"Oh, Luther. I don't want your help either! But honestly...
it's probably the only way for us to both get what we want. But,
fine. You want to know? Yes, it does have to do with my promise.
But I suspect you have something similar going on with yours. Do
you think I didn't see it?"
Harmony's POV
Harmony found her away around, and accidentally touched
someone with her free hand (Greg). She blinked (despite having
really no reason to). "Oh, hey there. I was just looking for you.
Can we talk later?" she asked. Well. This was awkward. She didn't
know this person's name.
Delta's POV
Delta had heard about the game... maybe he could sabotage
it! This could be it... "Hey thereee! Quick question, what are the
rules of the game?" His eyes shone. "It sounds like so much
Greg turned around and he sees Harmony, "Hi Harmony, I'm available
to chat with you right now", Greg smiled.
Meanwhile, Kaydi sees something amazing on the right side of the
garden, "Fawna! The backyard has a shuffleboard, whoever gets the
highest score will receive first grab of the snacks such as popcorn
and pretzels", Kaydi said excitedly.
Kaydi ran up to Fawna and explained the rules, "Okay Fawna, here's
the rules, the object of bocce is to throw the bocce balls closer
to the Pallino or the Jack, whoever reaches 12 points will pick up
the victory and possibly first choice of snacks for this afternoon,
so bring it on", Kaydi said.
Greg was about to watch the bocce match that is about to get
underway, "Oh boy this is gonna be good!", Greg said excitedly.
Fawna gulped a bit, but managed a shaky smile. "O-Okay... that's..
cool, I guess..." They looked vaguely uncomfortable. "Are we going
to compete together, or against?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
Shoot. "Oh, right, yes, could- we talk in- private?
It's something important I have to tell you. That no one else can
know. You know."
Carrie's POV
Carrie laughed. "Don't act innocent. The way you were
looking around, I saw your eyes. What were you looking for, Luther,
when you first got here?" She crossed her arms, and said in a sweet
voice, "I would highly appreciate you telling me!~"
Delta's POV
His eyes brightened with interest. "Ooh- when's my turn?
What's the turn of play?" Maybe if he won this, he could...
Greg looked at Delta, "Delta, try to get the bocce ball close to
the Pallino or the Jack, remember whoever reached 12 points, will
win", Greg smiled.
Kaydi attempted to throw the ball hoping it will reach the Pallino
or the Jack, "C'mon, I need to get the bocce ball to the Pallino",
but the throw was close but missed the Pallino, "Missed the
Pallino, Fawna you're next", Kaydi said.
"Uh... got it." Fawna stepped forward. Deep down, underneath their
"calm" demeanor, they were completely and utterly... freaking out.
to, didn't they? Or else... With a gulp, they steadied their hands
and reached forward...
"Appreciate," Luther mocked. "Well, sweetheart, I'd 'appreciate'
some manners before you demand my personal information." He
narrowed his eyes. "And how do you know my name?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
Delta nodded aggressively, and he purposefully made sure
the bocce ball went out of bounds. "Whoops!! Oh no! I had no idea
my swinging was that strong!" He gasped dramatically.
Carrie's POV
"Ohhh, that's not important." She waved a hand
dismissively. "Look. We need each other, don't we? Do you want my
help or not?" She put her hands on her hips and stared at him with
a demented smile.
Harmony's POV
Dang it. This wasn't going to work after all. Harmony
sighed. She was probably never going to get out of this