (10 Years ago)
((Exams are over. Now to avoid Omnia's wrath for not posting for a week... I'm sorry!))

Aran simply sighed and threaded his left hand through his hair. "He came to me of his own free choice. There is just so much that you don't know about that is going on. Well, we can't let you figure out one of our bases, so we'll need to... take a few precautions. Chesire, can you....?" he asked, posture slumped slightly and a flash of weariness appeared, before straightening back up and turning to face Chesire.

"Hm? Great, he's disappeared," he mumbled to himself before pulling out a grey device and speaking into it. "Lumo, are you there?" 'Yes sir.' "Get back here at once. I need you to escort a girl back to base. She has my protection while at base, and don't let her near the labs. I'm still in the same place as last time you saw me. Actually, while you're at it, get Chesire. Tell him to meet me in room 324," he spoke clearly into the walkie-talkie, 'labs' meaning anything to do with savvies.


'Lumo' had only gotten back to the base and handed the little girl to the 'Child' facility manager when a message came through an earpiece, which it put on.

'Lumo, are you there?' "Yes sir," it responded immediately he was taught. 'Get back here at once. I need you to escort a girl back to base. She has my protection while at base, and don't let her near the labs. I'm still in the same place as last time you saw me. Actually, while you're at it, get Chesire. Tell him to meet me in room 324. "Understood, sir," it said in a monotone voice, before changing frequencies to Chesire's.

"Chesire, come in. Chesire, do you read me?" he began, unsure of a responce as it wasn't sure if he had his communication earpiece with him. "Chesire, are you there?" he asked again while travelling back out to 'Warden's' location.


Misalia felt like she was swimming through a swamp. Her vision was black but she was slowly coming back to her senses. "Urgh, where am I?" she moaned, not expecting some-one to reply. "Oh, you're finally awake!" came an overly-cheerful, 'Definitely a female one' whispered her brain', voice.

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Posted: Thu, 20/11/2014 13:32 (10 Years ago)
"Oops, did I say sister? Just a slip of the tongue, I suppose. It'll make sense when I explain it, though. If you're willing to listen of course," Aran tried to convince, using the sister slip as leverage. Magic power thingymajig or not, a human is still naturally curious. Then he decided to add, "You don't have long to make up your mind. My organization has started to..... Rebel, in simple terms. They'll only hold out so long before they start experimenting on that little girl. Either way, I need to get back before that happens, with or without you. I'd prefer it not be the latter, I do still need to explain things to you. After all, there are only so many things you can figure out on your own."

He wasn't lying about the rebellion thing. The whole headquaters were growing restless and it had split into 2 sides. Those still loyal to him, and those were starting to separate. They were starting to ignore orders, and he had recently found out a secret experiment they were doing without consent. They were starting to become uncontrollable. He needed help, but no-one needed to know that just yet.

"Well, what is your answer?"

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Posted: Wed, 19/11/2014 13:34 (10 Years ago)
Aran heard the growling and jumped out of the way, pulling the girl out of the way with him. Then his eyes widened as he realized who the girl standing before him was. "Is... Is that you Matilda? I can't believe it, you've finally appeared again after so long! I have so much to say..! Oh but this little girl has nothing to do with this, she doesn't need to know," he recomposed himself, before knocking the little girl out with a pressure point and caught her before she fell, handing her to 'Lumo'. "Take her back to the headquarters. Don't do anything with her before I get back, just make sure she's okay," he ordered, before turning back to 'Matilda'.

"Look Matilda, we can't go fighting in public. Do you want to be found out for what you truly are? I'm sorry about this, but I need to take you somewhere private, without you being so aggressive To talk this out civilly? Just one chance will do, sister," he asked, hidden desperation in his eyes and laced in his voice. He didn't realize that 'sister' had slipped out.

((It's fine, we weren't really getting anywhere anyway. This'll make things a bit more interesting.))

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Posted: Tue, 18/11/2014 17:40 (10 Years ago)
Variel looked around, her mind flipping back to being lost. Well, she was confident that boy-man was going to be fine. Maybe. Arg, why was she in such a weird town? She wanted to go home. 'I want mum With that, she unconsciously began to bring up the temperature of the surrounding air, far enough to reach 'boy-man' and a certain spy. All while still not noticing the steadily rising temperature. Then something tapped on her shoulders and a "Hey, are you lost?" Came a voice from behind her. "Eek!" was her reply and the temperature plummeted to autumn levels.


'Lumo' was walking down a street, trailing 'Warden' from a few houses away, having to follow him and then needed to carry stuff around for two hours. It was snapped out of it's inner complaining when it was partially deafened by a loud girl. [i]'Wow...... Just.... Wow,'
it thought. As it turned down, it saw two small groups, with the previous girl quieted by a man handing her a roll of gauze. When he left, however, the temperature being to mysteriously rise. 'Suspicious.'. It's suspicions was confirmed when 'Warden' tapped her on the shoulder and the temperature mysteriously dropped before going back up to normal. It caught up to her and put on a friendly smile. "I see you are. Do you want us to take you home?"


"Eh? Mum and dad said I'm not supposed to follow strangers," she said with a confused look on her face when a random person just popped up.

((Anyone else want to play Lumo? I'm running out of stuff to say.))

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Posted: Sun, 16/11/2014 16:33 (10 Years ago)
Wow that was long, but I like it :D. We have a definitely set time now (I really need to get a move on in finding a book), which is great.

Do you have anything you want done before we start involving the scientists?

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Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 21:47 (10 Years ago)
Come join us then Wulf_Lunae, it'll be great to have you on board (the more the merrier they say).

Now for an NCP. If anyone want's their character to mess up, make sure to have this guy watching.

Evil scientist spy:
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Username: Misalia
NPC Name: The codename is Lumo (no actual name for now)
Personality: Nobody actually knows what he or she is actually like, as he doesn't show himself unless absolutely necessary. He is obedient to his organisation (do you have a name for the organisation?), and will follow orders to the T. He or she will mostly tail around savvy suspects as his or her's specialty is stealth and information gathering.
Savvy: None (human)
Other: None

I have no idea what to do with that one until we start making things interesting with scientists tracking down savvys, but I thought I might start suggesting these guys early.

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Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 19:38 (10 Years ago)
About the inconsistent location thing, we have one of four options:

1) My character is on holidays (eh, early holidays? Or change the time to summer instead) in Seattle
2) Death's character is on holidays instead
3) I change my character's home to Seattle (and thus moving all the characters)
4) Death change's her character's location to California.

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Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 17:07 (10 Years ago)
"Hm, I wonder where he was going in such a hurry," Variel said, partly to herself and partly to the boy-man. "And those two strangers walking past us with such a flat face. Does everyone in this town hate fun or something? I'm sure I didn't do anything to deserve this," she sulked, ignoring the fact she was trying to deafen everyone, and turned her back to the boy-man. "If I was working as a police-man, I would find that so weird and totally suspicious."

"Well, you're going to be better now, right?" she remembered, still facing away. "Do you want me to help you find a doctor?"

((Sorry for this being so short, I have nothing to write about.))

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Posted: Wed, 12/11/2014 21:42 (10 Years ago)
Banned for no . in your name either

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Posted: Wed, 12/11/2014 21:27 (10 Years ago)
"Oh! Thank you mister...... ?" Variel attemped to try make sound cheerful. The flat tone of the new guy and the annoyed look on his face prompted her to say, "Sorry if I was being too loud, it's just that this boy-man was bleeding everywhere," she pointed out the very long trail of blood behind him and extended to.... A window? "And I think he wanted to run away. But thank you mister! By the way do you know where we are? I kind of got lost, and then I found boy-man here and he didn't know where we were either," she admitted, blushing a little. It's not my fault I forgot where I was walking!' she exclaimed internally. She also absent-mindedly gave the roll to 'boy-man'.

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Posted: Wed, 12/11/2014 16:11 (10 Years ago)
Well, I think I'll put it off for a bit, at least until the characters decide to escape because 'I'll come back, just in a few years when my powers have been tamed and this girl is old enough to stop annoying us'.

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Posted: Wed, 12/11/2014 16:00 (10 Years ago)

I suppose I need to get Variel on the move on with the savvy thing then, if she needs to accidentally show them off in public to introduce Aran. And I was looking forward to torturing creating inconvinient moments characters with a regular person there. Ah well.

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Posted: Wed, 12/11/2014 15:48 (10 Years ago)
Yes, bow down to the awesomeness. (Hetalia, anyone?)


Okay, so I may or may not have anything for Aran to do just yet and I might just leave him until I find a good place to introduce him. Any ideas?

Also, are we going to be using the human world very often? And can we agree on what season, day and time of day we are in right now so I don't do any accidental time skips? (You know, since Ariel is 9, she'll need to go to school and since it was said in the RP that it was sometime around morning/afternoon, it's probably one of the weekends.)

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Posted: Wed, 12/11/2014 15:41 (10 Years ago)
"Oh, you're lost too? That's too bad, I would have wanted to help but.... Ehehehe," Variel trailed off, a bit thrown off by this boy-man's cold demenor. "Aren't you going to get that treated?" she asked, trying to find something to move the topic to and being slightly disturbed by boy-man walking normally as of bleeding heavily wasn't a problem.

Then, she heard something and looked back across the road, only to see a flailing purple-haired lady with a giant backpack being hoisted to her feet by another girl. "Oh! Maybe they could help!" and started yelling louder than you would expect a small 9 year old to do. "HEY, MISS! THIS GUY OVER HERE IS BLEEDING! DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO HELP HIM?".

Okay, so only one of the lady's, the purple-haired one, look nice, while the other kind of reminded her of this boy-man, it was better than nothing, right?

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Posted: Tue, 11/11/2014 21:09 (10 Years ago)
I really like this idea! It'll make any birthday really nice in my opinion :D.

CarpetMonster: I think it should only be available on someone's birthday, it wouldn't be fair to give it on just any day and it wouldn't make it as special. And I think that the site should give a plushie on your birthday, so you can get one if you decide not to tell anyone.

There should a 'birthday page' of people with their birthday today and/or upcoming birthdays (there should be an option not to display your name if you decide you don't want it public).

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Posted: Tue, 11/11/2014 20:58 (10 Years ago)
Walking crossing the street, still a bit down, she suddendly came to the conclusion that she was, in fact, lost. In her own town. That she just moved to. 'Hah, who else could manage to get lost in their town other than me?' she thought to herself. She looked around before seeing a brown haired.... man? Boy? 'Actually, what do you call a teenage boy?' Anyway, the point was that she saw a brown-haired boy on the side of the street with a clinic. He was a,so walking past even though he was bleeding. 'Wait, what?'

Briefly looking both ways across the street, she ran across it toward the boy, yelling, "Mister! Mister! Please wait up mister!". She then came to a stop on the other side, breathing a little heavier than what she would have liked, with her hands on her knees and a little hunched over. "I am.... a lot.... more out.... of shape.... than I thought...." she mumbled under her breath, in short, clipped breaths.

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Posted: Tue, 11/11/2014 19:22 (10 Years ago)
Evil scientist huh?

This character, I, somehow, made it a bit too intertwined with your second character Omnia (it was an accident!). I can change it if you want, since I don't actually have your permission for this :,( .

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Username: Misalia
Character Name: Aran Gato
Gender: Male
Savvy: None (He is a regular human)
Age: 20
Personality: A seemingly twisted man, he is extremely mysterious and lives in secrecy, no one knows much about. When working, he goes under the codename 'Warden'. He is seeking out savvys after discovering the Haywire family and capturing Matilda Haywire (and is unaware of her name change). He does not consider a savvy the same as a human, but is working on granting humans these abilities, the 'Artifical Super Human' project, as he calls it. Problem is, he didn't manage to get any sort of a breakthrough during Matilda's 'stay', and requires another savvy to continue experimenting on.

In real life though, he is softer and more caring, maybe even slightly timid. If you saw the two side by side, you wouldn't be able to tell they were the same person. When going outside to buy a bottle of milk, he would probably return only hours later because he has been helping elderly people in the neighbourhood with their groceries as a self-proclaimed 'gentleman' should.
Appearance: Now (Normal, if clingy to the past) (click here)
Before, when he was a bit.... angry (I suppose this is hiw he looked killing Matilda's family) (click here)
History: His parents were adventurious explorers, so when they accidentally had Aran, they were forced to, in their mind, temporarily, settle-down. They had hoped he would gain the same adventurous spirit they had, but as he grew older, they realised it just wouldn't happen.

When Aran was 5, he gained a little sister. When it was discovered that she was paralysed from the waist down, they were heart-broken. It seemed fate just didn't agree with them.

It wasn't until Aran was 10 that his parents finally gave up and crept away during the night.

Since then, Aran has been raising his sister alone, searching for a cure to her paralasis. When he discovered savvys, that was when he began this obession and began a secret group of, offically scientists, unoffically savvy scientists, to track down savvys. It wasn't until one of the Haywire family who, accidentally unlocking her savvy early, killed his sister when he was 15. That was when he cracked and his true obsession began there, as a 'Savvy Hunter', seeking revenge against them 'for the honour of her death'.

A few years later, he had found, yet again, another branch of the Haywire family. This time though, a young girl named Matilda was there. He couldn't bring himself to kill her though, seeing his sister in her, and leaving her alive and bringing her back instead, pressurised to experiment on her by his group.

One day, personally over seeing an experiment, there had been an unusally high energy overload. Fearing her death in a moment of weakness, he took over and lowered the energy far enough that she could escape.

Since then, he has be trying to track her back down again to 'fix the fatal mistake I've made'. He has since gotten over the 'bring death to the savvys' now.

Family: He has a dead little sister (15 years old) who has been paralysed from the waist down since birth. She is nameless for now. His parent's location is unknown. (The vagueness has been passed on!).

Crush: Nahhhhhh, too focused on his arrogance evilness.
Password: Mississippi Beaumont

I'm really sorry about what I've done Omnia! I wasn't expecting to have it take this kind of a turn :,(. I was just planning an evil scientist and then this idea plopped in me head and before I knew it, it ended up involving your character.

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Posted: Mon, 10/11/2014 17:15 (10 Years ago)
User Name : Misalia
No. 1- 50 : 42

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