(I already found it :))
Princess cant stop laughing at what was happening,Choco was trying
to convincente Rick to stop.
"Well,i think its tiñe For Shed to talk"And suddenly from his
pokeball,Shed appeared
"Hello"Said?,with a creepy,dark voice...
"Oh hi," Rick said, still nooging Mew. "Oww... oh my Arceus will
you ever stop?" Mew said weakly. "I told you already," Rick said,
but then he dropped Mew, "But I'll give you a break, for now."
"Ow..." Mew said, "Do you really have to noogie me that hard every
time?" Rick smiled evilly. "Yes I do," he said.
"How are you?"Asked Shed with an even deeper voice
"W-who are you?"Asked buneary
"In Shed,the Shedinja"Said"one if the most dark pokemon in the
Rick and Mew weren't really paying attention, they were sparring
again. Then, everybody got soaked when two Hydro Pumps collided.
"Oops..." Rick and Mew said at the same time.
Between the two hydropumps,there was Shed,looking to Rick with a
souless looking\r\n
"Shed?"Asked Choco\r\
nShed didnt Answered\r\n
Fe was training princess as the same way he was training Shed and
(Dragonmaniac: Please use the () if you wanna say something out of
the RP)
Choco used Thunder wave on mew and Rick so they cant attack
Shed"sorry"Said"but i will NOT let somebody hur other pokemon when
that other pokemon did nothing to him"Said
(And if Aqua can use telepathy, use BB code italics [I]
okay?)\r\nThen Rick noticed a Eevee watching what was going on. It
had a water stone necklace. Rick stopped his attack and walked over
to the Eevee. "Hey," Rick said.