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Searching for: Posts from HeartSteel.
Posted: Fri, 02/02/2024 10:45 (8 Months ago)
Hi, are there still open spots? I’d like to res please. Not picky about the district.

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Posted: Fri, 26/01/2024 00:18 (8 Months ago)
Sorry, was busy for the pasy few days DM’ing- i edited out the part about the field neutralising mind magic and lowered the multiplier to 2x, is that ok?

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2024 15:29 (8 Months ago)
Could i grab the dragonite from box 1, a pidgeot from box 2, the machamp from box 3 and the krabby and sandslash from box 4? Thank you! I’m trying to complete my kanto box rn

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Posted: Sun, 21/01/2024 15:03 (8 Months ago)

Love shiny mew.

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Posted: Sun, 21/01/2024 15:02 (8 Months ago)

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Posted: Sat, 20/01/2024 19:49 (8 Months ago)
Name: Durandal

Abilities (and restraints): Create spears of light in the day that can blind enemies and injure them, and neutralise shadow and light magic within a 20 feet radius at night. Any weapon she holds/uses will have their ability upped two times its usual power, in speed of swing/stab, strength behind blows and durability. Has an abnormally fast reaction speed when sneak attacked.
Restraints: Cannot deal damage personally unless attacked first, light spears will refuse to harm anyone else. This of course, can be frustrating at times. The shadow and light magic neutralising radius will leave her drained in the morning if she leaves it on throughout the night, slowing her and weakening her in every sense of the word, this field can also deter light/dark buffs on her, forcing her to turn it off if she wants them. The cooldown between lowering and putting up the shield is horrible, taking up to an hour to charge up after the first. Their weapon enhancement skills does not extend to guns, bones, or other projectile weapons, only things she can grab ahold of and keep a grip on, like a hammer, a rock, a metal pipe, a spear, etc etc will work. So, she’s limited to close range to mid range combat if she wants to use that ability. Durandals reaction speed is just plain slow if you walk up to her and ask her if you can fight, she only reacts fast to sneak attacks. Like walking up to her and stabbing her in the gut without warning, or shooting at her with a bow from behind.

Personality: Likes to hear herself talk, battle hungry. Will ally with anyone, then leave them to die when their purpose is served. To the people she cares about, she would probably still leave them to die if it’s a i die or she dies situation, but she’d definitely treat them warmer and try to help them if the situation is safe enough for her. Intelligent in her own way. (Think übel from frieren)

Age: 25


Alliance: Neutral, she doesn’t care much for anything except battle, she’d gladly have a two on one fight to the death with a light and dark sider if it meant she’d get some fun out of it.

Goal: Neutral: Survive, kill, enjoy the spoils of war.

Starting Location: Cursed city (She openly invites combat to the death)
Palpad? (Y/N): Y
Other: not sure if this is a little op

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Posted: Sat, 20/01/2024 12:27 (8 Months ago)
November 5th, 2004 9:58 p.m
The day the stars left me.

Humming, buzzing of flies, the tinkling of wind chimes, and the chirping of the crickets. Both were formerly comforting noises for the teenage Ohioan girl, but tonight, it wouldn’t be enough. Her hands shake as she coils the copper wire around her makeshift electric spear. Life on the farm had been difficult, but she’d always been satisfied. She never wanted more than she already had,《~☆~》 desired to stagnate into an elderly woman like her grandma. But this place now held too many horrible memories for her to bear now, she couldn’t remain.


Sharp raps on the door ring out through the night, silencing the humming. They’re here.
Taking a sharp breath in, 《~☆~》opens the door. Leaning against the mailbox, Molly looks up, her dark locks falling past her shoulders.
“…You’ve done it?”
《~☆~》takes a breath, shaking her head. Molly sighs, a sympathetic look crossing over her usual stern face.
“Look, I know this is hard, but he’s not him anymore. You have to prove it. You can’t come with us unless you prove you can do it, Dan and I don’t need another burden to take care of.”
《~☆~》flinches away, the harsh words hitting her harder than she’d thought they would. She’d known Molly would say something along those lines. Molly stares at her, waiting for her to respond, but 《~☆~》looks away.
“…Molly, please. Five more minutes. Just… Five minutes.”
Molly’s following response barely registered with 《~☆~》, as she stumbles away, cradling her head. The voices were at it again. She had to put an end to it. No, she had to put it off, no, kill him. The voices swam around her head, melding into a chaotic mess she couldn’t understand. She shut them out, refusing to let them control her. She’d do it. She wouldn’t waste the rest of her life over the dead. Gripping the shaft her spear, she confronts her fears and unlocks the door.

Silence awaited her, along with the darkness of the winding stairs of the basement. The cold is already beginning to seep out, the mold on the walls creeping away from the light. From above, 《~☆~》could already see the swaying figure of her father, back turned to her. Doubt crept once more into her mind as she silently descended the steps. Could she do it? Would she do it? Her heart pounded wildly, adrenaline filling her veins as her dad began to turn, their already rotting corpse buzzing with hundreds of flies…and it was over in a single thrust to the skull. She stands over the corpse for a second, before she scrambles back to the top of the stairs, slamming the door shut. As she lay against the door, panting, she said a quick prayer, looking to the heavens for a sign. Of course, there’s nothing.
God is dead, god remains dead, and we’ve killed him.

A shadow looms over 《~☆~》and a hand reaches down to help her up, it’s Ella. Her breathing began to slow, the voices already bickering again about trivial things. She did what she had to, she wouldn’t let herself feel guilty about it. Taking Ella’s hand and allowing herself to get pulled out, 《~☆~》and the others began their many years-long journey outside of Ohio together.

Present day

It’s been 10 years since they’ve separated. Molly, Dan, and Ella.《~☆~》 sits, polishing her spear. …God, she missed them. The voices still talked to her, but they weren't the same. Her spear glints, catching the dying rays of the sun and illuminating the path ahead of her. She would never stop looking for Ella, that sweet little girl. She’d never let her go again, not without a fight. Sliding her spear into her sheath and kissing the photo of Ella she kept tucked away into her right pocket 24/7, 《~☆~》begins her search anew in a new city, the place where Ella’d always wanted to go. San Francisco: Home of the Greats

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Posted: Fri, 19/01/2024 15:07 (8 Months ago)
Hi, got referred by another user, hope i’m not too late.

Your Username:
The_Lonely_Storyteller (You can call me Story)

Character name: Ohio (I know nothing about American geography, and Ohio was the first thing that came to mind. Vegas sounded too cliche.)

Age: 30

Gender: Nonbinary, but can go by she/her or they/them

Appearance: Can i pp the image to you? It’s not explicitly NSFW, but it shows a bit of skin. I’ll drop a worded description here if no.
Long blond hair, black tank top and blue jeans, black eyes. Extremely fit.

Personality: Likes to make others confused with cryptic words, while dancing around infuriatingly simply topics like where she comes from, her name, her age and such. They have a strong sense of loyalty to those she likes, not enough to get herself killed for them, but enough to work with them better than with other people and share supplies (Looking out for number 1). Hums “The battle of hymm and the republic” incessantly, which drives others crazy. Doesn’t like to think too much on stuff, cus she’ll just be reminded of her failures, battle helps keep her mind busy. She ofc doesn’t actively seek out fights, she knows when and when isn’t a good idea to fight, and how to archive and carefully distribute her bullets. Adhd as hell-

Weapon(s): A bayonet attached to a submachine gun she affectionately calls Molly, an electric spear that looks something like the one the protagonist of sweet home uses, called Dan, and a sniper rifle named Ella.

Other: She was of course, a girl from Ohio. She hit the road when the zombie infection started with her three friends, but they separated over differing goals. She named her guns after them, almost obsessively cleaning them. She’s been on the move for a while, never staying in the same spot, she prefers to sneak past zombie hoards than killing them Cus she still feels a little guilty about killing her old man with molly, who belonged to her dad prior to his zombiefication. Craves interaction and attention from another human being.

Rip omagatoki 😔, this is the old rp i’ve been in.

Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?: yes please

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Posted: Fri, 15/12/2023 10:40 (10 Months ago)
My moms chinese, dad is singaporean. Best subject english, worst chinese.

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Posted: Tue, 05/12/2023 09:12 (10 Months ago)
Support, you think mods will ever see and implement this?

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Posted: Mon, 04/12/2023 11:01 (10 Months ago)
I’ll be back to school in like- 27.

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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2023 07:25 (11 Months ago)
Why am i here

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2023 08:34 (11 Months ago)
Sorry for the late reply, but sure. Commission accepted. Might take a bit to get to you tho, hope ur okay with that ^^

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Posted: Fri, 13/10/2023 07:25 (1 Year ago)
Sure! In fact, you can just say you don't wanna pay, I don't mind doing art for free. It'd be much less complicated for both parties. Also, accepted.

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Posted: Wed, 11/10/2023 23:46 (1 Year ago)
All commissions accepted! I’ll do my best to tackle them as fast as i can o7 and yeah sure etty, i can try my best to match up the moods.

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Posted: Wed, 11/10/2023 18:35 (1 Year ago)
Events ongoing
None so far…

commisions: 3
Order on which i am more likely to finish first from top to bottom, fastest to slowest.

Etty (At the bottom since they have multiple commissions)

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Posted: Tue, 10/10/2023 18:07 (1 Year ago)
Sorry, rejected. I don’t think your level of literacy is good enough for this rp. Besides, it’s pretty much dead :skull:

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Posted: Tue, 10/10/2023 13:30 (1 Year ago)
🌙~💫Gemini's dream emporium💫~🌙
❁ ❃ ❊ ❋ ✣ ✤(revolving around the cosmos since 69 B.C)❁ ❃ ❊ ❋ ✣ ✤


Heya~ Welcome to my shop! I'm a budding artist who needs more experience, so I'm starting this art shop! We're strictly PWYW/free here, but I will naturally prioritize finishing paying customers over non-paying customers. I do mostly traditional art in the form of anime-styled art, though i can pull off chibi. Can't do colors or shading for the life of me, ehe- Anyways, can't keep you here forever, on to the show!

QuoteRead the damn rules. I do not like people who don't read.

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1. PLEASE DON'T RUSH MEEEEEEEE- TWT I'm only human, and I have a busy schedule 3.9 quarters of the week- Be patient for a month at least, and after that, you can fire a PM at me to remind me.
2. Respect is essential. If you show ANY kind of disrespect, I will personally block, blacklist, badmouth, atomize, and crush you, I do not care if you are in a bad mood. Don't throw your tantrums in here. I do not appreciate it.
3. I will prioritize paying customers over free commissions. If you don't like that, Don't order a commission from me.
4. If you are unhappy with the art i made, i will offer a full refund only once for every 100 years. You can get a 75% refund + a redraw a total of 10 times every 100 years. (This is applied for free art as well) After that, i will refuse to refund you in every way possible.
5. Use the form. If you don't, i will not draw for you.
6.Obviously no NSFW art smh, what do you take me for, desperate?
7. I can attempt to draw ANYTHING needed, including humanoids or humans, just without colors or shading. Doesn't mean it'll look good. You get what you paid for, free is free.
8. PWYW means PWYW, If you want to pay 100k or 0 pd, I'm fine with either. I will prioritize payers tho. Payment via Nuggets or pd, or literally any other currency is fine as well, i'm not picky.
9. I reserve the right to use arts drawn for customers as examples of what i have the ability to draw.
10. Reselling my art will cause me to take your user and start a smear campaign against you on the internet. There is no coming back from this. Claiming it as art you drew is not allowed either. Aside from that, anything else is fine. I don't rly need credit.
11. password is SuperCalifragilisticexpeledotious
10. all pokeheroes rules apply
13: add an extra T behind number eleven to validate that you actually read every rule

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Name of user:
Payment(Put N/A if none):
description of art you want drawn:
References if you have one:
events applied:

Art i've made before: (Will try to find the better pics i have of these:)

Digital weapon art i designed, only the Center part is inspired off another hammer
Monster I drew
Action scene i drew
Digital art ig
Sona art
Younger sona art
Digital horror art
Traced art from solo levelling


None as of now, good job!

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Posted: Sat, 23/09/2023 12:27 (1 Year ago)
accepted! Gosh, I've been waiting for someone else to take notice of this rp. *sweats*

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Posted: Sat, 16/09/2023 13:21 (1 Year ago)
me partying out here in jurong:

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