Forum Thread
Best Dragon type pokemon
Forum-Index → Discussion → Best Dragon type pokemon
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- affogato
- shadow milk
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- frilled jellyfish
I have to say, though, that one of my favorite Pokémon, Dialga, seems to have the best typing. Dragon/Steel on paper is a great counter to 12 of the 18 Pokémon types. It resists Normal, Water, Grass, Electric, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Bug, and Rock and can do normal damage to them, and it takes normal damage from Ice, Dragon, and Fairy but can do double damage to them.
Duraludon/Archaludon and Hisuian Sliggoo/Hisuian Goodra also have that Dragon/Steel typing, but their BSTs are much lower than Dialga’s.
If you’re asking about which Dragon-types are the coolest, though, that’d be a five-way tie between Altaria, Dialga, Giratina, Hydreigon, and Zekrom, in my subjective opinion.
Offence-oriented dragons are ruled by beasts like Dragapult and Gouging Fire
Supporters are usually seen with Hydrapple or its prevolution, Dipplin, when it comes to dragons.

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