Forum Thread
Devil's Advocate
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Devil's Advocate--
Task Force Members:

Imbris Cataegia | She/Her | Vampire | PieSmellsGood
Osiris Darshan | He/Him | Vampire/Mothic | Spiderrs
Lee So-Mi | She/Her | Zannie | andrea~
Dominic Vasseau | He/Him | Domovi | Immortes
August Hazell | Any | Desert Yokai| Miso-Soup
Osiris Darshan | He/Him | Vampire/Mothic | Spiderrs
Lee So-Mi | She/Her | Zannie | andrea~
Dominic Vasseau | He/Him | Domovi | Immortes
August Hazell | Any | Desert Yokai| Miso-Soup
General Info

Rosemary Hill - The Villa in where the investigation is taking place
Balam Baramos - Head Butler, Wolven
Lăcrămioara - Head Butler, Vampire
Will be updated as the team learns more, but any details will be up to players to remember~
Rosemary Hill - The Villa in where the investigation is taking place
Balam Baramos - Head Butler, Wolven
Lăcrămioara - Head Butler, Vampire
Will be updated as the team learns more, but any details will be up to players to remember~
You, along with the rest of the group, have been called in to search the premises. While an initial investigation has been conducted, it is up to you to look for the details. Everything have been left exactly as they have been found with an exception to the bodies which have been moved into the underground freezer for preservation and eventual burial rites. The staff would be there to assist, though most of them would be waiting until the preliminary investigation was complete to answer any questions. You have been forewarned as well, that Zagan was quite fond of traps and hidden passageways which was liberally implemented into Rosemary Hill, a residence which acted more of a personal home than a status symbol for throwing around one's wealth when welcoming guests. Thank goodness that the staff at least knew their way around the villa.
It has been quite the trek coming up, with Rosemary Hill being situated in the mountainous ranges. Despite the clean path carved out in the snow winding up the easy trail, the journey itself required quite the work out to even arrive on the front steps. You had arrived at the base of the property long before sunrise but now, beyond the frosted peaks of the mountain range, the snow glitters warmly. Perhaps it was the trick of the refracted light off the snow, but you could have sworn that a shadow moved over the second floor window, there one second and gone as in the next blink. However, before you can investigate, getting into the villa itself comes first.
Before the grand doors of the cottage, stands two butlers, dressed in traditional mourning robes. One appears to be quite old, the bags under her silver eyes heavy and inflamed, the red rim to them a sign of her mourning. Perhaps its the deep winter shadows, but she doesn't appear to be very tall or robust, her figure almost swallowed up by the butler uniform she wears, a simple outfit whose only distinguishing point appears to be the golden trim and serpentine design on the underside of her tailcoat, a shade lighter than the black fabric. Fur of the same shade as her eyes have been elaborately twisted back into mourning braids, beads held in place with skilled lattice work as even her ears hang heavy with mourning beads. The red decorative muzzle and elaborate beaded veil that covers the butler's face indicative of the significance of the one who has been lost, crystalline tears the colour of blood sparkling under the winter sun, barely making an indent in her fur as it drapes over her muzzle. Her glassy eyes barely twitch as she stares at the horizon despondently.
The other, in comparison, was almost scarily young. He couldn't be any older than 20, and perhaps he seemed even younger with grief hanging heavy on his shoulders. An ivory mask of bone prevented anything from being seen, only a painted on smile barely containing a mouthful of fangs greeting the incoming visitors, bell like flowers hang from the bone bundled into a chorus of buds. Heavy furs wrapped around him, a unique mourning robe worn by only a few vampiric families up in the north, almost covering up the tailcoat underneath, hints of off white flowers crawling up the fabric peeking through the brown pelts. His own hair had black ribbons braided into the rusted strands, a cascade of extensions blending in with the dark greys of the fur, adding even more weight to the already voluminous coat. Heavy manacles clasped around his wrists clank in acknowledgement as the two turned towards the sound of crunching snow, pinning their guests with empty stares. As you reach the final steps to stand at the door of the cottage, both butlers square their shoulders and bow deeply at the waist.
"Esteemed guests, thank you for taking the time to arrive at our humble estate at such an hour." They intone, voices droning in unison. "We are the Head Butlers of Rosemary Hill, Balam Baramos and Lăcrămioara. We will accompany you during your investigation to answer any inquires you may have about the late Masters. Please, come inside and change your shoes as you do."
Turning around as one, they bow again as the grand doors to the villa open outwards without a single creak, the rush of heated air from inside the house billowing over you to warm your shivering form. Welcome to Rosemary Hill, dear investigator.
[Dear investigators, please step into Rosemary Hill. Be sure to change into the provided house slippers before entering the welcome hall]
As expected of athe residence of two of some of the most high profile people, Rosemary Hill's Welcome Hall is lavish and beautiful, the glossed wooden flooring practically reflecting the opulence. However, taking a closer look, the hall looks quite normal, if a little sparsely decorated. The candelabra lined walls follow the same wooden grain as the floor, organically ingraining the natural atmosphere that comes with stepping foot into a mountainside residence. The gentle flames flickering through the hall warms the heart, illuminating the various paintings hung up on the walls.
There aren't any that are recognizable from first glace, in fact some seem to be quite crude and unpolished, but one does catch the eye of anyone well versed in Werewolf made art. Hanging innocuously between two others is an original Forsoothe piece. It's one of her earlier works, the barest hints of what would become her signature art style just beginning to emerge from the hesitant strokes. As one of the only Wolven artist who have managed to break into the Werewolf art space, Foorsothe made a name for herself as a respected artist, though the painting simply sits among the rest as a equal easily missed if one wasn't looking closely.
At the centre of the wide open space drew the eyes directly towards a grand staircase, the spiralling wooden structure leading towards the second floor. However, Balam leads the group instead towards one of the doors on either side of the staircase, opening the left mahogany door to gesture in. It seems the welcome hall is not where you will be convening
As the last person stepped out of the mudroom and onto the flooring, feeling the bend of organic wood bending under foot, the grand double doors thumped shut, sealing away the cold as the house slowly began to warm up again. Silently, everyone's shoes shuffle into a small cupboard, each one landing into the velvet lined drawers with a gentle thump, pushed back into the cabinet by an invisible force
So-mi the moment you step into the manor, you immediately feel the pain of the house akin to a buffet fit for a starving Zannie. Alongside everyone you can see, you also feel 5 other presences below you. There seems to be a basement floor in which the other staff are waiting in.
She slips off her boots and takes the slippers provided, slipping them on. Once the adrenaline of the cold has worn off, a new tingling sensation filled the air, and Somi shivered in excitement. Oh, so much pain, raw and delicious mourning that simply begged to be consumed. She’d have much preferred physical pain, but who was she to complain? Besides, Old Man told her she couldn’t just devour the pain of everyone around her. She held it in, her fists clenching slightly. Somi focuses on the pain, and detects the five staff members in the basement. She hums, making a mental note of it. Perhaps they weren’t meant to interview them yet, Somi thought to herself, as Balam invited them to another room beneath the staircase
While the wall opposite to the windows remain bare, as you step into the sitting room, a large portrait greets you. Averting their gazes from you of the late Ya MengYa and Zagan Yali, both immortalized on canvas. Both their gazes stare at you, heavy and tired even when painted, as if even their perfection necessitated exhaustion. But despite the fatigue clinging upon their existence, their matching smiles seemed as if they could warm even the coldest of permafrost. Despite there being no rumours of MengYa ever siring a child or of a Songster apprentice, between the two, with one hand on each shoulder, stood a young wolven child positioned where a child would be in any other family portrait. A child clearly loved, for the other occupants of the painting have not once turned their eyes away from her.
At the centre of the room, an eclectic collection of chair stood around a low coffee table, all manner of colours and styles all unique from each other yet blending in with the room in harmonious unity. However, the most eye catching of all was the low table itself, a three tiered stand with sweets still placed upon it sitting next to a vase decorated with a beautiful array for winter flowers. From snowdrops to narcissus flowers, white petals decorated the porcelain vase in delicate beauty, some falling upon the gathered cutlery below. Plates with half eaten finger food and cups with long cold tea surrounding the centrepiece. It seems that they weren't lying when everything was left as it was on the night of the murders
"We apologize for the mess, but please. Take a seat." Balam motioned towards the seats. "We will hand out maps for this floor shortly."
As she spoke, a map is pressed into your hands by Lăcrămioara.