Forum Thread
Ōmagatoki: Desire Drive (Game 5)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Ōmagatoki: Desire Drive (Game 5)"Aria, Aria, Aria! Don't be a stranger, come on over and talk for a little bit!" Paiyoon looked... exactly the same, except for the wings. She was extremely recognizable.
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My current RP work:
Kowai Kurai's POV
"Paiyoon, what is the point of this exactly? Sorry if this sounds rude, but shouldn't we be figuring out who the Yōkai are? This is no time to be idly chatting with people about their lives."
Jeez. This was boring.
"People could die if we don't figure this out, we can't let that happen!"
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"Everything is going to be okay."
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My current RP work:
She turned to Artemis and Kowai. "Eh... Nice to meet you."
She heard Paiyoon's last sentence and chuckled. She remembered Vortex V.6, a cringe character in last round who claimed she was a Civillian in front of Sylvie. She was indeed the first one to be killed.
Kowai Kurai's POV
"Of course that wasn't my plan! I was just thinking, what the heck is waiting around like this supposed to accomplish?"
Yeah, duh, of course people will die. Every sixty seconds, a minute passes.
But she forced herself not to show any anger upon her face or in her posture.
"I was just thinking, you know... We can't just idly chitchat with everybody without doing anything. We need to figure OUT everyone's "vibes" as you called them, and then vote them off!"
She decided to ignore Paiyoon's comment about people dying no matter what.
Yeah. I've lost count of how many people I killed. Do you think I don't know that?
Well... To be fair, she had said that if they didn't do something, people would die, so, frankly, Paiyoon wasn't to blame given what Kowai had said.
"I'm sorry. I should have explained better. I just don't see what idle banter will accomplish..."
She turned to look at Aria. "Hii!! I'm Kowai Kurai. And you are?"
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Over there, she saw Paiyoon, the only person she recognized. To her, Paiyoon seemed a little... different. Still the same calm disposition and serious look, but this Paiyoon was more... humorous. Joking. Almost... Lighthearted.
Kaori was struck unaware with these changes. She remembered Paiyoon to be more serious. More straightforward. Not this.
And then, there was the new people. All people who she had no idea of. Some where bright and upbeat, most likely ones who were new to Oumagatoki, the new Hunger Games crossed with Mafia. They didn't know of the pain and destruction that this game would bring...
✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿
...What. The. Hell.
Ok first off, she was supposed to be dead. Like dead dead. Not only did she go on a roller coaster ride from hell, being brutally murdered by a roulette that surprisingly wasn't Russian, but she was no stranger to this sick game where people died more often than Mei could spew utter nonsense. So... If that's the case, then why was she still alive and well, back again for this electric boogaloo number two?
"Jesus christ, just let me die in peace, will ya?" Mei muttered under her breath, seemingly not aimed at anyone in particular but it was definitely a jab at some idiot named "Daiko". She began by sitting up and rubbing the back of her head a little, an annoyed expression plastered all over her face as those angry eyes scanned the land around her.
What they found intrigued her, to say the least. A barren and oddly eerie landscape, inhabited by familiar faces and also unfamiliar. There was one odd individual who gave Mei an odd sense of deja vu, but she genuinely didn't care enough to look too deep into it.
Anyways with all that being said, she decided to lay back down on the ground and take a nap while everyone fed each other to the dogs, or tried to become "friends" in this death-infested s***hole. Completely out of character? Yeah. Do I care? No, not really. Mei just wants to nap :)
Kowai Kurai's POV
Did she care that little about what was going on? That was... Interesting to say the least. Maybe she had been summoned into the games so many times she didn't care what happened anymore. Maybe she was just the type of person who didn't care. Or maybe, just maybe, she was some kind of Third-Party.
Honestly, there were a lot more possibilities than that as well.
Aaand that girl was playing a guitar. This was kinda amusing, really, it seemed like everyone was doing everything BUT actually playing the game.
While others, still, were quiet.
Paiyoon had said that no matter what, their first vote would be a shot in the dark. So... Why not try it? It might make things interesting. It was a risk, either way.
She wrote down the name Paiyoon Ji.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
And where was I? Burning in hell, of course.
"We have an interesting cast this time. Initial thoughts? Anything?" Paiyoon couldn't resist flapping her wings, you know, just a little experiment to see how agitated Tarik would get over the reminder of her archangel win.
"Personally, I wouldn't mind killing that Kowai character over there. They seem... rather stuck-up, hmm?" She had lowered her voice only slightly. Paiyoon had never really cared who heard what. And if they wanted to defend themself, even better. "Trying to hurry us along to the killing part - so rude, especially when there are so many people I know!"
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My current RP work:
Tarik grinned. "No not really, I can't lose unless I happen to piss off a yokai or be sensed as a threat, I'll be acting perfectly neutral so I can win with the winning side! I'll be voting to skip in every round so as to not incur the wrath of the yokai. If I'm killed I'll make sure to neutralize a character, It's a win win for both sides to keep me alive!" Tarik clutched his heart dreamily. "My first win...Ah I can already see myself free from the void!" Tarik grinned. "Also no hard feelings over last round, we did what we had to do to wi-" A ridged look came over his face as his grip on his heart tightened as he moaned in pain. "Oh god, not now-" From where his heart was sprouted a small spirit resembling Tarik, except colder and angrier. "K i l l t h e a r c h a n g e l, K i l l t h e a r c h a n g e l, K i l l t h e a r c h a n g e l-" Tarik gave Paiyoon a weak smile. "Soul fragmentation, nasty side effect from the void."
"We have an interesting cast this time. Initial thoughts? Anything?" Paiyoon couldn't resist flapping her wings, you know, just a little experiment to see how agitated Tarik would get over the reminder of her archangel win.
Tarik pushed the Djinn back into his heart with great difficulty, the latter swearing in multiple tongues. "Anyways I have no particular thoughts on the candidates, but I think the best course of action for my survival is to ally with you. We're both smart, you being on a slightly higher level of intelligence than me. I think if we work together we could both survive. Nice wings by the way!" Tarik looked curiously at them. "Can you fly with them? Are they soft? Oh how I wish I could fly, I'm sure they make very nice blankets too." Tarik looked enviously upon the plumage.
"Personally, I wouldn't mind killing that Kowai character over there. They seem... rather stuck-up, hmm?" She had lowered her voice only slightly. Paiyoon had never really cared who heard what. And if they wanted to defend themself, even better. "Trying to hurry us along to the killing part - so rude, especially when there are so many people I know!"
Tarik peered around worriedly. "I hardly recognize anybody! D'ya think that it'll put me at a disadvantage?" Tarik wringed his hands anxiously. "Kowai seems stuck up enough, but like I said, my game plan is to remain neutral. Unless I can determine that we're going to win for sure, I'm not going to vote anything except for the skip button."
And where was I? Burning in hell, of course.
Kowai Kurai's POV
"I'm sorry, Paiyoon," she said apologetically. "I'm just trying to keep as many people alive as possible. And you said people had to die no matter what, and that our vote would be a shot in the dark regardless, right? It's nothing personal, I assure you."
I just want to see what'll happen.
"But no matter how much you care for these friends of yours, as unfortunate as it is... Someone has to die, you said it yourself. And any of them could be Yōkai. You could be, I could be, even Tarik could just be lying! Like you said, we have no way of knowing for sure. Go ahead and vote me if you want to. It's a shot in the dark, riiight?"
She tilted her head so far to the left it looked like it would snap right off. She jumped about, back and forth, grinning and giggling.
"Let's be honest, people, the game has begun!~ May the most strategic amongst us win, and, it is unfortunate, but some of us, inevitably, will perish. Friends or not, there is no strict way to determine our sides than intuition. So, feel free to vote me if you think that'll be beneficial for your game. Or don't! It's your call!"
She clapped her hands together. "I'm curious to see how this turns out, heheh!"
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Subin looked around to see many people, ages ranging from high school to adults, some sitting, some standing, either way, all of them were either chit-chatting or sitting down quietly. Subin brang out her flip-phone, yes- flip-phone(because her mother didn't want to give her a smartphone), she looked at the time was 2:30 pm, but how was that possible? The time was 2:24 when she left her mother and teacher talking. She tries to call her mother but..."This number is unavailable, please try again later,"
She thought smartly, 'It would be better, perhaps if I talk to these..."humans", after all...they must know best' She headed towards the little group of people and introduced herself. It was a good thing she got A's in English class.
"Hello, I'm Subin Kang-Choi, and I would like to ask what is happening currently,"
She felt a little silly as most of them were at least a head taller than she was.
Paiyoon wasn't sure whether to laugh or not. "You've already voted for me, which means you're impulsive. You've made up your mind with no evidence."
A pause.
"Which means we're going to get along great! I'm thinking of voting you just to make things even, but let's consider a temporary alliance."
"Oh and Tarik, don't worry about not knowing anyone. I'll introduce you. It's the least I can do after last time. I take it the Djinn has hitched an interdimensional ride on your psyche? It didn't seem to like my wings. The celerysprites haven't complained about the new manifestation. I think the dates are making fun of my chicken-arc, but they should know: I still intend to win."
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My current RP work:
Kowai Kurai's POV
Ah. How very interesting. This girl was quite a lot like Hisoka, wasn't she? Cold. Arrogant. Passive-aggressive. And yet she had a slight mockery to her, which reminded Kowai of a character she literally couldn't possibly know in-universe due to her being from a game after Kowai was dead so fourth wall break go brrr.
Yeah, she wanted to set Paiyoon on fire for calling her all those insults, and an idiot. She hadn't made up her mind at all, she wanted to vote Paiyoon just to see how she'd react. See what she could deduce from whatever the girl would say and do in response.
An alliance? Sounded all too familiar.
How very interesting, her little monologue about how much she wanted to "win". Please, oh, please. Where was the fun in that?
Kowai didn't care why she was here, she didn't care who died, she didn't care who won. She just wanted things to be interesting. Considering she was brought back from the dead, she at least wanted whatever came after that to be... Entertaining.
All she cared about was being the best, did she?
A visual of a red-haired young man with olive skin and yellow eyes, in his spiffy clothes. A woman who too, was olive-skinned, although far shorter and not as thin, with piercing orange eyes, short blue hair and glasses which she persistently adjusted.
Yes, indeed. That sounded all too familiar.
Paiyoon seemed to know what she was doing.
"An alliance, hm? Now that's a fascinating idea! The curious thing is, though, are we on the same side?"
Oh, how she wanted to spit insults of deep loathing at Paiyoon. She wanted to watch her boil and squirm. Buuuut. You know, killing people would be a waste of time. Because what fun would it be if they weren't around to play with?
"So. Who do you want to vote then?" She raised an eyebrow.
Artemis (Fowl) didn't seem to want to be here. He seemed to be kinning Akari and desperately wishing he wasn't brought back to life. Just kidding, Kowai didn't think this, this was a Dorky observation.
Still, she couldn't resist the jab. "And you are playing it with all your braincells? I'm curious as to what gave you the idea of possessing a superior intellect," she replied, in an amused, joking voice.
She noticed Subin, and turned to look at her.
"Salutations! I'm Kowai Kurai, welcome to Hell, where you're going to spend the rest of your miserable existence! BUUUURNING!" she exclaimed, wriggling her fingers and then laughing maniacally. "Ehhh, I'm just kidding. Pretty sure this is Hell though. Anyway, we gotta find the murderer, or murderers, in this case, and vote for them to be executed. Sound familiar?"
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"Everything is going to be okay."