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The City and Its People [Sign-ups]

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The City and Its People [Sign-ups]
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 05:30 (2 Months ago)
Passphrase Correct

Authorisation Successful

Please Remember That All Documents Are Highly Confidential

[Document No.: A32795]

[The Mafia]

Status: Fully Operational
Rating: Red
Description: A violent criminal organisation comprised of dangerous individuals.
Criminal History: Multiple acts of destruction, murder, and disruption of the public peace
(For notable acts see Fall of Lantin Bridge page 3, Elantine Tower Assassination page 5, City Hall Bombing page 11)
Known Members:
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Boss: Liang Hui Xin - tasha~
Executives: Ldeya Starlys, "Lady Luck" - AthenaHere
Medics: Mun Saeng-i, 문생이, "Salmon" - RoyalUltima
Shieta RaVil, Шиета РаВиль, "The Tainted Witch" - ~4PR1L
Members: Yu Xuanji - JustMew
Asper "Reaper" Favilla - CanifexCoronatum
Liyue, 李月 - AthenaHere

[Document No.: A52196]

[The Elite Security Agency]

Status: Fully Operational
Level: Elite
Description: An organisation of the country's top operatives, running under the National Security Department.
Known Members:
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Leader: Ophelia Solace - ImKendo
Deputy: Jing Yu, 荊宇 - ~4PR1L
Medic: [Reserved] - ShimmeringSuicune
Members: [Reserved] - ShimmeringSuicune
Ellie Beltnar - tasha~

[Document No.: A62831]

[Special Abilities]

Studies have shown a fraction of the world population possess "Special Abilities", supernatural skills which are beyond the scope of current science's understanding. These Abilities can range from simply enhanced intelligence, to manipulation of natural elements, to controlling or reading the emotions and minds of others. There haven't been any patterns found in their manifestation, appearing in people of all ages, genders, race and nationality.

Any individual who is suspected of having an Ability are to be recorded and brought for testing. All Ability users are to be monitored carefully.

[Document No.: A82445]

[Special Ability Users Registration Form]

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Position in Alliance:

Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 05:40 (2 Months ago)
”Oh shit, why are half of them kids?”

Name: Liang Hui Xin
Age: 25
Gender/Sexuality: Female/asexual-demiromantic
Alliance: Mafia
Position in Alliance: Boss

ISTJ | 1w2 | TiSe
Huixin is the boss for a reason. Charming, deceptive, yet calculating and cruel. Huixin is someone who is not to be messed with, a ruthless logician under the guise of a charismatic beauty. Being in the mafia leaves little room for mistake, with every step comes the possibility of being ambushed by the security agency. Hence, Huixin is careful to plan every attack, she and her crew carrying out each mission with frightening precision and efficiency. If you’re planning to stand in her way, you better be prepared to be completely obliterated.

That isn’t to say she doesn’t care for her mafia, though. Despite being a little emotionally detached, she tries her best to treat them well, whether it be a nice meal or the occasional gift.

Reality Warping.
Huixin is able to change, create, or even destroy parts of or the entirety of reality. Basically, she can freely control and alter reality, potentially even having complete control over it. One drawback is that the world must be balanced. For example, if she wanted to make the sky green, then grass would have to become blue. Furthermore, the extent to which she uses her energy depends on how grand the change is, as well as how big the space is.

Huixin can be rather harsh and brutal at times to her own crew. She’s not quite sure who she really is at times, having been numbed to emotions

Reality warping depends on how strong an emotion is, too. So weaker emotions like anticipation wouldn’t trigger a very realistic change, and misdirection of her magic may hurt those around her.
She took in Yu Xuanji after she had been abandoned by her parents, providing her with a roof over her head and the occasional warmth of a mother
§ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ §
About Ldeya Starlys : Executive
“Ldeya? She’s very capable, and she’s drop dead gorgeous. Extremely useful when the target is some annoying middle aged man. She’s executive for a reason. I would know, I appointed her myself. She seems eager to learn the ropes, and I must say, she has a lot of potential to be the boss if I ever step down. She’s my little prodigy student.”
About Yu Xuanji : Member
“Xuanji? She’s the little baby of the mafia. I took her in, see, poor thing was traumatised by her brother’s suicide. I’d love her like my own, that is, if I knew how to love. She’s talented, albeit a bit cheeky at times, but she’s young, she’s still got lots to learn”
About Mun Saeng-i : Medic
“Saeng-i? Oh, you mean little salmon. Our resident medic, and talented too….it’s just that she is a little impatient sometimes. She could achieve so much more if she put her mind to it. But poor thing, I don’t blame her. She’s still young anyways. She’ll learn the ropes, she has Shieta
About Shieta Ravil: Chief Medic
“Shieta? Well, you know how those games of Werewolf and ironically, Mafia, that we used to play, there was this role called witch? That’s Shieta for you. Resident mom and fun-spoiler. Say….I probably should pay her for being a therapist and babysitter too”
About Liyue: Member
“Liyue? She’s far too pure and innocent. I wish I could give her a brother…but I don’t think Shieta would approve of me taking some little child’s life to swap for a brother for little Liyue.”
Palpad: y

Name: Ellie Beltnar
Age: 18
Gender/Sexuality: Female/asexual-lesbian
Alliance: Elite Security Thingy
Position in Alliance: Member ( •̀ ^ •́ )✧
Appearance: this but bubblegum pink hair
goofy | playful | eccentric | kind | smart
Ellie is perhaps a little childish for her age, always bouncing around the place and occasionally causing a ruckus. As a result, her code name has become the little whirlwind, and it doesn’t help that she’s naturally faster than the average human either. If it’s not a mission, you can be sure Ellie isn’t really paying much attention, her mind a mess of different jumbled thoughts, a chaotic bundle of creative energy
Weather Manipulation
Enhanced Speed
Not really an ability - but she is a contortionist
Weakness: sometimes a little rash and hot headed, which can land her in dangerous situations
History: tbd
Other: tbd
Palpad: already in

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 05:41 (2 Months ago)
ofc <3
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 104
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 06:30 (2 Months ago)

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”Uh bye. I know your search history.”

Name: Yu Xuanji-鱼轩姬
Age: 14 .
Gender/Sexuality: Female she/her bisexual aroace
Alliance: Mafia
Position in Alliance: Normal member
Appearance: ╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭

image is small so link
she’s about 5’5

Gamer and hacker, but also calm. She’s very loud when playing competitive games and is toxic to a degree, but most of the time she’s very quiet and silent, barely saying anything. Her views of the world is concerningly dark, Xuanji believes that life is meaningless and people all have ulterior motives no matter what. Xuanji hates the sun, almost always wearing a hoodie and the hood up when needing to go outside in daytime, (but no she doesn’t touch grass). The girl is a seasoned hacker who is basically the background support of the mafia, helping with her digital technology skills and her manipulation ability. Xuanji, however has little empathy and shows minimal emotions, she has little pity, mercy, sympathy or compassion for people in general. The teen has a fondness of cats and also loves drinking water.
|INTP|Chaotic Evil|Toxic|
Technology manipulation
Xuanji can manipulate elements in tech devices, dissembling them or creating them, she cannot change the matter of such components but she can create them to a certain degree. Due to her young age, she can only create simple parts such as gears and wires, and batteries, but in due time she’ll improve. Xuanji can dissemble technology and control the components, also having to power to reassemble them with different materials or giving them other uses, making her a source of gadgets and tech related supplies for the mafia.

Martial arts:
Xuanji has knowledge of hand to hand combat, but only for self defence since her body is too weak to be much use in proper offensive combat, making her useful for scouting due to her agility and nimbleness, also the perk of her being light weight and fast, also being a quiet person in general.
Fragile body:
When exposed too much to the sunlight, or minor injuries, she will bleed excessively and cough blood when stressed. (The latter rarely happens nowadays)

Short circuit:
When creating too many gadgets or use of her ability too much in a certain timeframe, her brain will shortcircuit and she will forget what she was doing and require sleep, depending on how bad it is.

Toxicity of a gamer:
She’s toxic and loud when gaming especially in league but she’s a good gamer.

Xuanji was born and raised in a chinese family therefore her chinese name, when she was around nine, she watched her brother kill herself, and then get blamed by her parents for not telling them. Her parents raised her for a few more months before leaving her with a bag of food to live on for a few days and moved. Her brother had always been the favourite so the crappy parents abandoned her. A few days later, Xuanji was taken in and cared for by the mafia and the leader especially, and she was welcomed into it like a family member. She doesn’t have a lot of trauma or PTSD, but she will forever be haunted by the knife she still keeps with her which her brother used to kill himself to this day. Xuanji matured too fast for a regular child, although only 14, she acts like a mature adult when not gaming. and due to the physical abuse her parents gave her after finding her brother’s body, she now has a forever weak body.

Other: fish fish fish, also 14 is ok right
Palpad: yes
<Game Save Files>

[Save: Mun Saeng-i, That one annoying clean freak]
"Uh… she’s annoying but I like her cat, I’ve kidnapped it a few times.”

[Save: Shieta something i forgot]
“Oh her, uh, I hate her, she keeps telling me to exercise, like who in the world even goes outside these days, like can we even go outside without being 360 no scope sniped? Anyway why would I go touch grass when I can do it in game? I’ll have her know I’m almost GrandMaster in League, if not for trashy teammates. Also, it’s not an addiction it’s just a hobby.”

[Save: Liyue, that one genshin region]
“Oh yea this is my favourite genshin region it’s so cool and lots of mountains, not that many oculi either, there’s a lotta chests and primos to be found and uh… wait we’re talking about a person? Liyue is a person? Oh, well don’t really care I dunno who she is anyway.”

[Save: Ldeya-Fellow gamer]
“Ldeya is nice she games with me.”

[Save: Boss HuiXin]
"Boss HuiXin is nice most of the time, she recruited me and she’s like a parental figure but the other times she’s scary… though she probably still hasn’t found out that I’ve been using chatPGT for my reports recently.”

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 10:06 (2 Months ago)
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"Do you really believe there's value in the act of living?"

Ldeya Starlys, "Lady Luck"


Female, She/Her, Bisexual


~Position in Alliance~

Beautiful, stunning, drop dead gorgeous.

She can usually be seen wearing semi-formal coats and suits, but always a touch ruffled. There's always a button loose, or a collar not flipped, or a flap of her shirt not properly tucked in. Unfortunately, her natural beauty does not allow for a disheveled or just-rolled-out-of-bed look, so she still manages to look absolutely charming.

Perhaps even more so.

Known as the charming and cunning Lady Luck, Ldeya completes her missions with considerable skill and theatrical flair. There's never been anything she's failed at, being able to aptly predict enemy moves and staying a step ahead even when it seems all is lost. She always walks out unscathed, with a casual smirk on her face.

Unfortunately, most of the time she's just lazing around the Mafia base and doing absolutely nothing but annoying all other members. She isn't particularly loyal to the cause, she just enjoys the missions where she can get her daily dose of adrenaline.

Believing that there is no value in the act of living itself, nor does it particularly matter what happens to the rest of society and their livelihoods, she seeks thrill and excitement, the things that "make life interesting".

Also has a bad habit of keeping vital information to herself and revealing them in a most nonchalant way.

~Weighted Dice~
Manipulation of any of all chance and probability,
or there has yet to be a probability Ldeya is unable to manipulate.

~Weighted Dice~
To most, her probability manipulation seems to know no limits.

Secretly though, there is a chance her ability fails every time she uses it.

This chance relies on how grand the probability she's trying to manipulate is.


She never takes off her gloves.

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"Wouldn't it be great to have a brother? Then he could take me to the moon."

Liyue - 李月


Female, She/Her, Not sure yet


~Position in Alliance~

Beautiful as an ethereal angel, or a cloud obscured moon.

Her features always seem slightly blurred, like she only half-exists.

Fragile from constantly forgetting about feeding herself, or getting enough rest, perhaps in danger of breaking from a strong wind. Her eyes never seem focused, and she moves in a seemingly dazed state, a part of the world but still floating above it, like she lives in a dream.

Dreamy, childish, and delicate, Liyue doesn't seem to be in touch with the world.

Looking at everything with childlike curiosity and innocence, wide eyed and amazed at the smallest of things, such as how flowers bloom, or how butterflies fly, or how the moon rises and glows.

Her innocent desires aren't limited to the bounds of reality, wishing for talking birds, and clouds of cotton candy, and the moon to fall and be hers.

Most of all though, she wishes for a brother.


~Stars of Eden~
Illusions spring to vivid life, almost able to take up space and time in the real world.

They can be interacted with, and respond much as their real counterparts would, unless Liyue wills otherwise.

Liyue can also use her illusions to obscure items or even people in the real world, able to affect their texture, appearance, taste, smell, and so on. A leaf could look like a flower, or a flower like a thorn.

Or, poison like wine.


~Stars of Eden~
Illusions, no matter how realistic, are still fake.

Liyue could deceive someone into thinking that they're suffering from a fatal wound, but in reality they are not. As soon as Liyue stops using her power, the wound would disappear as if it never existed.

Because it never existed.

Her recollections of early childhood are blurry at best.

Her first clear memory was of an explosion and choking, choking, choking on debris, utterly lost and confused.

Coughing up dust and blood, she'd curled up in a corner and waited to die.

It was so cold.

She'd woken to gentle hands and soft blankets, and the feeling that something was missing.

Reads 李白's poetry.

Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 11:21 (2 Months ago)
Res elite security agency leader
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 11:22 (2 Months ago)
Kk Kendo
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 78
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 12:54 (2 Months ago)
Name: Asper "Reaper" Favilla
Age: 23
Gender/Sexuality: Straight Female
Alliance: The Mafia
Position in Alliance: Member
Appearance: Asper is a woman of average height standing at 5'7". She has shoulder length brown hair and piercing golden eyes. She wears a dark gray fedora, a black suit, a golden tie, and covers her suit with a dark gray trenchcoat. She also wears dark crimson pants and black boots. Within her trenchcoat, she conceals a pair of swords that she uses as her primary weapon.
Personality: Asper is extremely sadistic individual, mocking those that attempt to capture her and laughing maniacally at those who put up a futile resistance to her attacks. However, she is loyal to the Mafia and when ordered to assassinate a target, she will carry out her orders with brutal efficiency before gloating.
Ability: Asper is supernaturally agile and fast, able to dodge bullets and jump much higher than any normal person. She as able to run so fast that she can run up/down vertical surfaces for a short period of time before gravity stops her. Her speed also allows her to leave afterimages of herself, making it impossible to determine where she actually is. Asper has incorporated this blinding speed into her assassination techniques, using swords instead of guns as at her speed, swords deal much more damage and don't require Asper to slow down and aim. This all-out offensive strategy often overwhelms any target before they can mount a proper defense
Weakness: Asper is not able to fight for very long amounts of time as her powers drain stamina extremely fast. If she were to use her powers extensively for longer than 15 minutes at a time, she would become exhausted and vulnerable to attack.
History: Asper was abducted by the Mafia at the the age of 3 after her parents had invoked the wrath of the organization. As Asper grew, many in the Mafia noted her supernatural agility and proficiency in combat. Thus, she began to be trained as an assassin. She was originally just another run of the mill hitman but as her powers matured, she grew exponentially more lethal. Her power and strategic prowess had given her many opportunities to rise through the ranks of the Mafia, but she turned all of them down as she preferred the thrill of the hunt and the heat of combat. As more and more blades began finding themselves piercing skin and buried in flesh, Asper became known inside the Mafia and out as the Reaper; once you see her cloaked presence, your time is up.
Palpad: yes plz

Name: Cassius “Hangman” Astrinx
Age: 24
Alliance: Mafia
Gender: Straight male
Position: Member
Appearance: Cassius is a tall, imposing, muscular individual standing at 6’ 2”. He does not conceal his strength with a trenchcoat like his two associates but instead openly wears a camo green Kevlar body suit and a solid steel helmet. The helmet is shaped like a medieval executioner’s mask as an homage to his alias. He wears two combat boots with concealed switchblades. He also wears a pair of metal gauntlets. Underneath his helmet, Cassius has a face pockmarked with battle scars. Despite his intimidating appearance, he has a soft voice but it is rarely heard as his helmet makes his voice sound much deeper and imposing.
Personality: Cassius is relatively simple minded. In spite of his appearance, he has no malicious intent behind his crimes. All he knows is that if he does what the mafia tells him to do, he’ll get pay and praise. Despite this, he still shows the rare display of intelligence and self autonomy.
Ability: Cassius can summon chains from his hands in order to use as whips or as ropes to ensnare his foes. These chains are extremely durable and won’t break even when exposed to gunfire.
Weakness: Although the chains are extremely strong, Cassius is still limited by the fact that he does not have any supernatural strength. Although he is still strong, this weakness means he cannot use the chains to just throw anything regardless of weight.
Backstory: Cassius was only 14 when the government forced him to confess to a crime he did not commit. He was convicted and thrown into prison. This injustice caused him to lash out against convicts and guards alike. This caused him to be thrown into solitary confinement for the rest of his sentence. The overwhelming darkness and solitude caused his brain to wither and his personality to decay away almost entirely. When he was released from prison after a decade, Cassius was left dazed and without a purpose when he was approached by a mysterious person in a top hat and offered a position in the mafia.

Name: Ostium “Jackal” Penumbrae
Age: 28
Gender: Ace Male
Alliance: Mafia
Position: Member
Appearance: Ostium is an extremely short individual standing at only about 5’ 2”. He has a pale white face and wears a large top hat with a crimson ribbon around it. He also wears a tuxedo and shiny black loafers. He carries a large sniper rifle with him as well as many small grenades.
Personality: Ostium is extremely cunning and mischievous. He often uses his powers to pull tricks on his two fellow assassins as well as his superiors. When ordered to kill, Ostium often tries to kill them in the most flashy and “entertaining” way possible.
Ability: Ostium can temporarily create portals in order to quickly escape from danger or simply to move around easier. Ostium can also telekinetically move objects.
Weakness: Ostium cannot create a portal with a radius of more than 10 feet or keep portals open for longer than 30 seconds.
History: Ostium tried to join the military as a sniper when he was younger but he was rejected due to his short stature and wayward nature. Wanting nothing more than the thrill of danger, Ostium joined the mafia and became known as an elite assassin and infiltrator but was also known as a loose cannon. A few years later he noticed two other junior assassins and decided to take them under his wing. After all, three people should be able to make three times the mayhem!
The Sign Ups for the Primal Legends League are OPEN. Battle for the chance to win legendary summon items here!
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 12:55 (2 Months ago)
Position in Alliance:

Position in Alliance:

Position in Alliance:

Position in Alliance:



behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 18:05 (2 Months ago)
Mun Saeng-i (문생이) - Salmon


Female | She/Her | Aro-Ace


Position in Alliance:
Medic <3


INFJ | 9w1 | Go Big or Go Home | Zero Power to Infinite Power | Distant | OCD | Perfectionist | Worrywart | Afraid to be a Burden | Sweet as Sugar | Want to be a warm person but is afraid to burn other |
basically me :skull:
Saeng-i is a person who does something or doesn’t. It’s black and white, and there’s no grey area in between. Because of her straightforwardness, she also tends to be rather impulsive in stressful situations. However, when relaxed, she can be very… slow. She puts a lot of thought behind her actions, like the true perfectionist she is.
Saeng-i is also a massive clean freak. Of course, that is warranted, due to her position in the mafia, however, she tends to drag it a bit further. Due to her traumatic background (check history), Saeng-i often finds that her mind is stuck in a loop of imagining bloodstained sheets, maggots swarming all throughout the floor, and the bodies of her parents rotting. Cleaning is a sort of mental reliever for her, a way she tells herself she’s moving on from their deaths, as if she’s cleaning up the bloody mess her past was.

[Cellular Manipulation]
Saeng-i has the ability to heal (duh :D).
However, in order to heal any wound of any severity, she must rebuild, bond, and create the lost cells. When the cells are repaired, then she must move on to the veins and tissue. Than the muscle fibers. It goes on and on (unlike my medical knowledge).
Essentially, it is an incredibly tedious task that requires immense concentration and in-depth medical knowledge. However, if given enough time (and the injured person actually doesn’t die from blood loss, pain, etc) the wound can be healed enough to where only a faint scar remains.

[Concentration & Lack of Knowledge]
However, Saeng-i is not a person of patience, nor does she have the immeasurable medical knowledge she needs to harness her ability to its full potential. She loses track of her thoughts and gets distracted easily. Because of that, it creates limitations to how much she can heal before she loses her concentration and has to restart.
That brings us to another thing: if Saeng-i is unable to either: a) lose her focus or b) be unable to fully heal the wound, then the cells will slowly start destroying themselves, undoing her hard work, and only buying the injured a few seconds/minutes/hours (depending on severity of injury) before the wound worsens and the injured dies, as their immune system starts attacking the cells, recognizing them as foreign invaders.
Saeng-i tends to get lost in her mind easily, which allows for her to be quite the overthinker. Busy contemplating and weighing her options, she tends to lose sight of reality, which contributes to her lack of concentration.

History: [TW]
Saeng-i has had a rather unfortunate childhood. Her parents were both also a part of the mafia and served their respective different roles. Overwhelmed with the stress of maintaining a “healthy” relationship, balancing their mafia and home lives, and raising Saeng-i (whilst also teaching her how to use her ability), a rather frustratingly difficult child, took a toll on their already unstable minds.
They started fighting. Previously happy, conversation-filled, joyful evenings slowly turned into silent ones, with silent glares across the table and conversations through gritted teeth.
Verbal aggression slowly turned into physical aggression. Vengeful, spat out words turned into fierce, flying glass and metal. The floors turned moldy and hazardous, growing fungi and mushrooms. Saeng-i survived off of said mushrooms, and slowly raised a poison tolerance.
The house became dim, the only light being sunlight peeking out from the dark blackout curtains.The furniture cracked, leaving splinters everywhere. The beds and floorboards creaked. Saeng-i learned how to hide and sneak around, memorizing the squeaky floorboards, and learning how to steal. Maybe that’s why she’s so sneaky.
Sneaking around was how she met her future cat and loyal companion, Lucifer. She had met the cat while sneaking out, and the cat had followed her back home. Since that day, Lucifer has always been by her side, comforting her with his mere presence- though he was very cuddly and soft <3
Anyway, one day, her father snapped. And to prevent possibly triggering people, it shall be… PG. Essentially, her father killed her mother in front of Saeng-i. And her father, overcome with remorse and guilt for his actions, also smacked himself rather aggressively with a butter knife.
Saeng-i doesn’t remember anything happening after that, too shocked at what she had just witnessed. But because of her fathers… questionable actions, she was able to meet Shirts, the fancy big-time medic. And the medic took her in as her disciple…
Saeng-i forever remembers that scene. The day where both parents disappeared from her life forever. And she remembers the blood staining the floorboards. The glass surrounding both bodies. The insects crawling in and out, in synchronization with maggots. And the stench.

pa knows me more than me twt ty paaaaaa (it’s concerning how you know me that much)
also ik it says “Shirts” somewhere- it just means Shieta (autocorrect and my laziness)
actually- NEW NICKNAME (like for all of pa’s other ocs :D) Shieta -> Shirts

si si :D

✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 20:38 (2 Months ago)
"Have you ever wondered what's beyond the universe?"

Jing Yu - 荊宇


Male | He/him | Bi-Curious

Elite Security Department

[Position in Alliance]
Deputy Officer ~ :D

Jing Yu stood at an appropriate height of 6'1, with well built-muscles from regular exercise and a slender waist. A beauty without showing a hint of femininity. Paired with his slightly curly dark brown hair with a tinge of orange that stood out in the crowd, his seemingly dull black eyes shined like sunset in the sun and would curl up into crescents whenever he smiled. Jing Yu was the type of person who always wore a bright smile on his face no matter the adversity.

Wears a loose white or beige blouse with an open collar (to "let air blow through" he says). Alongside a high waist black sailor pants with gold buttons. Paired with a casual heeled boat shoes that's nicely oiled and brown. Caped over his shoulder is his military uniform from his department with all the badges and stars all clipped on. All together, the simplicity made Jing Yu gives off a youthful and unruly aura with a tinge of authority from the military-esq coat.

Paired with his bright smile and gold scale necklace, he is the humanoid of a sunset, warm, red and bright.

| Extrovert | Goofball | Ray of Sunshine | Smart but Dumb | Dumb but Smart | Tactless (For Funzies) |
| Likes Money | Loves animals | Reckless | Rash | Outgoing | Stubborn | High Sense of Morals |
| Justice | Very Efficient |
Jing Yu is a goofball. That is just pure facts. He does stupid thing for shits and giggles, and is probably the least reliable person you'd ever find in the whole wide world. Even a drunk passerby could be more reliable than he is in a investigation. But that doesn't mean he reached the rank of a elite deputy officer at such young age by pure luck that was sent by the heavens. (that may be part of the reason though)

When on work hours he does take his job seriously, to some extent, with his easy-going nature he is easily able to worm himself in into any conversation. When searching for a statement from the victims or suspects, in the department, he is one of the first person they call. His specialty is playing Good Cop and Bad Cop.

However no matter how unreliable he may act, he is for no reason in his position for naught. He holds the record for the fastest completion time with zero casualties in his department. He isn't a huge risk taker for the team, but rather a huge risk taker for himself. With a high sense of morals, his dream is to banish all evils in the world. (Was it too unrealistic?) He was the type of person who would risk his life for a comrade in arm. But despite that, he is both efficient and clean out in the field of the business. It was no wonder with such a good personality and skill that he quickly rose to the rank of an Deputy Officer within the department at such young age.

[Scale of Justice]
Justice will overcome all evils. The more malicious intent the enemy has against him or to the world, the stronger Jing Yu will become. This skill also allows Jing Yu to recognize those will have good karma and those who have bad karma, as respectively one has a golden glow and a dark gloomy glow surrounding the person.

Judgement is impartial. It's power depends on the karma the person has sowed. Depending on different people, it will have different usages. It's most basic usage is sealing. It has the power of sealing an person's skill. This can allow any Skill User's power to become ineffective or nulled. However it will only work by points of contact between the person and Jing Yu. And the length of nullification depends on the amount of Karma the person of skill has. Secondly, for capture missions, Jing Yu can take the meaning of seal literally.

He can create a golden cage to trap the evildoers and make them immobile for a short period of time. He can move the cage where ever he wants. However the limit is that he can only trap up to 3 people at a time, and the person must not overtake the size of the cage. Bigger the cage, the shorter it lasts.

Finally, using the skill allows Jing Yu to make Talisman with various skill effects. Whether it could slow the enemy down or perhaps even catch them on fire, it all depends on which one Jing Yu wants to use. Some examples effects of such talismen are: Numbing, elemental balls, nausea, temporarily hallucination, lie detection and more. (once I think of them :'D)

[Scale of Justice]
This only works on folks he can see in his view of vision. If he is blindfolded, he is unable to detect the karma on them. The attack boosts only works per person. If he is fighting against a group of folks, it'll automatically choose the one with the highest amount of bad karma, and adjust his strength from there.

Skill nullification requires physical touch in any sort of way. It doesn't have to be skin to skin contact. As long as Jing Yu got his body in touch with another in any sort of way, the opponents skill is nullified. The golden cage method, required precise concentration and as well as making sure the opponent doesn't overpower the cage itself. Finally the talisman doesn't require much, the only needs the Jing Yu to be conscious for the effect to continue.

Jing Yu had an average childhood. He had a twin younger sister, and a pair of happy parents. Both of his parents were special skill users who worked in the military and had made exceptional contributions to the society, while he and his sister were excellent students in school. They neither lacked in money, education, food or love. Jing Yu thought happily back then that his name was auspicious after all, because he might just be the luckiest child in the whole wide universe.

However, that was until his universe came crashing down.

He could remember the explosion as clear as day, as if the whole event happened merely days ago. The explosion, the heat hitting the back of his head, the panic in his voice, the screams within the air. How he could barely breathe within the smoke from the fire. Jing Yu could vividly picture the the scene in his eyes, and feel the dust down in his throat as he scrambled around his surrounding searching for his parents and his dear sister. But no matter how he looked, how loud he yelled, he wasn't able to overpower the gang that was terrorizing his family's neighborhood.

At that point he didn't know which emotion was more powerful, the fear in his veins that his family might be forever gone from this world, or the anger in his heart towards the perpetrator of the whole event in the first place. Jing Yu didn't understand that why must it be his family that they kill. What did his family even do to them? Why kill the innocents? just what did he do to deserve this?

No matter how much he questioned himself, no matter how much he searched, not a single person was found. Soon the Elite Security Department reached the scene, and everything was handled within a blink of an eye. He was escorted into the hospital. Perhaps he was in a daze the whole time, or perhaps too much smoke entered his lungs, but he was sure that he saw someone carry away a young girl that looked exactly as his twin sister. And that someone wasn't taking his sister to the hospital.. no, they were taking her away. To somewhere he didn't know. To somewhere away from her family.

But for some reason, despite seeing that he couldn't open his mouth. He just kept staring at the stranger holding his dear sister with his strained eyes as they exit from his view. It almost felt like a dream even till to this day. It almost felt like a dream- an illusion to say in exact.

But ever since that, the luckiest kid in the whole wide universe was gone. The happy days ended, and now Jing Yu was now alone in the world. Or was he? Perhaps twin telepathy did exist in the world, but some night, he could still feel the connection between the two of them. He knows that his sister was out there somewhere in the world. He knows that she was alive and that was all that it mattered to him.

So ever since that day, Jing Yu's hatred for those villainous monsters grew by the hours. He poured his blood sweat and tears into his training and entered the Elite Security Department at a young age not only due to his talent, but as well as the skills he as learned through out the years. He became the most efficient member of the department and quickly promoted to being the deputy officer. He promises himself that he would find his sister one day, and he would rescue her and become a happy family again.

He remembers that his sister yearned for the moon. Back then he didn't have to strength to pluck them off the sky for her, but now, he could even gift her his whole universe just to see her smile again.

I'm tiredddddddddjkajdshhd TT

didn't have a choice :'DD

"Poison or Antidote... Which one shall you be?

"The Tainted Witch"
Shieta RaVil - Шиета РаВиль


Female | She/Her | Lesbian


[Position in Alliance]
Chief Medic

With soft curly silver locks that doesn't past her shoulders that is usually let loose or tied into a low ponytail, Sheita is 4'11, with black eyes that has silver-ish blue iris and malnourished pale skin. But unlike her malnourished appearance, she still has her baby fat on her cheeks that refuses to go away that flush read easily when worked up much to Sheita's displeasure.

She wears a either maroon or beige hood that covers her head like a witch hat, with a white or black dress shirt to pair with white cuffs. To complete the outfit, Sheita doesn't wear a skirt, but rather a flexible pants that are made with strong materials and some simple white combat boots that are always spotlessly clean and disinfected no matter the setting. Despite such simple clothing choices, as long as it is fitted onto Shieta's body, all of the sudden it looks like designer clothes on a top runway model.

Perhaps it is the melancholic look in her eyes, or the fact that the air around her is always chilly, her clothes always has an elegant vibe of an noble whether it would be rags or clown suits.

Oh and for some reason, Sheita has really cold hands all year long.

| Cold | Warm | Soft | Stubborn | Melancholic | Focused on the Present | Blunt | Hypocritical | Germophobic |
| Lactose Intolerant | Soft spot for children | Goal Oriented | Human Robot |

Shieta is a hypocrite. Antonyms of her own existence. She is cold to outsiders yet when you get closer, you'd realize she is warm at core. She can be hard-headed and stubborn, but she is soft on children. She is what she seems, yet also the complete opposite. Shieta prefers her surrounding to be spotlessly clean at all times, but she doesn't mind seeing a few candy wrappers here and there. She is lactose intolerant yet doesn't mind making desserts with milk for people to enjoy.

To outsiders she is a poisoners, a Witch, someone who has unfortunately fallen from great heights. She whom used to be a diamond that was sought after by many, is not but a rock kicked around in the dirt. But despite all the setbacks, Shieta doesn't keep her eyes off her goal. While she may seem like a robot with cold skins on the outside, ultimately, she is warm at core.

[Weeping Angels]
Shieta's pupils flashes into an otherworldly color of silver blue. It's almost as if she had become a literal angel. This skill is highly dangerous however. With huge amount of constraints and many criterias to fulfill in order to activate it. Not only does it require Shieta to be completely out of everyone's sight, but she must lock her heart into stone as well. She can only move unbeknownst of everyone while in this robotic like state.

However it's power's are extraordinary.

With one touch, she can revert the other back into another timeframe. What was once a soul numbing injury a fraction of a second ago will appear to be an illusion of the future as the body was reverted to it's healthy previous state. But time doesn't stop right there, if Shieta really wanted to, she could revert time so far back that you could experience your previous injuries that you thought were healed, or heck, she could even revert you back to a infant! The best part, the moment she gets her hands on you, you will be the one frozen to stone.

[Old Arts]
When it comes to herbs, fungus, and casual survival skills Shieta knows it all. From the world's deadliest poison, to the life saving grace of an antidote, there is nothing Shieta can't make. There is no medical skill she does not know nor doesn't have the knowledge of. Whether it would be acupuncture or witch craft all are possible in her hands.

[Ageing Karma]
With great power comes great responsibility. Once Shieta enters the Weeping Angel phase, her eyes will become blind. Her senses will be incredibly heightened. As long as a single soul looks at Shieta while she is in this phase, she will be as frozen as a marble statue and unable to exit the phase.

Reverting you into an Infant isn't without consequences however, as the more time she rewinds, she gains an equal value of karma. The more karma she gains, the more catastrophic events is prone to happen throughout her life. This makes Shieta hesitant to use her power on a grand scale.

[Red Pill or Blue Pill?]
However, even the world's greatest strength has a limit. There is only so much poison and antidotes Shieta can make in a day. She can only make 10 of her specialtes per day. While she can make anything, she first must have the necessary equipments to do so. Even knowledge is useless if you don't have the material to use it on.

Away from the public's eye, in a tight knit community lies an ancient group of noble families. They had history that stretched upon decades in the past, reaping wealth from various historical events. Shieta RaVil was part of them. Her family lay in the cold obsolete north, and held a high standing in both authority and power. But as the centuries that went by, and modern technology advanced forward. The ideals of having wealthy noble families went away, and the status quo was disrupted. Soon, noble households fell down one by one either due to the lack of income and generational gap or simply, or just simply faded away into the history books.

As the eldest daughter of the RaVil family, despite the various problems that occur at home, she is proud of her family name. Despite the fact that her father was a traditional man and was against her leading the family. Despite her mother wanting to abandon their noble heritage. Despite the fact that her brother didn't want to succeed the noble lineage. Despite the fact that Shieta knew the household wouldn't last long with their tight finances and adaptability. Shieta was able to carry all the burdens on her shoulders with a calm head.

Until she couldn't.

The north was known for their intense snow all year long. With such weather, farming and trading was impossible. Anyone with a sane mind would choose to abandon their home and move out into the warm city where there were plenty of opportunities. But Shieta's father wouldn't. He refused to. He grabbed onto the firm belief that with their extensive heritage there was no way a noble family with such respect would go down. He refused to mingle with those lowlives he said. Unfortunately, Shieta's mother thought otherwise. She dreamed of the city where the night life was active. She dreamed of a life full of possibilities and potential. As the two argued, the manor grew colder and colder until one day it all ended.

Shieta could vividly remember the cold Saturday night as she watched in horror as the flickering golden glow enveloped her household. She could remember her desperately calling out for her dear younger brother who so enjoyed playing around with weapons. She remembered calling out to her forever young and fragile mother. She could remember calling out to her cold and stern father who always prioritized honor and pride. However only screams replied to her.

That night, she lost more than just her manor. She lost her noble title. She lost her honor and pride. She lost her family. And most importantly, she lost her home.

Unknown to everyone, what used to be the respected RaVil Nobel family of the north faded into the history books just like time ticking by. Just as time ticked by, nothing changed.

Even in the coldest winter chills, there is still a place to call home.

[Member Case Files]
[File 1: Mun Saeng-i]
"Mun Sueng-i? What about her? Well.. she is my personal disciple that I had watched growing up with my very own eyes. I made sure that she has learned everything that I know down to even the forbidden arts. So do not fret, her skills are just about as good as mine. So treat her with just as much respect as if it were me doing the operation. Though it is a pity that her parents died so young. "

[File 2: Yu Xuanji]
"Yu Xuanji... that kid. [Sighs] There's a lot I want to say, but since Huixin specially picked her up, I will keep it short. That child seriously needs to eat and exercise more. She thinks I don't know, but I know very well for a fact that she has been skipping physical training the past few days just to hide in the basement playing her video games. At this point, she says it's a hobby, but I think its a addiction."

[File 3: Li Yue]
"Li Yue.. that kid is a bit quiet isn't she? She's always caught up in her head to the point where she would disregard her health. I remember hearing her saying that she was looking for someone she couldn't remember.. well at least I hope she does find her missing piece eventually. Though before then, I hope she can consider the Mafia as her temporarily home."

[File 4: Ldeya Starlys]
"Ldeye Starlys, the oldest out of the children. It shocking to see her grow up so quickly. Can you believe that she is about to become an adult soon? It reminds me, we should hold a ceremony for her when the time comes. "

[File 5: Liang Hui Xin]
"Huixin, or for better phrased, my direct boss. She is well.. a bit eccentric to say the least. Due to the usage of her power she has became quite numbed in her senses. But other than that, she and I work together to raise the kids, well or so I help make sure they end up alive. As a boss, her prowess is undeniable. But as a old friend... I do wish she'd take care of herself more. (and give me a raise. Raising children is hard you know?)"

[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 21:45 (2 Months ago)
Name: Litty
Age: Unknown
Gender/Sexuality: She/Her, Panromantic Asexual
Alliance: Mafia
Position in Alliance: Medic
Appearance: CAT
Personality: Chaotic Neutral
Ability: Cat things ig also she can make fire because Litten
Weakness: Water, bunnies
History: Unknown
Other: I'm sorry in this description sucks :(
Palpad: Sure
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 21:56 (2 Months ago)
(this isn't a pokemon roleplay and someone already made a reserve for medic in Mafia...)


behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 23:50 (2 Months ago)
@ThatCatKid, ShimmeringSuicune is correct. All characters in this RP are to be humanoid, and the mafia medic is already taken.

@Everyone else, res'ed :D

Will be making PP now.
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2024 07:40 (2 Months ago)
”Do not come to me for any advice. I don’t have the time.”

Ophelia Solace


Female, She/her, Lesbian

Position in Alliance:


A rather tired, way-too-overworked woman who wants nothing more than sleep.

The user has can completely manipulate every item or element in the current vicinity.
Micromanagement is both a reality bending and an intelligence boost at the same time, allowing the user to completely warp the terrain of the world as they so please, at the cost of about a day's worth of their life every minute it's put into use. The intelligence boost is passive, allowing the user's mind to take much more strain and operate at a much higher level for longer. Allows the user to activate Hyperfoxus, in which the user enters a state of tunnel-vision, pure focus. It gives them near super-human powers of insight and deduction.

Complete Domination
The user can take complete control of up to 10 entities at a time.
Pretty self explanatory. While it won-t override the person's personality, it can be used as if it were mentalist, implanting suggestions in it's target's minds, or just hijacking their bodies like a puppeteer.

The user can drain the life force of any enemy the user has drawn blood from.
As long as fresh blood is supplied, the user is able to extend their lifetime by about 1 day for every 4 ounces of human blood ingested. It also physically affects the user, turning their skin pale, making direct contact to the sun for extended periods of time deadly, and sharp canines growing, with a paralyzing/aphrodisiac sort of venom when biting down. Increases regeneration rate when consuming blood.

She’s not allowed to do anything without a permit or explicit permission from an authority figure of the government.


Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2024 13:59 (2 Months ago)
Res mafia member

”Need weapons? I'm your guy, I got an Ak-47, a revolver, a nine, that oughta solve that problem of mine.”

Aleksandr Konstantin-Volkov


Male, straight


A tactician and strategist of sorts


Cheerful, laid back, rather jokey, all fun and games until he shoots you through the head with ability-suppressing bullets

Designated Survivor
Pass on all abilities to the 'designated survivor'

Ability Suppression
Suppress any and all abilities of one target for 5 minutes. Can be imbued into weapons.

Perfect Aim
you can't miss. Ever.

Designate up to 15 people as pawns, bishops, knights, rooks, or a queen. 8 pawns, two of each of the others and 1 queen. Give buffs to the designated targets proportionally with the 'rank' of the piece.

His 'perfect aim' puts incredible stress on his eyes. Prolonged use can cause blindness. No other real combat abilities.


Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 31/07/2024 03:09 (2 Months ago)
Name: Cooper Malloy
Age: 14
Gender/Sexuality: Male | He/Him | Bisexual
Alliance: Mafia
Position: Human Lie-Detector
Appearance: Short brown hair, light blue eyes, 5'8, usually wears either really bright clothing or really dark clothing, likes wearing shorts
Personality: Ambivert | Stubborn | Loves to read and play video games | Night-owl | Really nice once you get to know him | Eavesdropper
Ability: Cooper is extremely skilled with pretty much any short-ranged weapon | He's a deception specialist meaning he can tell if someone is lying just by listening to them talk and he can tell lies with very rarely ever getting caught
History: Litterally just your average schoolboy. Taught himself how to properly use and kill with a knife though never needing to use it.
Weakness: Long-ranged weapons
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Fri, 02/08/2024 07:21 (2 Months ago)


Male, he/him, aroace


Position in Alliance:
Task Force 1 (Anti Terrorism Force) Captain

About 6'2, with short, cropped pure-qhite hair. Red eyes, broad shoulders, somewhat muscular.

A sadistic, insane madman with a twisted sense of justice.

The ability to freely manipulate and travel through shadows, as well as darkening the sky.

Pretty bad in places with no shadows and not the strongest for most intelligent.


Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 104
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2024 06:14 (2 Months ago)
Show hidden content
Name: Yutoshi Takata
Age: 18
Gender/Sexuality: Male|He/Him|Bisexual
Alliance: ESA
Position in Alliance: member
Appearance:Have link bc imgbb is stupid
Personality: A pretty chill guy, he loves eating food and is mostly always hungry. Sometimes he’s quiet to the point no one knows he’s there, sometimes he is really loud.
Beast Tamer
Yutoshi can summon any creature he has ‘tamed’. These creatures are stored as ink tattoos on his arms and can be called upon at any point.

Voice Mimicry
Yutoshi can mimic the voice of any person he has heard before, as long as he remembers it.

As long as Yutoshi has touched a person or object once in the last 72 hours, he can choose to see its location
Lack of hand to hand combat and is bad at fighting. He rather relies on either other people or his summons, is more of a scout than combatant.
Pretty much your regular high school student but he’s orphan and uh basically lives in ESA after quitting school
Other: Idk athena accept pls
Palpad: :3
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 136
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2024 16:30 (2 Months ago)
Name: Evangaline (Eve or Evie) Aengheist
Age: 25
Gender/Sexuality: Bi Female
Alliance: ESA
Position in Alliance: hacker lol (if that can't be a position then regular member lol)
Show hidden content

(not mine)

Personality: Evie isn’t extremely social, but is kind to those close to her. Many might describe her as withdrawn or quiet, but to those she opens up to, she is described as a cinnamonroll. Unless you are in her inner circle however, Eve can be emotionless and lacking empathy.
Ability: Phaze
[/i] the ability to enter a state of half-being: becoming extremely light and able to pass through objects[/i]
Weakness: does not have a high pain tolerance, often cries when stubbing her toe ;-; is also very weak against attacks that do not rely on physical contact
History: Formerly a member of the Mafia, Agent 'Angie' woke up five years ago in a bloodstained black dress--- presumably a deal gone wrong. Her memories were erased at the hand of her own father, a high-ranking Mafia boss, in case she was tortured for information. To his dismay, Evangaline's new personality, 'Evie', ended up joining ESA. Her inate skill with computers and instinctive knowledge of the Mafia's system allowed her to climb the ranks until she became third-or-fourth (?) in command. More is to be rp'ed :)
Other: she’s very talented with electronics
Palpad: yes pls C:

𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓉𝑜𝓊𝒸𝒽,
𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖.
𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒,
𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦.

-Parable of the Sower