"I need someone to deliver a letter to my foster brother, Glade."
Yung said. "He's a Shiny Luxio..." He sighed. "I would ask the post
office to do this normally but...no one is heading to that location
at the moment."
"I'm worried for you, not because of the world below being
dangerous, but rather, your father may reach you." He sighed again.
"I don't have anyone else to call on at the moment..."
Just the thought of seeing her father made Rushelle sick, but she
sighed. "I handled my dad for years, and I'm not a weak Meinfoo
anymore. I can deal whatever he has to throw at me. Plus, it's not
like he can teleport, it would take him time to reach me."
Emerald whispered something to his father, to which he smiled.
"Alright, well, either way...I'll find a surprise for you then."
Yung gave the letter to her. It was addressed to someone named
Glade. "It may take more then a days trip."
Rushelle took the letter, nodding and repeating the important
information. "Name is Glade, in the Water Continent, may take more
then a day. Alright, anything else I should know?"
"Shiny Luxio, Conrad the Luxray is your dad..." she mused.
"Alright, unless you have a specific location in the Water
Continent, I think I can find him with this information."
“Serene Village.” Yung said. “It shoukd take most the day to sail
from Kailua Town to Lively Town, and the trek to Serene Village
will go into the next day, that is...if you’re not rushing.”