"Well,mythical,i dont see the difference..."Said Fe"And its true
you can mega evolve too,isnt it?"Continued
(Imagine how a manga of this RP would look like....)
(Yea,but still it can be a good manga,we just need to fix thing
such as ehy characers dissapear our of nowhere ^^U)
"Aura?Want with you 2 secconds ago?"Said Fe,confused
Let me be a Pokemon!
User: Little_KinKin
Pokemon: Furfrou
RP name: King
Gender: Male
Appearances: A Dandy Trim Furfrou that wears a Sliver Diamond
studded collar
Nature: Hasty
History: A Wild furfrou that has been abandoned by his previous
trainer. He is quite shy around other trainers but will warm up to
them eventually. He loves eating pecha berries and is a bit
(Sadly, I'm just learning to draw anime characters so, it will
probably not be happening soon at least.)
Alice, Aqua, and Oceania talk for a bit about their history,
family, etc.
"I mean,if i remember well,if your nega crystals had contactc with
the sun,something happens,maybe what happens is that it turns
humans into pokemon?"Asked Fe
(Nope,not in any canon region,i think)
"Aqua, wanna go test it?" Oceania asked.
"Me?!? Why me?!? I am the most unlikely to be able to turn into a
"Actually," Alice bardged in "It would be the humans and semi
(Okay, time to make a head cannon region! *flies away*)
"I don't think you know this but, let me demonstrate it." Aqua
tells the sisters as she goes and finds a body of water.