Forum Thread
Pokemon: Fighting against Corruption
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon: Fighting against CorruptionThe Legendary Pokemon of the Pokemon world have been corrupted by a mysterious organization that has yet to be named. The world is in need of saviors, and you have been chosen. Arceus themselves were captured and had their mind tainted as well, and combined their power with Mew's as a last hope to choose pure-hearted humans, not necessarily trainers, and turn them into Legendary Pokemon themselves, sending a desperate message; "Save us..."
Answer the call to save the Legendary Pokemon. Fight the corruption, and be rewarded.
You wake up in a mysterious field, the message of Arceus's last words before failing under their control. You look at yourself and notice your appearance is different, and as you look around you see others like you. All legendary, except for one, a little Zorua named Yoru...
Yoru blinked, having been transported to the field. She heard the sounds of the calling of Arcues. It seemed she'd been tasked with guiding the chosen ones...She looked up at all the legendaries and internally gasped. Arceus must really have faith in her, or just be really desperate. This would be no easy task...

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
He manages to force some steam down his feet and lifts himself upwards. "Uh hello there. Did you all even see Arceus-"

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
*he looked around him at the other mythical/ledendary pokemon* "...where the heck am i"