Big oof... Just saw that the Absol I got in my monotype Nuzlocke
has a Modest nature :/

I’m starting my first monotype Nuzlocke now.

I’m really afraid that I won’t finish this hunt before the next
Paldea Research starts.

I’ve had shiny boosts both today and yesterday, but, still, no

All of the plushies I’m still missing can now fit on my phone’s
screen at once (there are 54 of them).

How many tickets does it take to get the shiny Newton?

I love crows and ravens and blue jays so much.

I don’t think I’m ever going to get any more eggs.

I can’t believe what I just had to deal with. I can’t handle
dealing with people anymore—it makes my head feel so heavy and it’s
like my brain melts down, like they’re actually siphoning brain
cells away from me because of their lack of them. But the brain
cells don’t actually go to their brains, they just go to their
stomachs—they’re just eating them, eating away at me.

It’s honestly ridiculous. “Increased breeding chance” but only one
egg all day.

I swear that the fountain “boosts” are actually the exact opposite.

I remember seeing a guide in the forums somewhere that showed the
growth items for different berries on this site, but I haven’t been
able to find it recently no matter how much I’ve searched. Could
someone please send me the link?

Alright. After 9 days and 5 hours, “Your PokéRadar recorded the
40th Sandygast in a row! You have now reached the maximum chance of
finding a shiny. Good luck!” I don’t have any more eggs to hatch
right now, though.

The spring equinox was today, so tomorrow will be the first full
day of spring.

I should have enough eggs now to get to max shiny chance when they
finally hatch. But a chain of 36 is only giving a 0.279% chance, so
it’s hard to imagine how those final four will make it jump up.

I love the Halloween event. I think it’s the best-done event on
this site by far. I haven’t stopped looking forward to it happening
again since it ended.

Alright, so it took 27 eggs hatching to get to 0.102%.

So, what is the actual number of eggs I’d have to hatch to see if
the Pokéradar is working or if the shiny chance is going to stay
permanently stuck at <0.1%?

I was told that the shiny chance would finally start going up after
I got over twenty eggs hatched, but I’ve finally hatched 21 and it
still hasn’t.

My phone just spazzed out in the weirdest way. Let’s just say it’s
a good thing I don’t have epilepsy. I feel like I’m really pushing
the limits of how old a smartphone can be and keep functioning.