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[rp] pkmn: deep sea monstrosity

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP [rp] pkmn: deep sea monstrosity
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,547
Posted: Thu, 10/06/2021 22:04 (3 Years ago)

Let the oceans rise, and the lands shall fall.
How long has it been since Alpha Kyogre ravaged our lands? We do not know. Only the tallest of mountains have managed to escape its wrath, and we fear that the oceans' court has spread beyond Hoenn. The storms spread quickly, they say. We cling too much to the idea that someone will save us, but perhaps we are incorrect. Perhaps no one will save us but ourselves. If we can end this storm, find Groudon, and set out the sun, perhaps we'll be okay after all. Perhaps we need Rayquaza, or Arceus, or some dear legend.. but we'll save ourselves soon.

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Cast Start.
Your characters find themselves battling the rain as they attempt to reach some sort of shelter from the whirlpools and storms. They remember that it wasn't this bad at first, but.. it's only gone downhill since Team Aqua has released Alpha Kyogre into the world.

Hoenn, Route 126/127/128

Jet had always been used to deep-sea pressures. However, nothing like this had ever been what he was used to. The Dragonair rather liked being below the ocean anyways, but this was getting ridiculous. Some of his friends had fled further into the depths, where they were bound to be attacked by larger Pokemon.. or worse, find themselves getting caught up in the affairs of ancients such as Kyogre.

For now, though, the Dragonair was fine. He had curled his tail around a large boulder that had managed to escape the wrath of the sea in order to keep himself anchored somewhere. Route 128 had been hit very hard, but not hard enough, it seemed. Good, good..


If there was one thing Coatl hated more than losing in Contests, it had to be this stupid rain. The Milotic was just trying to deal with faer own issues, like finding the rest of their team. However, fae had found that, should any of them have survived the initial floods, they'd.. probably fled to the distant regions. (They secretly hoped that fae would find faer trainer in Unova. The Miltoic always wanted to do the musicals.)

Oh well..
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,060
Posted: Thu, 10/06/2021 23:03 (3 Years ago)
Echo had been washed away by the floods rather quickly, and found herself stranded, tossed around by the storming, raging waters. She had lost sight of her friends and trainer immediately, and was trying to cope with the assumption they had drowned...she hoped that wasn't the case, but where could they have gone? If Echo was washed away this quickly...there might not be any hope of them surviving; there were no other water types on the team, and Echo's own water typing had been a recent addition...

Right now, though, she had to worry about herself in this storm. Her paws flailing, the Vaporeon fought to balance herself while being tossed around by the waves. She tried to stay above the surface, and keep a view of the sky. She wanted to catch sight of any land nearby. Vaporeon were not built to be tossed by the open sea like this, and the young Echo was already tired.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 37
Posted: Thu, 10/06/2021 23:05 (3 Years ago)
Spark thought he had seen the worst of the worst when t came to rain before, but he was proven wrong as he swam along the ocean side as he passed by the ruins of Sootopolis City, where Kyogre gained this power. Spark quickly swam past it and headed to route 127 in hopes of shelter. He didn't mind the rain since he had water absorb, but it was still an annoyance.

His hopes paid off though, as he found some camouflage with some tree leaves and wood afloat. This should help from the rain, now to find some prey. Spark thought, putting on his reaper cloth and waited...
My favorite pokemon:
The superior cactus pokemon to Cacturne.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Thu, 10/06/2021 23:30 (3 Years ago)
Route 126 had long since been Laplace's hunting grounds, a place for the proud pokemon to stretch its fins and fearlessly challenge anything that caught its eye. It was certainly not supposed to fight back! The transport pokemon was breathing heavily as the raging waves crashed into its sturdy body, throwing them against the rocks it had taken refuge in. Surrounding it were slabs of ice, floating above the sloshing waves as small pokemon clung onto the makeshift rafts for dear life. The heavy shell on its back held the same scenery, aquatic pokemon who were too weak to fight against the waves shielding themselves by pressing close to Laplace's knobed carapace. Another wave smashed against the large creature's face and Laplace sputtered in indignation, pulled away from the rocky crevice that it had taken shelter in and instead sent it hurtling into one of the many ice floes it had created. The jostle of pokemon cries above the roaring waves was annoying but Laplace stubbornly held on, the battering of the waves not deterring it in the slightest. The sea would surely calm down somewhat soon. Probably.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,547
Posted: Thu, 10/06/2021 23:47 (3 Years ago)
Jet's extra fins fluttered in the strong gusts of wind as the Dragonair kept an eye out for any Pokémon he could help. He didn't want to burden his fellow swimmers with any danger of sorts.. or at least, any danger that could be provided by any external force. Kyogre's power had done a number on the landscape, so he figured that there would be no chance for any non-swimming Pokémon to have survived the ordeal. He didn't want to be right, though.

A deep-sea dweller such as himself was used to high pressure beneath the seas, and he was thrown for a loop by the seas becoming far deeper, but only on the surface-level, it seemed. Most from his home had definitely left. He remembered that. So why he had chosen to flee to the surface, he wasn't sure. All the same, he's on the lookout.


The Milotic was taken aback when they were suddenly slammed into a rock, hitting faer head rather harshly. A pained gasp escaped fae, as the serpentine Contest Star tried to regain their sense of direction. However, this proved to be difficult, and they had no clue where they were even at. Coatl was never the Surf-user of the team. That was always reserved for the big, bulky Swampert that tramped around like he owned the place.

Ugh.. headache..
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 165
Posted: Fri, 11/06/2021 01:23 (3 Years ago)
Padton was taken away by a strong wave, he was separated from his family and was swept into a strong current. He was a decent swimmer but he wasn't able to fight against the current causing him to be stuck there. He would occasionally get hurt from bumping into rocks, thankfully though with his ability Rain Dish he gain back some health from the rain

"Help! Help! Someone please help me!" Padton yelled out flailing his arms about and at some points being submerged in the water. He was afraid that no one was near him or could hear him
lol get rekt
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Fri, 11/06/2021 02:49 (3 Years ago)
Above the howl of the winds and the whipping waves, Laplace could hear the faint cries of other pokemon as they were tossed around the waves. It couldn't save all of them, it knew that on an intimate level as it lunged to retrieve a young Corphish that had fallen off an ice floe. There was only so much it could do and not everyone was lucky enough to be swept close enough for Laplace to save them. Though, if it did strain its ears, a desperate cry for help could be heard closer than the rest, the warbling voice lost amongst the waves. For the voice to be this close, it worried the Lapras slightly. The craggy outcropping it had chosen was perilous in this situation, the jutting rocks helping break some of the more violent waves yet it could also throw unsuspecting pokemon into dangerous terrain. Knowing that it would weigh on its consciousness if it didn't do anything, Laplace gently shook off the pokemon riding on its back onto a nearby floe and ducked under the frothing waves. Submerged in its habitat, the chaos still reigned as the push and pull of the erratic currents made a normally thoughtless action an active battle as Laplace's bulky form sliced through the turbulence of the sea.

Sharp eyes could make out a bobbing shape not too far from it, a pokemon struggling to stay afloat amongst the churning waves. Razor teeth snapped at a streaking pokemon that tumbled past it as the Lapras bobbed under the flailing shape before rising out of the water, letting the pokemon find refuge on its sturdy back. In its mouth was a poor Surskit and while Laplace couldn't quite see who was on its back, the wide brimmed lilly pad like growth on the top of his head told it all it needed to know. With two rescuees, now came the hard part. Actually making it back to the relative safety of Laplace's hideout.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 37
Posted: Fri, 11/06/2021 11:13 (3 Years ago)
These waves are getting rougher and rougher each day. Spark thought as he held on to the wood, but his fins weren't made for holding on to things. Seemingly at a moments notice, the log swept away with the whirlpools, leaving Spark to abandon his spot. "Ugh, these waves have got to stop eventually." Spark mumbled to himself, but deep down, he knew that wasn't true.
My favorite pokemon:
The superior cactus pokemon to Cacturne.
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,060
Posted: Fri, 11/06/2021 12:54 (3 Years ago)
The waves slammed the Vaporeon's head against a rock, leaving the creature dazed for a few moments, sinking below the crashing waves. I can't pass out now...I have to find somewhere... She thought. Clenching her teeth, She clawed her way back to the surface. It didn't help that her already hazy vision was now further hindered by the moisture tossed by the waves. She tossed a glance back. It seemed as if the rock she'd been slammed into was now disapearing further away as the waves carried her on, pulling her in every direction... crash! She was thrown into another rock, this one much larger. Through the pain, Echo managed to grab and hold on with her aching claws, using them to heave half her body over onto the slippery surface, her tail and hindquarders still being yanked by the water, yet she managed to hold on, fighting to catch her breath, water streaming down from all parts of her body.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,547
Posted: Fri, 11/06/2021 15:26 (3 Years ago)
Coatl shook their head rapidly, flicking water off of faer head fins, only for the rain to deposit more droplets. With a despaired, "Ugh!" the Milotic wound faerself around the rock that they had ended up hitting initially. In the distance, they spotted.. some other Pokémon, perhaps? Despite the water threatening to sweep the serpentine into the waves, Coatl was able to hold on for long enough to make a game plan.

Okay, they just need to leap into the air, land in the water, and swim with the tides in order to reach the other Pokémon. Fae just.. needs to not lose their Mystic Water crown.. right.


Jet dipped below the water, his fins flapping wildly as he tried to swim against the waves. He had spotted someone in need of his assistance, and the Dragonair was not going to let this other Pokémon be put in danger. He ended up having to throw himself deeper into the depths, just to have a chance of reaching the Vaporeon he had spotted. He just needed to get her all the way upon the rock, then he could go and search for others.

He was struggling majorly, though..
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 11/06/2021 15:33 (3 Years ago)
Coby gave a swish of her tail, propelling herself through the roaring ocean waves. She could have sworn there wasn't this much water when she first came back from vacation. Not that she was complaining or anything, she loved water, she just didn't quite enjoy how angry it seemed to be. A loud crashing clap caused by a giant wave hitting the water surface scared Cory out of her thoughts and she broke her swim stroke for a split-second, allowing the dangerous and raging ocean waters to sweep her fins from under her and carry her away. Panic rising in her chest, the young Seel thrashed about with her flippers, pushing herself upwards with her tail to break the surface of the water.

After some struggle, Cory thrust herself up with a final powerful stroke and her snout broke against the surface as she gulped in the air, rain splattering against her face as fat drops fell from the heavens and crashed against the choppy ocean top, wind slicing through the air at fur-splitting speeds as they stirred up the ocean and whipped rain against Cory's muzzle. Fighting the waves with every thrust of her tail and flap of her flippers, Cory gazed around for someone to help. She was an experienced swimmer and figured that there would be some Pokemon that couldn't handle these awful conditions. She could barely handle them herself, but she wished to help as many people and Pokemon alike as possible, so that's exactly what she planned to do.

Ducking back under the surface, the water still swirling and thrashing as much below sea level as above, Cory thrust out with her tail and propelled herself forwards, balancing across the raging waters and cutting easily through the swirling waves. Dipping around and dodging various rocks and debris that were being swept away, tossed, and tortured by the current, Cory managed to gain some good distance and slowed down, keeping her eyes peeled for any 'Mon in need of help. She suddenly spotted the tail and hindquarters of a struggling Vaporeon, and she immediately dove forwards to help. Disregarding her tendency to never actually be able to help whenever she tried, Cory pushed herself upwards and broke the surface of the water, making herself visible to the struggling Vaporeon. Shouting over the thundering storm, she made sure that the Vaporeon understood she was only trying to help, before disappearing under the waves once more. Slipping under the Vaporeon's hind legs, she provided support with her wide back and allowed for a somewhat-solid surface to grip and hold on to, allowing the Pokemon to become anchored and supported while they regained their footing and energy. She wasn't quite sure how she was going to support and carry an entire Vaporeon's weight on her back while keeping the both of them afloat at the same time, but she had to try. It was worth it.

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,060
Posted: Fri, 11/06/2021 16:29 (3 Years ago)
Echo could sense the presense of two Pokemon lurking near her. Though it was hard to hear over the shouting of the raging sea, the Vaporeon's ear-fin twitched and picked up upon a female voice offering help...and then she felt blubbery skin touch her hindquarters, pushing her up. Eagerly appreciating the assistance, she managed to use the extra stength to haul herself all the way onto the rock. Quickly, as she wasn't all sure if the second creature had detected had good intentions either. From the full vantage point of the rock, turning, she caught sight of a mainly white and icy blue creature; a seel, from the looks of it, and another, more serpentine one, with crystals on its body, likely a dragonair. Curling her tail around her body so it didn't drag her off the rock, she attempted to give the seel a grateful look, hoping the water type would see and acknowledge it.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 11/06/2021 17:14 (3 Years ago)
After making sure the Vaporeon was safely up on the rock, Cory repositioned herself to look up at them. They were a very pretty type of Vaporeon, one that she had never seen before. She noticed the grateful look and smiled, ducking further under the water and disappearing from view for a split-second before swimming fast and hard up to the surface and leaping into the air, ignoring the thrashing rain and searing wind, the salty seawater spraying up at her and stinging her face. Twirling in the air, she fell back down to the water and dove under, giving a small wave with her tail and swimming away. Satisfied with herself, Cory decided to look for a safe place to take shelter in the midst of all of this. There seemed to be only water Pokémon left, so she figured it would be OK if the shelter was underwater, but just to be safe she searched for some above-ground caves anyways.

If she could find a good cave to shelter the Pokémon, then she could rescue everyone and they could wait out the storm. She noticed lots of other Pokémon battling the tides, and she wanted to help so badly, but she couldn’t help if they had nowhere to go. She told herself she was helping by searching for a safe space for all the Pokémon, and though she still felt bad, she pushed on, diving lower to hopefully escape the thrash of the storm at least slightly. Even though she was searching everywhere she could think of and looking for any possible shelter from the heavy storm, so far she had gotten no luck.

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,547
Posted: Sat, 12/06/2021 02:15 (3 Years ago)
Jet slowly dragged himself out of the water, curling up upon the rock near the Vaporeon. He had managed to swim over not long before, but he was a bit late to the rescue. Shouting over the thunder and the wind and waves, he asked, "Are you alright?!" He flicked his tail idly, making little thumps and scratching sounds as an unintended side effect. That wasn't good for him, actually, as he was trying to seem as non-intimidating as possible.

"Do you need any help getting around? You look a little lost, and I'd imagine getting tossed around in the waves isn't good for anyone!"
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,060
Posted: Sat, 12/06/2021 12:59 (3 Years ago)
Echo's ear twitched suspiciously at the Dragonair's appearance; it wasn't too hard to hear someone shouting over the waves when they happened to be right next to you, though. "I'm fine for now." She replied, almost forgetting to raise her voice. She glanced back at the raging ocean, the waves still clawing frustratedly at the two standed refugees on the rock. "But I can't imagine this storm will end anytime soon." Her claws were still slipping on the slimy surface of the wet rock, and she couldn't imagine she could hold on forever. Using her tail as a balance didn't work when the surface space was this small. Not even to mention no creature could survive sitting on a rock forever, certainly not someone like her.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 37
Posted: Sun, 13/06/2021 00:28 (3 Years ago)
As the day slowly passed by, Spark tried to remember the days his parents told him of when the storms weren't so savage. however, he was constantly distracted by others crying for help. There were young water pokemon everywhere who were trying to survive. "Ack!" Spark suddenly said as his fin slammed against a huge boulder in the water. Ugh, my fins stuck between this log. He thought as he desperately tried to wiggle free.

"On second thought, this boulder does provide a good safety from the storms." Spark quickly noted and stopped wiggling free. Instead if being a grouch all day as well, he illuminated the area for others to come in and relax. I suppose I could take a nap in the meantime. Spark thought after guaranteeing that no predators could get past the log.
My favorite pokemon:
The superior cactus pokemon to Cacturne.