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The Academy for Unusual Children's Return - Sign-Up

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Academy for Unusual Children's Return - Sign-Up
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Mon, 27/10/2014 23:41 (9 Years ago)
Roleplay Here
never thought i'd do it again, eh?

After your time with a family, the academy soon reopens. New and old student return, but the academy isn't truly the same. Your old, goofy academy seems quite stricter and neater, in general. The main difference, however, is that most of the teachers are different.
And your old principal is gone.
Learning may be an actual goal in this different academy, but everyone seems to feel uneasy about the new principal.

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No powerplaying/godmodding. Yes, you have abilities but if they are too overpowered I will ask you politely to change them.
This is not a Pokemon roleplay.
Do not double post unless it has been one week or more.
Do not spam, try to post at least 2+ sentences per roleplay post.
Do not curse. This rule is simple enough.
Try to stay on topic, don't suddenly change what's going on.
No timeskips, it can easily throw everyone off. Ex: In the middle of a conversation, suddenly two days later!
You may have two characters, no more.
I think your suppose to have fun. Eh, not really sure about that part though.

Sign-Up forms
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Character Name:
Have you previously attended the Academy?: [As in, were you in the first version of this roleplay?]
Age: (13-17)
History: [Not required]

Character Name:
Age: (25+)
Main subject: [By subject, basically what set of powers they specialize in. Healing, water, fire, etc.]
History: [Not Required]

Students and Teachers of the Academy
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Username: Sylvia
Character Name: Crystal Wolven
Have you previously attended the academy?: Yes.
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Abilities: Shape-Shifting into living things. She isn't very skilled at plants, and tends to avoid shifting into them.
Animal-Speaking: She can speak to animals in any form. Besides plants. Plants suck, she says.
Animal-Understanding: She can understand animals in any form. Plants don't talk, she says.
Appearance: She has long, dark brown hair and sky blue eyes along with glasses. Crystal is fairly tall and skinny, and is pale. She usually is found wearing a mildly faded red jacket and fairly torn blue jeans, along with boots and other varieties of shoes.
Personality: Crystal is fairly easy to get along with, and friendly. She has a bit of a temper towards those who truly annoy her when she is fairly annoying herself. She may occasionally prefer to be alone, but she isn't the quietest person and can end up chatting her head off. She also is occasionally sarcastic, and enjoys to joke around.
History: Crystal's parents were killed when she was young. Not a fire or natural causes, but a murder. She was sent to an orphanage and adopted. And sent back. And adopted. And sent back. This went on for a while until someone finally took her in. At the discovery of her abilities, it was as if she was hated by her so-called loving family. The moment the academy was first opened, Crystal was the first student signed up. Once it closed, she lived with Violet's family and found a young stray cat, which she named Jinx. Crystal and Violet became quite good friends, and when Crystal discovered her younger friend's abilities she insisted on her coming with Crystal to the Academy.
Other: She owns a long haired black she-cat known as Jinx, who has a kinked tail and bright golden eyes.

Username: Sylvia
Character Name: Violet Gray
Have you previously attended the academy: No, she came along with Crystal.
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Abilities: She can see into the future and the past, even the present on occasion. The only trouble is that she cant tell which is which.
She occasionally reads minds, but never at her own will.
Appearance: She has long, straight white hair and bright green eyes. She is extremely pale and usually wears shirts in shades of light blue and jeans.
Personality: Violet, unlike Crystal is fairly hard to talk to in general. She is quiet and is usually found alone. She is intelligent and moderately curious, and has a ridiculous habit of sorting through Crystal's stuff much to her annoyance. She doesn't have much of a temper, and isn't annoyed very easily. She is kind and caring either way, though.
History: Violet's powers had been unknown to others for many years. She was raised like a normal child, and her visions weren't much of a secret, but her parents had assumed Violet was joking around, though she was quite a serious child. She was delighted when Crystal came, proving one of her future-visions right. She began to shift through Crystal's stuff almost immediately, taking her laptop on occasion and fiddling with it. She's broken it several times, of course. She still became Crystal's good friend, and joined her at the Academy's reopening, due to the fact that she had recently become 13, the minimum age requirement for the academy.
Other: Usually found reading or fiddling with her laptop.

Username: SandeviRae
Character Name: Joralee Brisbane (Also called Jora)
Have you previously attended the Academy?: No
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Ability(ies): She can control any type of matter and can change it's form and molecular structure, including her own, but doesn't have full control of this ability. She mainly only uses this on herself or small objects to avoid harming others. She also seems to be a misfortune magnet, and gets frequent headaches from power build-ups, sometimes resulting in releases in power.

Personality: Kind of distant and cold until you get to know her. Intelligent too.
History: She comes from a wealthy family, and was isolated for most of her life with no company except the servants in her parent's house. She was homeschooled by her Nurse, Anne, who became a sort of mother figure to her. One day, when she was about twelve, she became really frustrated at one of Anne's lessons, and threw a fit. During this fit, she ended up destroying most of the third floor of the mansion, accidently killing Anne. After this happened, her parents had her isolated even more, only allowing her to have the company of a replacement tutor. She remained traumatized by this experience, and nearly never complained or spoke, immersing herself in her studies. As soon as her parents found about this school, they shipped her away to it, happy to be rid of her.
Other: N/A

Username: SandeviRae
Character Name: Bellatrix (Has no last name)
Have you previously attended the Academy?: No
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Ability(ies): Able to absorb other's abilities and life force. The absorbing of abilities is temporary and only lasts a day at most.

Personality: Isolated and cold until you get to know her. Then you see that she is actually very lonely and vulnerable. She is also exceptionally intelligent and reserved. Sometime she struggles to keep her sanity in check.
History: She was abandoned at a young age on the street, where she was taken to an orphanage. The other children were terrified of her, due to them being able to sense the strangely dangerous aura coming off of her. She was always teased by the other kids as being a freak, and the one time she retaliated, she was put into solitary confinement for a week. She is terrified of the full moon, due to her abilities becoming strongest at that point, sometimes transforming her with the residue energy of previous absorptions of energy or abilities. During this period of time, she would lock herself away so she couldn't hurt anyone, due to sometimes practically becoming a black hole for energy, sucking the life forces and abilities of any living thing around her. This, however, is very rare, and can only happen while she's awake. Once the caretakers of the orphanage found out about the school, they shipped her off to it, only for it to shut down a couple hours after she arrived.
Other: N/A

Username: Shiny_Lanturn
Character Name: Stevan Juillan
Have you previously attended the Academy?: Nope.
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Ability[ies]: Water.
Appearance: A short boy with pink ends on his hair. He has eyes that normally have a yellow, hazel, or orange color to then, and he wears normal school clothes, ripped jeans, and a white T-shirt.
Personality: A daredevil and prankster, and 99.99% of the time is sarcastic or untruthful. He is not to be trusted. He surprisingly is a good listener when he does listen.
History: He doesn't talk about it.
Other: ~

Username: Flash-The-Charizard
Character Name: Kayoko
Have you previously attended the Academy?: No I'm the new girl
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Abilities: Fire, She can control fire. She can also shapeshift.

Personality: Funny, Nerdy, Nice, Shy, Has a bad Temper.
History: WIP
Other: Love RP's C:

Username: Nogard20
Character Name: Kevin Gold
Have you previously attended the Academy?: Yes
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Ability[ies]: Controls liquids, Hyper Sense and electrifies on touch (randomly)
Appearance: Brown-ish hair, uses glasses, usually wearing a steel helmet.
Personality: Brave, Aggressive, Bad Temper.
History: Kevin Gold never knew his real parents. Living with his guardian, Kevin Gold noticed he could control liquids, but he never knew about his Tech powers.
Other: He's always wearing a necklace with a stone that changes colors on it. He wears black gloves sometimes. Kevin Gold has gone more and more aggressive with every year out of the academy.

Username: Queen_Kazma
Character Name: Shade
Have you previously attended the Academy?: yes
Age: 13
Ability[ies]:is a phycic warrior, can remember everything she reads

Personality: Shy, reserved, calm and collected. she likes to stick in the shadows and watch people than actively do things. She can be mentally unstable at times.
History: Shade was abandoned by her parents at birth and was left outside to die. she learned to survive on her own and soon found a home to live in. She learned to control some of her powers, sometimes getting out of hand. One day,Shade got into an fight that left her Right eye scarred. After that, she decided to withdrawal from the outside world and keep to herself, rarely going out.one day, when she was walking, she came across a old beggar. He beckoned her to come and gave her the cross pendant, saying it will help protect her and enhance her powers.

Username: AnnikaBlair
Character Name: Matilda Haywire
Have you previously attended the Academy?: [As in, were you in the first version of this roleplay?] Nope. I play PokeHeroes on and off, so must have missed it.
Gender: Female
Age: 13, almost 14
Ability[ies]: Matilda could be considered a psychic, though her powers extend to so much more. Illusions are her specialty, as they are the most harmless. Using her imagination, Matilda can make practically anything happen. Despite how much Matilda has practiced the aforementioned ability, it has proven limited, and often she needs more power from objects or other humans to do something big, like create a dragon out of thin air. Many a time her abilities have brought her to the verge of death.
Appearance: Long electric blue hair kept in check with a blinding white headband. Her eyes are stormy blue that turn deep purple when using her powers. Her skin is pale and sickly-looking (most of the time she IS sick), and her frame is thin and frail. Slightly shorter than the girls of her age, Matilda gives off the air of someone concealing strength despite her sickly appearance. Matilda often wears worn out jeans and a black shirt with a silver cardigan on top. She occasionally dons black finger-less gloves, and always wears her silver combat boots.

Personality: As Matilda/Beneath her quiet and shy demeanor lies a fiery temper that yearns to burn.
As Metis/Metis is power-hungry, cunning, and unlike Matilda, enjoys having people's lives wrapped around her finger.

History: Matilda has no memory of her parents, and was abandoned at an orphanage. She kept to the shadows most of the time, and eventually everyone in the orphanage forgot she even lived there. Caught taking a piece of bread from the larder by one of the orphans, Matilda was thought to be a thief. Angry and depressed that everyone had forgotten she existed, Matilda discovered her powers for the first time, burning down a portion of the forest near the orphanage accidentally. Her greatest fear confirmed, Matilda fled, taking her measly belongings with her. While on the run from the social services, Matilda discovered another horrifying thing: fire was easiest thing she could summon from her imagination. Terrified that she would do the one thing she hated the most, Matilda completely isolated herself from people, hiding out in abandoned buildings. The social services eventually caught her, and upon realizing that Matilda had a separate personality within her, shipped her off to the academy.
Other: Has another personality called Metis. Metis is basically the larder that contains all of Matilda's evil. Instead of being one being with both good and evil, Matilda is either one, or the other. Fingers crossed Metis doesn't figure out that Matilda can create her an exact copy of Matilda's body with the powers. Or else.

Username: Shiny_Lanturn
Character Name: Joesph Mewburry
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Ability[ies]: Healing, Electricity.
Main subject: Electricity
Appearance: He wears a brown striped jacket, with a light blue long-sleeved shirt with jeans a black tennishoes.
Personality: Serious and strict, but makes his class fun.
History: ~

You may control these characters as necessary.
-Generally teachers, and other characters may be added at request and when necessary.
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Character Name: Ms. Everlynn.
Gender: Female
Age: 57 years.
Ability: Mind-Control, most of the students are oblivious to this.
Main subject: She is the principal.
Appearance: She has short, graying hair and cold green eyes with glasses. She is around 5'5". She is usually seen wearing a white long sleeved shirt and a black ankle length skirt.
Personality: Ms. Everlynn is hard to get along with. She's cold and usually only speaks to the students in order to scold them. She has a terrible temper and is quick to punish trouble-makers. She is also very strict and organized, and seems to make others feel nervous, and around Ms. Everlynn students seem to be on their best behavior.
History: Ever since she was young, Ms. Everlynn never got along well with anyone. She never had true friends, and even as a child she was strict and tried to punish others. When the earlier principal of the academy vanished from unknown causes, she jumped to take the job since teaching elementary students wasn't particularly fun. She immediately got the academy in order, hired new teachers and reopened it.
Other: N/A

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 28/10/2014 00:46 (9 Years ago)
Username: SandeviRae
Character Name: Joralee Brisbane (Also called Jora)
Have you previously attended the Academy?: No
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Ability(ies): She can control any type of matter and can change it's form and molecular structure, including her own, but doesn't have full control of this ability. She mainly only uses this on herself or small objects to avoid harming others. She also seems to be a misfortune magnet, and gets frequent headaches from power build-ups, sometimes resulting in releases in power.
Personality: Kind of distant and cold until you get to know her. Intelligent too.
History: She comes from a wealthy family, and was isolated for most of her life with no company except the servants in her parent's house. She was homeschooled by her Nurse, Anne, who became a sort of mother figure to her. One day, when she was about twelve, she became really frustrated at one of Anne's lessons, and threw a fit. During this fit, she ended up destroying most of the third floor of the mansion, accidently killing Anne. After this happened, her parents had her isolated even more, only allowing her to have the company of a replacement tutor. She remained traumatized by this experience, and nearly never complained or spoke, immersing herself in her studies. As soon as her parents found about this school, they shipped her away to it, happy to be rid of her.
Other: N/A

Username: SandeviRae
Character Name: Bellatrix (Has no last name)
Have you previously attended the Academy?: No
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Ability(ies): Able to absorb other's abilities and life force. The absorbing of abilities is temporary and only lasts a day at most.
Personality: Isolated and distant until you get to know her. Then you see that she is actually very lonely and vulnerable. She is also exceptionally intelligent and reserved. Sometime she struggles to keep her sanity in check. Curious as well, and enjoys the company of others.
History: She was abandoned at a young age on the street, where she was taken to an orphanage. The other children were terrified of her, due to them being able to sense the strangely dangerous aura coming off of her. She was always teased by the other kids as being a freak, and the one time she retaliated, she was put into solitary confinement for a week. She is terrified of the full moon, due to her abilities becoming strongest at that point, sometimes transforming her with the residue energy of previous absorptions of energy or abilities. During this period of time, she would lock herself away so she couldn't hurt anyone, due to sometimes practically becoming a black hole for energy, sucking the life forces and abilities of any living thing around her. This, however, is very rare, and can only happen while she's awake. Once the caretakers of the orphanage found out about the school, they shipped her off to it, only for it to shut down a couple hours after she arrived.
Other: N/A

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,380
Posted: Tue, 28/10/2014 02:06 (9 Years ago)
Username: Shiny_Lanturn
Character Name: Joesph Mewburry
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Ability[ies]: Healing, Electricity.
Main subject: Electricity
Appearance: He wears a brown striped jacket, with a light blue long-sleeved shirt with jeans a black tennishoes.
Personality: Serious and strict, but makes his class fun.
History: ~

Username: Shiny_Lanturn
Character Name: Stevan Juillan
Have you previously attended the Academy?: Nope.
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Ability[ies]: Water.
Appearance: A short boy with pink ends on his hair. He has eyes that normally have a yellow, hazel, or orange color to then, and he wears normal school clothes, ripped jeans, and a white T-shirt.
Personality: A daredevil and prankster, and 99.99% of the time is sarcastic or untruthful. He is not to be trusted. He surprisingly is a good listener when he does listen.
History: He doesn't talk about it.
Other: ~

sig by Tokimaru
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Tue, 28/10/2014 02:08 (9 Years ago)
Both accepted, you may post in the roleplay.

Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,502
Posted: Tue, 28/10/2014 02:18 (9 Years ago)
Username: Flash-The-Charizard
Character Name: Kayoko
Have you previously attended the Academy?: [As in, were you in the first version of this roleplay?] No I'm the new girl :P
Gender: Female
Age: (13-17) 15
Ability[ies]: Fire, She can control fire. She can also shapeshift.
Personality: Funny, Nerdy, Nice, Shy, Has a bad Temper.
History: [Not required] WIP
Other: Love RP's C:

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Tue, 28/10/2014 02:32 (9 Years ago)
Username: Nogard20
Character Name: Kevin Gold
Have you previously attended the Academy?: [As in, were you in the first version of this roleplay?]
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Ability[ies]: Controls liquids, Hyper Sense and electrifies on touch (randomly)
Appearance: Brown-ish hair, uses glasses, usually wearing a steel helmet.
Personality: Brave, Agressive, Bad Temper.
History: Kevin Gold never knew his real parents. Living with his guardian, Kevin Gold noticed he could control liquids, but he never knew about his Tech powers.
Other: He's always wearing a necklace with a stone that changes colours on it. He wears black gloves sometimes. Kevin Gold has gone more and more agressive with every year out of the academy.

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Tue, 28/10/2014 12:17 (9 Years ago)
Both accepted, you may post in the roleplay.

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Wed, 29/10/2014 04:37 (9 Years ago)
Username: Queen_Kazma
Character Name: Shade
Have you previously attended the Academy?: yes
Age: 13
Ability[ies]:is a phycic warrior, can remember everything she reads
Personality: Shy, reserved, calm and collected. she likes to stick in the shadows and watch people than actively do things. She can be mentally unstable at times.
History: Shade was abandoned by her parents at birth and was left outside to die. she learned to survive on her own and soon found a home to live in. She learned to control some of her powers, sometimes getting out of hand. One day,Shade got into an fight that left her Right eye scarred. After that, she decided to withdrawal from the outside world and keep to herself, rarely going out.one day, when she was walking, she came across a old beggar. He beckoned her to come and gave her the cross pendant, saying it will help protect her and enhance her powers.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Wed, 29/10/2014 08:43 (9 Years ago)
Username: AnnikaBlair
Character Name: Matilda Haywire
Have you previously attended the Academy?: [As in, were you in the first version of this roleplay?] Nope. I play PokeHeroes on and off, so must have missed it.
Gender: Female
Age: 13, almost 14
Ability[ies]: Matilda could be considered a psychic, though her powers extend to so much more. Illusions are her specialty, as they are the most harmless. Using her imagination, Matilda can make practically anything happen. Despite how much Matilda has practiced the aforementioned ability, it has proven limited, and often she needs more power from objects or other humans to do something big, like create a dragon out of thin air. Many a time her abilities have brought her to the verge of death.
Appearance: Long electric blue hair kept in check with a blinding white headband. Her eyes are stormy blue that turn deep purple when using her powers. Her skin is pale and sickly-looking (most of the time she IS sick), and her frame is thin and frail. Slightly shorter than the girls of her age, Matilda gives off the air of someone concealing strength despite her sickly appearance. Matilda often wears worn out jeans and a black shirt with a silver cardigan on top. She occasionally dons black finger-less gloves, and always wears her silver combat boots.

Personality: As Matilda/Beneath her quiet and shy demeanor lies a fiery temper that yearns to burn.
As Metis/Metis is power-hungry, cunning, and unlike Matilda, enjoys having people's lives wrapped around her finger.

History: Matilda has no memory of her parents, and was abandoned at an orphanage. She kept to the shadows most of the time, and eventually everyone in the orphanage forgot she even lived there. Caught taking a piece of bread from the larder by one of the orphans, Matilda was thought to be a thief. Angry and depressed that everyone had forgotten she existed, Matilda discovered her powers for the first time, burning down a portion of the forest near the orphanage accidentally. Her greatest fear confirmed, Matilda fled, taking her measly belongings with her. While on the run from the social services, Matilda discovered another horrifying thing: fire was easiest thing she could summon from her imagination. Terrified that she would do the one thing she hated the most, Matilda completely isolated herself from people, hiding out in abandoned buildings. The social services eventually caught her, and upon realizing that Matilda had a separate personality within her, shipped her off to the academy.
Other: Has another personality called Metis. Metis is basically the larder that contains all of Matilda's evil. Instead of being one being with both good and evil, Matilda is either one, or the other. Fingers crossed Metis doesn't figure out that Matilda can create her an exact copy of Matilda's body with the powers. Or else.

P.S. In case you need an antagonist, Metis is there. :3

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Wed, 29/10/2014 21:03 (9 Years ago)
You are both accepted and may post in the roleplay.

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Wed, 29/10/2014 22:59 (9 Years ago)
Character Name:
"My Name Is Auraora.."
Have you previously attended the Academy?:
"I Think..."
"Im Female Duh..."
"Im 15..."
Auraora can usally use darkness or ghost like powers..... She usally uses a spell book for most of them.... She can sometime summon creatures or hide in shadows....
She has long dark hair,usally wearing a hood to hide herself from others since something she doesn't talk about.... but sometimes she wears a dress and boots or sometype of special gloves
Usally Shy/Friendly and has a temper but usally is mysterious....
She Doesn't remember much.... she usally had a mom or dad but they died because of a fire or something.... she doesn't know that yet since a mysterious person put a curse/spell on her
She usally wears a necklace with special darkness gem,usally wearing a black scarf or band to use her powers with a spell book
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 21:09 (9 Years ago)
Accepted, you may post in the roleplay)

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sun, 02/11/2014 13:45 (9 Years ago)
[I was thinking we needed more male characters o-o And I needed someone to play as Metis' brother's "reincarnation." So, uh, yeah...]


Username: AnnikaBlair

Character Name: Cameron Mikhail Rochester

Have you previously attended the Academy?: [As in, were you in the first version of this roleplay?] Nope nopity nope.

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Ability[ies]: Exactly like Matilda's, except he's more comfortable with water.

Appearance: Golden blonde windswept hair that for some reason never stays tame, and contrasting pale silver eyes. Due to his rebellious nature, he despises fancy shmancy clothing that his parents want him to wear and likes wearing weather beaten and worn clothing.

Personality: Rebellious, and somewhat distant from people. He tries to find confidence in himself despite the fact all the psychologists had told him he was insane. Even though he was born with the silver spoon, Cam remains humble at all costs. He was brought up to be a gentleman. However, he is especially shy towards girls.

History: Cameron was raised lovingly by his wealthy parents, though they never exactly spoiled him, and reprimanded him when needed. He discovered his powers at the young age of seven, scaring his parents and the servants. Not long after that, Theseus began speaking to him and his parents sent for all the best psychologists in the world, believing their only son was going insane. All kinds of therapy and tests were done, but Theseus stayed. Despairing, his parents decided to homeschool him, giving him the best tutors that money could afford. Though he had been forbidden to use his powers, Cameron could not help doing so and secretly trained until he was caught. Once his parents heard of the academy, they sent him on his way, with many tears.

Other: Has Metis' brother, Theseus, in his head. For some reason, he is unusually comfortable around Matilda.

(Edit: Edited him to become 16.)

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Sun, 02/11/2014 14:32 (9 Years ago)
Accepted, of course.

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Thu, 06/11/2014 06:23 (9 Years ago)

Username: Kalaziel
Character Name: Elliot March
Have you previously attended the Academy?: Nope~
Gender: Male
Age: 16 and a half.
Ability(ies): Well- this isn't really an ability. But when he's hugged by a member of the opposite sex or under a great deal of stress, he transforms into a large white hare(think the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland). He also has enhanced speed and slightly above normal strength.
Appearance: See above.
Personality: Elliot is very reclusive and defensive. Especially around women. When around a female, he quickly closes in on himself and becomes snappish and cold. He is especially self-conscious of his furry white ears and puffball of a tail. Luckily they can be his easily under his coat and hat.
History: [Not required]
Other: Elliot is easily offended- and hates being compared to a common rabbit. Offer him a raw carrot and he'll either beat you up or never speak to you. But any carrot sweet or baked good- he'll be putty in your hands. Carrot cake, carrot gummies or literally anything carrot. He hides his ears beneath his tall hat- and his tail beneath his long coat.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Thu, 06/11/2014 13:26 (9 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 18:42 (9 Years ago)
Username: Wulf_Lunae
Character Name: Ruin Whitestone

Have you previously attended the Academy?: [As in, were you in the first version of this roleplay?] *shakes head*

Gender: Male♂

Age: 15

Ability[ies]: Ruin's abilities are strongly linked with emotions. He can see people their current emotional state like an outline around them and has the power to (usually slightly) strengthen and dampen emotions others are feeling. When he uses this power it comes with the cost of weakening that particular emotion in himself or, of course, strengthening it if he is weakening another's, if done too much, or too long, he'll become mentally exhausted and most likely fall asleep with no regard for location, situation or time.
He also has a secondary ability that is more problematic. When experiencing a particularly strong emotion he'll gain a certain effect, willingly or not, linked to that emotion. (for a simple example; feeling very excited might causes there to be static electricity in the air around him, while feeling a hot anger might cause him to gain control over fire.) When this happens the emotion will literally start being drained from him and will leave him both emotionally and mentally exhausted.

Appearance: He has dark brown hair with a golden and sometimes red sheen to it when hit with sunlight. His hair is usually not very well kept and is also rather thick/full. His fringe reaches far enough to just cover his eyebrows and ruin's eyes are a strong vibrant green but while he is using his ability to influence emotions there'll be a few yellow/golden spots findable mixed in with the green. Ruin is rather pale and about 167 cm(5'6") tall and usually wears darker coloured clothing and will wear his black zip up hoodie, which is clearly a bit too big, over nearly everything, he'll also when possible never be seen wearing shorts or anything with short sleeves, not even in summer.

Personality: Ruin is usually rather quiet and never really shows too strong a display of emotion, as such would trigger his second ability, he isn't really too good at socially interacting with others either, but he has a rather strong sense on what is good and what is wrong and when he considers someone a friend he'll try to defend them at all cost and he tries to get along with everyone he talks to.

History: [Not required] (Seeing as this isn't required would it be okay if I added to this at a later time?)
Other: (No idea what to put here so *waves* also this was dreadfully wrong, sorry for making you read through that)

Username: Wulf_Lunae
Character Name: Andrew Grace


Age: 25

Ability[ies]: Andrew has the ability to store information and small, none living, objects in a sort of storage that he can access at all times, this storage is directly linked to himself and lies in another layer of reality.
Main subject: [By subject, basically what set of powers they specialize in. Healing, water, fire, etc.] His main subject is history, but as he has information stored on so many, many, different subjects he can function as a substitute teacher whenever necessary.

Appearance: For some reason Andrew insists on wearing a lab coat, he does not need this lab coat and any attempt at making him stop wearing his lab coat will result in failure, some think he even sleeps in this labcoat, although it always looks crisp and clean. He is off an average height, has blond hair, which doesn't look like it is in /any/ particular style as it kind of sticks out in every direction, and has gray blueish eyes. His skin colour is white and healthy enough although he looks like he should be tired and hardly ever sleeps. He is rather (overly) excited most of the time and clearly loves his job.

Personality: He is a friendly and kind man who will try to help any student who appears to need it, is often excited and will stand out in a crowd. He however sometimes gets lost in his thoughts and forgets what he was busy doing.

History: [Not Required] (same as above with this one)
Other: Andrew seems to have a habit of pulling apples and other fruit out of thin air, it's unknown whether this is part of his ability or if he just carries around fruits everywhere he goes.

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 21:35 (9 Years ago)
Acccpppeeeted... Screw spelllinng