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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from empty-space.
Posted: Fri, 17/03/2017 00:52 (7 Years ago)
not accepted because you insulted my pure and good son :<<<
accepted!! :>

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Posted: Thu, 16/03/2017 15:03 (7 Years ago)

anyway, ep 2 was p great but my favorite so far has definitely been s2e7

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Posted: Thu, 16/03/2017 01:45 (7 Years ago)
A bell rang through the school building, jolting Matt from his daze. A few more students had filed into the room while he had been daydreaming, and he was surprised that no one appeared to be late on the first day. He watched the door, curious to see what kind of impression this class's teacher planned to make. Hopefully they aren't dull and boring, he thought. I always get the boring teachers.

Logan had practically fallen asleep as she rested her head on the desk, and she let out an embarrassingly loud squeal of shock at the ringing of the bell as she bolted upright. A brief glance around told her what she'd expected; most of the desks were filled up, and a brief shock had gotten to most of them. A great first impression to make! she thought sarcastically. Hey look at me! Everything about me and my personality is painfully unstable! Logan was so caught up with this experience that she hardly registered a teacher entering the room.

((Remember that the teachers can be controlled by anyone. I'm just trying to avoid doing it because I don't want to lmao.
also sorry for not replying, I didn't realize people had replied, and I was waiting. rip))

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Posted: Wed, 15/03/2017 23:14 (7 Years ago)
here's an avatar i did earlier; i don't have much else to say

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Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 19:55 (7 Years ago)
As someone who also uses FireAlpaca and used a laptop trackpad for a long time, I'd suggest turning the 'Correction" option to the maximum, so your lines end up smoother.

I haven't posted anything for a while, here's a thing I just finished

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Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 00:14 (7 Years ago)
doopity boop

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Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 00:12 (7 Years ago)
ew gross not accepted
nah, accepted

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Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 23:13 (7 Years ago)
In the back of one of the many classrooms, Matt scratched his pencil rhythmically on his desk. Completely focused on this action, he was oblivious to the rest of the classroom. Scratch, scratch, scratch. It was soothing, he supposed. Abruptly recalling where he was, Matt's gaze scanned the room to see if anyone was seeking his attention; it was unlikely, as he didn't know anyone there, and he was right. His glasses slipped down his nose, and he briskly pushed them back up before returning to his attempts to wear a hole into the desk.

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Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 22:51 (7 Years ago)
We need some more male characters since we have so few, so if anyone wants to make one that'd be great.

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Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 22:30 (7 Years ago)
Go ahead and start :>

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Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 22:15 (7 Years ago)
Accepted, but I'd appreciate if you elaborated on his personality a bit, and I'd prefer if you took out the part about the katanas because that seems unnecessary at a school.

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Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 22:02 (7 Years ago)
Nosepass (Pokemon)

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Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 22:00 (7 Years ago)
Logan jumped at the voice, and to her relief, nothing happened. She glanced at the unfamiliar face before turning to go through her things. "Oh, a green pen? Let me check." She paused after finding none amongst her things, feeling her pockets. She pulled out a screwdriver and quickly shoved it back into the pocket. "Shoot, I meant to put those up," she muttered under her breath before turning back to Troye. "Doesn't look like it, sorry."

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Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 21:43 (7 Years ago)
Logan wandered through the hall for several minutes before coming across the correct room. She glanced at her schedule again and entered the room. Taking a seat in the middle at random, Logan tapped her fingers absently on the desk. Looking around the room, she spotted one other girl, doodling, who seemed uninterested in conversation, so she cast her gaze back to her hands. Humming, she pondered if she'd meet anyone interesting in this place. Probably not, she ultimately decided.

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Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 21:28 (7 Years ago)
"Where's my schedule?" Logan hissed frantically, moving to a wall and dropping to her knees to shift through her backpack. "Where's my locker? When does class start!?" She was getting increasingly louder as she became more desperate. After a minute more of searching, she pulled out a crumpled paper and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God I didn't forget it. I don't know why mom was so worried about being late, I still have time."
Logan grabbed shoved her loose things back into her bag and shuffled down the hall to where her locker should be. Swiftly, she grabbed what she needed for her first class, shoved her backpack in the locker, and slammed it shut.

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Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 21:19 (7 Years ago)
Logan grumbled to herself, kicking up a dirt cloud as she trudged to the garage, laptop under her arm. "We don't have time for this, Logan," her mom called out, standing on the porch with her hands on her hips. "You're going to be late!"
"I have to fix this crummy thing," she muttered to herself, gripping the laptop tighter. While her mother continued to yell at her, making no move to bring her back into the house, Logan pulled the garage door open, and she stepped in. Digging through her dad's toolbox, hunting for a screwdriver, she was oblivious to rapidly approaching footsteps.
"Logan! We're already late! Let's go." The teenager flinched at the voice and a shock, similar to any other static charge, jolted her mother who was standing next to her. Grabbing several tools and shoving them in her pockets, she turned to her mom.
"Okay, I'm ready. Sorry." Her eyes were trained firmly on the ground and before she knew it they were pulling up to an unfamiliar building. "Bye, love you," Logan chimed briskly, climbing out of the car and grabbing her bag. Before her mother could say anything in protest, the girl was hurrying into the open, welcoming doors.

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Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 20:49 (7 Years ago)
Accepted! Here's the RP thread, go ahead and start.

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Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 20:48 (7 Years ago)
Sign up HERE!
In this peculiar world, many individuals have begun to develop incredible abilities, generally at a young age; the only reasoning people have for this is magic. Magic has been something people were aware of for ages now, but it had never directly affected them until now. As more children discover these powers and the little control they have over them, clever people with either a high understanding of this magic or with abilities themselves open academies all over to train and teach.

You are one of these gifted individuals, and today is the day you finally receive an invitation to the school.
It's finally time to learn about yourself.

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-PH rules, obviously.
-This RP is semi-literate, so it is expected for there to be 4-5 sentences in each of your posts the majority of the time.
-No Mary Sues, powerplaying, etc.
-Max. 3 characters. Any more would definitely get out of hand.
-Keep OOC conversation to a minimum within the roleplay thread.
-Try to avoid having similar powers to someone else.
-Since I assume no one wants to RP as a teacher, the teachers will be NPCs that can be RP'd by anyone as needed.
-You're in a school. You have classes. You go to the classes.
-Time skips, when desired, must be approved by everyone.
-If you don't think you should do it, don't do it.

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Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 20:00 (7 Years ago)
Roleplay HERE!
In this peculiar world, many individuals have begun to develop incredible abilities, generally at a young age; the only reasoning people have for this is magic. Magic has been something people were aware of for ages now, but it had never directly affected them until now. As more children discover these powers and the little control they have over them, clever people with either a high understanding of this magic or with abilities themselves open academies all over to train and teach.

You are one of these gifted individuals, and today is the day you finally receive an invitation to the school.
It's finally time to learn about yourself.

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-PH rules, obviously.
-This RP is semi-literate, so it is expected for there to be 4-5 sentences in each of your posts the majority of the time.
-No Mary Sues, powerplaying, etc.
-Max. 3 characters. Any more would definitely get out of hand.
-Keep OOC conversation to a minimum within the roleplay thread.
-Try to avoid having similar powers to someone else.
-Since I assume no one wants to RP as a teacher, the teachers will be NPCs that can be RP'd by anyone as needed.
-You're in a school. You have classes. You go to the classes.
-Time skips, when desired, must be approved by everyone.
-If you don't think you should do it, don't do it.

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Age: (13-17)
Personality: (Cannot be "To be RP'd)
History: (Opt.)

My Character(s):
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Username: empty-space
Name: Logan Jackson
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Ability: Electrokinesis; She can control electrical currents, and she can also create them. Her ability is extremely unstable, and she may lose control when stressed or surprised (which is often) and shock anyone nearby.
Appearance: x
Personality: Logan is hot-headed and generally difficult to immediately get along with. She firmly believes that she is always right and rarely admits otherwise, so she's constantly ready to argue, and she defends her opinions with her life. Logan is also paranoid and jumpy, and she will jump at the slightest noise or unexpected movement. Around people she can stand, Logan almost appears to be a completely different person; she becomes relaxed and easygoing, talking at every available opportunity even if it isn't relevant to everything else happening.
History: no thanks lmao
Other: She tends to tinker with electronics, as she figures that's the only thing her ability is useful for.

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Username: empty-space
Name: Matthew (Matt) Lee
Age: 15
Gender: Male (FtM)
Ability: He can manipulate the gravity of objects for short periods of time. generally just making them levitate for his convenience; the weight of the object is usually what determines what he can manipulate, so he can only manipulate things that weigh slightly more than what he could normally pick up.
Appearance: Matt has shaggy black hair that barely grazes his neck, round glasses, and plain brown eyes. He generally wears a white button-up shirt with a sweater pulled over it, baggy jeans, and beaten up sneakers. He stands at 5'6". Image
Personality: Matt tends to keep to himself, generally refusing to initiate conversations with others. He tends to be more compassionate and sensitive to others than he should, especially to people he barely knows. When he does speak in a conversation, it mostly consists of sarcastic comments and humor in general, as he's unsure of what else to say.
History: no thanks
Other: he is very gay

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-Dracoflame22/Draco Kusunagi/17/M

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Posted: Sat, 11/03/2017 03:18 (7 Years ago)

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