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War for the Tablets Revamp

Forum-Index Roleplay War for the Tablets Revamp
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 03:41 (3 Years ago)
There is a certain balance that every legendary and mythical pokemon must keep. A balance between humans, pokemon, and nature. This is their solemn duty. So when a trio of pokemon do not keep this balance, they ultimately invite the greatest evil into their hearts.

The Swords of Justice had a job. To protect the Pokemon and promote peace. But they could not see beyond the few humans corrupted, and ultimately decreed that all humans must be destroyed. They battled against Arceus, too confident in their own abilities. But their combined strength did scatter the plates, leaving Arceus weakened. They knew that with the plates, they could stop Arceus from halting their selfish schemes, and decided to go after them. With their young apprentice, Keldeo, they took on human forms and dove among them in order to find the plates. Arceus could not go after them in this state. He called on the rest of the legendary and mythical pokemon to find these plates before the Swords of Justice. However, not all of them were up to the task. Some promised aid while staying in their own regions, and others joined the Swords of Justice, spreading across the regions to slow them down.

While Arceus's powers were weakened, they were not completely without power. They were able to track the locations of the tablets vaguely and determined that the plates were scattered around the Sinnoh region. Arceus told the legendary and mythical pokemon who were willing to take a stand that the plates would attract to them, pull them based on their types. But they had to rely on their strengths and each other if they were going to defeat these rouge powerful pokemon and take back the plates. The last thing that Arceus told them, before sending them to Sinnoh in human forms, was this-"This my friends, is a war. The War for the Tablets."

You are in the Sinnoh Region, in the forest surrounding Twinleaf Town, reborn as humans. Waking up, you seem to be in a clearing of some kind.

Ocha woke up, her eyes blinking. Just a few moments before, she had been standing before Arceus. Now, she was...what exactly? She looked down at herself, vision still blurry. After a few minutes, she yelped, scrambling to her feet before almost falling back down again. "O-okay, I know we're taking human forms, but that was still surprising," she said quickly. Her vision was clearing after a minute, and Ocha said admiringly, "But dang I look good!" She looked around. Where was her brother? It appeared that there were other legendaries, but she couldn't see her brother. That wasn't good. "Oasis?!"

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 165
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 04:13 (3 Years ago)
Kori woke up with a painful headache, he tried to get up as he held his head massaging his temples. He was fairly used to being able to walk on two legs but his back cracked from stretching as he would usually be in a slouching position in his pokemon form. "Aurgh.. Why did I have to agree to this.. I really couldn't say no..." Kori stretched more getting used to his human form still recovering from his headache that was slowly going away. Kori looked around seeing other Legendaries and Mythicals, Do I really have to deal with this? All because I couldn't say 'no'? Kori thought to himself. He tried to get more comfortable with this new human form before inevitably having to introduce himself
lol get rekt
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 276
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 04:25 (3 Years ago)
Someway, somehow, Oasis had ended up... in a tree. Everything felt incredibly awkward; his three fingers on each hand had become five and now possessed a great deal more dexterity, his neck had considerably shortened, his wings were completely gone, not to mention that he now had these weird gangly human legs. This would take some getting used to. He moved his head from side to side in an attempt to clear it, causing the branch he was laying awkwardly on to shift. A leaf landed right on his eye and he shook his head harder, in turn dislodging more leaves and now making what he guessed was his hair to fall into his eyes. This clearly wasn't the way to go about this.

He heard a voice both familiar and not call his name, or what he understood to be his name in the human language. Slowly reorienting himself so that his legs were on the limb and his back was pressed against the tree instead of the other way around, he gripped the branch just above him with a gloved hand and let gravity drop his new head and torso into sight of the ground. "Ocha?" he called back, scanning what, from an eye used to invisibly observing humans, looked to be just another oddly dressed crew of people. The Latios knew better, however, and quickly spotted a red-and-white clad young woman dressed quite like a Latias. With his free arm, he made a slight waving gesture, realizing the distance to the ground was rather large and not really sure how he was going to get down.
Quote“Cause You make mountains move,
You make giants fall.
You use songs of praise, to shake prison walls.
And I will speak to my fear, I will preach to my doubt;
You were faithful then, You'll be faithful now."
"Faithful Now," by Vertical Worship
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 04:30 (3 Years ago)
Ocha widly looked around, still not used to her human form. This was...definetly going to take awhile. Staggering forward a little, she looked up, seeing what she asusmed was her brother, and nearly burst out laughing. "I knew humans looked silly, but you just look dumb." Despite this frightening experience, her own discomfort, and a difficulty remaining on these odd human legs, she still found teasing her brother amusing. "And how do you plan to get down here?"
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 04:40 (3 Years ago)
Viean woke up looking very drowsy. it took her a moment to regain her proper sight and awareness, But when she did, she panicked, "where am I? " she exclaimed. It wasn't like her to panic so easily so she felt a little embarrassed. She looked down at her body and saw that she was in her human form looking disappointed, "this is going to take a while to get used to...." she mumbled to herself.
she finally got up to find herself in the forest with humans? She raised her arms to fight, "Who are all of you and what do you want from me?" she looked around at everyone making sure to maintain her posture when she finds one, Kori. He looked somehow familiar to her but she had not remembered his name... "I've heard about you..." she said while pointing at Kori.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 04:51 (3 Years ago)
Kalani woke up to voices--human voices! Humans hadn't come to visit her in ages! Her eyes shot open, expecting to be at her altar. To her surprise, she was in a...forest? She also had legs. Long, gangly legs that she didn't normally have. She remembered now, she agreed to become a human to go find Arceus's plates. She looked around. There were all sorts of legendary and Mythical pokemon...? Humans? Pokehumans. They probably all had more expirence than her. Kalani pulled herself up using one of the nearby trees. Her legs shook, and if Kalani weren't using her new hands to grab one of the tree branches, she would have fallen. After the shaking subsided she let go of the branch and took a step. It was successful. She took another, and another. Soon she was running! She liked the way the wind felt as she ran, it reminded her of flying in the air. She stopped in her tracks, almost falling in the process. She should introduce herself! But to who?
Friendly reminder: Go drink some water!
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 165
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 05:03 (3 Years ago)
Kori stayed in his spot focusing more on his slowly leaving headache, How annoying, absolutely annoying.. Kori thought to himself. Having to introduce himself to somewhat familiar legendaries was definitely the last thing he wanted to do. He just wanted to go back to his ice cave where he could be by himself and not be bothered with this shenanigans. Once his headache went away he leaned against the tree he was near
lol get rekt
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 05:10 (3 Years ago)
She started to slowly break down. She wasn't normally like this, She just wanted to go home. as she quietly cries, she askes herself "what am I going to do?" "I didn't plan for this to happen" she was terrified for what was going to happen next.

She hears a soft rumbling in her stomach, "today is just getting worse and worse" she starts to cry a bit harder but into her sleeve.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 734
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 05:21 (3 Years ago)
Blinking in the sudden light, Nejire was initially shocked to find himself out of the Reverse World until he remembered his past encounter with Arceus. The insufferable idiot had somehow lost all of his plates to a ragtag bunch of diehards, but Nejire knew that it was important for the balance of this world to get them back, so he cooperated. He still couldn't get over the irony of Arceus asking him of all Pokemon to help, which had piqued his interest a lot. It would be good to have the head honcho owe him a favor, and there were few Ghost-type Legendaries and Mythicals out there. Shakily standing, Nejire recognized the outskirts of Twinleaf Town, located in the southwest of the region he called home. It was a little odd getting used to this new form, but not much different than his change between Altered and Origin forms as a Pokemon. Glancing around, he noticed many other Poke-humans around. The only one he recognized on sight was a bushy-haired younger girl, who he understood was Shaymin, or as she called herself, Kansha. The little brat. He still was upset with her for all of the issues she'd caused him in the past, simply because she wouldn't just use her little plant move.


Kansha rolled over onto her stomach, feeling the lovely breeze blow through her hair and loose clothing. She was going to have to get used to this forme, but forme changes were nothing new to her! The young Pokemon didn't need to open her eyes to know that she was in a forest, but looking around, she recognized the location of just by Twinleaf Town, merely ten or so minutes flight from her home in the Floaroma Meadow. Smiling as she watched all of the new 'humans' adjust to their surroundings, she wondered who all of them were and where they had come from. Clearly though, they were all willing to put aside their responsibilities to help keep balance, and so Kansha was sure she'd get along just fine with all of them.


Ryoko let out a little gasp as she immediately hopped up onto her feet. Used to being on two feet, she wasn't having trouble at all with her new form. Twirling around, she admired her new clothes, and to her delight, she realized she still had her wings. She supposed it was probably necessary to keep them, considering her time travelling duties. With a giggle, Ryoko clapped her hands together to take in the crowd. Most of them looked confused and disoriented, and while she wasn't exactly sure where she was, the pixie knew she was in a forest, and that was good enough for her. Two voices caught her attention, and she gasped, recognizing the telltale red and blue hues of the two Eon Pokemon, Latios and Latias. She'd never met them in her timeline, but she knew they served as heroes in many different eras of history. Bounding over to the two, she gave them a wave.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 276
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 05:41 (3 Years ago)
"Thanks for the positive reinforcement. I'll find a way," he shrugged, heaving himself back up. Granted, he'd just awoken, but now seemed as good a time as ever to test out the viability of his moves. However, simply willing himself to exert the power didn't work at first. He had to concentrate much harder than normal, but eventually managed to use Psychic. Irises turning to an icy blue as an outline of the same color surrounded him, Oasis levitated up into the air, moved to the side, then drifted slowly to the ground, extending his legs and landing cooly on his feet, the glow fading almost immediately. Even the small effort was unusually straining, but he assumed he would get used to such exertions eventually.

When a young green haired girl ran up to them, he turned to her, nodding briefly in greeting. Ocha was usually the one to initiate introductions, conversations, etcetera, though the twins engaged in few, if any, of these, something he was more than happy to allow. It wasn't that he disliked other Pokemon, or people, for that matter, but conversation was tiring, and honestly, usually not worth it. Besides, his sister seemed to enjoy having the limelight.
Quote“Cause You make mountains move,
You make giants fall.
You use songs of praise, to shake prison walls.
And I will speak to my fear, I will preach to my doubt;
You were faithful then, You'll be faithful now."
"Faithful Now," by Vertical Worship
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 05:58 (3 Years ago)
She looked up to hear Ocha teasing her brother and slightly giggles at the simple remark. She felt a wash of relief hearing this, it made her feel a bit more comfortable around them. She slightly raised her head to look around and scan the area she fixes her slouched posture and stands up, "Hello, I'm Viean..." she says awkwardly as everyone looks at her. She is secretly hoping someone will come up and introduce themselves as well.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 05:59 (3 Years ago)
Ocha was about to respond to her brother, but now that she was being aproached by someone, and she was the center of attention, all thoughts of torturing Oasis or of what to do next about Arceus were driven away when Ryoko aproached her. "Hiii!" she said enthusiastically, giggiling a little at her new human voice. "I'm Latias and this big grumpy pants," she skipped over to her brother, delighted that she could now actually hug him, giving him an enthusiastic hug, "Is Latios! He's my twin brother sibling." She whispered extremely loudly, "He's actually younger then me by like a millasecond but we don't talk about that." Seeing Viean, she hurried over, a dopey grin on her face. "Hi! I'm Ocha, oh wait, I said that already," she giggled.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 06:12 (3 Years ago)
She's surprised by the introduction of the Latias and Latios siblings. She slightly smiles at the cheerful image of the two. Her stomach is starting to growl louder each time, she looks at Ocha and awkwardly smirks at the embarrassment, "sorry about that" she says, looking at Ocha.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 133
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 10:07 (3 Years ago)
The first thing Phin noted upon opening their eyes was that there were people nearby. A lot of them. Oh my, this was a bad idea. They reflected, realising just how many legendaries there were going to be. They found themselves silently considering if it would be possible to just pretend to be asleep. They did like naps...

Eventually though, Phin gathered up the strength to try and get up-and was promptly reminded of how awful human legs were. There was a reason they had no legs in their Incarnate Forme. Having to try and support yourself on two sticks was...pretty awful.

It took a few attempts, but Phin eventually managed to stand. He found a cloak around himself and pulled it in, noting that it wasn't long enough to cover his legs. He took one look at everyone else running around and silently stepped back to stand against a building.
I am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. ~Patton
PH time +8 hours. She/Her pronouns.
Avatar credits go to Icefox
My online status isn't always accurate.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 10:15 (3 Years ago)
Viean looks back to find another has woken up! "Hello there!", she says, trying to make a good first impression, "I'm Viean!"
another grumbling sound comes from her stomach
She looked back at Ocha for guidance, for Viean is not the very social type. "Hey, I know you might be scared but everything is going to be okay. You are safe here." says Viean. She puts her hand on Phin's shoulder making a slight, reassuring smile.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 133
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 10:23 (3 Years ago)
Oh. Oh no. They're talking to me. Who's that? Phin knew very little of other legendaries. One might say they've lived under a rock for too much of his life, though it was technically more of "in a shrine" than "under a rock". He found herself shifting backwards on instinct before he stopped themselves.

"Oh, um...I'm Phin. Any pronouns." They explained, ignoring the grumbling sound.
I am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. ~Patton
PH time +8 hours. She/Her pronouns.
Avatar credits go to Icefox
My online status isn't always accurate.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 10:28 (3 Years ago)
"Well hello Phin! That is a really amazing name!" said Viean, knowing that Phin is getting a bit panicked.
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,060
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 11:07 (3 Years ago)
Meka was curled on the ground, her arms holding her knees to her chest her extremely long tail curled around her entire body. She looked just like, as she was, a really big cat. The mew was a more bipedal creature in her normal form, so at first, she barely noticed the change, or remembered the giant llama's message. It took a few seconds before she realized something was rubbing against her shoulders. It felt...soft? She opened a large, yet human, sparkling blue eye to take a look. Yup, that's what it was...hair. It was strange...she lifted her right hand from her legs to feel it, uncurling her body a bit as she did so. She wasn't used to anything on her body being so soft. Her true form was normally comepletely hairless(or, suposedly they were just extremely small...? She knew something on her stood on end when she was nervous, but she'd never felt any fur?), so she was utterly facinated by this. As she uncurled, she noticed the rest of her features were unusual too, keeping her focus away from the others for now as her extreme curious tendencies took over.

Riko, on the other hand, was not so mesmerized by her own body. She took but a quick glance at herself, enough to realize something was different, accept it, and look around. She saw other humanoids around. All looking suspiciously...not quite human, so she was on alert. Riko was not the original of the heroes of Galar, so these adventures were new to her, but she was detirmined to prove herself. And at least, she reached to the large sheath onto her back, pulling out the bejeweled weapon, she had her sword. Which would hopefully help in case any pokemon decided to attack...she wasn't sure who to trust among this lot, but she gathered they were all legendaries, at least.

Spiri and Archion were still groggily waking not far off. They had been practically huddling, which wasn't surprising, considering they were basically siblings. (I'll go into more detail with them when I'm not fixing to try and catch a bus, if that's alright)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 37
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 12:09 (3 Years ago)
Versil woke up in an unfamiliar place, and to his surprise, everyone else seemed to be up already. Oh man, I woke up late to the party. Versil thought to himself. It was then that he looked down and saw that he was turned into a human! Oh yeah, we were turned into humans to blend in with other humans. I must say I look pretty cool. "So, uh what did I assume you guys all got to know each other?" Versil asked as he stood up and realized how much taller he was than normal. "Umm. I'm Victini, but I guess I'll go by Versil as a human." He said as he looked at the others. He recognized a few, being kyurem, landorus, reshiram, and zekrom.
My favorite pokemon:
The superior cactus pokemon to Cacturne.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 12:14 (3 Years ago)
Viean quickly turned her head and introduced herself "Hi Versil! I'm Viean!", she started to get more comfortable talking to everyone.