She continued following them and tilted her head, "Are we going to
get lost?". She didnt know where ivy was taking her and luminia but
she was basically the type of person who doesn't get impatient by
the randomness things.
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
I'll see how long he'll go without paying attention to me. I do
kind of miss the attention... I'll talk to him later. Theo
lingered in the library. "ill talk to him later" leaves for
two hours
she wants to dance like uma thurman /
bury me till i confess
"Hmm... Kendo seems to think something in the library would be more
useful. This school is old enough to have secret passages... should
we examine it closely?" She looked near the entrance, and bumped
into Theo
"Hi Theo~ these are my new friends Luminia and Nessy!"
Ivy bounced on her toes. "We-eellll... Kendo sent me a note telling
me to go to the library instead of the training center~ any idea
She looked up at Theo. She was sorry she had bumped into him. But
he was the taller person in this case... Ivy was a tiny five feet.
Really, Theo should have been the one looking where he was
"," Ivy wasn't sure whether or not to laugh. "Well he has
been keeping tabs on me~ maybe he's loOkiNG fOr HiS bOyFriEnD~ But
do you know of any secret passages in the school? I can't help but
think that a campus this old has to have at least one!"
Nessy snickered a little when she heard ivy say that. She heard the
word "Secret passage". "Whoa wait this school has secret passages?"
One thing nobody knew about her was that she loved looking for
secret passages even when she was little she would look around her
home for any.
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
"Theo probably doesn't know~ I'll ask Kendo later!" Ivy began skip
into the deep recesses of the library. The shelves back here were
dusty. She was looking for something, anything out of the ordinary.
She used a little bit of her shadow magic to observe the room's
shadows for imperfections.
"Over here, girls!~" she called to Nessy and Luminia. Her magic had
picked up on a large pocket of unaccounted space. "We can narrow
our search to this area," she said, gesturing at the shelves around