I wanted to get a Roselia for a breeding pair, and ended up getting
one of my old ones from 3 years ago!
Sorry I haven't been doing much lately. My sister's dog got loose,
and he has been missing for a few days. My family has looked
everywhere with no sightings, hope he shows up soon.
I like the regular prize more than the shiny version.
I have been playing through breath of the wild a second time (no
armor and 3 hearts). It seems to be easier than my first time
playing through regularly
Selling 4 weather balloons, pm me offers
My Chikorita hunt is ending soon, my next hunt is ledyba. I have
slots open if anybody wants a shiny ledyba.
Got all of my eggs. I'm not even upset for not seeing the last two,
they were in the worst spots
I have looked everywhere 3 times on this site, and I am still
missing 2 eggs. I feel like there is an area of this site I don't
know about.
I wonder traded a female shiny Magikarp, and got a female shiny
Magikarp back. Lol
I got past 10 on the higher or lower game and still didn't get the
friend to the party, what Ann i doing wrong?
By PokéRadar - 1 Hour and 59 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Chikorita hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #433)!
Congratulations! A shiny Chikorita hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #434)!
Yay Twins
Can someone tell me how the shiny charm is worth it, it made my
luck worse.
Anyone else that has the switch having a problem with it ejecting
it's own cartridges
Playing the Nintendo switch, it is amazing so far
My Nintendo switch might be coming in tomorrow, I'm so excited
Did something happen that made it impossible to breed eggs today?
At least I still have 12 shinies in the pokebank
My puppy just chewed up Pokémon X, luckily the only thing important
on it was a shiny honedge. Something is just trying so hard to make
sure I have no shinies.
During the process of restarting my Alpha Saphire game, I didn't
move the Pokémon out of my party. RIP shiny event Rayquaza. :'(