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Secrets - RP

Forum-Index Roleplay Secrets - RP
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Sat, 07/01/2023 08:32 (1 Year ago)
Kendo turned to the group, looking mildly annoyed. He brushed a lock of his golden-brown hair out of his eyes.

"Will y'all shut up? You're backing up the aisles. I really need some chocolate, so do everyone a favor and move, why don't you?"

The his eyes widened. He put a hand to his mouth.

"Wait did I just say that-"
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Sat, 07/01/2023 08:50 (1 Year ago)
Parking his cart by the clothes aisle, Uyu pulled out his phone to scroll through the internet for a few recipes. It wasn’t anything extravagant, an old blackberry model that most certainly showed his age and his preference of phones. Honestly, the built in keypad was the main reason why he had kept it around, adoring the tactile sensation of pressing down on buttons and the rolling ball that scrolled through the screen. Even with his horrible hands, there was no hindrance in his usage of it as touchscreen wasn’t even built into the phone and the phone was bulky enough for him to securely grip. The only downside might be the size, its palm-sized nature often resulting in a few minutes of frustrated grabbing as Uyu failed time and time again to pick up the blasted electronic. But still, he wouldn’t change the box of plastic and wires for any of the newer or sleeker models for anything. One, he had customized it himself for security and aesthetic purposes so it really was one of a kind, and two, it contained little stories that Uyu liked to read from time to time. Some of the entries were vaguely familiar in the way that re-reading a well loved novel was familiar, but the silly mundane adventures that the writer went on was always interesting to read. The writing choices were frames as a diary so many of the characters weren’t named and simply called “Dad” or “my cat”. It was certainly a riveting read, following the unnamed narrator as she grew up. One of the few pieces of entertainment left that could still accommodate his shaking hands.

Rolling the plastic ball, Uyu skimmed a recipe for Trifle cups while keeping an eye on what he already had. With how much he was buying today, he might actually have to rent out the test kitchen. Might put a dent into the funds but hey, at least they could make up for it in the expanded menu. Hopefully. Mulling over what best to put in these highly customizable desert cups, Uyu pushed his cart towards the plastic cup aisle to get some aesthetic cups for his creation. Plain see-through would honestly best considering that the main allure of such a dish was gazing at the delicate layers that the dish provided, marveling at the marbling of colours that melded together in a harmonious finish in one’s mouth. Visual design was just as important as the actual flavours even if some people took it too far and only focused on the dish’s appearance. Sure, Uyu wasn’t an actual certified chef that went to chef school and had chef certification, just one who liked to experiment with food and make new things for fun (and for profit because his business wouldn’t be standing if that wasn’t the case) but he had pride in his creations. Kitchen Witchery was a delicate art he’ll have you know and he was a good one at that (that and if he dared bake with the wrong intentions or came into a such a space with anything less that his whole mind present on the act then his work would backfire and no one likes it when spells actively mess up your day).

Passing by three people who were just staring at each other, Uyu stared for a bit before deciding to ignore those weirdos (while ignoring the tug on his own heart telling him to look back) and breezed past them towards the glassware. Pulling a few of them into the cart, he staunchly avoided the aisle with the staring trio and doubled around to the chocolate. He had already gotten everything he really needed and something extra for the employees under his payroll and having general quality of life improvements such as readily available chocolate for whatever reason was always a bonus. And so, off too the chocolate!

Only that the path to the chocolate aisle apparently took him right towards the group of bug eyed strangers plus one more! Joy. At least he looked just as fed up as Uyu felt. However, instead of asking the to move, like a sane person who enjoyed interaction would, Uyu swerved his cart to pass through the next aisle, going around the gawkers. If you couldn't beat them then just ignore them. Successfully maneuvering around them, Uyu felt a little bit of pettiness well up within him so he turned around to meet Kedo's gaze and stuck his tongue out almost childishly and snatch whatever the closest chocolate was off the shelf. Sue him, but it felt like the most natural thing to do, as if he was somehow someone that Uyu could recognize as an ally. Rare in this horrid world of theirs but the familiarity tugging his gut towards them was undeniable. But Uyu wasn't stupid and knew that these were objectively strangers. Familiar ones, but still unknown to him.

And if he had anything to say about it, it would stay that way.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Sat, 07/01/2023 09:01 (1 Year ago)
Kendo returns Uyu's playfulness with a cold glare. The roboticist seems quite unamused. He sighs. He does what Uyu did, going around them to the chocolate aisle. Finally. He was within a few feet of his one, true, and only love; chocolate. He grabbed nearly every piece of chocolate he could reach, stuffing them into his cart.

"Chocolate, my love~"

He seemed to visibly perk up the moment he came into contact with chocolate. It was quite literally the only thing that gave him joy.
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Sat, 07/01/2023 13:38 (1 Year ago)
Within a few hours of stealing, Magnus and his buddies had already finished the coke cans, biscuit oackets and the enormous chocolate bars. The only thing left behind was the sausage pack, which they tossed over to the dog family that lived with them under the old bridge. They were hungry, yes but hey, it was free food! Whoever had a problem being a bit generous eh?

All the food over, and their stomachs back from starving to hungry, Magnus looked around. 13 homeless dudes looked up at him expectantly. Well, Khamba was more like sad than expectant, but yeah. A minute of silence, and the rambling started once again-
"Hey! You took my-"
"We need more-"
"That was awfully little! How can-"
The last comment came from magnus, more like how a lion would growl at his pups. Magnus was the youngest among beggars, But held his own sense of authority amongst them. His brilliant gold hair, deep grey eyes and the 2 sapphire rings on his hands made him look less like a beggar and more like a Villain from a 80s movie.

"I know that was less, but for the moment you will have to adjust. I can't raid an entire store in a day. At least not more than I could hide a white Mercedes." He continued, smiling faintly as the people gaped at him due to the weird reference.
"We are not your servants! We wont-" A beggar shouted and then shrieked as he felt Magnus's cold fingers wrap around his throat.
"You won't? Well then Greg, you had better hunt for yourself as we will definitely not risk our necks for you. Next time, remember what I say, is not a request but an order. And you, would do well to follow that!" He whispered lowly.

Standing up and dusting his torn trackpants, Magnus climbed out onto the road and walked to the Walmart, ignoring the whispers in his head.
I might keep the!silent with my words but they are right.....we do need food. Well, I'll try once again.

Getting back in through the vent, he went in to the ceiling and tried to drop in. Lifting up a board, he peeped down to see if any people were present and observed many of them standing in the place and looking at each other with expressions of surprise on their faces.
"What are they doing heraaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!" He screamed as he slipped and feel down right into the tallest man's trolley, wincing as Hus thumb once again bumped against something.

Looking up at the man's face with an angry expression, his jaw fell open as he saw the man in light. He looked around, and all the people looked as if he had seen them somewhere. A nasty suspicion began tugging at the back of his mind, Magnus sat inside the trolley, like a child in a pram, and two words, clear and distinct, slipped out from his mouth, as he heard the thoughts of all the people around him-

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Sat, 07/01/2023 19:46 (1 Year ago)
Li Fengyu didn't get the answer he wanted, and along the way, he gained even more questions. The man in front of him, not only seemed familiar to him, but man clearly thought the same as well.

"...I could ask you the same,"

When he heard his response, it confirmed his guess. He wasn't the only one who has gotten kidnapped, the memory lost thing wasn't just him either. Li Fengyu glanced at the others cart, and seeing it's contents, it clearly seemed like the person was getting ready to go somewhere.

Like him.

The fact that he wasn't alone in this mystery barely gave him any comfort. But what he was curious about, was what changed after they've been experimented on. Did they also gained a new knowledge that previously didn't belong to them as well?

He had many questions, but before he could voice them out, he saw a flash of purple in the corner of his eye. As soon as he saw the face, he got the same feeling as he did when he just saw the green-eyed male.


"Are you..?"

Observing the other male's reaction, it seemed like he also recognized her as well. The girl also seemed to know both of them as well.

Li Fengyu kept silent, observing everyone's reaction, he didn't believe in coincidences as he worked in a profession that sometimes if not all, coincidences are words that could take another person's life.

He believed that everything is caused by something, there is always a purpose. Thus, he pondered, who is the ultimate mastermind. He searched in his head, he couldn't see any faces, as they were all fuzzed out and censored. All that he was left with was the message that he have to go the place called "Rotten Hearts" or else.

Instinct that came from the most primal form, signaled that he has to listen to the voices direction, or else he may end up in a way worse than death.

Thus the reason why he came to Walmart to hunt for supplies.

All these series of thoughts happened in a second, the more Li Fengyu thought, the stronger a headache seem to fall upon him. Why, out of all people was he chosen...

to play this sick game...

Li Fengyu scowled.

[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 04:39 (1 Year ago)


An odd, harsh voice suddenly crept around the corner, and Kai's head jerked to take a look. Another face...

Another face...

What the hell was going on? Who were these people? This had to be some sick joke... Was this all a setup? Was someone playing a sick joke? Were his memories playing tricks on him? God, he hated this...

"Will y'all shut up? You're backing up the aisles. I really need some chocolate, so do everyone a favor and move, why don't you?"

Unexpected, but understandable. He managed to crack a smile, even if panic was written all over his face. Before the tall man could say anything, a cloud of regret fell over the other one's face, like the realization of what he said just now hit him. To be honest, Kairien didn't really think much of it, there wasn't really a reason to feel bad, at least to him there wasn't. Momentarily, his green eyes gazed past Kendo and noticed another familiar man, one who also seemed to be annoyed with everyone huddling up in one aisle. Before he could say anything, they just... left.

Oh well, he was busy with other people anyways. Kai looked back over to the purple-haired girl and opened his mouth to speak, "Sorry about that, I-"


What the hell?! Kairien jumped back in shock, staring bug-eyed at the sudden lunatic in his cart. Where did he even come from?!

"Dude, what the hell?!" He raised his voice, getting closer to the man in his cart and tilting his head to the side, his arms stretched out to his left and right and his face looking like he just witnessed someone say something profane. "Ok ok, can someone please tell me what the F**K is goin' on here?!" He looked between everyone, ignoring the looks of the other shoppers who were around.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 06:10 (1 Year ago)
He backpedals, back to the crowded aisle, upon hearing a crash. The scene is bizarre. He brushes a tray lock of his messy, long, disheveled golden hair. He stares in surprise. His tired eyes are wide. A man was lying in one of the carts, looking like he's dead. He speaks with a slight stutter, slipping up on his accent, letting a light british accent slip through.

"Ey, what the hell?"

He stares at the group. He cannot believe what is going on. This is the first time he sees them in focus like this. They seem vaguely familiar, but he recognizes nearly everyone. He has one of the largest influence spheres in the world, due to his work, after all. He knew practically everything and everyone. He cannot believe this insanity. A grown man is lying in a cart, in the cart of the tall man he had spoken to earlier.

"What the hell is going on? Who the hell are you people-"
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 468
Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 15:08 (1 Year ago)
A slight disruption of plans. She had work planned for today, but the voice clearly wanted to be followed. And for some reason she had an instinct to do what it asked... Which made no sense. She followed no one but herself, that was not up for discussion. Yet this voice... And the memories... Urgh.

"Watch it, will you?" Stepping out from behind Kendo, Athena's eyes narrowed at the assembled people. She could recognize each and every one of them, list quite a bit about them, but she could do that with pretty much anyone. They seemed familiar... In a different, more crucial way... A memory just out of reach. Which made her all the more desperate to claw it out. She hated confusion, questions she couldn't answer, especially ones that were so close...
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 18:16 (1 Year ago)
Dr. Rain watched all the crazy series of event unfold in hid eyes, confused yet not. At the same time, wondering if these are the people he'll be working with in the future, if they are...

Li Fengyu groaned, and held his forehead, if these people are the ones hes going to work with, he is going to have a huge huge headache and a sore throat from yelling at people.

At this point, he doesn't even need to look to know that everyone here is somewhat familiar with eachother, for the same reason. He is also confident, that the reason they met here is because of the 'voice' of the 'doctor'.

Since working as a Forensic Investigator, and as a side criminal profiler, he has already stopped believing in coincidences.

He stopped himself before he let more questions enter his brain, and make this whole post into a analysis and sweeped a glance at everyone's faces, demeanor, and outfits, looking for any clue of their background. But surprisingly, he did know some faces.

Like the golden brown hair male, who may not seem like it, but is a actually a highly respected roboticist (whose also probably involved in the black market, not that he cares).

Also the women with jet black hair.. His eyes stopped on that women, if he remember correctly, she was the secret agent sent by the government.

But he himself didn't believe that, Dr. Rain narrows his eyes, and observed her clothing, she was clearing hiding many thing beneath it, like weapons, guns, knifes, ect-

But that wasn't the reason he was suspicious about her. A month ago, when their department received her file, it was rather abrupt. But nobody thought anything about it, nor did he, until sometimes later, when he was working overtime on a case, he accidently stubbled upon her file again. Out of curiosity, he skimmed through her file again.

But this time, he felt something was wrong with it. Everything on the file was perfect.. too perfect. Her record, experience... everything was flawless, without a single imperfection. This made him question, yet made him anticipated. He didn't tell anyone his suspicion, there was no need to, since no one will understand him.

Phoenix, she had no last name since she was a orphan, thus no one knew her background before she became a secret agent. It's almost like a treasure box filled with mysteries that he can't wait to open.

Li Fengyu looked at Phoenix with anticipation, and curiosity, awaiting her next move.
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 468
Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 18:29 (1 Year ago)
"Something on your mind?" Athena glanced at Dr. Rain. He was suspicious, more alert than the rest of them. A criminal profiler, was he? She'd have to watch out, lest her cover be blown. But she wasn't worried, there was no need to be.
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 18:31 (1 Year ago)
Kaori looked at the other 'newcomers'. All equally familiar as the others were. All standing somewhere in that photo that was so bright in her memory. Each and every single one of them were familiar. Very familiar. In fact, so familiar that she had definitely known them before. But why couldn't she remember their names?

As she looked at the man who fell into the anime-haired man's cart, the man who was reaching for the chocolate, the man in the lab suit, the woman who was looking suspiciously at them, and the others sorry- i forgot how to describe most of them TwT. They all were standing in one aisle, all gaping at each other. Trying to break the silence, she spoke softly. "Uhm... it seems like we all know each other-", trying to fill in the empty gap/space/etc of confusion. "Maybe like, we can do some sort of small introduction?" she suggested, gesturing to all of them, even the two people that looked suspiciously at each other.
✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 18:52 (1 Year ago)
"Something on your mind?"

Unsurprisingly Miss Phoenix noticed him staring at her. He shrugged his shoulders and gave her his everyday shallow smile, while on the otherhand his eyes was cold and calculating, trying to peep at any weakness she shows.

"No.. I was just thinking if I saw you somewhere that all.." That was the half truth and lie. If he did lie fully, someone as skilled as her who is able to sneak a fake document into the government would surely able to tell, so it is safer to say partly the truth.

Before he could say anything more, someone else interrupted against the awkward silence.

"Uhm... it seems like we all know each other-" The girl in purple fidgeted, clearly nervous and awkward in this situation trailed off.

"Maybe like, we can do some sort of small introduction?"

Well certainly, he isn't going to introduce himself first, he looked away pretending he didn't exist, in order to safe himself from the sociallizing.

[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 468
Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 19:00 (1 Year ago)
"Well, I'm sure we're all familiar to eachother."

Athena stepped forwards, "I'll go first, I guess. I'm Phoenix." No harm in giving them her name, and if they were expecting any thing more, there wasn't really any more to say.
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 19:03 (1 Year ago)
Li Fengyu glanced at Miss Phoenix and nodded, so he was right, she was the 'secret agent' the government handed them, not that he had any doubts in the first place. But he doubts that Phoenix is her real name, if he was in her shoes, he wouldn't put his real name in any fake document.

He looked at the others, waiting for their introduction.
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 23:31 (1 Year ago)
Kendo shifted nervously. He tugged at his collar, uncomfortable. He glanced around.

"I- I'm... I'm Kendo Sato, PhD... I'm a roboticist..."

He seemed nervous, anxious. His pale blue eyes darted across the room as he fidgeted nervously. He tugged at his sleeves, trying to assess his situation.

"I work mainly on AI, like healthcare robots..."
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 00:37 (1 Year ago)
Surprisingly the roboticist introduced himself next, and he seemed quite nervous too, Li Fengyu mused.

"I work mainly on AI, like healthcare robots..."

Li Fengyu almost laughed, if he didn't work with the police, he might've believed that statement. 'Kendo Sato, Weapon Manufacturer and dealer for the black market.'

That was the most basic summery of the nervous man in front of him. The only reason police officers didn't arrest this man, was because he was useful, the weapons he made are not only durable, but one of a kind. If Li Fengyu remembered correctly, he used to have a gun that was made by him as well..

But unfortunately, there was one dangerous case couple months ago, where he had to leave the gun behind.. To this day, Li Fengyu still thought it was quite a pity, the gun was a very good one.

He glanced at Kendo, and crossed his arms, 'Perhaps not everyone is stupid here...'

Now without waiting for anyone else to introduce himself, it was his turn.

"Hello, My name is Li Fengyu, but please call me as Dr. Rain since I doubt any of you don't speak chinese."

His voice was steady and calm, he spoke fluent english without any accent, and had a small smile on his face, to make him not seem aggressive.

" You may have seem me on the news as I work as a Forensic Investigator.."

He trailed off, that was all he had to say, but was a introvert, and just a generally unsocial person, he doesn't know whether if he should continue speaking or just stop right there.

"..That's it"

He really hoped that no one caught the awkwardness.
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 00:50 (1 Year ago)
Kendo nervously fiddled with a pen in his hands. He didn't feel safe here. Police were people he hated. he knew the only reason he was kept around was that they needed good weapons, and he was the best at making them.

"I remember you... the nosy investigator that locked down the smuggling ring a while back..."

he muttered quietly, looking nervous.
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 00:52 (1 Year ago)
Kaori, at learning their names. So the one that has the golden-blond hair and the sus obsession for chocolate was Kendo, the newer girl who seemed to be very secretive's name was Phoenix, and the tall man with the other anime hair was Dr. Rain.

Their faces were clearer now, in the photo. She could remember them. Kendo- on the top right. Athena- on the bottom left. Dr. Rain- top left. She could remember their exact positions and faces.

And since she was the person that had made them all introduce each other, she would surely have to go. She spoke a little quieter, and said, "I'm Kaori. Uhm, I own a garden down the street, it's called Rosamelia's, and uh- yeah." stuttering like the mess of a human she was. As soon as she introduced herself, she immediately stepped backwards into her cart.

Bowing her head down, she backed away, ready for someone else to speak.
✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 01:01 (1 Year ago)
The commotion from the aisle was reaching unbearable levels. From people falling out of vents to self introductions, everything was happening much to quickly. And not to mention that there was a pervasive feeling in his gut that these people weren't exactly strangers. "They don't seem to bad..." And there was yet another reason why he shouldn't even talk with them. If they were saying that they were okay, what kind of trouble would they bring? But as they were quite close even as Uyu was doing his best to concentrate on picking out chocolate, he could still overhear everything they were blathering about. So when it was revealed that there was an investigator among them, something that as definitely a law abiding citizen didn't scare him at all. Okay so maybe he technically wasn't a citizen but everything else was true! Like yeah, this Doctor Rain guy was a forensic one so its not like he'd go after Uyu about not having a passport or any form of valid identification or anything right? Surely not

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 01:03 (1 Year ago)
"I remember you... the nosy investigator that locked down the smuggling ring a while back..."

Li Fengyu paused, was that the case he was working on back then?

He looked at Kendo in a newer light, this man clearly didn't like police officers, since he knew the reason why he wasn't arrested yet. Normally, he would've ignored any hostility at him, but the event happening currently is out of his hands, and he doesn't need any problems right now.

So he took a deep breath, trying to make himself as normal as possible, (which was hard with his long hair-), and smiled at Kendo.

"Ah... So that was where we met, oh and just so you know, I don't care how much you contributed to the case back then, that isn't the reason I chose this job." He said calmly and softly, trying not to scare the roboticist away.

"I chose this job because I like mysteries and solving them, not because I want to be a hero." In order to make the roboticist not scared, was to tell him that he was no threat to him. That is the only way, he could let his guard down slightly.

Plus what he said was the truth, he chose the job, because he liked mysteries, and thought the other people doing the job were just too bad at it, that he had to go in and solve it himself.
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]