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In A Blaze of Glory (Sign Ups)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up In A Blaze of Glory (Sign Ups)
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2022 01:32 (2 Years ago)

Thats all we ever knew growing up. I remember as a child being woken up by my father and rushing us to the cellar. I remember seeing armored men strike him down with their sword as he fought to protect his children from them. I remember running into the darkness as the slaughtered my brothers and sisters. But now, here we are, defending A'Oura, the last standing city in the kingdom of Rupratinra. If they break through our walls, Rupratinra will fall. There will be no reignforcements. No one to come to our aid. We are on our own. This will be our tomb. So let us all die, in a blaze of glory



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1. All PH rules still apply (and PH roleplay rules)
2. I reserve the right to reject your form (I will PP/PM you why if I do so)
3. Limit the oneliners please, they kill roleplays (i have my own definition that I'll explain if I see it)
4. Max 2 characters per person (I am a big believer in 3 or less characters. But if you feel like you can handle more then 2, feel free to PP/PM me with your reasonings why)
5. Password is if you link a past roleplay you were in
6. If I reject you more then 3 times for the exact same reason, you are automaticly banned
7. Max 3 medieval weapons please (min 1). NO GUNS!
8. Have fun! Let me know if you have any questions!

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Username: (actually type it here please)
Character name:
Gender: (i.e. male, female, nonbinary, etc.)
Appearance: (image preferably, but description is fine as well)
Other: (Backstory, Sexual orientation, etc.)
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For RaRa, TGG, Kamini, and Moth
Without your memory's, I wouldnt be back
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2022 02:19 (2 Years ago)
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Username: @Serendibite

Password: St. Venti's School for the Magically Gifted.

Character Name: Isla Greer

Age: 29 Years Old

Gender: Female. [She/They.]

Appearance: Isla is short-statured, with light brown skin. Her build is generally slim and athletic, with slight shoulders and a fair amount of lean muscle. Isla has a shaggy dome of black hair with unevenly cut ends. (she blames... someone.) Her eyes are hazel.

-Picrew: [ x ]

Personality: A sweet-tongued, bright girl with a delightful, optimistic outlook. Or at least that's how she introduces herself. After she gets bored with someone, she drops them, with a couple of insults to spare. With full intentions. She's petulant and rude, and if someone manages to anger her, she'll be furious with them. This isn't exactly a bad thing, however- She'll become obsessed with the person who has wronged her, even to the point of protecting and caring for that person. She'll claim it's just so that she'll be the one to take them down... But deep down, she has a deep sense of honour, and she'd never let anyone whom she feels she owes something to have their debt go unpaid.

-Personality Type: ESTP // 8w7 // sx/so // 863

Weapon(s): Throwing Knives. She uses them at close range, since she has difficulty hitting her mark.

Backstory: ---

Sexuality: Heteroflexible.

Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?: Yes please.

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Username: @Serendibite

Password: Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Character Name: Nora Kira-Calhoun

Age: 19 Years Old

Gender: Non-Binary. [They/Them.]

Appearance: Nora has medium brown skin, which contrasts with the bright colours they wear. Their hair is loose and scraggly, brown. Their eyes are blue, and noted to be very unsettling, in particular with contrast to their solid shape and cool skin tones. They are of an average height and are somewhat heavy, though not overweight.

They wear a green turtleneck. Overtop, they wear a brown (or a red that they interchange) winter coat that's fur collar settles on their shoulders. Black combat boots which are heeled settle on their feet, and add to their height. A red scarf wraps around their neck.

-Picrew: [ x ]

Personality: Nora is a cheerful, mischievous person who lives in the moment. Nora is somewhat self-absorbed in that they care for their own feelings, and disregard the existence of other people's. In this, they have a tendency to treat others with pragmatism, while also paying a little too much attention to their own mental health.

In most situations, they're on the verge of hysteria. Their jokes tend to be rude, but steer clear of offensive topics. In grim or serious atmospheres, Nora's humour turns dark. It often has negative effects on themself and others and doesn't seem to be fully genuine. They're quick to recover and turn their focus to relationships and gossip, but their excessive levity often damages the bonds they form.

Underneath all of this playful chaos and lack of social skills, Nora is quite afraid of death. They'll joke about it, all right, but in any situation where their life is at risk- Nora will run. They're terrified of the thought. They love the bonds they form with the others, but their own life will always take precedence for Nora. A lot of the way they act reclines on this fear of death- wanting to live above all else that they embrace every meaning of the word, and live in the moment, as best they can, even if it costs them their relationships or sense of self.

-Personality Type: ENFP // 7w6 // sx/sp // 739

Weapon(s): Bow and Arrow they've affectionately dubbed "Feebee". (A spelling they're very insistent on.) They're physically strong, and usually good with any weapon they can obtain, even ones they supposedly never handled before.

Backstory: They enjoyed a childhood with an upper class family and had access to many avenues of learning. They're a child prodigy who mastered everything available to them quickly, and was always physically strong. However, something happened when they were 16- and since they have practiced nothing but the bow. They were never interested in joining the army. After the death of their parents, presumably by suicide, they moved onto the streets and took missions and chores from the villagers. They're not an official part of the military, but the people intrigue them, and they'd love to work with them. Should they care enough to let Nora amongst their numbers.

Sexuality: Omni, with a preference for men.

Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?: See above! ^^

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Username: @Serendibite

Password: We're Only Human.

Character Name: Aulus Ligur

Age: 22 Years Old

Gender: Male [He/They.]

Appearance: A very short, lightly athletic person with slightly tanned, cool skin tones; olivesc. His hair is brown, long and shaggy, mostly falling downward on his head, the spikes reaching to about his chin. He had reddish brown eyes. He wears a black turtleneck, a black and white striped vest overtop, and black cargo pants. Golden bell earring dangles from his left ear. Carries a sword satchel on his back.

-Picrew: [ x ]

Personality: A solemn, careful person who's always on edge- always watching his words and others. He's highly intelligent and observant and- just kidding! He's a total silly bean deep down who just acts tough because he wants to be "cool". He hates how people are amused by him and his silly antics and would rather be viewed as the super tough, super strong guy he's sure he is deep down. So he pretends... and immediately fails when he says something stupid and can't back it up with anything but a funny comment or an over-the-top description of a tree. It frustrates him to no end- "Just take me seriously!" He wants to say, but doesn't, because then people would laugh as he exposes yet another layer... Truly an insecure person who idealizes an identity far more than he should.

-Personality Type: ENTP // 1w9 // so/sx // 174

Weapon(s): A sword. He has a poisoned knife hidden in a hilt by his hip.

Backstory: ---

Sexuality: Omni, with a preference for women.

Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?: Yes please.

to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 775
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2022 02:20 (2 Years ago)
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Username: Hunterz~Wolf

Sephtis Antiphones in Shattered Peace. My longest post of 2.4K words

Character name:








Seemingly distant and cold, the boy is often a difficult person to interact with, unless Blaise is doing the talking. Normally seen tagging along with the man, he almost brings a reverse effect, creating a tense and ominous atmosphere. Not much is known about the boy and his family, whereabouts, behavior, or preferences. Efforts to strike up conversations often end up becoming an awkward silence or boringly serious.

With lack of emotions such as empathy, people may see him as heartless, clearly shown through his indifference during battles or the deaths of his own comrades. His attitude raised suspicion among the people that he was one of the invaders and plans were made to exile and even kill him, which was met with Blaise's furious objection. Whether he acts differently when around his guardian is unknown to the public.


His bow, a finely crafted weapon with origins he has no idea of (may be revealed in RP) paired with aluminum arrows or his double bladed spear gifted by Blaise.



He couldn't remember.

He woke up in the rubble, the remains of the chaos that had erupted moments ago. The little boy's eyes slowly adjusted to the blinding brightness of the blazing sun. Voices started to reach his ears and the feeling returned to his small, frail hands.

He looked around and saw nothing but red. Red splotches there, red puddles here. The entire area was almost coated in the crimson shade of blood. The stink of the corpses came next, assaulting his nose with the sharp, putrid smell. He stared at the lifeless bodies, his mind blank and thoughts empty.

Who were they? Why was he here? Who was he?

Lionel, his mind reminded. That was his name, that was all he remembered.

The sound of gauntlets clanking became louder and soon a bright man had approached the confused boy, kneeling to look at him in the eye.

"Hey, let's get you out of here," the gentle voice said.

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Username: Hunterz~Wolf

Azrael Leviathan in The Purge

Character name:

Blaise Rainer







Nicknamed playfully by his fellow comrades as a 'walking ball of sunshine', Blaise has long commited to the role of being the people's caring fatherly figure, a person to lean onto and depend on. Not only does his huge physical shape makes a good beanbag to sleep on, but his warm smile and expressions can almost indirectly comfort anyone within his proximity. Even through all the hardships he's gone through, it wasn't enough to break his optimistic personality. With how innocent he may seem, some people doubt that he was an actual killing machine in the battle field.

However, he was still the child of the Arminius bloodline, the last soldier of it's legacy. His undying loyalty and determination passed down from generations of high ranked military men and commanders. Though he was seen as nothing more than a gentle person to friend, he was a deadly monster to his foe, one to fear. With nothing to lose and the threat of death having no effect to his unwavering resolve, he will fight valiantly until he achieves victory or meet the fate of the afterlife.


He prefers to use his Halberd, but also proficient with his sword.



He was only 15, yet he found himself standing in the frontline of the battlefield. Besides him, his brothers and father, looking heroic in their shining armours, their weapons reflecting the light of the shining sun.

The Arminius soldiers, the very pillars of security depended on by the many, were usually the very first wall of defense against any incoming attacks. He can clearly remember how his brother were, unafraid, calm and happy, almost playing with each other even when their lives were at the hands at mercy, the warning of a war looming upon them.

It didn't take long for the happiness to be shattered, just as the war horns blared and the enemy surged forward, the frontlines were in chaos, obviously outnumbered and low on defense. He watcned as they were slowly killed, one by one, as their bright eyes lost the light of life. He still fought, his mind blocking out the grief and the aching feelong in his chest, his anger channeled into the very Halberd that led the team to victory. It was a clutch and they almost lost, but they managed to protect the small vulnerable portion of the city. Their mission was a success.

But, as a price, he lost them all. His brothers laid lifeless on the battlefield. He stared blankly, remaining silent as his teenage brain tried to process it all. There was no one left, he was alone.

But it wasn't the time to mourn yet, he still had citizens to save after the battle almost destroyed the area. Steeling himself and suppressing his grief, he carried onto the main area with the other surviving warriors.

[The Arminius Bloodline]

A well-known family dating back to the blood of royals, the lineage has a deep history of successful commanders, soldiers, knights and warriors. One common feature in the family, especially for the males, were their slightly larger physical build. Another was their strength, which was slightly more than other common people. Certain behaviour has also been observed to be preserved through generation. (May explain more in-depth in RP)

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𝔅𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔰𝔢 ℜ𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔯
"Real heroes never fear the pain or death;
Every soldier fights until their final breath;
Dedicating all their lives to just one cause;
Serve the kingdom and abide the rules and laws"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Nam officia culpa et tempore eligendi est alias veritatis eos aspernatur quaerat rem doloremque recusandae. Et odio officia et ullam laborum qui provident fugiat quo quod quia nam saepe quaerat!

Non sunt totam a omnis esse eos saepe dicta et consequuntur amet debitis error quo corporis labore sit recusandae possimus? Sit nostrum quam est sequi sequi ut itaque sequi. Vel minus placeat est nihil nihil 33 autem similique.

Nihil inventore ab molestiae distinctio aut repellat voluptas ut numquam reprehenderit ab omnis enim aut voluptatem repellendus? A error similique eum dolor consectetur et alias odit est consequatur voluptatum a dolor excepturi sit repellat laborum qui mollitia eius. Eum amet deleniti est distinctio consequuntur et perferendis voluptatum est laboriosam enim.

"The real heroes stand until the end;
But the biggest fight is inside;
Feelings clashing while you pretend;
That the bloodstains one day will dry"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Nam officia culpa et tempore eligendi est alias veritatis eos aspernatur quaerat rem doloremque recusandae. Et odio officia et ullam laborum qui provident fugiat quo quod quia nam saepe quaerat!

Non sunt totam a omnis esse eos saepe dicta et consequuntur amet debitis error quo corporis labore sit recusandae possimus? Sit nostrum quam est sequi sequi ut itaque sequi. Vel minus placeat est nihil nihil 33 autem similique.

Nihil inventore ab molestiae distinctio aut repellat voluptas ut numquam reprehenderit ab omnis enim aut voluptatem repellendus? A error similique eum dolor consectetur et alias odit est consequatur voluptatum a dolor excepturi sit repellat laborum qui mollitia eius. Eum amet deleniti est distinctio consequuntur et perferendis voluptatum est laboriosam enim.

Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2022 02:27 (2 Years ago)
Both accepted!

Character #1
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Username: I know who i am
Character name: Lukas
Age: 33
Gender: Male

Personality: He's a hard worker, who wont give up. He is incredibly dedicated to his family and will do anything to keep them safe

Weapon(s): His axe and sword

Other: Once a farmer, he joined the kingdoms army in an effort to earn money to feed his family after his farm was destroyed by invaders. But now, he fights with the army to protect his family (2 young children and a wife of 13 years)
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Character #2
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Username: Me again
Character name: Maya
Age: 25
Gender: Female


Weapon(s): She has a bow made of a very durable wood and she uses arrows she hand crafts with obsidian, in an effort to allow the kingdom to have more metal for others. She also has a knife

Other: At the age of 9, she saw invaders kill her father and siblings before eventually escaping into the woods, where she was taken in by a man named Setanta, who taught her how to shoot a bow and arrow, craft her own weapons from stone, etc. He died when she was 15, but she soon joined the army and soared through the ranks as a great marksman
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Queen Tatiana
Sprite by Furret

Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2022 02:42 (2 Years ago)

Cleivar Danou

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Username - Daiko

Character Name - Cleivar Danou, also known as 'Prometheus' for some reason

Age - 19, but certainly has the experience of one much older than him

Gender - Male

Appearance - him with their attire

Personality - While Cleivar is generally a fun, charismatic guy, he can have a few screws loose sometimes. His obsession of fire has gotten to his head most of the time and he always finds a way to incorporate his passion into every conversation. He is always fiddling with something, whether it be a few pieces of junk or lint in his pocket, or something incredibly dangerous, it's always in his hands. I'm honestly all out of ideas so I'll flesh out his character as we go along lol

Weapons - Cleivar loves to play with fire, especially when he can see his handiwork visualized by a dancing parade of multicolored flames, reaching towards the sky as different hues intertwine to make a masterpiece. Cleviar makes homemade 'fire bombs' that he can ignite and throw, resulting in a sudden mass of flames. He uses flames in many other ways, such as traps or something more useful like... arson maybe?

Other - He's gonna be fun

GC - Hell yeah

RP - this one ig lol

Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2022 02:44 (2 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 685
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2022 04:18 (2 Years ago)
Username: ChikoritaMining
Character name: Eliza
Age: 17
Gender: female
Appearance: long straight black hair tied back, brown eyes, tan, well fitting short sleeved red shirt, leather bracers, chest guard, quiver across her back, small bag to store other useful items, black pants, flat comfortable shoes
Personality: a bit fiesty and may let her emotions get the better of her sometimes but when the situation is serious, she is calm and collected; may not be friendly at first but will warm up to those with strong morals
Weapon(s): Bow and arrow (carries normal and poison tipped arrows), knife, confidence
Other: She's always been agile and good at hitting things from a distance. Her favorite pastime was hunting with her dad in the woods. He died trying to save her mom when their house burned down and she misses them both a lot. Because most physical objects in it were destroyed by the flames, her most prized possessions to remember them by are her bow and arrow and her dad's old journal. She now lives with her uncle and is hard on herself after loosing the two people she cared about most.
Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?: yeah ofc!

Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2022 04:58 (2 Years ago)
Accepted @Chiki
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 370
Posted: Fri, 19/08/2022 13:21 (2 Years ago)
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Username: DukeSamton
Character name: Samton Reinbranze
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Appearance: Black hair and blue eyes have always been a staple of the Reinbranze viscounty, and the last one of theirs that remained is no different. With a height that can only be described as 'normal', and a general lack of any muscular features, one would hardly expect him to be a warrior. Until they saw his face, at least. The scar on his cheek bespoke tales of battles one could hardly have imagined a few years ago. He has short and messy hair, and always wears a dagger round his waist.

Personality: Apathetic and calculated. That is the image he burns in everyone's mind. Always wary yet never frightened. I'm the battlefield, these prove to be absolute blessings. Outside? Well, there's no need to even consider being outside war. That, at least, is how he sees it.

Weapon(s): He has always preferred a sword for war. Yet he is not without other means. The ornamental dagger, denoting one's nobility, has served him well in up close... situations.

Backstory: Third child of Reinbranze viscounty, Samton remember a time when he used to be mocked by his peers. They had once been to him absolute nightmares.
The war and change of times had escaped him. At least, until that day. Three Reinbranze family flags had been delivered to him, that one day when he was still just 14. He could never have imagined that the flags embraced the very corpses of the Reinbranze family.
Since then, he trained and fought, never letting another soul get close to him fearing another group of flags.
Orientation: Portrait.
Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?: Yes

Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Fri, 19/08/2022 13:25 (2 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 97
Posted: Fri, 19/08/2022 14:03 (2 Years ago)
Username: MalamarTrainer3
Character name: DOOMGuy
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Appearance: Doomguy
Personality: Kill demons
Weapon(s): BFG 10000, Crucible
Other: The only thing the fear is me.
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Okay, actually though....
Username: MalamarTrainer3
Character name: Malamar
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Appearance: Paintball mask. Can't afford actual armor.
Personality: Kill Demons
Weapon(s): Crucible.
Other: Son of Doomguy, cuz y not?
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Jesus wasn't just standing around doing nothing
those forty days and forty nights. He was breaking ankles.
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Fri, 19/08/2022 14:05 (2 Years ago)
Not Accepted
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 140
Posted: Fri, 19/08/2022 14:31 (2 Years ago)
Username: Cardboard_Spaghetti
Character name: Tenebris (Bristle) Regium
Age: 15
Gender: Male
(forget the fletchling)

Personality: Eh, he loves birds and fire. Loyal as heck and can hold grudges for a long time. He is an ambivert who sometimes won't talk and sometimes would like to talk your head off
Weapon(s): Sword sword sword
Other: While he loves fire, he also has an intense fear of unnatural fires (ie gas leak fire)
Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?: Yes please

" I know that you're sh**ty and you're bad for me, but I can't stop thinking 'bout it."
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Fri, 19/08/2022 14:33 (2 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 96
Posted: Sat, 20/08/2022 17:19 (2 Years ago)
Username: BambooTheAlbinoPanda
Character name: Narcisa
Age: 22
Gender: female
Appearance: ~image to be added~ In the meantime though: Narcisa is shorter-than average, with shoulder-length brown hair. Her eyes are an unusual pale yellow, but in a time of war, people are more focused on survival than physical oddities. A long scar runs from above her right eyebrow to her left cheek. I'll show her outfit in the image once I get around to that.
Personality: Narcisa has an uncanny ability to be able to figure out what you're thinking just by looking at your face, scaring off all potential friends so far. She serves as a scout/spy, going behind enemy lines, and figuring out what they're up to. When put in an actual combat situation, though, she is almost helpless. In the past she has been very blunt in speech, but in the past few years, her personality has mellowed, and she has become a very empathetic person.
Weapon(s): All she has is a stout wooden staff. In one-on-one, she does ok, but in a full out war, she just runs for it.
Other: Like so many others, her family was lost to the war a long time ago. Narcisa grew up on the streets until she was ten, when she got a job working in a stable. The 5 horses and 3 cats living there were her best friends, until a battle happened in the small town. The stable was wiped out, and only a newborn kitten and Narcisa survived. The cat, named Hope, can be seen trailing Narcisa around sometimes
Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?: yes

I admit defeat and that this has died, but it was my baby
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Sat, 20/08/2022 17:34 (2 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 97
Posted: Sat, 20/08/2022 17:35 (2 Years ago)
Username: MalamarTrainer3
Character name: Æryn
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Appearance: Black tights w/ black top.
Personality: Idk too lazy to think
Weapon(s): Crossbow, Pan, Horse
Other: E
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Jesus wasn't just standing around doing nothing
those forty days and forty nights. He was breaking ankles.
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Sat, 20/08/2022 17:35 (2 Years ago)
Not Accepted, reread the rules
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 96
Posted: Mon, 22/08/2022 15:25 (2 Years ago)
Form updated!

~yes, I'm a pink albino red panda CAT.~
pfp by RedPandaPixels
Train me baby please
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 794
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 04:56 (2 Years ago)

Title: My Form

Character name: Sobble
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Blond short hair, Peach skin color, green eyes, normal nose (Not much special things), wears a navy blue jacket and grey jeans, also wears a red and green striped cap.
Personality: Friendly and kindhearted, brave.
Weapon(s): Kunai
Other: Used to live with his family but set out on a journey for excitment and fun, state of family unknown. Sobble is always traveling and has learned combat skills on the way.
Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?: Ok

Please excuse me if I do something wrong, I am not too used to this layout of rp form.