Klause nodded, “My goals are quite simple Mr Goldenbach, I would
like to study your magic along with others in your circle. I have a
feeling it will be a relatively strong circle, so you could guess
why I can’t pass this up” he said while straightening his posture.
“In exchange for helping me with my research I will be a valuable
asset of the circle, I can heal you with my magic as well as cure
you of ailments. Hell, we could even become friends” he said to
Samton. He kept eye contact the whole time, to show that he was
Mira snapped out of a daze when Thalia came around, “I could see
why, he is royalty after all. They tend to have very strong magic
and some can even wield weapons like a knight instead. If I was
confident I would probably try to pick him first. Not to mention
his circle will most likely be one of the strongest” she said as
she started mumbling.
“You’re mumbling. Status doesn’t necessarily represent your power,
and skill. It’s more of a matter of training. Honestly? I suppose I
agree with you. The most powerful would be inclined to join
Samton’s group. You would want to partner with me, I hope? You can
be honest.” Thalia replies, smiling. “Will you be free to train
sometime? I’d love to see you using your powers, are you up for it?
And I can show you mine.”
"I... uh... sure go ahead and ask him, I'll stay behind." Luna fell
silent as she touched the knife in her poket and slowly chewed her
rice, as she couldn't chew anything else sice she didn't get
anything but rice.
I have no friends due to the massive hole in my heart. Would you
consider being the one to plug up the hole of feeling?
Samton once again chuckled. This was certainly interesting. Either
the one approaching him was extremely good or extremely stupid, and
for reasons he decided to lean more towards the first. "Well, that
sounds interesting. You have me curious about your 'research'.
Well, let's get along well, Mr. Klause. We can finalize later on,
shall we?"
After nodding a slight bow at the end of this, Samton returned to
his dinner, eating a bit faster than prior.
Luna thought about it for a moment. Therese looked scared and
"I don't know. Can't we survive without Samton. To me, he's already
got a good team. I'm not sure he would want me. Maybe you, but not
me." She rubbed the blade of her knife, feeling the divits made by
the runes. "Most of my magic is in my weapons and rune writings,
those skills have mostly died down and are probably now considered
worthless, I'm sorry, I can't ask."
I have no friends due to the massive hole in my heart. Would you
consider being the one to plug up the hole of feeling?
Klause smirked, “Very well, thank you. I look forward to it” he
said with a small bow. Retreating back to his seat, he had gotten
mixed looks from most students.
Mira nodded with a smile, “Yes please, I’ll join you” She said
while extending out her hand. “I’d love to train with you as well,
although it won’t be the best because of how the earth element is
at the moment” she added with a sigh.
Thalia smiles “As I mentioned before, I will refrain from using my
strongest element. We can practice using our other elements. It
would be good the practice them, anyways, before we get out of
practice. And I’m glad to hear that you wouldn’t mind joining my
Willow hurries onto the academy grounds. She was definitely
extremely extremely late. Principal Sparmi would understand, she
hoped. She wasn’t too sure if the letter she delivered by Cosmos
had been read. Cosmos was her pet raven, and a extremely talented
and clever one. She changes into something nice, unpacks her stuff
at the dormitory, and enters the room. Cosmos spots a shiny piece
of cutlery, and flies in front of Willow, pointing at the cutlery
with his beak and letting out a low croak, which nevertheless could
be heard throughout the room. Willow sighs, before shaking her
head, causing Cosmos to perch sadly on her shoulder.
Runes are incapable of being inactive. They may be dormant at
most. Well... do you see any other group we can join into?
Therese started making a small doodle: herself with a question mark
and a few shadings added. It was nothing good but one could make
out details, when looking at it for long enough.
You know the first rule in combat?
Shoot them before they shoot you.
I am not familiar with social groups but... how about
Therese once again taps on a name and writes again, in typewriter
#018: Thalia Feyrer. Nobility, Mage specialized in Darkness. A
typical emo/edgy kind of girl, appearance is described as "the love
child of a demon and human" and has very un-girl-like affections
and appeals, apart from her pets. Family reputation is just as mean
about her as she looks like. If you want to avoid social contacts,
she might be viable.
Don't know her group but you can suggest her and the other mage
[#047: Kleoucster, Mira]. Another option is to recruit a mage that
hasn't appeared yet [#020: Delacour, Willow].
Something note mentioning is that Therese keeps writing in her
messy writing except the names of the people she wrote up by
number and name. These retain their typewriter-font, even
mid-sentence, despite Therese never altering her writing speed or
changing her posture.
Luna smiled,"Yeah, that would work. Willow might want to join." She
looked at Therese's writing and laughed,"Are you part typewriter?
Your handwriting is very nice." There was something nagging at
Luna's mind. She suddenly remembered. "Is it just me, or is it
incredibly hot. Maybe I'm just nervous about all of this." She used
some oh her water magic and made her water colder. She finished up
her meal and started doodling on a random piece of paper that was
in her pocket. She drew a couple of plants and started with drawing
a knife with runes. She decided to use her knife as a reference and
took it out of her pocket and the leather sheath it was in. She
could sense nervousness in the other students near her. She paid no
mind and continued drawing.
I have no friends due to the massive hole in my heart. Would you
consider being the one to plug up the hole of feeling?
Therese raised an eyebrow when seeing Luna scribble with her knife
and waited a few moments, before noticing that she was drawing.
With that settled, she writes again and hands Luna a final note
before finally eating.
You seem very nervous about something. If you want, I ask [#020]
for the group. I just can't ensure victory when doing that on
account of you know what.
Beneath was a chibi-like doodle of Therese, then drawing a
lightning bolt horizontally through the throat.
Luna hesitated, feeling the blade of her knife under her thumb, she
kept doing that until she came up with an idea. "We can both ask
Willow together. United, it's easier." Luna paused,"Unless from
first glance, she knows I'm have less worth than a pile of dust."
I have no friends due to the massive hole in my heart. Would you
consider being the one to plug up the hole of feeling?
Thalia finishes her food, and looks around the room. “Do you know
when we can leave? I’m not sure if there’s a signal to leave or
something. I’ve finished with my dinner. If we can get a bit of
free time before we head to bed, I can show you Midnight, Dawn and
Dusk. That is, if you want to, of course.” She offered. She takes
out a small block of wood, and begins carving a phoenix, while
collecting the wood shavings in a pouch. When she finishes the
carving— which surprisingly takes only a short amount of time. It
wasn’t very detailed, but enough for one to know what it was.
Thalia then decorates it’s wings with shiny golden and orange
flakes, before pressing a fake crystal onto the eye. She gives it
to Mira. “Here. Back when I was younger, I always had competitions
with my brother to see who could make them faster. This one’s for
Meanwhile, Willow sits herself down, and begins tidying her
slightly messy hair. She was sitting alone, but she didn’t mind
that. Cosmos croaks and flies away before returning to her with
cutlery. Willow hands over a treat, and he flies off, as she
collects her food and begins eating.
“Yes! Let’s definitely train together. I need to work on both my
fire and water anyways so it’ll be nice” she said to Thalia while
nodding. Gingerly catching the Phoenix, she admired its detail even
though it was done in a short amount of time. Flame magic seeped
out of her fingers and made the Phoenix have a warm orange glow,
but it wasn’t burning the wood. She focused intently on keeping the
magic under control. “I would like to leave soon as well, social
gatherings aren’t really my thing” she admitted.
Therese grits her teeth a little and turns the page, writing now in
a very classy and royal-like font for a solid minute, before
sliding it over to Luna.
Royal Discharge
Luna, I like you a lot. You have fun interests and are nice to hang
out with, you're the first friend I made in over ten years, but you
have to let go of the self-pity. Mentioning it like that makes you
seem you just want the confirmation more than anything. And to show
you that I mean my words, I'll combat my self-pity and
communicative weakness:
I will ask Delacour on my own. You can go to Feyrer or Kleoucster,
they seem like they're doing well together.
United, we are strong. But individual strength matters too.
Sorry about the drastic action. It's meant well, believe me.
Good luck.
After ensuring Luna read through it all, she stood up and looked
around, as her anxiety finally overcomes her, a shudder going up
her back and making very small, but obvious, advances towards
Willow's table, with notepad and pen left at Luna's table!
“Hi. Do you need anything?” Willow asks, not even bothering to look
up from her food. She gently kicks the chair, pulling it out for
Therese to sit on. She smiles, despite not looking up, to let
Therese know she was welcome to sit. Although her phrasing was a
little harsh, her tone indicated that she wasn’t being rude. “Have
a seat” she adds.
Thalia smiles, before using her shadow to send a message to Samton.
The shadows formed the words “When may we leave?” Thalia adds soft
shadows to the phoenix carving, as the shadows and fire dance in
harmony. “I don’t fancy big groups either.” She agrees
Therese gives a nod, still shivering and after an audible swallow,
she sits on the chair and comes a little closer to the table,
flushing red and just now noticing that she left her utensils at
Luna's table. Close to freaking out, she signed to Willow:
"Can you understand this?" Therese signed, hoping she still saw it
from that angle.
Luna stood up and went to Thalia's table. She took a deep breath
and said, "Thalia, I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I
believe in second chances. Could you possibly consider joining our
circle?" Then, some of her old her came back and she started
stammering, "I mean, well, uh, y-y- you have a choice. I-I'm nnot
forcing you to do anything. Uhh, you too Mira..." She trailed off
as she realized she probably let down Therese. She placed down a
piece of paper with four boxes, 2 for Mira (yes and no), and 2 for
Thalia(same), and rushed off to help Therese if she needed it.
I have no friends due to the massive hole in my heart. Would you
consider being the one to plug up the hole of feeling?