Therese laid several meters away from the epicenter of the
explosion, covered in soot and emitting smoke from her body before
she groaned, sitting up straight and cracking every joint in her
body, putting everything roughly back into position before looking
at her hands.
Either I've gotten better... or the sacred entity starts
trusting me. Let's test Grandpa's signature move.
With that, she folds her hands together and chants again, silently
and with a straight composure this time.
Oh ruler of entropic reactions, forgive me for my repeated
interruptions... but I wish to perform the move, that has
illuminated the realm of my grandfather from generations past, if
at a small scale. Let me... shine Aurora Klausius!
The space between Therese's hands sparked, as the Magic Field
started showing small distortions of the air, before a smaller
version of an Aurora Borealis appeared above her, but unlike the
natural phenomenon, this one only went over the field and shifted
colours like a real rainbow would.
However, the fun was of short duration, as the Aurora collapsed
quickly, disintegrating and emitting a strong electric wave across
the field, zapping Therese considerably and sparking up all of her
hair, flinging the top hat into Mira's direction.
Mary-Sue had heard some noises come from outside the building. She
decided to slip out her dorm and investigate, looking outside and
seeing a damaged Therese. Mary-Sue sighed.
she wants to dance like uma thurman /
bury me till i confess
Mira watched as Therese illuminated the field, she had never seen
such a thing. She stared in awe until it was cut short by the hat
skidding to a stop at her feet. Mira tried to gently pick up the
hat but dropped it quickly after getting shocked. After a second of
leaving it alone she picked it up again and walked towards Therese,
“That was almost as incredible.. I’ve never seen anything like it”
She said shyly while extending the hat back to Therese.
Therese groaned, just mumbling in her dazed state, while her very
sparingly used voice sounded like scratching lead. A bit later, she
rubbed her temples, then signing with her hands over to Mira.
"Thank you for the hat. I just trained a little." She signed
quickly, blushing and putting her hat back on, before dusting off
her clothes. After that, she signed. "We haven't really met before,
Thalia had leapt up, banged her head on the bed, and cursed very
loudly at the sound and flashes of Therese magic. Grinning, she
changed then swept over to the window. She took one look at the
situation before summoning Midnight and heading off to Mira,
Therese and Mary-Sue. And by heading off, I mean she jumped out of
the window, manipulating the air in front of her to slow her
descent, as she tumbled gracefully into the Magic Field, before
getting to her feet, shaking a loose strand of hair out of her
somehow still neat hair. She came to a stop a short distance beside
Mira and Therese. “Hi. You’re Therese, I think your magic was
great!” She told Therese in a soft voice, quite unlike her own.
Midnight soon bounded over, and allowed Thalia to scratch her
behind her ears.
Overwhelmed by the Thalia's sudden appearance, her display of
unlimited movement and sudden knowledge about Therese, despite the
two having never formally met before, did give her a fright,
blushing intense enough to even give off a reddish hue in the
moonlight, before she signed back. "T-Thank you, it's...
hereditary. I don't know who... any of you are, sadly..." She even
managed to sign the ellipses, poking her chest three times whenever
one was necessary.
Mira scratched her head with an embarrassed smile, “I don’t believe
we have. I’m Mi-“ she started to say before she shrieked. Thalia’s
appearance had startled her, she wasn’t a big fan of the dark and
Therese’s display put her guard down. Her face flushed before she
continued, “I’m Mira, nice to meet you” she said with a nervous
Thalia grinned. “Sorry to have startled the two of you. Here”
Thalia waved her hands, the shadows clearing from their little
area, forming a dome of slightly brighter ‘light’. The shadows
encased her outfit, forming a sort of dress. “Better? I’m Thalia,
by the way. Thalia Feyrer. It’s nice to meet you. Hello again,
Mira.” She twirls, the shadows scattering and reforming to surround
her dress.
Therese still blushes, taking with two people at the same time was
already overwhelming and more than she did in the past years,
suddenly grabbing a little notebook from her top hat and a feather,
writing down her full name and showing it to the both of them:
"I am Therese Reuter Von Klausius. Pleasure to meet you."
One thing was evident: Although she might have been nobility, her
handwriting was without a doubt the most crude, only writing in
capital letters and simplistic at that.
Luna heard the loud explosion and raced out of her dorm. "Therese!"
She cried. When she got there, she said' "You okay?" She was amazed
at the soot on Therese and said, "You might want to clean this
I have no friends due to the massive hole in my heart. Would you
consider being the one to plug up the hole of feeling?
Therese, looking over to Luna, just gave a simple 'I am okay'
gesture, before looking down at herself, her entire front of the
body black as night. With that, she pulled an old rag from her top
hat now, cleaning her face and hands with it before placing it
back, finally showing her pale face and bowing down, as a sort of
“I knew that too. Nice to meet you too. Here take this. You missed
a spot.” She hands over a silk handkerchief, so soft it felt like
holding water, at the same time so light you wouldn’t get tired
carrying it. Thalia remarks “that’s an interesting hat. Hello Luna,
it’s nice to see you again.”
It had certainly been a lot to take in. The first years wouldn't be
getting involved either so Kynik and the rest of his class would
continue their training instead. Still he thought long and hard
about what kind of consequences all this could have for the
He had gone back to his dorm in the Knight's dorm building as
instructed and changed into his casual clothes for the moment. He
still needed time to think, how to improve himself. His door was
left open to the hall for the extra air flow, his mind wandering
after his body had gone on autopilot.
It was basic endurance training. He was on the ground in his room
nearly in pushup position, except with his forearms parallel to the
floor. Everything else between there and his toes were held
tightly, holding for 3 minutes before relaxing. It was 5 reps of
this before switching to another part of his routine... and
At some point he realized he was looking at the wall near the
ceiling. He had pulled himself up the doorframe using it to hang.
Luna suddenly found her shoes interesting. "Yeah... nice to see you
too. How was your day?" Luna wasn't very educated about manners,
but she knew a few.
I have no friends due to the massive hole in my heart. Would you
consider being the one to plug up the hole of feeling?
Therese just gives a normal "alright" gesture, followed by taking
off her hat and dusting it off a little, dropping several things
from it, including:
A flask of liquid, precious metals, flower petals and a spoon.
Before collecting, she wrote a quick note on the paper and showed
it to everyone: "How has your day been? <- directed to everyone"
His walk did lasted until just before dinner, when he returned to
the dorms.
Dinner at the Academy is a very solemn thing. Unlike the usual
breakfast or lunch, dinners are held inside the hall. Sombre music
gives a serious atmosphere to the gathering, and the served foods
are luxurious, but not grand by a long shot.
The day's discussions seems to have resonated with this atmosphere,
since the present situation felt like floating in a freezing lake.
The silence between pieces seemed to posses so much pressure it
drove needles into the attendees. Besides the music, the entire
hall was nearly completely noiseless.
The one to break this blizzard-like silence was none other than
Principal Sparmi. "First and second years, from tomorrow onwards,
your normal classes will continue. The new situation is all the
more reason for you to be extremely diligent in your work. I wish
you all the luck in the world in your studies. For the first years,
formation of your circles are, at the end of the day, a necessity.
You will have the week, please decide among yourselves." This got a
few chatters going, but the overall sombre attitude of the dinner
After hearing about the circles, Luna thought for a while. She
wasn't one to like having constant talking. But, Therese was a good
friend and they have strengths they could practice together. She
stood up and quietly went over to where Therese was sitting. "Hi
I have no friends due to the massive hole in my heart. Would you
consider being the one to plug up the hole of feeling?
Therese flinched, when hearing Luna. She'd been a loner for so long
and usually her meals were only accompanied by the sound of boiling
chemicals and pressurized beakers. Nevertheless, she pulled out a
notepad again and wrote on it, before sliding it to her.
Hey Luna. How do you do?
... Therese's face flushed red as a beet, as she quickly turned
away and just glanced at her once in a while.
Therese wrote again, this time for a solid minute, constantly
rewriting and scratching things out. Therese had a sort of...
dialect, even in writing. Nevertheless, after she was done, she
handed it out to Luna again.
Yes, I know, my head is like a stirred-up beehive. The real
problem is, what will happen to the other elements. Earth is one of
the sturdiest. So what happens to volatile ones like fire?